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Unit 2 Cultural relics课文填空1. A cultural relic is something that has survived (survive) for a long time.2. It is your job to look into (调查) any reports of cultural relics that have been found (find) in China.3. You are sent to a small town where(引导词)you find a relic that was stolen (steal) from a palace.4. The man who has it insists that it belongs to (属于) his family。5. Think of a cultural relic you know about. How would you feel if it got lost (lose).6. Although (连词) the amber feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated(heat)7. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into (做成)any shape.8. The design for the room was of (介词)the fancy style.9. In return (作为回报), the Czar gave the king of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers.10. About four metres long, the room served as (介词) a small reception room(接待室) for important visitors.11. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved (move) to the palace outside St Petersburg where(引导词)she spent her summers.12. Almost six hundred candles lit (light) the room at that time.13.This was a time when(引导词) the two countries were at war (处于交战状态)。14But some of the Nazis secretly(秘密地)stole the Amber Room itself.15. In less than (不到,少于) two days, 100,000 pieces of the room were put inside twenty-seven wooden(木制的)boxes.16 She was at work(在工作)in the garden all this morning.17. Children who are at play (在玩)often make a lot of noise.18. When we called, the family were at dinner(在吃饭dinner)19. What are they doing now? They are at meal(在吃饭meal)20. The old man saw some Germans taking apart (拆开) the Amber Room and moving(移走)it away. 21. The judge cares only whether the eyewitness has given useful information, which must be facts, rather than opinions.(而不是观点)22. A fact is anything that can be proved (prove).23. Of course, some people will never believe something is a fact even though (连词)they are given lots of evidence。24.They think the men are not telling the truth. (说出事实).25. An opinion is what (引导词) someone believes is true but has not been proved.26. I think highly (副词)of those who are searching for the Amber Room。27Nor do (助动词) I think they should give it to any government.28. This blue and white vase, from the period of the Qing Dynasty belongs to(属于)a Hong Kong merchant.29There is no doubt (毫无疑问) that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue.30 She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return(回报)。31Several years ago, however ,(副词) he put down his pen and began to protect cultural relics in Tianjin, where(引导词) he lives。32One of his biggest projects was to protect (protect) the oldest street in Tianjin.33 The old man said he would give it to his grandson, who had not yet been born.(出生)34. He knows the past is not only for us to enjoy but also (短语)for the children of the futureBook 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics1. culture n.(1)U 文化,艺术eg. culture shock n.