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高一英语学案必修二 Module Three MusicName_Period One(第一课时)Introduction;Reading and Vocabulary一 学习目标:1. 知识目标:(1)学习并应用文中所给单词与短语; (2)回顾并了解一些有关乐器、音乐家及名曲方面的知识; 2 能力目标:(1)发展提高阅读能力,如快读、跳读等;(2)发展提高口头表达能力。 3. 情感目标:(1) 通过小组活动或二人合作提高自身合作意识; (2) 培养自己的对音乐的兴趣,丰富自身精神或情感生活;二 学习方法:1.自主学习,同桌合作,小组讨论; 2参与课内阅读活动。三重点与难点:1. 重点:(!)大胆自由讨论音乐、音乐家与乐器:(2) 提高自身阅读能力。 2. 难点:(1)能否大胆积极主动地参与讨论;(2) 能否处理一些语言难点与语法难点。四 基础自学:1. 认知词汇: 拼读记忆单词(from ”audience” to “tour” on P114 Word List) 2读前问答: Questions 16 ( P21 Activity One ) 3快速阅读: (1) Read the passage and choose the best title.( P22P23). (2) Read the passage again and answer the questions (P23 Activity 3 No1-No8)五 课文学习:(P 21 Vocabulary and speaking)1. Match the phrases to Chinese(连线): A. Play the drum 1.弹吉他 B. Play the erhu 2.弹钢琴 C. Play the piano 3.打鼓 D. Play the guitar 4.拉二胡 E. Play the saxophone 5.拉小提琴 F. Play the violin 6.吹萨克斯风2. Some famous musicians who play the next instruments(著名的乐手): Violin: 梅纽因,帕尔曼,吕思清,盛中国,俞丽拿,陈美 Guitar: Jimi Hendrix,Jeff Beck,Jimmy Page,hide,木村好夫(木吉他) Piano: 鲍蕙荞,朗朗,李云迪,Richard Clayderman, Saxophone: Kenny .G, Erhu: 华彦钧,刘天华,闵惠芬,宋飞,3. Audience听众,观众: audience在作为集合名词大多以单数形式出现,既可以表示单数意义,也可以表示复数意义。作主语时,若看作一个集体谓语动词用单数;指集体中的成员时,谓语用复数。 (1) There _(be) a large audience at the pop concert. (2) 200 audience _(watch) the match at this time yesterday (3) The audience _/_(be) very excited by the show.4. different (adj)-_ (adv) -_(n) 与不同_ 在方面不同_(P22-23Reading and vocabulary)I. Fast Reading(快速阅读): Read the passage quickly and choose the best title:1. Three Great Austrian Composers. 2. Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century(世纪). 3. Three Great Children Composers.II. Fast Reading :Read the passage quickly and fill in the table about the three great composers:NameBirthplace(出生地)Date of birth and deathFamily background(家庭背景)III. Detail-reading(详细阅读/细节阅读):1. Read Para1-2(第一和第二段) about Haydn and answer: (1). what is Haydn known as?(2). How did Haydn change the form of symphonies?(3). How long did he work in eastern Austria?2. Read Para3-5(第三第五段)about Mozart and fill in the information. Be known as/called_Numbers of pieces of music_At the age of _learned to play the harpsichordAt the age of _Started to compose musicAt the age of _Play the harpsichord for the empress of AustriaBy the age of _Had composed pieces for the harpsichord, piano, violin and orchestrasStill a _A big star, toured Europe giving concertsFor_ yearsHaydn had been friends with Mozart3. Read Para6-8(第六第八段)about Beethoven and answer:(1). Who taught Beethoven to play the piano?(2). Was Beethoven impressed by Haydn?(3). Did he stop composing music after he became deaf?IV. Consolidation(巩固练习)Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth CenturyHaydn, “the father of the 1_”, was the son of a peasant. He changed the symphony 2 a long piece for a large orchestra.3 _ worked in eastern Austria for 30 years, Haydon moved to London, 4_ he was very successful.Mozart was a composer, possibly the greatest musical 5_ of all time. He had 6_ from a very early age. By the time he was 14, Mozart had 7 _ many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, 8 _ (三词短语) for orchestras. Haydn was deeply 9_ by Mozart when he first met him.Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. He showed musical 10_ when he was young. In his twenties, he met both Mozart and Haydn. However, it was Haydon 11 _ encouraged him to move to Vienna. 12 _ he grew older, he began to 13 _ 14_. But he continued 15_ .V. Important language points(重要语言点):1. _被称作,作为而闻名;_因 而著名;_为/被所知 Jackie Chan _ _ _ people _ a film star. The small town _ _ _ its honey peaches all over the country.*2. changeinto 变成,把变成;changefor 用换 类似的短语还有:turninto 进入,使变成,使成为;put /translateinto 把译成Id like to change these dollars into pounds. 我想把美元换成英镑。Can you change this 10 pound note for ten single ones? 请你把这张十英镑的钞票换成10张一英镑的好吗?Please turn /translate the article into English. 请把这篇文章译成英语。3. Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful. (P22) = After he _ _there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful. having worked为现在分词的完成式作时间状语,表示动作发生在主动作之前 如:在这住了30年他已习惯了这里的生活。 _ _ here for 30 years, he got used to the life here.=_ he_ _ here for 30 years, he got used to the life here.*3. talent n. 才能,才干,天资;天才,有才能的人talent常构成短语:have talent for sth. /doing sth. 在方面有天分(才能)4. By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. (1)by表示时间“到为止”,常用于过去完成时和将来完成时中。 By the time I got there, the meeting had been on for half an hour.我到的时候会议已经开始半个小时了。(by the time引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时) By the time you reach the station, the train will have left.你到车站的时候,火车可能都已经走了。(by the time引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时,主句用将来完成时) (2)“as well as”在这里是“和、并且”的意思,连接两个并列成分 Mary as well as her parents was present at the party. 玛丽和她父母都出席了晚会。注意:as well as连接主语时,谓语动词的数须与as well as前的主语的数一致。as well as连接并列成分时,as well as后面的部分,可以连同as well as放在句首、句尾。As well as her parents, Mary was present at the party.玛丽还有她的父母出席了宴会。=Mary was present at the party, as well as her parents.Tom bought some books as well as a dictionary.汤姆买了一本字典和一些书。=As well as a dictionary, Tom bought some books. as well as连接谓语动词时,as well as后的动词须用动名词形式。Kate plays the piano as well as swimming.凯特不仅会弹钢琴而且会游泳。5. _ _ _/_/_ 对留下印象 I was deeply impressed by/ with/ at his speech.我对他的演讲留下了深刻的印象。 * impress的其他用法:(1)impress sth. upon/ on sb.或者impress sb. with sth.使某人铭记某事物My father impressed on me the importance of work. 我父亲使我铭记工作的重要性。My father impressed me with the importance of work.(2)impress sth upon/ on sth.在某物上面印上某物He impressed his name on the box. 他把名字印在盒子上。6. It was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. 是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。 = Haydn encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. (It was who是强调句,该强调句强调了主语。) 常用it iswas who/that结构来突出强调句子的某一成分(一般是句子中主语、宾语或状语)。 It is I who am wrong. 是我错了。= I am wrong. I lost my watch here.=_. 我是在这儿掉的手表的。 He met his best friend in the very(恰好的) hall .=_. _鼓励某人做某事7. As he grew older, he began to go deaf.随着年龄的增长,他的耳朵变聋了。 _/_/_/_变聋/变瞎/发疯/变坏VI. Writing(写作):(根据下列资料模仿课文谢一篇关于歌手韩红的文章) Describe Han Hong with these words 1. sing well successful song writer 2.born in1971 in Tibet(西藏)3. young watch her mother sing and dance4. at the age of nine professional(专业的) training in Beijing.5. in 1985 her first national prize6. write songs in 19937. song “Hometown” number one in ChinaVII. Homework(作业):1. Repeat the passage (反复朗读22-23页的课文)。2. Remember all the new words and phrases.(熟记本课的词汇和短语audience-tour,明天听写)3. Finish the passage about Han Hong.(完成关于韩红的写作)4. Preview Grammar 1 adverbial clause of time and cultural corner.(预习24页语法1和29页文化角。)Period Two(第二课时) Grammar1; Cultural corner一 学习目标:1.知识目标:(1)了解音乐家叶小刚的生平及业绩;(2)扩大丰富语法知识; 2 能力目标:(1)发展提高阅读能力;(2)发展互助合作能力。 3. 情感目标:(1) 通过小组活动或二人合作提高自身合作意识; (2) 培养自己的对音乐的兴趣,从我做起,发扬广大中国传统音乐;二 学习方法:1.自主学习,同桌合作,小组讨论; 2课内阅读活动中建议使用演绎法、对比法。三重点与难点:1. 重点:(!) 学习通过合作进行探究:(2) 学习应用时间状语从句。 2. 难点:(1) 能否大胆积极主动地参与讨论;(2) 学习如何使用时间状语从句。四课文学习: Cultural corner文化角(P29) 1. Pre-reading of the cultural corner(1). Ye Xiaogang began studying piano in _ A 1955 B 1978 C 1959 D 1983(2). After graduation, he worked at the Central Conservatory of Music as_A a musician B a lecturer C a singer D an actor(3). From the passage we know the following facts except_.A. Ye Xiaogang held a concert of symphonies in Beijing in 1985. B. Ye is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation. C. Ye is a member of the Beijing music group Eclipse. D. Ye Xiaogang has received many prizes only in China. 2. Detail-reading: Read the passage quickly and fill the chart. (P29)Name_ Sex_ Nationality_Job/Career_ Style of music_What he did or happened to him in the following years(大事记/简历):1955_From 1978 to 1983_1985_1986_Since 1993_1996_ 3. Important language points:显示出音乐才能(para.1)_;担任,担当(para.2)_因为而出名(para3)_;获得很多奖项(para5)_ 4. Translate them into Chinese.