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Unit 5谈论物品所属关系。教学重、难点1、掌握一般现在时中have的用法; 2、学会用Lets.提建议。1、 重点词汇:do、have、tennis、ping-pong bat、soccer、volleyball、basketball、play、interesting、boring、fun、difficult、relaxing、watch、same.2、 soccer ball(英式)足球 a tennis bat一个网球拍 baseball bat 棒球拍 be late 迟到 watch TV 看电视 on TV 在电视上play basketball 打篮球 play sports 做运动或参加体育比赛3、含有实意动词的一般疑问句的结构及答语。-Do you /they have a.? e.g. Do they have a basketball?-Yes,I/they do./No,I/they dont.-Does he /she have a.? e.g. Does she have a new schoolbag?-Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesnt.( )-Do you have lunch at home?-_.A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I can C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I have4、tennis 和tennis ball的区别:tennis指运动项目名称,即“网球运动”。tennis ball 则指具体的球,有单、复数之分。e.g. a tennis ball/some tennis balls5、一般现在时中have的用法以及与there be 句型的辨析; have “有”即某物属于某人,表示所属关系,三单形式为has. e.g. I have a blue jacket and my sister has a yellow one. there be “有”主要指的是 某地存在某物。 e.g. There are many trees in my school.6、Play + 球类名称; e.g. play basketball/soccer ball 打篮球/踢足球Play + the + 西洋乐器类;(中间必须加定冠词the)e.g. play the piano/violin 弹钢琴/拉小提琴( )The young man plays _violin very well, but he plays _ basketball badly.Athe;the B. a;a C. a;the D. the;/7、-Lets.(用于提出建议或征求别人的意见). lets = let us - OK./All right . /That sounds good/great. /Yes,Lets. /Sorry,I.】Let “让”,使役动词,后加动词原形e.g. Lets play./ Lets ask./Lets play computer games.8、That sounds good.(sound的用法) sound 系动词,“听上去,听起来”,为感官动词,其后跟形容词作表语,它有人称和数的变化,在一般现在时的句子中,其疑问句和否定句要借助于do/does 来完成。e.g. It/that sounds good / It doesnt sound too bad. Does it sound good ?9、get v.“去取或带来,得到)” e.g. He gets a lot of letters from his new friends.(收到、得到) I came here this morning to get the newspaper.(去取、拿) Go and get me some apples.10、too adv.“也”通常用于肯定句中,且常置于句末,其前有逗号,但有时也可以插入句中e.g. Perhapstherewillbeanewhospitalhere,too.也许这儿也会建一家新医院。 I Inpeace,too,theRedCrossisexpectedtosendhelpwhereverthereishuman suffering.在和平时期红十字会还被期待着在人们有难的地方提供援助。 - Nice to talk to you.和你谈话很高兴。 - Nice to talk to you, too.11、重要形容词的用法:interesting、boring、fun、different、easy、relaxing. 作用有两点:1)放在连系动词后作表语,说明主语的性质;e.g. The story is very interesting.2) 放在名词前做定语,修饰名词。e.g. It is a interesting story.12、watch“看、观看”,动词,多用于观看电视、足球赛、日出等。 e.g. I often watch TV./I only watch basketball games on TV. 】watch 、see和look的 区别:1) watch 指非常仔细的“看”表示“注视、观看” e.g. watch TV2) see “看”着重指看的结果,也可用于“看医生”、“看电影”等短语中。e.g. see a film3) look “看”强调有意识的动作,多用于唤起别人的注意。加宾语时,要加介词at , e.g. look at the picture 13、人称代词主格与宾格的用法:谓语动词前用主格,作主语;谓语动词后用宾格,作宾语。试着按要求完成下列表格: 人称代词单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称I第二人称第三人称14、I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does.为了避免重复,此处用了does 代替了 has a soccer ball.15、on TV/on the computer/on the radio;16、for +具体的人 表示“对来说” It + be + adj. + for sb./ It + be + adj .+ for sb. to do sth.(it在句中是形式上的主语,真正的主语是不定式短语,把不定式短语放后面,以免显得句子头重脚轻)e.g. Its easy for me.Its easy for me to do my housework.对于我来说踢足球太难了。(汉译英)_对于他们来说打乒乓球太不简单了。(汉译英)_17、with 和在一起;表伴随,后接代词时,应用兵格形式. e.g. I like playing basketball with him.with和and 的区别:1)、with 是介词,它后面应接宾语,即,名词或代词的宾格。e.g. with them. 连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式取决于句子的第一个主语。e.g. He goes to school with me every day.I live with my parents.2)and 是连词,连接两个并列的单词、短语或句子。它后面若接代词作主语时,就用主格,作宾语就用宾格;连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数。例如:e.g. I like red and black.(连接两个单词) Her. Li is our teacher and he is our friend, too.(连接两个句子)Li lei and I are friends.(连接代词做主语)He always sings with me.(英译汉)_他们经常和我一起打篮球。(汉译英)_


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