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同义词替换1. The bottle is filled with oil,so please be careful. A.is fulled with B.is full of C.is full with D.is fulled of2. Lucy often fools her younger brother,which makes her parents angry. A.cheats B.beats C.tricks D.forgives3. It is said that his new book consists of nine chapters. A.is made up of B.is connected to C.is covered with D.is located in4. He always cheat her. I doubt whether she will marry him. A.feel sure B.know C.are not sure D.make no sure5. This problem is too difficult for me to solve. A.write down B.find the correct answer C.understand D.speak6. Coal is to be displaced by natural gas and nuclear power. A.not placed B.under place C.taken the place of D.instead7. I think it was very brave of him to tough it out.A.doubtful B.confident C.certain D.courageous8. I had always considered myself a strong ,competent woman. A.agreed B.forgive C.doubted D.believed9. Children always have a good time on Childrens Day. A. Help each other B.enjoy themselves C.look beautiful D.have a big dinner10. He was returned to prison in 1977 for attacking a police officer.A.school B.hometown C.jail D.police station11. You should cheer up and not let your parents down. A.make your parents happy B.make your parents excited C.make your parents angry D.make your parents disappointed12. People usually make fun of their friends on April Fools Day. A.play jokes on B.have fun with C.play with D.tell some jokes to13. We will take part in social practice during the summer vacation. A.join B.join in C.be in D.do14. I avoid him as much as possible. A.keep away from B.put away from C.give away from D.throw away from15. I dont quite catch what you said at the meeting. A.miss B.hear C.have D.understand16. His son failed in the exam again,which let him down. A.hurt him B.disappointed him C.surprised him D.please him17. Why do you keep avoiding him? A.keep away from B.put away from C.give away from D.throw away from18. -Have you take part in a dragon race? -Yes,I have. A.join B.join in C.held D.supported19. Mr green is very satisfied with his students work today. A.is moved by B.is good for C.is fond of D.is pleased with20. He is good at gardening.the sentence means .A.he is good at making gardens B.he has a green thumbC. He does well in making flowers D.he has a good garden21. -Could you help me with this? -Sure,Im glad to.A.With pleasure B.My pleasure. C.Good idea. D.Thats all right.22. I havent heard from my grandfather for a long time.A.heard her voice B.called her C.got a letter from D.listened to her.23. Without a word,she left the room alone.A.lonely B.along C.on his own D.by herself24. The government designed the project in order to provide jobs for the young people.A.prove B.suggest C.offer D.promise25. Why not use another way to solve the problem?A.what about B.how about C.why dont you D.why not you26. My cousin gave up the chance of working abroad and returned to his hometown.A.in a urban city B.in a foreign country C.in a western country D.in a southern country27. He is screaming in the street.he must be either mad or drunk.A.sad B.crazy C.hurt D.ashamed28. The dress you bought me is out of date.could you buy me a new one?A.out of control B.out of place C.out of hand D.out of fashion29. Many people are not attracted to this subject,but i want to know more about it.A.have interest in B.have no interest in C.are interested in D.are interested in30. My grandmother says young people should learn to look after themselves.A.laugh at B.take care of C.think about D.get along with31. All the boys were attracted by an exciting football match, A.were angry with B.were afraid of C.were interested in D.were attacked by32. Who do you suppose will replace her on the show.A.find B.think C.know D.imagine33. The film was not at all what everyone thought it would be about.A.supposed B. expected C.supported D.wanted34. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 2014. A.go B.become C.turn D.keep35. He moved around the room,putting his possessions together.A.clothes B.money C.belongings D.furniture36. Fang fang failed in the singing competition.she must be very sad.A.didnt pass B.didnt pastC.didnt passed D.didnt pest37. My friends makes jokes about her and laughed. A.laugh B.laughs at C.makes fun of D.make fun of38. It is so hot outside,the sun can damage your skin. A.dry B.hurt C.warm D.clear39. Bob really hates coffee.he never drinks it. A.dislike B.dislikes C.like D.likes40. Will you kindly obey the rules I am about to give? A.listen to B.read C.follow D.remember41. Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get. A.likelyB.finally C.maybe D.undoubtedly42. Sympathize with you;Ive had a similar unhappy experience myself. A.nearly the sameB.completely C.very differentD.awfully43. Mrs Jones was a pleasant,homely person with a really smile. A.agreeable B.patient C.acceptable D.polite44. Whats up,Simon? A.Whats your nationality? B.Whats your name? C.Whats the matter with you,Simon? D.What are you wearing,Simon?45. Im so tired.I cant walk that long. A.likely B.finally C.maybe D.undoubtedly46. Students who know the answers to the questions may raise your hand and let me know. A.hold B.shake C.put upD.put on47. Our English teacher told us that we were going to have a quiz on Monday morning. A.test B.show C.performanceD.dictation48. Before an exam,it is important to stay relaxed and clam. A.asleep B.excited C.not worriedD.nervous49. Denise was so excited that he could hardly keep still. A.quiteB.quietC.calmD.upset50. All the ladies are full of praise for the staff and service they received. A.complaint B.anger C.encouragement D.good remarks51. Henry generally stayed ahead of others in all the subjects. A.behind B.in line with C.among D.in front of52. These days work plays an important part in a(an) single womans life. A. unmarriedB.lonely C.strong D.busy53. A good relationship has to be founded on trust. A.found out B.built C.depended D.agreed 54. Dont worry,we have plenty of time to go there.A. a large amount of B.a few C.few D.a large number of55. If you want to lose weight,youd better not to eat too much meat. A.become fatter B.become taller C.become thinner D.become prettier56. I needed to lose a bit of weight by avoiding fat,oil and sugar. A.getting closer to B.staying away from C.enjoying D. Hating57. After the play,they went to dinner,Donald treated Jim because Jim was out of money. A.paid for B.cost C.spent D.took58. The doctor said clearly that I should stay away from fat,oil and salt. A.suggested B.stated C.indicated D.advised 59. -They have got orange juice,tea and milk.which would you like? -Id prefer a glass of orange juice.thank you! A.need B.want C.like D.like better60. He is honest and responsible,he will make an excellent husband. A. a differentB.a successful C.a polite D.a very good61. I want see the doctor next Monday.Will you recommend me a good dentist? A.introduce B.show C.give D.find 62. He was making a great effort to control himself. A.working hard B.preparing C.paying attention to D.trying his best63. Its really an(a)amazing dance.it just always bring the house down. A.splendid B.awful C.traditional D.brave 64. A restaurant review is about your experience of eating in a restaurant. A.suggestion B.advice C.comment D.feeling65. He always sleep in class,so his classmates often make fun of him. A.punishB.cheatC.help D. Laugh at66. When Jason was painting the wall,some boys came along and want to join him. A.appearedB.come C.arrivedD.noticed67. After supper,Bob continued working. A.stoppedB.kept onC.went onD.finished68. During the lecture,the class sat quietly and listen carefully. A.comfortablyB.calmlyC.tiredlyD.in silence69. Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day? A.possiblyB.opportunityC.luckD.time70. Last night,we saw a funny TV programme and laughed a lot. A.famousB.dangerousC.preciousD.humorous71. The naughty boys often make fun of the beggar. A.take care ofB.laugh atC.care aboutD.laugh about72. Have you thought of a way to solve the problem? A.come out withB.looked forC.thought aboutD.wanted73. The people who are more confident have more opportunities to make themselves successful. A.educationB.chancesC.prideD.excuses74. Jane looked carefully at herself in the mirror before she went outside. A.watchedB.surveyedC.sawD.looked inside75. She had only one dollar with which to buy a present. A.toyB.combC.giftD.watch76. I cant afford to buy such an expensive watch. A.am not willing to B.have enough money to C.am forced toD.dont have enough money to 77. The book is ,in Henrys opinion,the best book on the subject. A.mindB.heartC.ideaD.logic78. She searched her desk for the necessary information. A.walked outB.looked at carefully C.sat onD.lay on79. I guess from his red eyes that he has been working