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八年级仁爱英语Unit6 Topic2 导学案 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A一、学习目标:1、学习时间状语从句的用法。2、谈论探险。3、学习重要短语和词汇。二、学习重点:重要短语和词汇。三、学习难点: 时间状语从句的用法。四、学习过程:1、复习打电话用语。我可以和通话吗?_你是谁?_ _我是_2、学习1a 。(1)自读1a ,讨论并翻译。(2)在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子。(你会翻译吗?试一试哦!)glad to do sth. be busy doing sth. prepare for be on vacation would like sb. to do sth. look forward to doing sth. make a plan to You bet ! It would be great fun. That would be very interesting. (3)听录音,回答下列问题。What did Darren receive?_ What shall they do ?_ Would Darren like to come to China for his vacation?_ (4)再读1 a ,找出含有时间状语从句的三个句子。(认真听老师讲解时间状语从句哦!)_ _ 时间状语从句:1.I was just reading a book when she came into my room. 这句话当中的came可以换成was coming吗?为什么? ,因为come是 动词,无进行时态。2. Were you writing when the teacher came in? While/when Jim was mending his bike, Lin Tao came to see him.从这两个例子当中可以总结出:_后面必须跟延续性动词, _后面既可以跟延续性动词也可跟非延续性动词。3.你能举出几个非延续性动词的例子吗?延续性动词 :learn, work, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay 非延续性动词:open, die, close, begin, finish, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy 练习:1. While she _ (cook) dinner, I _ (come) into the kitchen.2. It _ (rain) heavily when I _ (get) there last night.3. While the students of Class One _ (do) some cleaning, we _ (leave).4. The boys _ (study) English when their mother _ (go) out.5. When I _ (see) him, he _ (read) a newspaper.6. While he _ (write), I _ (do) my homework.7. Maria was visiting the Great Wall when I called her.译: 8. I called her when/while Maria was visiting the Great Wall.译: 9. She was visiting the Ming Tombs while I was having class.译: 3小组讨论,完成1b 。4学习2。读课本P34的例句,然后根据图片用when/while造句。(试一试吧!)图2: 或 图3: 或 图4: 或 图6: 或 图7: 或 图8: 或 五、自我检测: (自己独立完成后,小组互改!每小题10分!) 你的成绩: I.据根首字母提示填空。1.Its better to give than to r_.2.Milly and Tom often go c_ in summer.3.Did you have a p_ vacation in such beautiful countryside last Sunday?4.Give him the p_ with my best wishes.5.Read the d_ again, and then act it out with your partner.II.单项选择。( ).Would you like to go on a spring trip with me? A.Yes, of course. B.I bet C.I couldnt D. Thanks a lot.( )2.Xu Xiake was an _and he travled everywhere in the old days.A.explore B.explorer C.exploring D.inventor( )3.It was getting to rain _I arrived at the station.A.as B.while C.when D.as soon as ( )4.We had fun _in the forest last weekend. A.camping B.camped C.camp D.to camp ( )5.Did you _a present from your friends on your birthday?A.give B.send C.receives D.receiveUnit 6 Topic 2 Section B一、学习目标: 1、继续学习时间状语从句的用法。2、学习方向及方位词。3、学习重要短语和词汇。4、学习主要句型: They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains at the back.Qingling is to the east of Yuling. Its in the southeast of China.Its on the north of Hubei.Did most emperors start to build their tombs when they became emperors?Its about two and a half hours by bike.二、学习重点:方向及方位词,重要短语和词汇以及主要句型。三、学习难点:时间状语从句的用法。四、学习过程:1、复习。(请大家写出并背诵下面短语!)1.度假_ 2.为做准备_3.盼望(做)某事_ 4.做计划_ 5.当然_ _ 6.忙于做某事_ 7.记得做过某事_ 8.记得去做某事_ 9.忘记做过某事_ 10.