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2010暑期海洲讲坛高二英语导学案参考答案第1讲 M6 U1 Reading(1)II. 1. 1) When do you think he will come? 2) D 3) C. 2. has; have; has3. singing; to sing; B; D; A 4. 1)天下没有免费的午餐。 2) C 3) D5. expected; A; D6. 1) He seems to have read the novel. / It seems that he has read the novel. 2) It didnt occur to him that his friend had betrayed him. 3) C7. Crystal 深受各年龄段人群的喜爱,他有能力让世人感到开心,这证明单口喜剧能被所有人欣赏。8. 他希望效仿Bob Hope 和 George Burns等单口喜剧明星,这两位著名演员都活到了一百岁,而且生命不息,工作不止。9. 1) C 2) Can you tell me what music he likes?10. 不管是什么原因,研究表明,英语谚语“笑是林丹妙药”到头来可能真的没错。1) Whatever you do, you must do it well.2)Whatever difficulties you meet with, you have to go on. 11. C; CIII. 1 (L5) make fun of 取笑,开某人玩笑 2 (L6) in response to 对做出反应 3 (L6) reaction 反应4 (L10) make jokes about 拿开玩笑 5 (L11) queue up 排队,列队 6 (L18) trip over 绊倒 7 (L25) go on 继续 8 (L28) be broadcast live 现场直播 9 (L37) turn on 打开 10 (L39) make up 编造,组成,补,化妆 11 (L43) prove 证明12 (L49) all over the world 遍及全世界 13 (L50) have an effect on 对有影响 14 (L53) stay/keep healthy 保持健康15 (L56) after all 毕竟,终究 16 look up 查询,向上看 17 make sense 有意义,有道理第2讲 M6 U1 Reading(2)II. 1. telling; asking 2. to tell 3. standing; brushing 4. making 5. standing; moving 6. to amuse 7. have been researching 8. have been playing 9. have gone on 10. had planned 11-14 BBDBIII. 1. humorous 2. comedian 3. reaction 4. impression; impressive 5. laugh 6. amusement; amusing; amused 7. Response 8. inappropriate 9. enthusiasm 10. visionIV. 1. burst into laughter; burst out laughing; laugh at sb.2. No one likes being made fun of in public. play a trick / tricks on sb. have fun = enjoy oneselfWhat great fun it is to swim in the sea!3. in response to; 不做回答He opened the door in response to a knock.1) respond2) How did they respond to the news?4. 1) 当地人对这则消息感到气愤。 2) How did he react to your suggestion?5. The football match will be broadcast live tonight. 1) living 2) alive 3) live 4) alive 6. 1) Seventy students make up our class. 2) He made up an excuse for being late. 3) make up the missed lessons 4) 在戏中,他们将他化妆成一个老人。 5) In the end, they made up. 6) make up for the loss 7. 1) The scientist finally proved his theory. 2) The fact proved that his statement was true. 3) Can you prove your theory to us? 4) He proved himself (to be) innocent. 5) He proved (to be) a strict teacher. 6) D 8. Dont be too hard on him. After all, he is only ten years old. 我们学生要努力,最重要的是要有信心。9. look up some information on the Internetlook up to sb. 尊敬某人 look for 寻找 look out (for) 当心 look through 浏览 look down on/upon 看不起 look into 调查;朝里边看 10. The sentence doesnt make any sense. It makes great sense to develop renewable energy.第3讲 M6 U1 GrammarII. 1. 1) travels; doesnt 2) get 3) leaves 4) will be lost; happens; graduates 5) goes; hangs; lock 2. 1) is being painted; is, working 2) am finishing; is drawing 3) Why are you always making the same mistake?3. 1) have just finished; have run 2) have, been employed 3) has stopped 4) 1) so far; up to now2) in the past / last year (week / hour )3) has been employed, graduated; has spread hasnt written have put; put4) have visited4. 1) has been considering 2) has been workingIII. 1-5 ABCBC 6-10 BCCCA 11-15 BACAB 16-17 DA 第4讲 M6 U1 Project(1)II. 1-8 CDAB CCDA9. In a word, I dont think what you have said makes any sense.Or: In a word, I think what you have said makes no sense.10. 不管你如何充分利用了你的时间,你仍然有提高的空间。III. 1. what 引导的主语从句 1) Patience is what it takes to do the job well. 2) D 3) B2. 