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高一第一学期期末复习单项选择1. A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked,“Is there a hospital around _I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?A. that B. which C. where D. what2. I found him sitting in his chair,completely a magazineAabsorbing Bbeing absorbed inCabsorbed in Dabsorbing in3. _ the boss has arrived, lets begin our discussion right away.A. If B. When C. Now that D. Even if4. -What made her sad?-_her bike yesterday.A. lost B. Losing C. To lost D. Being lost5. From her _expression, I knew she hadnt expected I would ask her such an _question.A. astonished; astonishing B. astonishing ; astonishedC. astonished; astonishedD. astonishing; astonishing6. I have many foreign friends, _ some are businessmen.Aof them Bfrom which Cwho of Dof whom7. The professor _ walk out of the office when one of his students came in.A. was about to B. was going to C. would D. was to8. The reason why he was late _his bike was broken.A. why B. because C. that D. because of9. The time he has devoted in the past 10 years_ the disabled is now considered_ of great value.Ato helping;to be Bto help;beingCto help;to be Dhelping;being10. Recently I bought a second-hand car,_ was very low.A. which price B. the price of whose C. its price D. whose price11. Jack felt grateful to his teachers _ he couldnt find words to express it. A. as if B. even if C. so that D. now that12. -Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?-_. I love getting close to nature.A. I couldnt agree more B. I dont think soC. I believe not D. Im afraid not13. Hearing the old mans report, the officer _ from his seat and said something must be done to _ peoples living standards.A. raised; rise B. rose; raise C. raised; raise D. rose; rise14. It was in this new hall _was just set up last month _we held an important meeting yesterday.A. where; that B. which; what C. that; whichD. which; that 15. There _ some old black leather baskets in the corner of the dust-roomA. used to have B. was used to having C. used to be D. used to being16. “All the students cant speak Japanese.” Means _A. No students can speak Japanese. B. Some students can speak Japanese.C. All the students can speak Japanese.D. None of the students can speak Japanese.17. Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests. A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who18. I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize _ silly mistakes I had made. A. what B. that C. how D. which19. I remember _ him _ the bike needed_A. hearing, saying, to repair B. to hear, say, to repairC. hearing, say, repairing D. to hear, saying, to be repaired20. His parents are _ to ring up the police if they dont know where he isA. possible B. probable C. likely D. probably21. The number of foreign students _Chinese Universities_ rising steadily since 1990.A. who attending; is B. attending; has beenC. to attend; is D. attended; has been22. _ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic games was successfully staged in Beijing.A. It B. What C. As D. Which23. The class _ 80 students is hard to manage.A. consisting of B. consists of C. making up of D. made up24. _ I admit that all these problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cant be solved.A. Unless B. While C. Until D. Since25. -Whom would you rather _ your graduation ceremony tomorrow, your parents or friends?-All of them.A. will have attended B. have attend C. attended D. to attend26. _in the dark building for more than 5 hours, the thief looked pale and terrified. A. Trapping B. Having trapped C. Have trapped D. Trapped27. The couple the noise and pollution any longer, so they moved to settle in the countryside after they retired from work. A. couldnt come up with B. couldnt put up with C. didnt get along well with D. didnt put up with28. _on the street breathless,the boy was immediately taken to the nearest hospital. AFound lying BFinding lying CFound laid DTo be found lay29. Ted will surely finish the job on time hes left to do it in his own way Aso that Bso long as Cin case Dfor fear that30. The old woman insisted that the book Mr. Thopson talked about _.A. was worth reading B. was worth to be read C. being worth reading D. be worth reading31. His movie won several awards at the film festival, _ was beyond his wildest dream.A. which B. that C. where D. it32. Youd better give the task to _ can finish it ahead of time.A. whomever B. whoever C. anyone D. no matter who33. _ in the newspaper,there is another good harvest this year. A. It has reported B. As is reported C. That is reported D. It is reported 34. After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced in 2001 as the year beforeAas twice many machines Btwice many as machinesCas many machines twice Dtwice as many machines35. Barack Obama delivered a speech to 500 local youths during his visit to China, many of _ were from Fudan University and Tongji University.A. them B. whom C. who D. those36. It was in the small house _ was built with stones by his father _he spent hischildhood .A. which , that B. that , where C. which , which D. that , which37. With so much work his head all day long,he feels rather stressed in his daily life Afilled Bto fill Cfilling Dbeing filled38. Since the earthquake hit Japan, suggestions for detecting the radiation materials have been _.A. put up B. put away C. put forward D. put out39. The man _ in a shop was sent to the police station.A. who caught stealing B. to be caught stealing C. caught to steal D. caught stealing40. Michael put up