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四年级第一学期英语成果展示小学英语试题.Class : Name : A. 听力部分:(30%) 按住ctrl键 点击查看更多小学资源一、听音连线。(5)1.Mike clean the desk 2.John sweep the floor 3.Sarah turn on the light 4.Wu Yifan put up the picture 5.Amy clean the board 二、听音,选词填空。(16)Hi! Come and meet my 1 .My family 2 seven member .Look! This is my 3 .Hes a 4 .This is my 5 .Shes a 6 .Shes a super teacher .The man is my 7 .Hes a 8 .Hes a great doctor .He likes 9 .The woman is my 10 .Shes a 11 .Shes quiet .My aunt is a 12 .She likes 13 .My uncle is a 14 .Hes good at 15 .I 16 my family .1.A. home B. family 2.A .has B. have 3.A. grandpa B. grandfather 4.A. farmer B. farm 5.A. grandma B. grandmother 6.A. teacher B. teach 7.A. dad B. father 8.A. doctor B. nurse 9.A. painting B. paint 10.A. mother B. mom 11.A. nurse B. doctor 12.A. sing B. singer 13.A. flowers B. flower 14.A. driver B. drive 15.A. sports B. sport 16.A. love B. like 三、按听到的顺序给下列句型编号。(9)( )1.Come to meet my family !( )2.Hello, Amy! Welcome to my home! ( )3.They are my family photos. ( )4.Look! A baseball player! ( )5.Its me .( )6.What are your father and mother? ( )7.Whos that ?( )8.My father is a teacher .My mother is a nurse. ( )9.Look at these photos. B .笔试部分。(70%)一、读下列各组字母,找出发音不同的,把字母代号填在()内。(6)( )1.A. Jj B. Kk C. Gg D. Hh ( )2.A. Bb B. Dd C. Pp D. Qq ( )3.A. Ii B. Ll C. Ff D. Ss ( )4.A. Ee B. Ff C. Tt D. Vv ( )5.A. Uu B. Yy C. Qq D. Ww ( )6.A. Mm B. Ww C. Nn D. Zz 二、中英文连线。(10)young 请 classmate 同学member 年轻的 phone 照片hungry 成员 photo 电话wait 饥饿的 lunch 小狗please 等 puppy 午饭三、根据单词意思,画出图来。(10)door ( )desk ( )fish ( )bag ( )flower ( )plate ( )fridge ( )chair ( )knife ( )key ( )四、选择填空。(20) (一)、根据中文选英文。( )1.我家有七口人。 A. My family has seven people. B. My family has seven peoples .( )2.他们是谁?是我父母。A. Who are they ?Are my parents . B. Who are they ?Theyre my parents .( )3.这是他的一本书。 A. This is his book . B. This is his a book. ( )4.你父亲是干什么的? A. Whats your father do ? B. Whats your father ?( )5.她个子高。 A. Shes tall . B. Shes a tall. (二)、根据英文选中文。( )6.Merry Christmas ,everyone! A.圣诞快乐! B. 祝大家圣诞快乐!( )7.Cut apples with the knife. A. 用刀切苹果。 B. 用刀切。( )8.Help yourself . A. 请随便吃! B. 帮助自己。( )9.Answer the phone . A. 接电话。 B. 打电话。( )10.She speaks English well. A. 她英语说得好。 B. 她英语学得好。(三)、单项选择。( )11.I would vegetables . A. like B. likes C. is ( )12.He music . A. is B. are C. likes ( )13.I a good friend . A. am B. have C. has ( )14.They strong . A. am B. are C. is ( )15. you a student ? A. Do B. Is C. Are ( )16.She is the study. A. on B. in C. at ( )17. is your mother ?She is a nurse .A. What B. Where C. Who ( )18.Is she a teacher ? ,she is .A. Yes B. No C. Not ( )19.What are these ?They are .A. book B. pens C. bag ( )20.Is this your uncle ?Yes , is .A. he B. she C. his 五、阅读并选出类型不同的单词。(10)( )1.A. red B. yellow C. strong ( )2.A. juice B. car C. water ( )3.A. spoon B. plate C. fish ( )4.A. classroom B. lving room C. bedroom ( )5.A. ear B. big C. hand ( )6.A. van B. taxi C. ball ( )7.A. desk B. board C. sofa ( )8.A. noodles B. knife C. rice ( )9.A. window B. door C. head ( )10.A. puppy B. uncle C. grandpa 六、读句子选择正确答案。(10) A B( )1.What colour is it ? A. It is in the door .( )2.What is her name ? B. There are three .( )3.Where is my key ? C. She is a dancer .( )4.What is in the bag ? D. Yes ,I do .( )5.How many people are there in your family ? E. Twenty .( )6.My I have some soup ,please ? F. Many books .( )7.What is ten plus ten ? G. Its blue .( )8.What is your aunt ? H .Sure ,here you are .( )9.Do you like sports ? I .Her name is Amy .( )10.Is mum in the bedroom ? J . No, shes in the kitchen .七、判断下列对话,正确的划“”,错误的划“”。( )1.A. May I have a look ? B. Sure !Here you are !( )2.A. Open the door, Please ! B. Sorry .( )3.A. What colour is your pencil? B. I dont know .( )4.A. Whots your best friend ? B. Chen Jie .( )5.A. Whats your father ? B. Tall .( )6.A. Whats her name ? B. Her name is Sarah .( )7.A. What are books made of ? B. Paper .( )8.A. Whos the inventor of paper ? B. Chinese People .

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