1) It seems as if its going to rain.2) She looks after the boy as if he were her own son. 3) He talks about Rome as if he had been there before. 4) to leave 5) thinking 6) shot3. CAD4. Do / Would you mind my moving the table a little?Or: Do you mind if I move the table a little?Or: Would you mind if I moved the table a little? (不介意) Of course not. (Certainly not / Not at all.)4) D 5) C 5. must have done 只能用于肯定句。 cannot / couldnt have done 不可能,肯定没有 may have done 对过去发生的进行猜测(有可能) might have done 对过去发生的进行猜测(有可能);用于虚拟(本来有可能而事实上没有) could have done 多用于虚拟(本来能够而事实上没有)1) D 2) D 3) C (对比B) 4) C 5)D 1. (L13) cross ones legs 翘起双腿 2. (L16) go on 发生,进行;继续下去;时间过去 3. (L25) look annoyed 看上去气恼4. (L49) raise ones eyebrow 扬起眉毛 5. (L53) dash out 冲出去 6. (L54) tear the paper in two 将报纸撕成两半 7. (L64) point to 指向8. (L65) present sth. to sb. 将给某人 9. (L68) glare at 怒视 10. (L70) hold out 坚持,维持;伸出,拿出 11. (L49) a roll of toilet paper 一卷卫生纸 12. (L50) bump into 撞上 第5讲 M6 U1 Project(2)II. 1. invisible; while; shifted; uncrossing; annoyed; wandered; sitting; forgot; crowded; fell 2. upon; servant; palace; important; official; dashed; surprise; tore; failed; heldIII. 1. 1) The place is worth visiting. The place is worthy of being visited. The place is worthy to be visited. It is worthwhile to visit the place. 2) He is a teacher worth respecting. He is a teacher worthy of being respected. He is a teacher worthy to be respected. 2. 1) We are not going to take on new staff at the moment. 2) When I returned to my old school, I found it took on a new look. 3) I cannot take on more work.4) takes on 5) taken up 6) took him in 7) took off3. The film was set in the eighteenth-century Paris. 开始着手做某事 set out to do; set about doing; get down to doing 1)3) BDC4. visible; B5. 1) With time going on, he became more and more interested in music. 2) going ongo on with sth. 继续做某事go on to do 接下去做另外的事go on doing 继续做同一件事3) Go on with your work until I come back.go over 温习,复习;检查go through 穿过;通过;经历;浏览6. 我非常讨厌他在公共场合和我说话的方式。 因为我的粗心他很生我的气。 It; annoying; annoyed 7. tear v. ( tore, torn ) tear sth. into pieces A burst into tears / burst out crying 8. burst (burst, burst)burst into laughter / burst out laughing9. glare at 怒视stare at 盯着;凝视glance at 扫视,瞥10. 1) He held out his hand and stopped a taxi. 3) How long will the food supplies hold out?4) Please hold on to my arm. 5) The traffic was held up by the accident.6) B 7) B第6讲 M6 U1 ConsolidationII. 1-10 DCBBD ACABC 11-20 AACDB BBAADIII. way; popular; favorite; amusing; turns; ability; life; howl; especially; make-upIV. 1. amused2. response / reaction 3. popularity 4. Enthusiastic 5. appropriate / suitable6. Initial7. annoyed8. worthwhile9. emergency10. exitedV. 1. make fun oftell different jokes in response to2. have been researching what effect3. must have forgotten4. has hostedis broadcast(ed) live5. as if to make room. 汉译英1. He has been writing novels since his graduation from college.2. Many foreigners take an interest in Chinese culture and some of them have come to China to learn Chinese.3. He set up his own advertising company soon after he arrived in Guangzhou.4. The question is not worthy of being discussed over and over again.5. Whatever decision you make, I will support you. 第7讲 M6 U2 Reading(1)II 1. 1) People like the way that / in which he writes novels. 2) This is the only way ( that ) you can find. 3) D 2. 1-5) AABCB 3. 1) By the time he arrived yesterday, that patient had already died. 2) By the time you return tonight, I will have already finished all the homework. 3) A 4. 1-2) BA 5. 