a picture of YaoMing beside the bed to keep himself_of his own dream.A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. being reminded41. Is this recorder you want _?A. to have it repaired B. to repaired C. to have repaired D. it repaired42. _youve retired from the bank, what do you want to do next?A. Now that B. Even if C. In case D. Only if43. _and Ill get the work finishedAIf I have one more hour BHaving one more hourCGiven one more hour D One more hour44. The three sisters decided to hold a family party to _ their parents silver wedding.A. celebrate B. memorize C. congratulateD. welcome45. I arrived late; I _the road to be so icy. A. wouldnt expect B. havent expected C. hadnt expected D. wasnt expecting46. _ wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.A. Anyone B. The one C. Whoever D. Who47. The 21st Century Fox has produced _ it did last year.A. twice more movies as B. twice as much movies asC. twice as many movies as D. as twice movies as48. The increase in home computers means that families have much easier to informationAmeasure Baccess Cway Dmethod49. - Which restaurant should we choose? - _ Its all the same to me.A. Its up to you. B. Thats settled. C. It all depends. D. Have you got that?50. I had just stepped out of the bathroom _ I heard the steps.A. while B. whenC. since D. after51. Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.A. likely B. possible C. probable D. sure52. -Have you known each other for long?-Not very long, _ we started to work in the company.A. after B. before C. when D. since53. The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are nowthe matter. A. looking up B. looking out C. looking into D. looking for54. Last week he was caught robbing the bank opposite the station. _ his youth, the police have decided not to charge him.A. In spite of B. In view of C. In charge of D. In case of55. The novel “The Da Vinci Code” a great success and was translated into 44 languages in 2004. Aappreciated Benjoyed Cwon Dseized56. - Cant you a better word than “nice” to describe your holiday?- Is “wonderful” OK?A. keep up with B. put up withC. come up withD. catch up with57. Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could _ a good college.A. enter B. to enter C. entering D. entered58. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _ I thought was a dangerous speed. A. where B. which C. what D. that59. _ its size with that of the whole earth, we find the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A. When comparedB. Compared toC. To be comparedD. Comparing60. I must apologize for _ ahead of time. thats all right.Aletting you not know Bnot letting you knowCletting you know not Dletting not you know61. He made up an excuse when _why he didnt turn up at the meeting.A. being questioned B. questioned C. questioning D. to be questioned.62. Its said that the team twelve top European players Ais composed of Bis consisted of Care made up of Dmake up of63. The unemployment rate in this districtfrom 6% to 5% in the past two years. A. has fallen B. had fallen C. is falling D. was falling64. What I wanted to know was when and where the meeting_.Awas holdingBhad held Cwas to hold Dwas to be held65. Remember the first time we met, Jim?Of course I do. You in the library.Awere reading Bhad read Chave read Dread66. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless_ every day.A. watered B. watering C. water D. to water67. All the preparations for the work_, were ready to start. A. are completed B. have been completed C. completed D. had been completed68. The murderer was brought in, with his hands behind his back.A. being tiedB. having tiedC. to be tiedD. tied69. The house _ to Mr. Smith was burned down.A. belonging B. belonged C. was belonged D. is belonged70. The villagers, _ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.A. all of their homes B. all their homesC. whose all homes D. all of whose homes71. As is known to all, it was _that resulted in the terrible accident.A. because of the drivers carelessness B. the drivers being careless C. because the driver was careless D. the driver was so careless.72. That so-called football fan doesnt even know the main difference between the two football teams, _ surprises all of the people at present.A. whichB. what C. that D. where73. -Where did you meet him?-It was in the hotel _ I was staying.A. that B. how C. where D. which 74. That movie is about a love story _ a(n) _ train to Tokyo.A. setting in; express B. set in; express C. sets in; fast D. setting in; fast75. In the dark street,there wasnt a single person she could turn for helpAthat Bwho Cto whom Dfrom whom76. _ in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself _ at the party.A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; noticeC. Dressing; noticed D. Dressed; notice77. Today impressionist paintings are accepted as the beginning of _ we call “modern art”.A. which B. what C. thatD. how78. It wasnt until nearly a month later _I received the managers reply. A. since B. when C. as D. that79. It is said that the famous football star is now willing to play for_ would pay him three million dollars a year.A. anyone B. whomever C. no matter who D. whoever 80. -What part does music_ in peoples life? It can help people ease (减轻) the pressure of life . Amake B. have C play DproduceKeys: 1-5 CCCBA 6-10 DACAD 11-15 BABDC 16-20 BCACC 21-25 BBABB 26-30 DBABA 31-35 ABBDB 36-40 ACCDC41-45 CADAC 46-50 CCBAB 51-55 ADCBB 56-60 DBCDB 61-65 BAADA 66-70 ACDAD 71-75 BACBC 76-80 ABDDC

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