文化冲击(2)C/U文明 eg. ancient Greek culture古希腊文明(3)修养,教养eg. a man of little culture没有教养的人(4)U栽培,养殖 eg. bee-culture养蜂2. survive v.用法:(1)vt. 比长寿 “A survive B”eg. The man survived his sister by 3 years.这个人比他姐姐长寿三年。(2)vt. 经历某事物幸存eg. survive the accident幸免于难eg. Few of the houses survived the war.没有几幢房子保留到战后(3)vi.继续生存或存在eg. Of the wounded, only three survived.伤员中只有3个人活了下来。短语:survive from从留存下来eg. Many strange customs have survived from the earlier times.有许多古怪的习俗源远流长。survive on靠幸存下来eg. I cant survive on 30 dollars a week.我没有30美圆难以活命。派生词:survivor n.生还者,残存者eg. Send help to the survivors of the earthquake. 救助地震中的幸存者。survival n.生存,幸存eg. survival of the fittest适者生存构词法:survive v.-survival n.refuse v.-refusal n.arrive v.-arrival n.3. remain (1)vi.留下,剩下,遗留,逗留 “remain + adj./ n./p.p/ to be done”eg. remain standing/ seated一直站着/ 坐着(2)link v.保持,依然eg. remain/ keep silent保持沉默eg. The situation remained unchanged.这种情形保持不变。注意:remain作 vi不能用被动语态表达:“留下来被做 ”,而用: “ Sth. remains to be done.”eg. It remains to be seen (see) whether you are right 你是否正确,以后可见分晓。eg. Much remains to be done (do)要做的事情还很多。派生词:remaining adj剩下的(前置定语)-left adj.剩下的(后置定语)remains 古代遗迹,废墟remainder 剩余物,其他人员,剩余时间练习:1. The children remained still (保持安静)until after class.2. The lady said that she would buy a gift for her daughter with remaining 20 dollars.(剩下的20美元)区别:remain/ stay(1)表示其他人/物已离开原地,这时“留下来”用remaineg. Much remains to be done(2)表示“继续停留”“继续存在”时remain= stayeg. Country music today remains/stays much the same as before.eg. The window stayed /remained open all the night.这扇窗子整夜开着。(3)表示“暂住,暂留”而不与他人比较时用stayeg. I would rather he stayed in the countryside now.eg. stay at home.待在家里。4. imagine +n./ pron. + sb/ sbs doing sth. + sb./ sth. +宾补(n./ adj./) + that/ how so/ notimagination n.想像力,创造力区别:imaginative. / imaginable/ imaginary(1) imaginative.表示“富有想像力的,爱想像的 ” (2)imaginable“可以想像得到的”常与形容词最高级或all, every, only等连用,可放在被修饰的名词后。(3)imaginary“想像的,虚构的,假想的”练习:1。富有想像力的艺术家an imaginative artist2。唯一想得出的办法the only solution imaginable3。假想敌人an imaginary enemy5. state n.(1)国家,政府eg. state-owned railways国有铁路 state secrets国家机密(2)州,邦(3)状态,状况,情形eg. a state of war战争状态eg. a state of emergency紧急状态eg. The house was in a dirty state.那房子很脏v.说明,阐明,陈述eg. This book states womens rights very clearly.这本书对女权问题阐述得很清楚statement n.U/C陈述,声明,eg. make a statement发表声明区别:state/ nation/ country/ motherlandstate:“国家,政府”侧重政权nation:“国家,国民,民族”,侧重民族country:“国家,国土”,侧重地理,领土,还指“乡下,乡村”可做定语 eg. country music 乡村音乐,而countryside“乡下,乡村” 不能做定语motherland:“国家,祖国”带有感情色彩区别:state/ announce/declare/ claimstate:“陈述,声明”,指在书面和演讲中正式地表达出来。announce:指首次公开宣布某事,但不一定是正式的。declare宣布,断言,与state接近,但主要指口头的,尤指官方的声明。claim断言,宣称,尤指面对反对意见。6. look into调查look on (as)看作,旁观,观看look out (for)留神,当心look to sb.指望,仰仗look down on/ upon轻视look up to sb.尊敬,仰慕某人look after照看look ahead (to/into sth.)向前看,展望未来look through看穿,浏览look round/ around/about环顾look up查找,仰视look for寻找look (sb.)up and down到处搜寻,仔细地上下打量look over检阅,检查look forward to盼望not look yourself气色不像往常一样好eg. You are not yourself today= You dont look yourself today. 你今天气色不像往常一样好7. rare adj.(1)稀罕的,稀少的(意味着珍贵,难得)eg. Its rare for him to be late.他很少迟到。