1-4) CADD 6. 1-4) CCBA 7. 1-5) DBDCD第8讲 M6 U2 Reading(2)II 1. 1) D 2) Do you mean to go there without any money? 3) I mean you to work as our spokesman. 4) The sign means that the road is blocked. 5) D 6) I had meant to invite you to attend my birthday party, but you were busy yesterday. 2. 1-3) CAB 4) I expect to come back within a week. 3. 1) He devoted himself to writing his play. 2) He devoted himself to his business. 3) A 4. 1) Joes brave behavior cost him his life. 2) You could have made greater progress, but you didnt work hard. 3) Where could he have gone just now? 4) C 5. 1) Relief supplies will be rushed the hospital soon. 2) There is no need to rush, we have plenty of time. 6. 略 7. 1) Instead of being annoyed, he seems very happy. 2) Jack didnt study law, instead, he decides to be an actor. 8. 1) Children find it hard to adapt to the school life. 2) Many children began to buy the book after it was adapted for a Tv play. 3) A9. 1) The restaurants success was largely due to the new manager. 2) His new book is due to be published next year.10.1) B第9讲 M6 U2 grammarII 2. 练习与思考(过去时态)1-4) BBAB 巩固练习 1)-7) CAAAABB 特殊句型1) had had 2) had made 3) had meant 4) had got 5) took 3.练习与思考(将来时态)1-4) DABB 表示将来时的几种形式1-6)ACADCD III 练习与巩固 1-5 DDACB 6-10 CBDDD 11-12 BB第10讲 M6 U2 project(1)II 1. 1-4) CADD 3. 1-4) CAAA 4. 1) B 5. 1-2) DB 6. 1-3 CAA 7. 1-3) CCB第11讲 M6 U2 project(2)II 1. 1) 比他人早到 2) 伦敦比纽约要早5个小时左右 3) She was always ahead of the rest of her class. 她总遥遥领先。4) His ideas were ahead of his time. 领先时代 2. 1) B 2) C 3) B 3. 1) My mother doesnt allow me to go out alone at night. 2) Smoking is allowed here. 3) My parents allow me 200 yuan a month for books. 4) We should allow for every possible delay. 4. 1) Have you fixed a date for the wedding?2) Can the Tv be fixed here?3) Can you help me to fix my broken radio? 5. 1) A 2) I cant guarantee that you will get the job. 3) They guaranteed their workers regular employment. They guaranteed regular employment to their workers. 6. 1) B 2) We will assist you to find a place to live in. We will assist you in finding a place to live in. 7. 1) B 2) C 8. 1) I feel very nervous in company with such an important person.2) She stays at home alone, so I want to keep her company. 3) B9. 1) improve employees motivation2) What was your motivation for becoming a teacher?3) She is a clever student, but she sometimes lacks motivation.第12讲 M6 U2 consolidation II. 1. simply 2. gymnast 3. energetic 4. disabled 5. admirable 6. unbearable7. independent 8. encouragement 9. achievements / accomplishments III. 10-15 DBCDD 16-20 ABBBA 21-24 BADACIV. 25. had worked 26. arrived 27. did see 28. had lived 29. planted; have planted30. was reading 31. hadnt seen 32. had been 33. was thinking 34. will be lying35. will have gone V. 36. allowing 37. imagine 38. fix 39. focus on 40. look back on 41. simplify 42. motivation43. guarantee 44. company 45. innocent 46. spirit 47. inspire VI. 48.The company I used to work for had very strict rules. Being late one morning cost me my job.49. Whatever difficulty she is faced with, she always stays optimistic about life.50. Many companies suffered financial losses due to bad management last year.51. I feel like swimming with you.52. Being patient is one of her best qualities. 第13讲 M6 U3 Reading (1). 1. 1) 复合句。略。 2) 你们大伙儿。2. 1) 定语。2)不是。 3)B. 4) You are always making the same mistake. 3. 1)C 2)A4. 一样;of的宾语是后一个what.5. 1) 与有关 2)你找我有什么事? 跟你给我的那封信有关。6. 1) 略 2)现在 3)倒装句7. 1)略 2)不可。 3)略 4)B A8. 1) 表语。 