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高三英语必修三Unit 2 复习教案本单元利用四课时完成(period1,教师提示单元的重点单词,词组和重点句子;period 2,学生自主学习完成一轮复习资料的练习;period 3完成课时知能训练的练习限时;period 4评讲练习。主要的练习来自一轮复习资料,知能训练和自编题目。早自习学生读课本,规定时间及时检测。一 ,词组1、感到沮丧feel frustrated 10、谋生earn / live / gain ones living2、减肥lose weight 11、欠债in debt3、健康keep fit / healthy 12、怒视glare at4、吃惊,惊讶be amazed at 13、暗中监视,侦察spy on5、被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚get away with 14、削减,删节cut down6、撒谎tell lies 15、不欠以后before long7、赢回,重新获得win back 16、增肥put on / gain weight8、看(咨询)医生consult a doctor 17、应该ought to9、恢心 ,泄气lose heartI I、重点句型1. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. (P10.1)2. “Nothing could be better.” He thought. (P10.7)3. Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. What could have happed? (P10.9)4. He could not have YongHui getting away with telling people lies! (P10.27)5. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. (P10.35)6. The strength of the diet in WangPengs restaurant was that it provided plenty of energygiving food. (P11 Ex3. 2)7. He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. (P14.2)8. I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. (P14.9)9. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long WangPeng became slimmer and YongHui put on more weight. (P15.16)10. McDonalds cares about healthy eating too and works with scientist to provide food that is of high quality, safe and healthy. (课后P52)11. WangPeng decided to compete with YongHui by copying her menu. (P11.6)12. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant. They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled with potatoes rather than fried them.三、重点单词解析.【考点1】benefit n. 利益;恩惠;好处 vi. & vt. 对人有益处,使人受益【用法提示】1. be of benefit / be beneficial to sb. / sth. 对某人/某事有益2. for the benefit of sb. 为了某人的好处3. benefit sb. 使某人获益4. benefit from / by 从中获益 【典型例句】1. I stopped worrying and advertising the benefits of my food. 我不再担心,也不再宣传我的食物的好处。2. We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone. 我们应把钱花在使大家都受益的事情上。【考点2】consult vt. 向某人求教;查阅书籍;参考意见等 vi. 商议【用法提示】1. consult ones lawyer 咨询律师 consult a map 查看地图 consult the dictionary 查字典 = look up a word in the dictionary 2. consult with sb. 同某人商量;商议3. consult sb. on / about sth. 就某事向某人请教(询问)【典型例句】1. She did not consult a doctor but lived on a diet of rice. 她没有咨询医生,而是只吃米饭节食。2. The president consulted with European Leaders before taking action. 总统在采取行动前曾与欧洲领导人商议。【考点3】diet n. 特种饮食;尤指(给病人)规定的饮食【用法提示】1. go / be on a diet 为治病摄入规定的饮食,节食减肥2. a balanced and healthy diet 均衡健康的饮食【典型例句】1. Everybody has to eat, but do you eat a healthy diet? 人人都得吃饭,但你的饮食健康吗?2. She had stomach trouble and had to follow a strict diet. 她有胃病,需要遵循严格的饮食。3. I mustnt have chocolate; Im on a diet. 我不吃巧克力,我在减肥。【考点4】digest vi. & vt. 消化 vt. 领悟 n. c摘要;纲要【用法提示】1. digest food 消化食物 2. sth. digest easily 容易消化3. digest knowledge吸收/领悟知识4. Readers Digest读者文摘【典型例句】1. Well, you have to eat food with plenty of fiber that helps you digest better. 你得吃带有很多纤维的食物,它们能帮助你消化得更好。2. Your food will digest quickly if you chew it well. 如果你充分咀嚼,食物会很快消化。【考点5】lie vi. 说谎;躺;位于 n. 谎言【用法提示】1. lie to sb. 对某人说谎2. tell a lie 撒谎 white lie 善意的谎言3. lie in 位于里面 lie to位于(不接壤) lie on 位于(接壤) lie in / on躺在【典型例句】1. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。2. Laying my coat on the chair, I lay down on the bed. 我把外套放在椅子上,就倒身躺在床上。【考点6】limit n. 限度;极限;界限;边界 vt.限制;限定adj. Limited有限的【用法提示】1. limit sb. / sth. to sth. 给限定界限2. have (no) limits 有/没有限度 There is a (are) limit(s) to 是有限的 within / without limits 适度地 / 无限地 set a limit to 设定限度 Limited Liability Company = Co. Ltd 有限责任公司 【典型例句】1. ., but i found your menu so limited that i stopped worrying . 我发现你的菜单很有限,因此我不再担忧。2. He tried my patience to its limits. 他把我逼得忍无可忍了。3. He promised to limit the number of cigarettes he smoked but failed in the end. 他曾答应限制抽烟的数量,但他到头来还是没有做到。【考点7】balance vt. & vi. 保持平衡;使平衡 n. 平衡;均衡【用法提示】1. sb. / sth. balance 保持平衡2. balance sth. against sth. 权衡 / 斟酌某事3. keep balance 保持平衡 lose balance 失去平衡 on balance总的来说,全面考虑之后 a favorable (unfavorable) balance of trade贸易顺差(逆差)【典型例句】1. What will happen to you if you dont eat a balanced diet? 如果你的饮食不均衡,那会怎么样?2. In order to balance their trade they would have to buy less goods in the United States. 为了平衡贸易,他们将不得不减少在美国采购。【考点8】debt n. c债务 n. u 负债情况【用法提示】1. be in debt 负债 get / run / fall into debt 借债,负债2. to be deeply in debt, to run heavily into debt 债台高筑3. be / get out of debt 不欠债4. own a debt of / to 欠人情债【典型例句】1. He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. 他不想因为他的餐馆不再受欢迎而负债。2. A rash business decision left him $600,000,000 in debt. 一次鲁莽的决定让他陷入6亿美元的巨额债务中。【考点9】combine vi. / vt. 组合,结合,合并 vt. 兼备,兼并 n. Combination联合,结合【用法提示】1. combine with 与结合2. combine to do sth. 凑在一起,综合起来【典型例句】1. Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fiber. 也许我们应该综合我们的观点,提供有能量和纤维的均衡的菜单。2. Diets are most effective when combined with exercise. 饮食与锻炼相结合就更为有效。【考点10】Nothing could be better.再没有比这更好吃的了。【用法提示】1、这是形容词比较级与否定代词连用,表达最高级的含义。此类否定词有:no, not, never, hardly, nothing, nobody等。2、形容词表最高级的几种其它常用特殊结构: never . + so / such + 原级 + 名词 Never had i seen such a good film.否定词(no, none, nothing etc.) + so + 原级 + as. Nothing is so easy as this.否定词 + 比较级 + than Never have I seen a more interesting film than this one.can / could + never / not + enough / too You can never be too careful. any other. anyone else.比较级 + than all other. any of the other. the rest of.【典型例句】1. What do you think of her performance. -I havent seen such a better one before. -你觉得她演得怎么样? -我以前还没看过比这更好的演出。2. How do you like the movie? -It cant be worse. Its so boring. -你觉得电影怎么样? -没有比这更差的影片。太令人讨厌了。


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