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杨浦区(崇明县)2010学年第二学期九年级质量调研考试Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇与语法)V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共26分)31. Kitty is such _honest student that she is often praised by her teachers.A) a B)an C)the D) /32. My wish is to become a scientist when I grow up. What is_, Betty?A) yours B) your C)you D) yourself33. Its getting warmer and warmer. Do you still get up_6:30 every day?A) on B)in C)at D)by34. Im afraid this pair of trousers is too small. Would you please show me _ pair?A) the other B) other C) others D) another35.Since Im very familiar _this area, they expect me to show them around.A) from B)to C)with D)for36. The foreign visitor could speak only _ Chinese, but he managed to communicate with us.A) few B) little C)a few D)a little37. -You look so happy!-Mary says Im cool. _has ever told me that before.A) Somebody B) Anybody C) Nobody D) Everybody 38. I telephoned Jane just now, but she wasnt in. I had to leave her a(n)_.A) message B) advice C) information D) paper39._it is! The government is planning to build more low-cost houses for its people.A) How good news B) What good newsC) How good a news D) What a good news40. It is reported that more than people have been killed in this big earthquake. A) two thousands B) thousands of C) thousand of D) two thousand41. Because of nuclear leakage (核泄漏), people and food arriving in China from Japan _receive strict checks for radiation (辐射). A) must B)may C)can D) ought42. The pizza they offered us tasted_, and we all wanted to have some more.A) wet! B) awful C)good D) wonderfully43. In winter the _it snows, the happier the children will feel.A) heavy B) more heavily C) heavily D) heavier44. When I got to the classroom just now. I found that Tom _on a math problem.A) worked B) works C) will work D) was working45. A record number of people _Shanghai An Museum since it charged no entrance fee (费)in early March.A) have visited B) will visit C) had visited D) visited46. -Alice, where did you go last night?-I _to go to Toms birthday party.A) asked B) have asked C) have been asked D) was asked47. You had better let John _milk and bread for breakfast himself. Hes ten years old now.A) buys B)buy C) to buy D) buying48. Dont go out, _youll be caught in the rain.A) and B) since C)or D) until49- Susan finally became a popular singer after she practiced _ for years.A) sing B) to sing C)sang D) singing50 If you travel around the world, you will be surprised at_.A) how different the foreign customs are B) how the foreign customs are differentC) how different are the foreign customs D) how are the foreign customs different 51. More and more foreigners are living and working in Shanghai at present. The underlined part means _.A) at a time B) at the moment C) just now D) from time to time52 Father lost temper after he was told her daughter stole a mobile phone from her desk mate. The underlined part means _”.A) became angry B) held his breath C) went wrong D) ran away53. Many Junior Three students _their hobbies because of their busy school work.A) stay up B) take up C) give up D) put up54. Mikes parents were worried that he _too much time chatting online.A) paid B)cost C)took D) spent55. -Shall I get you some more milk? -_I have had enough.A) No. you neednt B) Im afraid you cantC) Im glad you like it. D) Im very happy.56. -Would you mind my opening the window? -_.A) Never mind. B) Certainly not. C) No. I wouldnt D) Yes. Id love to.VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共8分)57. It is necessary for everyone to brush his. _ after each meal. (tooth)58. I have bought a new flat and its on the _floor of the building.(eight)59. As middle school students, we should know how to look after_. (us)60. The student missed the _tour around Sheng Long Agricultural Park. (enjoy)61. We received Peters _and went to his birthday party happily. (invite)62. The serious fire _ destroyed the whole building last November. (complete)63. It was _for such a little girl to solve this hard problem in ten minutes. (usual)64. Make a plan for your future study, and you will _in the end. (successful)VII. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共12分)65. There ate some fresh apples in the supermarket today. (改为否定句) There _ _ fresh apples in the supermarket today.66. The shy boy never looks at you when you talk to him. (改为反意疑问句) The shy boy never looks at you when you talk to him, _ _?67. The new underground station is five minutes walk from our school. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is the new underground station from our school?68. They have given a lot of help to the homeless in the earthquake. (改为被动语态) A lot of help _ _ given to the homeless in the earthquake.69. You dont like horror movies. Jane doesnt like horror movies, either. (合并成一句) _ you nor Jane _ horror movies.70. Yesterday morning I woke up only after the alarm clock rang. (保持句意基本不变) Yesterday morning I_ wake up _ the alarm clock rang.Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)VIII. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共56分)ATrue or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(7分)It is Thursday afternoon in West London and Diana is starting work in the hospital. Rebecca, another nurse is talking to her.