(翻译句子)1. Ye Xiaogang, who was born in 1955, is one of a group of Chinese composers known as the New Tide.2. He is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation.Grammar1 (adverbial clause of time时间状语从句)Word definition: Get words from definitions:_/_a person who composes/writes music_/_one who directs an orchestra or other such group_One person whose career(职业)is to sing_Ones who listen to or watch programmes or performances(演出)_an organized group of singers/a group of people who sing together_A large group of musicians who play together on various(各种各样的)instruments.一. 状语从句的概念:状语从句在复合句中作主句的状语。状语从句有“时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、方式、让步、比较状语从句”(9种)。When he was young, Mozart had a lot of musical talent.(时间状语从句) 时间状语从句 主句He got up so early that he could catch up with the first bus.(目的状语从句)主句 目的状语从句二. 时间状语从句:1. “当的时候”,when, while, as都有“当的时候”的意思,但用法却有所不同(1)when 当的时候,这时,那时a. when既可引导_性动词(时间点),又可引导_性动词(一段时间) (用when时,从句的动作可与主句的动作同时发生,也可先于主句的动作,因此when用得最多。)When we reached home, it was getting dark. 当他到家时,天在变黑。(_动词) When we arrived in Beijing, it was raining. (_动词)When I lived there, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays. (_动词)当我住在那里的时候,我常常星期天去海边。b. when 还有“这时”,“那时”的意思,常用于下列句型:Somebody was doing something when 某人正在做 突然 I was doing my homework when Li Ming called me last night.昨晚我正在写作业时李明给我打电话。I was reading English when my teacher came in.我正在读英语,这时老师进来了。Somebody was about to do something when 某人正要做 突然 I was about to talk in the classroom when the teacher came in.我刚要在教室里讲话老师就进来了。Somebody had just done something when 某人刚刚干了这时 I had just made the mistake when the teacher came in. 我刚犯了错老师就进来了。 (2)while当的时候,在过程中,而,然而 a. while只能引导_性动词或状态, (用while时,从句的动作或者与主句的动作同时发生,或者主句的动作是在从句的动作的进展过程中发生的。) While she was making a phone call, I was writing a letter.当她在打电话时,我正在写信。(make为延续性动词)(从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生) While we were dancing, a stranger came in. 当我们跳舞时,一位陌生人走了进来。(dance为延续性动词)(主句的动作是在从句的动作的进展过程中发生的) Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。(is为延续性动词,表示一种持续的状态) b. while还可表示强烈的对比关系,可译成“然而,而”(并列连词) She is tall while I am short. While I was studying English, he was playing computer games. (3)as当时候,一边一边,一面一面;随着 a. as引导_性动词,多用于主句和从句动作同时发生,强调伴随 Kate read the book as she went along.凯特边走边读书。 We took notes as we listened to the lecture.我们边听课边记笔记。 As he grew older, Beethoven became deaf.随着年龄的增长贝多芬的耳朵失聪了。 *b. as也可以指某个时间点,表示两个短暂性动作同时发生。As he stood up, he dropped the glass. (4)when, as, while可以互换的情况:从句用延续性动词的进行时表示在一段时间内正在进行的动作 When/While/As I was walking down the street, I met an old friend of mine.(walk为延续性动词) When/While/As we were dancing, a stranger came in.(dance为延续性动词)当我们跳舞时,一位陌生人走了进来。When/While/As she was making a phone call, I was writing a letter.(make为延续性动词)当她在打电话时,我正在写信。 (5)可以用when, while,不可用as的情况 在用when和while连接的从句中,常省略与主句相同的主语和相应的be,而在as连接的从句中一般则不省略。如: Wood gives much smoke while (it is) burning. 木头燃烧时冒出许多烟。He fell asleep while (he was) studying his grammar book.他在阅读语法书的时候睡着了。While in London, he studied music.他在伦敦的时候,研究音乐。 (6)在将来时从句中,常用when,且从句须用一般时代替将来时。You shall borrow the book when I have finished reading it.在我读完这本书后,你可以借阅。When the manager comes here for a visit next week, Ill talk with him about this.下周,经理来这参观时,我会和他谈谈此事。 *2. 其他引导时间状语从句的词或短语:before(在之前), after(在之后), as soon as; immediately; directly; the moment; the minute; no sooner than; hardly/scarcelywhen; once(表示“一.就.”) till; until; notuntil 直到才.;since自从.到现在为止;by the time到为止;Every time每次; each time每次; next time下一次;the first time第一次;any time; 任何时候;all the time总是 It wont be long before he finishes his writing. After he (had) finished his work, he left there. It is (has been) two years since he came here.He will not go to bed until (till) his mother comes.It is not until his mother comes home that he will go to bed. (强调结构) As soon as she got home, she began to cook. Every time/each time I catch a cold, I have pain in my back.There was applause the moment (as soon as) she appeared on the stage.By the time he arrived, the train had already gone.三. Exercise for adverbial clause of time时间状语从句练习: Translate these sentences into English(把下列句子翻译成英语)1. 