2)Its just what we need. 3) A C9. 1) a present; a wedding 2) B D A 3) My watch doesnt work, and I would like to buy a new one.10. 1) “你知道吗?”你猜怎么着?”;插入语,引起听者注意。 2)你知道吗?我们英语老师要结婚了。11. 1)这个不定式表示说话人的态度,其逻辑主语就是句子主语,作插入语。 2) To tell you the truth.12. 1) 定语从句;主语。 2)B.13. 1) V-ing作主语。 2) Attending a meeting on time 3) Helping these children learn more knowledge is what he likes to do best. Riding a bike every day can keep you fit. 1. L2 accumulate 积聚,收集2. L3 difference 差异,区别3. L7 native 本地的,本国的4. L13 get excited 变得兴奋5. L14 come to 谈及,说到6. L15 in celebration of 为了庆祝7. L33 be expected to 应该8. L39 participate in 参加9. L51 adjust to 适应10. L55 take off 脱掉11. L62 after all 毕竟第14讲 M6 U3 Reading (2) 1. accumulation1)If a house isnt cleaned regularly, dust and dirt will accumulate soon. 2) B2. different differ 1) There are many differences between living in a city and a country. 2) makes no difference to me make all difference 3) A3. 1) C 2) A4. 1) B 2) Youd better wear a hat, or you will get burnt.5. 1) has come to comes to will come to 2) D6. to celebrate7. 1) 你星期六要上班。 We are expected to work hard. 2) B8. participation participant 1) attended 2) join 3) take part in 4) join in 5) participate9. adjustment 1) adjustments 2) If the chair is too high, you can adjust it. I cant adjust (myself) to living in this country. 3) B10. 1) Hurry up, the plane will take off in ten minutes. 2) 她的歌唱事业开始腾飞。11. 1) 我认为我们应该让她自己一个人去度假,别忘了她已经十七岁,不再是孩子了。 虽然遇到了一些困难,但毕竟他们完成了项目。 2)A. 1-5 CDADA 6-10 BDAAB 11-15 ACDAB第15讲 M6 U3 Grammar.1. C1 1; 2; 4; 6; 9 C2 1) hadnt attended 2) wouldnt have missed 3) had practised 4) might have become 5) had had 6) would have become 7) helped 8) would be 9) had had 10) would have joined 11) didnt have to 12) would watch2. 1) left 2) had known 3) were3. 1) If you should make a mistake,2) If you had told me earlier,3) If you were to take the train,4. 1) 如果我是你,我就接受他的建议了。 2)If I were you, I wouldnt have missed the film yesterday. 3) 如果你多多练习讲英语了,你现在就能流利地说了。 4)If I had taken an umbrella when going out this morning, now I wouldnt be wet.5. 1) could have done better2) should have arrived earlier3) might have helped4) neednt have brought6. 1) should should 2) A D 1-5 CCCAD 6-10 CCBBC 11-15 DDCDC 16-20 AACBA 21-25 BDBCD 26-30 CADCC 31-32 AB第16讲 M6 U3 Project (1).1. 1) 略2)B 3) He fell asleep while doing his homework. The children were all playing outside while Marry was writing the letter. 4) 动词。2. 1) 略2) 如果你不吃肉,那本次旅行就不适合你了,因为因纽特人的主食就是动物、鸟和鱼。3. 1) 目的状语 2) B D B4. 1) 为的是;表目的 2) gatherings 3)因纽特人通常按照小的家庭单位居住和生活,但会举行大型夏日聚会,大家享受丰盛的食物、举行庆祝活动,同时相互讲故事。5. 1)carved2) Our English teacher likes listening to songs sung by Liu Ruoying. Our English teacher likes listening to songs that/which are sung by Liu Ruoying.6. 1) 三个;略 2)You will have the chance to visit the Great Wall during your stay in Beijing.7. 1) Aboriginal musical instruments和one of the weapons 2) 同位语 3) C B8. 1)We/They believe; are believed to have come 2)It is said that Mary is learning French.They say that Mary is learning French.Mary is said to be learning French. 9. They brought with them a Polynesian culture which/that is rich in song, dance, carving and weaving.10. 1) 略 2) He met with a friend in the street yesterday.We will meet with all kinds of difficulties in our life.11. 1) 略 2) including included12. 1) 并列句;略2) crying brokento be playing 13. There will be bow and arrow competition which/that is designed to retell how the Plains Indians used to hunt for food. 非限制性定语从句;包含宾语从句。. 