(2)(由指空气)稀薄的eg. The rare air (稀薄的空气)of the mountains makes people difficult to breathe.rarely=barely, hardly, scarcely, seldom adv.稀有地,很少,位于句首,部分倒装。eg. Rarely do (助动词)we see them nowadays.区别:short/ rare/ scarce/ uncommon/ unusual(1)short adj.短缺的,不足量的,(常用于缺少量的前面) be short of缺乏(2)rare adj.指罕见而珍贵的事物;很少发生的事或人的行为反常等,关于时间常用rare(3)scarce adj.指有用而不够(4) uncommon/ unusual 指因不经常发生而值得注意的事物。练习:用rare/ short/ scarce/ uncommon/ unusual填空1. Gold is a rare metal.2. He gave me short change.(零钱)3. It is very rare for him to arrive late.4. The higher we go above the earth, the rarer the air is.5. They kept us short of water for days.6. Can you name some rare elements?你能说出几种稀有元素么?7. Water is scarce in the desert.沙漠中缺水。8. His family name is quite uncommon. 他的姓很少见9. Its no longer unusual for a girl to play football now.今天女孩子踢足球已经不是什么稀罕事了。8.dynasty n.C王朝,朝代区别:dynasty/ period(1) dynasty朝代,表示一姓皇族统治,前面要加冠词 (2) period时代,表示历史上混乱,分裂,非一姓所统治的时期eg. the Ching dynasty清王朝eg. the period of the Warring States战国时代9. belong vi.合适;对合适或有用;处于适当的位置eg. Put it where (连词 )it belongs.belong to(1)属于,为的财产eg. That dictionary belongs to the library. 那本书是这个图书馆的。(2)为的一员eg. He belongs to Class 5。 他是5班的一员。(3)和有关联eg. That key belongs to the lock那把钥匙是这把锁的。注意:belong to和其他表示“拥有,属于”的词 have, own, possess不用进行时,也没有被动语态。练习:改错1. I dont know whom it belongs because I am a stranger.2. This umbrella is belonging to me now.3. Who is this dictionary belonged to?答案:1. I dont know to whom it belongs because I am a stranger.(或belong后加 to)2. This umbrella belongs to me now.3. Who does this dictionary belong to?派生词:belongings n.财产,所有物,行李10. get lost/ caught./ broken/ paid/ dressed/ hurt/ burnt/ killed/ separated失踪,丢失,迷路/被捉住/破碎/得到报酬/穿衣/受伤/烧伤,烫伤/被杀死/分离,分开11. do with=deal with, handle, treat.(1)与相处;对付eg. Such people are difficult to do with.这些人很难应付。(2)处理,处置= manageeg. What have you done with the letter?如何处理这封信。(3)忍受= beareg. We cant do with such carelessness。我们不能忍受如此粗心大意。(4)(与can, could连用)表示需要或愿望eg. You look as if you could do with a good nights sleep. 你看上去好像需要好好睡觉12. in search of(1)search n. “in search of +寻找的目标”,为介词短语,可作状语,定语,表语,宾补。search 为n.,如前加不定冠词和定冠词,形容词性物主代词修饰,则用:in the/ ones search foreg. These birds fly south in search of winter sun every year.这些鸟每年都飞往南方去寻找冬日的阳光。(2)search vt. “search+搜查的对象”eg. The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun.警察搜查那个囚犯,看他有没有枪。 “searchfor”“搜查为寻找”eg. They searched the woods for the lost child.他们在树林里寻找走失的孩子。(4)search vi. “search for+寻找的目标”=look for,指花费极大的力气去寻找某个特定的目标。eg. Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold。科学家们仍在寻找普通感冒的医治方法。“search into” =look into ,调查 eg. search into a matter.调查一个事件练习:改错:敌人在林子里找那个红军。The enemy searched the Red Army man in the village.翻译:(1)They searched him.(2)They searched for him.答案:改错:The enemy searched the village for the Red Army man翻译:(1)他们搜查他(搜身)(2)他们寻找他。扩展:in honour of为纪念;为向表示敬意in praise of赞扬in favor of赞成in danger of处于危险中in memory of为纪念;为追悼in reply to作为的答复13. gift n.礼物,赠品;天才,天赋,天资短语: a birthday/ Christmas gift/ present 生日礼物/圣诞礼物a person of many gifts 多才多艺的人have a gift for (doing) sth.