忘记去做某事_ 2、学习1a 和2。(在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语!)1.告诉我一些有关的事 2.在天寿山脚下 3.在西北部 4.绵延40多平方公里 5.在路的两边 6.一些石兽和石人像 7.在古代,在过去 8.骑马通过那里 9.开始建造他们的坟墓 10.调查地形 11.确保 12.面朝南方 13.顺便问一下 14.两个半小时 另一种表达是: 15.在神道的每侧 16.代表_ 17.识别好坏_ 18.国家的和平_ 19.很高的威望_ 3、学习3a。(先完成课本P36的练习,然后做以下的练习!)语法重点 - 方向与介词in / on / to (注:看右图做以下三小题!)C地1. A is _ _ the north of B. 2.B is _ _ the south of C.3.C is _ _ the northwest of A.语法总结:1) A 与B 接壤但互不管辖 介词用 on (接壤不管辖 : on the +方+ of)2)B 与 C 互不接壤互不管辖 介词用 to (不接壤且不管辖: to the +方位+of)3) C 在 A 内部,归属A地管辖 介词用in (范围内: in the+ 方位+of)练习:根据P36地图做练习:1. Shanghai is _ the east of China. 2. Anhui is _ the east of Henan.3. Hunan is _ the south of Henan. 4. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China.五、自我检测: (自己独立完成后,小组互改!每小题10分!) 你的成绩: I. 1.Fujian is _ the south of China, and Taiwan is _ the south of Fujian.A.in, to B.to, in C.to, to D.in, on 2.There are many trees on _ side of the road.A.Every B.each C.both D.all 3.- _ is it from our school to Lupu Bridge? -About half an hours bus ride. (看下图,继续做以下的练习!)A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How much 4.It took her _ to cook the delicious food.A.Three and a half hour B.three and a half hours C.a half and three hour D.three hour and a half II根据下图填空(用in on to of from填空)1A is _ B. 2. C is _ the west of D. 3. C is very close_ D 4. E is a little far away_ D 5. E is _the east _ D 6. F is _ the east of E.7. D is _ the east of C. Unit6 Topic 2 Section C一、学习目标:1. 逐步提高学生听、说、读和写的能力。2. 学会泛读短文,并从中获取相关信息。3. 进一步学习时间状语从句。二、学习重点:学会泛读短文,并从中获取相关信息。三、学习难点:时间状语从句。四、学习过程:.课前准备1、填写介词和方位词。(复习Section B)Beijing is _the n_ of China. Henan is _the s_ of Beijing.Japan is _ the e_of China. Shandong is _ the s_ of Henan.2、预习完成课文的练习.语言点导学:1、时间状语从句:见课本P122。III.学习1a 。(1)自读1a ,讨论并翻译。(2)在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语。(你会翻译吗?试一试哦!)two hours and a half arrive at parking lot be full of walk through be surprised at take out take some pictures in all directions step on ones toes push ones way out out of sight tooto notuntil raise ones head as soon as jump up and down IV.语言点分析:1.对感到惊奇_ 2.The crowd of people became larger and larger. While the crowd were pushing him in all directions.这两个句中crowd是_词意思是“_” A crowd of people意思是_crowd作主语,谓语动词用_(单数/复数) 类似的集合名词还有_,_.crowded是_词,拥挤的地方_(2) in all directions_ _ 朝着某人的方向3.Someone stepped on Darrens toes. step过去式_,现在分词_ 踩/踏在某物上_4.你知道win和beat的联系与区别吗? Win“赢得”,宾语是war, game, match, medal. Beat“打败”,宾语是人、队或国家。5.notice 动词,“注意到,看到” 看见某人做某事_ 看见某人正在做某事_ 如:I noticed them get on the bus. I noticed him smiling all the time. 名词,“通知,公告” The notice says “Keep off the grass.”6. He was too frightened to know what to do. (同义句) (注:认真想一想哦!) _ 7. He didnt raise his head until someone called him. notuntil引导时间状语从句 He wont play basketball until he _ (finish)his work. They _ _(not stop) working until 11:00 last night.V. 练习:(翻译句子)Well let you know as soon as he comes back. _ When he got to the station, his friends were waiting for him there. _ You can go straight until you reach the end. _ He was doing his homework while I was listening to the MP3. _ He talked as he ate _五、自我检测: (自己独立完成后,小组互改!