他从学校回来时,他妈妈正在烧饭。_2. 他在看书时,他的妻子一直在烧饭。_3. 我奶奶一边刷牙一边唱歌。_4. 我们正要动身,这时天突然下雨了。_5. 你喜欢踢足球而我喜欢弹钢琴。_6. 随着时间的推移,我们都渐渐长大了。_四. Exercise(P79,Ex.1):课后练习,课本79页练习1。五Preview. 预习26页听力内容,通过各种渠道查找甲壳虫乐队的资料(如上网查)和27页语法2Period Three(第三课时)Listening and vocabularyName_Period 3(第三课时)ListeningI. Revision:(根据首字母填空)1. Beethoven is a German c_. He lost his hearing(听力) in 1801 and was d_ later, but he c_ composing.2. Mozart was b_ in Austria. He had m_ t_ from a very early a_ and started composing when he was five.3. Haydn is k_ a_ “the father of symphony”.II. Get words from definitions:album, band, catchy, complex, influence, solo artistWords(单词)Definition(定义)Group of persons who play music together/music groupPerson who performs(表演)by himself or herselfRecord(唱片)with several pieces by the same musicians or singersEasily rememberedHave an effect onDifficult to understand or explain(解释)Exercise(课后练习):Use of the vocabulary(用本课重要词汇填空)1. The song written by him is very c_, so I like it very much.2. I like the l_ of the song. It tells us about his life and the words of the song are not c_, so they are easy to understand.3. The b_ formed by 4 young men, who had a big i_ on young people, decides to s_ up this coming month as they want to be s_ a_.III. 补充资料:Some famous rock bands in the world:1. Famous rock bands from the USA: The Rolling Stones滚石乐队, Nirvana 涅盘乐队, Linkin Park 林肯公园, Green Day绿日乐队2. Famous rock bands from Britain: The Beatles甲壳虫乐队, U2, Queen皇后乐队, Guns N Roses枪炮玫瑰乐队, suede山羊皮乐队3. Other famous rock bands in Europe: Scorpions 蝎子乐队, Rammstein 战车乐队(Germany), Roxette罗克赛特(Sweden)4. Famous rock bands from Japan: X-Japan, Glay, LArcenCiel, Bz, LUNA SEAIV. Search the Internet and fill in the blanks: The basic information of The Beatles Name: _ Nationality: _ Type of Music: _ Year of setting up: _ Number of Members: _ Year of splitting up: _ Famous songs: _V. Listen and deal with the questions about The Beatles.Part1. Listen to paragraph 1&2 and decide if they are true (T) or false (F).1. Three of the Beatles played the guitar. ( )2. The Beatles all come from different places in England. ( )3. During the early 1970s, the Beatles were influenced by American rock singers. ( )4. They had their first hit in 1962 with a serious song called Love Me Do. ( )5. Americans liked the Beatles when they toured for the first time in the USA. ( ) Part2. Listen to the paragraph3&4 and fill in the blank.1. Some of their songs were quite _ such as Nowhere Man.2. There were ballads such as _ and more _ songs, such as Strawberry Fields Forever.3. They had stopped writing _ _with catchy tunes.4. For example, after visiting India, they started using _ instruments. Part3. Listen to paragraph5, 6&7 and answer the questions.1. What was their last album?2. When did they split up?3. When and where did John Lennon die? 4. When did George Harrison die? Part4. (P 26 Part 4) Listen again and make notes about these songs and album. Part5: Listen again and fill in the blanks: The Beatles were the most successful _ in the history of popular music. The band _ _John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Starr played _, the other three played guitar. Lennon and McCartney wrote most of the songs. All the Beatles were born in Liverpool in the north of England.During the early 1960s, the Beatles were _ by American rock singers, such as Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. They had their first _ in 1962 with a _ song called Love Me Do (1962). In 1964, after they had become stars in their own country, the Beatles _ the United States and were a _ success.During the mid-1960s, the Beatles were one of the bands which gave rock music a new direction. Some of their songs were quite _, such as Nowhere Man; there were _ such as Yesterday and more _ songs such as Strawberry Fields Forever.By the late 1960s, their music had changed completely. They had stopped writing simple songs with catchy tunes. The _ and the _ had become more interest


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