too hard recently. A.finallyB.surelyC.proudlyD.lately80. The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing. A.preciousB.fashionableC.humorousD.awful81. The mayor presented a gold medal for his bravery. A.brought B.showedC.boughtD.gave82. The story was a touching tale of a wife who stood by the husband she loved. A.realB.trueC.movingD.personal83. I would like a wedding cake decorated with roses. A.birthdayB.graduationC.marriageD.sandwiches84. The school has set up a special class to help poor students. A.decided onB.supportedC.servedD.built85. The government made the project in order to provide jobs for the young people. A.proveB.suggestC.offerD.promise86. I dont know how much money I have- I didnt calculate the total number. A.understand B.countC.tryD.use87. Tom thought painting fence was not work.he was enjoying himself.A.Having a good timeB.having good time C.Having good timesD.have a good time88. They should learn another four subjects besides English. A.as well as B.but not C.not includingD.beside89. In my point of view,it is important for the two leaders to have a good relationship. A.opinionB.mindsC.expressionD.thought90. I have no idea what life would be like without water. A.dont rememberB.dont knowC.dont believeD.dont except91. We should stop factories from producing waste water. A.make .fromB.keep.fromC.stay.awayD.remind.of92. Why not use another way to solve the problem?A.What aboutB.How aboutC.Why dont youD.What for not93. Im sure he will be here on time.A.proudB.realC.certainD.brave94. Make sure that you have filled the right answer.A.popularB.pleasantC.wrongD.correct95. They consider Tom as a genius. A.think ofB.talk aboutC.worry aboutD.look about96. I need to look for some information about great minds in history.A.brainsB.geniusesC.heartsD.memories97. I chose to believe him in the end. A.avoidB.displaceC.solveD.trust98. I think the dress is no longer fashionable.A.out of timeB.out of dateC.out of windowD.out of day99. Trees are mans best friends,i suppose. A.guessB.thinkC.shareD.regret100. Which type of cars do you prefer? A.eventB.setC.brandD.kind101. In fact,i dislike these noisy kids on the train.A.mindB.driveC.hateD.love102. I am not sure whether that plant is able to grow in that freezing cold area. A.make certainB.hesitateC.doubtD.guess103. Its great fun to visit the amusement park with all my classmates. A.pleasureB.achievementC.confirmationD.humour104. Since the company meets some trouble,its time to cut down unnecessary expenses. A.increaseB.reduceC.expectD.suggest105. Please take care of your personal belongings in crowded places. A.businessesB.invitationsC.situationsD.possessions106. Are you crazy?why did you buy so many t-shirts of the same style at one time?A. ashamedB.embarrassedC.madD.fashionable107. When do you usually finish your work from Monday to Friday?A.at weekendsB.in a weekC.weeklyD.on weekdays108. This is the first time for me to watch a programme at the studio.A.viewB.takeC.setD.shoot109. Soon,Li Xiang is in front of the other competitors.A.behindB.againstC.ahead ofD.close to 110. Here,I d like to say all of you should not cheat in the exam. A.answerB.explainC.stateD.survey111. Anita treated herself to a big dinner last night.A.invitedB.boughtC.keptD.made112. The humorous film attracted a lot of viewers to the cinema.A.amazingB.attractiveC.funnyD.wonderful113. Take a short break and come back in15minutes.A.relaxationB.restC.whileD.deal114. The layer of the paint on the wall started to fall soon after the decorating work finished last week.A.coatB.levelC.surfaceD.cover115. Can you count the total number of people present? A.tell B.accuseC.calculateD.name116. The police searched the flat carefully for clues.A. looked forB.discoveredC.enteredD.examined117. Your teacher told something good about you at the presents meeting. A.laughed atB.describedC.heard fromD.praised118. These dairy goods on the shelf are out of expiration life.(保质期) A.nutrientsB.productsC.surveysD.things119. Its a piece of hard work for me to complete the article in such a short time. A.a difficult programmeB.a different jobC.a difficult taskD.a different method120. The most celebrated building in town is on the other side of river.A.wonderfulB.famousC.importantD.necessary121. When the robber took out a gun from his pocket,everyone froze. A.pushedB.beatC.drewD.viewed


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