每小题10分!) 你的成绩: 1、翻译句子:1)Fred talks happily. The teacher comes in. _ (当Fred谈得起劲时,老师进来了。) _ (当老师进来时,Fred谈得正起劲。)2)He reads English. Mum cooks meal. _ (当他正在读英语时,妈妈正在做菜。)_ _(当妈妈正在做菜时,他在读英语。)3) After he had supper, he went out for a walk. _ 4) You can go straight until you reach the end. _ 2、根据课文内容填空:(提醒:可能有两种答案,再想想哦!)1) After they rode their bikes for two hours and a half, Kangkang, Michael and Darren _ the Ming Tombs. (到达)2) He raised his head _ someone called him.(在之后)3) He was _frightened _he couldnt know what to do.(如此以至)4) The parking lot _ tour buses, cars, taxis and bicycles.(充满)Unit6 Topic2 SectionD一、学习目标:1、学习有用表达。2、复习时间状语从句。3、学习写日记,注意格式和时态。二、学习重点:学习写日记。三、学习难点:复习时间状语从句。四、学习过程:1、复习。(回答下列问题)(1)How did the three boys get to Ming Tom?_(2)Did they find places to park their bikes?_(3)When Darren pushed his way out ,what happened to him?_(4)Did Darrens friends find him at last?_2、学习1a(1)读并翻译1a 。(2)在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语。(你会翻译吗?试一试哦!)get up early ride to get off stand for shout at have fun doing be lost everywhere ask sb. for help (3)观察本文的日记,总结日记的写法。(注意格式和时态)Do you know how to write a diary?When we write diaries, we usually write: what we saw,who we met,what we did,what we felt today,what we plan for the future 。格式: 一般是在左上角记上当天的日期、星期,时间的排列顺序与书信一致,星期写在日期之前;右上角写上当天的天气情况,表示天气情况的形容词,如:fine(晴朗的),cold(寒冷的),snowy(下雪的),sunny(晴朗的),rainy(多雨的),cloudy(阴天的)等。日记的小标题写在下一行,也可省略不写。时态: 写日记的时间一般是下午或晚上,有时也可以在第二天补写。因此,日记中所记述的事情通常发生在过去,常用一般过去时;但当记述天气、描写景色或展望未来时,可以用一般现在时或一般将来时。范文:Thursday,October 16th,2008 Rainy Today, I still went to my mothers office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They work hard every day. So I should save my money. And I can help them with housework because I am one of my family. In the future, I will take a job and work. But now I should study hard.3完成1b 4自读2 a,2b ,总结时间状语从句和习惯用语。五、自我检测: (自己独立完成后,小组互改!每小题10分!) 你的成绩: ( )1.-When did your father come back last week? - He didnt come back _he finished all the work. A. until B. while C. if D. when( )2.Your picture is wonderful! I worked for 8 hours _I finished it.A.When B. before C. while D .after ( )3.I decide to buy a book about Chinese history for our foreign teacher _he is interested in Chinese culture. A.when B.because C.until D.as soon as( )4.Im sorry that John is out. Please ask him to call me as soon as he _. A.returned B.returns C.will return( ).At weekend Kangkangs family usually_camping. A.go B.goes C.going D.to go ( )6.There are many trees on _side of the road. A.each B.both C.all D.every( )7.-Hello!Id like to speak to Jake. -_. A.Yes,Im Jake B.This is Jake speaking. C.How are you. D. Im here.( )8.Bingbing is looking forward to_the summer holiday. A.have B.having C.to have D.has ( )9.Kangkang was _excited _say a word. A.too,to B.so,that C.such ,hat D./,that( )10._perfect holiday the Greens had in China!A.What B.How C.What a D.How a

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