= have a talent for有天赋eg. have a gift for poetry/ art/ language/ music有诗/艺术/语言/音乐的天赋gifted adj.有天赋的,天才的短语:be gifted at/ in在方面有天赋gifted child聪慧的孩子gifted in art有艺术天分14 heat n. (hot adj.的名词)(1)U 热,热度 fever:疾病的热 temperature气温,体温 heat太阳或火等的热(2)C(只用单数)高温,热力,热情(3)C预赛,(一番)努力 trial heats 预赛15. be made intobe made into“把做成某成品(+制成品)be made of“由制成“(从制成品上能看出原材料)be made from“由制成“(从制成品上能看不出原材料)be made in某物生产于某地(+产地)be made up of“由组成(+组成部分)be made out of“用制成,改制而成”(+原材料/另一物名称)练习:1. The table is made of wood.2. Nylon(尼龙) is made from air, coal and water.3. She made the dress out of some old curtains.4. Bamboo can be made into good walking sticks and fishing poles.5. This TV set is made in Shanghai, which is known to us.6. The medical team is made up of ten doctors.16. design v./n.n. U/C设计,图案,花样,图谋by design 故意地v. (1)计划,谋划“design doing/ to do sth”.打算做某事eg. Was this designed, or did it just happen?这是预先计划好的呢,还是偶然发生的?eg. Can anyone design a better timetable. (计划一个更好的时间表)(2)设计,构思eg. design a car/ an office设计汽车/办公室(3)预定,指定eg. design sth. for some purpose派定某物做某种用途designed adj. 事先计划好的,故意的用法:be designed for sb./ sth. as sth. to do sth. 为某目的或用途而制造或计划eg. The gloves were designed for extremely cold climates.这些手套是为严寒地区制造的。eg. This course is designed as an introduction to the subject.这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开设的。eg. The route was designed to receive traffic congestion.这条路是为缓解交通拥挤而开辟的。17. fancyadj. 奇特的,想像的,异想天开的,花式的,杂色的(价格)太高的,(食品)特制,高档短语:fancy goods/ cakes/ diving/ ball/ dress/ ideas花哨的小商品/花式糕点/花式跳水/化装舞会/化装服装/奇特的想法a fancy pair of shoes一双别致的鞋n.想像力,幻想,爱好短语:have a fancy for爱好,迷恋catch/ take sbs fancy和某人的心意,吸引某人take a fancy to sb./ sth.喜欢上,爱上某人v. 喜欢,想要,以为,(用于祈使句)表惊奇,不相信,震惊用法:fancy+ n/ doing/ that-/ oneself (as sth)自命不凡,自负eg. I fancy a swim.( swim)eg. I fancy walking (walk) in such weathereg. I fancy I have met (meet) you beforeeg. Fancy meeting (meet) you here!18. style n.(1)C/U文体,风格,做事的方式eg. The letter was written in a formal style.(以正式的文体)(2)C (尤指衣服等的)式样eg. the style of the 60s 60年代的式样短语:in style流行的out of style过时的19. jewel n. C“宝石,宝石饰物”的个体。jewellery n. U “宝石,宝石饰物”的总称20. in return (for )=in reward. 作为报答;作为回报eg. In return, (作为回报)I bought him a bike. = I bought him a bike in return for (作为回报)his help短语:return ticket往返票by return尽快in turn轮流,逐步by turns轮流,交替take turns to do/ doing轮流做某事take ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事21. reception n.(1)C接待,欢迎 get a very friendly reception受到极其友好的接待(2)招待会,宴会 a wedding reception婚宴(3)U询问处,服务台 leave your key at reception 把钥匙留在服务台。reception desk 接待处reception room 接待室派生词:receptionist n.接待员,招待员22. light (lit, lit; lighted, lighted)v. 点燃,照亮 eg. The candles were lit/lighted.(light)light up照亮,点量 eg. light up a pipen. U光,光亮 C灯短语:come to light显露为人所知throw light on sth.使某事清楚些in the light of sth.鉴于某事,考虑到某事make light of sth.对某事等闲视之adj. 明亮的,轻的,过去分词作定语含义过去分词作定语drink喝酒drunk, drunkendrunkenlight点火lit, lightedlightedrot腐烂rotted, rottenrottensink下沉sunk, sunkensunken23. wondern.U 惊奇,惊异,惊叹C奇迹,奇观,eg. the seven wonders of the world 世界7大奇迹v. 想知道,感到吃惊It is no / little/ small wonder that难怪It is a wonder that奇怪的是wonder at/ about sth.