“Today youve got three patients. Mr. Miles is no problem. He is very independent. The two problems are Mr. Knight and Mr. Blythe. Mr. Blythe likes to read quietly, but Mr. Knight has a lot of visitors. One of the visitors is his wife. She likes to talk. She talks all the time and Mr. Blythe is becoming very angry!Is the doctor coming round today? asks Diana. Yes, says Rebecca. Shes coming at about five oclock. Could you ask her to look at Mr.Blythes left fool? Its giving him a lot of pain. Heres a list of jobs for this evening. Im going home now. Im very tired. Good luck!Goodbye, Rebecca! See you on Monday! Diana says.Diana is also tired, but she is happy. Thursday is the end of her week. But Mr. Blythe is not happy. Mrs. Knight is still talking to her husband.You have three pairs of socks and two clean shirts in this bag. Tomorrow, I m going to wash your green pullover. Do yon want your red trousers and your small alarm clock? she asks him.Mr. Knight does not answer his wife. She talks all the time, but he sleeps nearly all the time. He is sleeping now.Diana feels sorry for Mr. Blythe and plans to help him.Mr. Blythe, she says. Theres an empty bed near the window and the view from the window is very nice. Would you like to move there?Thats very kind of yon, nurse!” Mr. Blythe answers.Diana asks Fiona, another staff nurse, to help her. Together, they move Mr. Blythes bed. He can now read in peace.71. Both Rebecca and Diana are nurses in a hospital in East London.72. Diana is in charge of the three patients after Rebecca gets off work,73. The visitors of Mr. Knight make it difficult for Mr. Blythe to read quietly.74. Mr. Knight fastens carefully every time his wife talks to him.75. Mr. Blythe is becoming angry because Mrs. Knight keeps talking all the rime.76. Diana feels sorry for Mr. Blythe because his left foot is in great pain.77. Diana finally thinks of a way to help Mr. Blythe to leave the hospital.B. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (7分)Copenhagen, one of the worlds most bicycle-friendly cities, has begun to turn its network of usual highways (公路) into bike highways in order to push more commuters (每日往返上班着) to leave their cars at home.Copenhagen and Amsterdam are called Europes two bicycle capitals, Copenhagen counts more bicycles than people and cycling is so popular that its numerous bike paths (道) can become very crowded.Traffic jams caused by bikes are usually common on the main Noerrebrogade (诺勒布洛加德街) street used by around 36,000 cyclists a day. Copenhagens roads are packed with people who want to ride their bicycles in all kinds of weather. You have to be careful cycling your way forward and some cyclists arent always thoughtful, complains 22-year-old university student Lea Bresell. The creation of bike highways comes right on time, he adds.If in the 1960s Danes (丹麦人) thought of the car as a sign of freedom, today the bicycle has taken its place. Bicycle has become an important part of peoples life, even politicians ride bikes to work.It is on crowded Noerrebrogade the busiest bicycle street in Europe, the city planners have decided to build the first Copenhagens environmentally friendly street. The jammed bike paths will be widened to four meters on either side of the road.The idea is to make Noerrebrogade Europes great cycling street, says Andreas Rochl the Copenhagen bicycle program manager who is also known as Mr. Bike. But Rochl is not satisfied with making life easier for cyclists in the city. He wants to get people living in the countryside out of their cars and onto bikes too.His goal is to push the percentage of countryside commuters cycling to and from the city from todays 37 percent to more than 50 percent by 2015- Within the city, 55 percent of commuters already travel by bike.Already Copenhagens cycling environment is better than other European capitals with its bike paths of more than 390 kilometers. 78. The percentage of countryside commuters using a bike is_,A) 37% B)50% C)55% D)22%79. How wide will the bike path be in the future Noerrebrogade street? A) 4 meters. B) 2 meters. C) 8 meters. D) 390 kilometers.80. What is Andreas Rochl? A)A university student. B) A city planner.C) A bike designer D) A program manager.81. The underlined word packed in the third paragraph means A) made B) crowded C) covered D) connected82. The underlined word its in the fourth paragraph refers to_. A) car B) freedom C) bicycle D)sign83. Lea Bresell welcomes the idea of bike highways because _.A) fewer people will ride bikes in the futureB) people will become more careful while cyclingC) there will be less jams to ride bikesD) no one will be late because of traffic jams 84. Copenhagen is known as a bicycle capital because_. A) it has the most bicycles in the world B) cycling is popular with its peopleC) it has the worlds best bike highways D) every Dane can ride a bikeC. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)A father sent his 5-year-old son to learn how to play the piano.A few months passed, and then a very famous pianist came to their town. They_85_ to get two tickets to one of his concerts.On that day, the lather sat down with his son. However, it was too difficult for the child to just sit doing nothing, so he walked away quietly.When the stage (舞台) lights became dark, the father found that his son was no longer with him._86_, he found his son was on stage and walking towards the piano. The child sat in front of the piano and started playing a very _87_ tune (曲调) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.The light operator was also surprised when he heard the music, and he thought that the concert had made some _88_. So he turned the lights on the boy. Everybody was surprised to see the little child sitting at the piano _89_ the famous pianist.The pianist was surprised, too. _90_ when he saw the child playing happily, he was not angry: he sat down and played with the child. The pianist filled the weaknesses so that they could give a beautiful piano concerto (协奏曲).When they finished, the audience gave them a big round of cheers.Unfortunately, because of this, the child became too proud, Just after one month of piano practice I can be so great! The child didnt _91_that the one that made the concert perfect was the pianist sitting beside him.85. A) preferred B) managed C) wanted D) started86. A) After all B)In other words C) To his surprise D) At least87. A) difficult B) perfect C) successful D) simple88. A) progress B) fun C) changes D) mistakes89. A) instead of B) in front of C) because of D) in charge of 90. A) But B) So C) Since D) After91. A) expect B) believe C) hope D) realizeD. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)In August 2005. Mark Bent, 49, a businessman, first visited a village in Africa. He found people were too p 92 to have electric light. So he spent $250,000 developing and producing a solar-powered flashlight (太阳能手电筒). In places where is no electricity or running water, having light at night is their d 93 . I will try my test to help them, said BentThe solar-powered flashlight gets power from the sunlight and can last for 7 hours every night. People just put three AA batteries (蓄电池) in it. The batteries are o 94 80 cents.Over the last year. Rent said, he and his friends have sent 10,500 flashlights to many refugees (难民). In a refugee camp, a refugee named Peter Gatkuoth wrote about the i 95 of the solar flashlight. If we meet a thief, we will turn on our solar flashlight and the thief will run away. If a person is s 96 at night, we will use the flashlight to take him to the health center. If wild animals come close to me, I will use the light to f 97 them away. Others said the lights were hung above school desks for children and adults to study after a days work.With a little research, Bent found that nearly two billion people around the world live without electric light. A lot of children have breathing p 98 , in part because of the use of wood and candles for light in their small homes.E. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题): (14 分)Once upon a time there lived a farmer. He earned money by selling the products from his farm. He gave all his money to the poor people. So, the whole village respected him. But he had a big problem in his farm. Whenever he spread seeds (种子) in his farm, the crows (乌鸦) would come and eat them up. He was worried about this trouble as he got less money from his farm.I must do something about the crows. I will be in deep trouble if I do not stop these crows, he thought. He complained about this problem to his friends. They gave him an idea to get rid of the crows. Go to the town and buy a large net. Trap (设陷并捕获) the crows in the net with some grains (谷粒).So the next day. the farmer bought a net and some grains. He placed the net on the farm and spread the grain over it Then he went and hid himself.Soon the crows came to the fields to pick the grains. They were there. More grains! That farmer is indeed a foot he does not seem to learn, said the crows to each other. And they laughed among themselves. But suddenly they found that they were trapped. Then, the farmer was standing over the crows. Aha! Finally. I have got you all. For the loss you have caused me, I will put you all to death.Suddenly the farmer heard a weak voice among the noises of the crows. There was a pigeon (鸽子) among the crows. Both the pigeon and the bad crows were in the net The pigeon said, Mr. Farmer, please let me go. You are angry with the crows, not with me.The farmer said. But you too have been caught stealing from my farm. I will not let you go, said the farmer. The pigeon had to pay a heavy price for being in the wrong group. The farmer killed all the birds in his net including the pigeon. After that day, he was happy with his farm and he earned as much money as before. 99. How did the farmer make a living?100. What would happen to the seeds after he spread them? 101. Who suggested a way to catch the crows?102. What attracted the crows to the fields? 103. Where was the pigeon found? 104. The farmer didnt kill the pigeon, did he? 105. What kind of person was the farmer?IX. Writing (作文): (共18分)106. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic An Unforgettable Story. ( 以 一次难忘的经历”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)Sentence patterns for reference (以下句型仅供参考) When and where did it happen? How did it happen? What effect did it have on you?【keys】Part 2 V. 31-35 BACDC 36-40 DCABD 41-45 ACBDD 46-50 DBCDA 51-56 BACDA B VI.57-64. teeth, eighth, ourselves, enjoyable, invitation, completely, unusual, succeed VII. 65. arent any, 66. does he, 67. How far 68. has been, 69. Neither likes, 70. didnt until Part 3 VIII. 71-77. FTTFTFF78-84. ACDBACB 85-91. BCDCAAD 92. poor, dream, only, importance, sick, frighten, problems 99. By selling the products from his farm.100. The crows would eat the seeds.101. The farms friends.102. The grains. 103. Among the crows in the net. 104. No, he didnt. 105. He was unkind.

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