1. L2 offer 提供2. L8 tour 行程3. L9 mean 意味着4. L18 account 叙述5. L27 be based on 以为基础6. L38 be home to 的生息地7. L40 be rich in 富含8. L52 belong to 属于9. L54 be known as 以闻名10. L55 believe in 信仰11. L56 have power over 控制12. L62 be designed to/for 为而设计,目的是13. L62 hunt for 捕猎第17讲 M6 U3 Project (2).1. They are touring in Australia.2. 1) offer 2) B 3) to for 4) We offered him a lift, but he didnt accept. 5) B3. 1) Does he mean that he isnt satisfied with our service? 2) didnt mean to 3) 她太吝啬了,不捐款。4. 1) account an account on account of account for 2) B 3) On no account can you open the box.5. 1) is based on/upon2) B6. 1) the home of 2) is home to 7. Oranges are rich in vitamin C.8. 1) Does belong to you that he belongs to2) B C9. 1) as 2) for 3) to10. 1) believe believe in believes in believe in 2) Believe it or not 11. You cant have power over all things.12. 1) 这个课程是为帮助那些希望海外学习的那些人而设计。2) The fund is designed to help those poor students. The road is designed for the blind especially.3) B13. 1) is searching for2) is hunting for第18讲 M6 U3 Consolidation1. 1)celebration 2)participate 3)nature 4)account 5)embarrassing 6)unbelievable 7)expectation 8)bravery 9)differences 10)accent2. 1-5 )ADAAC 6-10) CBADB3. 1) concern 2) has been accumulated 3) hunting 4) carved 5) have been touring 6) roasted 7) adjusted 8) are requested 9) will clarify 10) analyzing4. 1) reception 2) native 3) expectation 4) feast 5) wrapped 6) swap 7) excitement 8) remarking 9) embarrassment 10) accent5. 1) Apart from 2) referred to 3)makes no difference 4)adjusts to 5) In summary 6) got into the habit of 7) is concerned with 8) On no account 9) take into account 10) within my power6. 1) all the time 2) be adjusted toheight 3) believes in 4) came to 5) logged off 6) are expected to 7) had taken my suggestion 8) it were broken 9) If I had time /were free now 10) If everyone knew the first aid 11) I would have understood what he said then 12) If you had followed my instruction then第19讲M6 U4 Reading(1)II. 1. (the last sentence of the passage) So you see, with the work of the UN the world has been brought closer together.2. 方式状语从句。1) We did farm work as the old peasant taught us; 2) C3. 1) 定语从句,修饰先行词countries; 2) 不是。因为前面已经有is作谓语动词。made up of在句中是过去分词短语作定语,修饰group。3)a. With the governments aid, those affected by the earthquake that took place the last year have moved to the new settlements. b. D4. 1) Being a Goodwill Ambassador是主语;谓语动词是means;that引导的是宾语从句,可以省略;where引导的是定语从句。 2) 作为一名亲善大使意味着我要前往联合国实施扶助项目的国家。5. 1) 它是一个主从复合句,thatdifferent nations都是定语从句,只不过其中有一个冒号引出定语从句中的四个目的而已。所以显得很长。 2) (略)6. 1) and连接两个并列的句子,where是第一个分句中的一个定语从句; 2) B; 3) A 4) Make another effort and you will succeed. 5) (Say) One more word and Ill leave here.7. 1) 连词;2) 连词; 不一样; 3) but连接的是is的两个表语not paid和voluntary,and连接的是前后两个并列句,在后一个分句中,as引导的是非限制性定语从句,而where则引导的也是一个定语从句。 4) 我参与的联合国的工作是无偿的,是志愿的。正如我刚才所说的,我主要访问联合国实施扶助项目的国家。 5) as引导定语从句的先行词前有哪些词修饰(限制性定语从句)a. 用于the same.as结构中This is the same book as I read last week.这本书和我上周读的那本是一样的。b. 用于such.as结构中I dont like such books as he recommends.我不喜欢他推荐的那些书。c. 用于“so +adj. + a/an + n. (单数) + as”结构中I am not so strong a man as I was.我已经没有从前那么强壮了。 as引导非限制性定语从句as引导非限制性定语从句时,修饰部分是一个句子。例如:a. She is late, as is often the case. 她迟到了,这是经常的事。(先行词是整个主句)b. To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish. 对事实视而不见,你们好多人都是如此的愚蠢。(先行词是整个主句, 注意分隔现象)c. (L 16 P.50)As you know, the UN touches the lives of people everywhere.如你所知,联合国涉及世界各地每个人的生活。(先行词是整个主句)8. 1) encourage sb. to do sth或encourage sb (


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