对某事感到惊奇eg. I wonder at his doing that.我很惊讶他会那样做wonder to do sth.感到奇怪wonder+ wh-+ to do不知道wonder that-觉得奇怪wonder whether/ if想知道eg. I wonder if you would mind helping me.你是否介意帮助我练习:用wonder, wander, no wonder, no doubt填空1. LiLei has been in Britain for several years. No wonder, he knows London so well.2. Jame is very clever, I wonder whether anyone in your class has a higher IQ than her.3. He survives after being trapped seven days under the ground, which is a great wonder.4. He is wandering along the river for such a long time.24. at war (with)与处于战争状态;同进行竞争eg. We both have been at war with each other for years.多年以来我们一直相互竞争。区别:at war (with)“处于交战的状态之中”in the war“在战争中”,指全面战争in battle“处于战斗之中”,指局部战争at school在上学at work在工作at table/ meal/dinner在吃饭at peace处于和平状态at rest静止at play在忙,在玩耍at liberty自由地stand at ease稍息put sb. at risk置某人于危险地位“在之中”可用at, on来表达on strike罢工on business出差on leave休假on duty值班on show在展览on sale出售on fire在着火on holiday在度假25. remove v.(1)移动,搬开”remove from/ to”eg. remove your hand from my shoulder把你手从我肩上拿下来。(2)脱掉(=take off)eg.remove ones coat拖下衣服(3)去掉(=get rid of )eg.remove all doubts消除怀疑(4)免职eg.remove sb. from ones position as chairman撤去某人主席的职务(5)搬家eg. Will you remove your books from my desk?区别:move/ remove(1).move是一般用语,指由一地移到另一地的意思。(2)remove特别强调“除掉,撤去”,去掉的方式不限。eg. Will you help me move this table?eg. I cant remove the dirty points from my skirt.练习:move/ remove1. She removed her hat and coat2. Dont move about while Is trying to take your photegraph.26. furniture n. U家具(总称)短语:一件家具:a piece of/ an article of furniture许多件家具:pieces of / articles of furniture一套家具:a set of furniture许多/很少家具:much/ little furniture注意:类似furniture的不可数名词还有: clothing, jeweler, news, information, advice, equipmentfurnish v.(1)供给,供应furnish sb. with food =furnish food to sb.供给某人以食物(2)陈设furnish a room with furniture在房间内陈设家具be furnished with = be equipped with27 secret adj 秘密的,奥妙的,(反义词:open, public)eg. Can you keep it secret?n.(1)C/U 秘密,机密a top secret绝密an open secret公开的秘密keep/ let out a secret保守/泄露秘密(2)C 奥秘the secrets of nature 自然的奥秘(3)C 秘诀What is the secret of his success?短语:in secret暗地里;秘密地28. wooden adj. 木制的,呆板的短语:a wooden shelf木架a wooden face呆板的脸wooden-headed愚笨的wooden horse木马wood n.(1)C(常用复数)(=forest) 树林,林地,小森林eg. walk through the wood(s)穿越树林(2)U=timber木头,木材,树木eg. a box made of wood木制箱短语:cant see the wood for the trees只见树木,不见森林out of the wood(s)(A)出森林(B)克服困难,脱离险境29. doubtv. 怀疑,不信doubt sb./ sth.doubt if/ whetherdont doubt thateg. I doubt the truth of it.我怀疑事情的真相eg. I dont doubt that John will come on time约翰会按时来n. 怀疑,疑问短语:in doubt不肯定的,不确定的no doubt无疑的,很可能without (a) doubt无疑的,确定的throw doubt upon对表示怀疑句型:“There is no”There is no doubt about/ that毫无疑问There is no point (in) doing sth.做没有意义There is no need to do sth.没有必要做There is no difference没有区别There is no time left for没留下时间做There is no possibility不可能It is no good/ use doing sth.做没有好处/没用30. take apart把拆开,拆散eg. He took the whole bicycle apart.apart adv./ adj.相距,相隔;分开,分离;在一边短语:apart from除之外eg. There s nobody apart from me.除了我之外没有别人。know/ tell apart识别,区别stand apart分开站立eg. The railway station stands apart from the town火车站位于镇外live apart分开住,分居put. set sb./ sth. apart (from sb./ sth.)使优越或独特31. trial n.(1)C/U尝试,试验,试用 a trial period试用期trial and error反复试验,不断摸索(2)C/U审讯,审问,审判 be on trial受审,试用adj. 尝试的,试验性的 a trial flight/ marriage试飞/试婚32. consider v.consider n.(考虑) pron.(可用进行时) doing sth. eg. Im considering going abroad.(出国) wh- + to do从句eg. If you consider that she has only been studying English a year, (她仅学了英语一年)she speaks it very well. consider sb./ sth. + adj/ n.(认为) sb./ sth. + to be(无进行时) sb. / sth. as / that eg. I consider it (to be/ as ) a great honour.(一项极大的荣誉)“把当作”consider asthink of as.look on/ upon astakeasregard astreatashaveas区别:consider/ regard/ treat(1)consider as侧重“经过考虑而认为”,表示“一种比较客观的情况(2)regard as“把认为/看作“表示”以外部形象得出认识或个人的主观认识(3)treatas表示“在某种认识的基础上看待或对待”,重在行动,而不在认识注意:(1)consider 后不接to do作宾语(2)consider后接 to do作宾补或主补时,要用 be be 或to have done扩展:considerate adj. 体贴的,考虑周到的be considerate to / towards体贴be considerate of体谅be considerate in/ about对考虑周到considerable adj.相当多的,相当大的consideration n. 考虑,体贴,报酬have consideration for others为别人着想in consideration of考虑到; 作为对的回报take sth. into consideration考虑到;顾及under consideration在考虑中out of consideration for处于对的考虑;体谅on no consideration决不considering prep./conj.考虑到,就而言all things considered从各方面考虑33. opinion n.意见,看法eg. His opinions are usually based on facts短语:.in ones opinion依据的看法have a good/ bad/ high/ low opinion of看重/轻;评价高/低be of the opinion that认为/相信34. evidence n. U根据;证据;迹象短语:be in evidence明显,显而易见on the evidence of sth.用作为证据扩展:evident adj.= clear, obvious清楚的,显而易见的be evident to sb.对某人来说明显with evident pride得意洋洋地evidently adv明显的,显然的35 区别:prove/ turn out/ end up(1)prove vt./ link-v表示“最终结果,证明是”prove(vt.) + n/ pron. +( to sb.)(向某人)证明(证明,证实) eg. We have proved our courage in battle我们已在战斗中证明了自己的勇气 eg. Can you prove your theory to us?你能向我们证明你的理论么? + n.+ (to be)+ adj. eg. He proved himself to be the right person for the job适合这份工作的人 + that eg. I shall prove that I can do it well (我能做好)prove (link-v) + n. eg. He proved a very useful friend.他证明是一个很有用的朋友。(证明是;后来事实证明) + adj. +(to be) + adj. eg. It proved (to be) much more difficult than she had supposed.结果比她预想的要难得多。proof n.证明(2)turn out+ adj/ adv/ to be/ that“结果是;最后情况是“eg. The examination turned out (to be) easy.(结果很容易)(3)end up “最后(有某种结局);最后成了 ”+ doing/ adj./ 介词短语end up as “最后成为 ” end up with“以结束 ”eg. If you drive your car like that, youll end up in hospital.如果你还那样开车,你最后会进医院。eg. He will end up as president someday.他有一天会成为总统。36. pretend v.假装pretend + n. eg. He pretended a headache (假装头痛)yesterday. + to be/ to do eg. I dont pretend to be a scholar我不敢以学者自居 + that eg. He pretended that he was ill他假装病了。 = He pretended to be ill = He pretended illness.pretend to be/ to do to be doing to have done37. think highly ofthink highly of (被动语态: is thought highly of.)think well of (被动语态: is well thought of.)think a lot/ much ofhave a good opinion of sb/ sthspeak highly ofsing high praise forthink badly/ nothing/ lowly/

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