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高考英语专题复习-熟词生义普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明中的词汇表是命题人的主要依据,而这个词汇表只提供了英语单词或短语的拼写形式,未有词性和词义。这就给命题人提供了广阔的活动空间,给他们减少了很多限制,但却给考生增加了几倍的难度。因为英语中的一词多义多性现象是普遍存在的。例如:2001年全国卷中第26题:We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it_ very wellAworked out Btried out Cwent on Dcarried on正确答案为A。此处work out的词义为“(情况)发展”、“进行”。其余干扰项的干扰作用都很大。如果没有完全掌握work out的含义,根本无法选定这个选项,更何况,我们的课本根本未有把work out作“(情况)进展”、“进行”解释过。单选题如此,阅读理解、完形填空等题中熟词生义现象更是比比皆是。为了能使我们广大考生顺利通过考试,我们将根据考试说明的词汇表,按照字母顺序举例解析我们常见常考的熟词生义。A1about prepadv到处(美)around (熟义:关于)We spent the whole afternoon walking about town我们整个下午就在城里到处逛来逛去。2accept vtvi同意(接受别人的观点,看法)(熟义:接受)Tom accepted her explanation汤姆同意她的解释。认可,领受,认为I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea飞机只有坠入大海,别无他法,我只好认命了。3act vi起作用 (熟义:行动)It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。4add vt接着说,又说 (熟义:加)“They dont know”he added“他们不知道。”他接着又说。5address vt称呼 (熟义:地址,写地址)The president should be addressed as“Mr President”总统应称为“总统先生”。直接向说 向发表演说She turned to address the man on her left她转身过去,向她左边的那人讲话。He is going to address the meeting in a minute他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了。6admit vt允许进入 容纳 (熟义:承认)The servant opened the door and admitted me(into the house)仆人打开门,并请我进去。The theatre only admits 1,000persons这个剧场只能容纳一千人。7against prep衬着,迎着,靠着 (熟义:反对,违背)The picture looks good against the white wall这幅画在洁白的墙的衬托下显得很好看。8agree with 与一致,协调,适合 (熟义:同意)Your story agrees with what I heard你讲的与我所听到的一致。Long plane trips dont agree with me我不适合坐飞机长途旅行。9air v抒发,倾诉,播送 (熟义:n空气)Dont air your troubles too often不要经常发牢骚。10at all 真的,确实 (熟义:常与not连用,构成not at all:不用谢,一点也不。)If it is at all foggy,I shall not go out如果真的有雾,我就不出去。This is the first time that I have ever been abroad at all这真的是我第一次出国。11arm n武器v武装 (熟义:n手臂)Lay down your arms or well fire!放下武器,否则,我们就开枪了!12attend vtvi看护,治疗 (熟义:出席)DrParia Lal attends himParia Lal医生在治疗他。If you go out,wholl attend to the baby?如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿?B13back vt支持 (熟义:n背)Many of his friends backed his plan他的许多朋友支持他的计划。14badly adv迫切 (熟义:坏)The boy badly wants a new bike这男孩非常想要一辆新自行车。15before conj才;就 (熟义:以前)It was a long time before I got to sleep again过了很久我才再睡着。I hadnt waited long before he came我没有等多久,他就来了。16break down(计划)失败,坚持不下去熟义:(机器等)坏了All our plans broke down我们所有的计划都破灭了。17bring v引起 (熟义:带来)The cries brought the neighbours running哭声使邻居跑了过来。18build n身材,体型 (熟义:v修建)The football player has a solid build足球运动员体格健壮。C19can n罐头vt做成罐头 (熟义:能)Mother cans fruit妈妈把水果做成罐头。20cause n事业 (熟义:n起因,v引起)The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace联合国为世界和平事业做了许多贡献。21chance n可能性v碰巧 (熟义:机会)There is a chance that I will see him可能我会遇见他。We chanced to be out when she called当她打电话时,我们恰好不在家。22come back 重新流行 顶嘴 回想起来 (熟义:回来)Do you think long dresses will ever come back?你认为长裙子还会再流行吗?He came back at her with a nasty remark他以恶毒的语言回击她。Its suddenly to come back where I saw you last突然,我想起上次我在什么地方见过你。23come in开始流行;上市;上台执政;承担(任务)(熟义:进来)This style is certain to come in this year今年这种款式肯定流行。If the Workers Party comes in at the next election a lot of industry will be state-owned如果工人党下届上台执政,许多工业都将收为国有。Here is the plan of attack,and this is where you come in这是我们的攻击计划,这是你要执行的任务。24.come on 进行,进展;开始(下雨);上映,上演,举行(熟义:快过来)How has he come on at school this year?他今年学业进展如何?The rain has just come on雨刚开始下。The next exam comes on in early summer下次考试将在夏初进行。25.come out 出版;开花;结果(如何) (熟义:出来)Everything will come out all right一切都会好的。26.company n有人作伴;伙伴;客人(均为不可数)(熟义:公司)You may know a man by the company he keeps.你可以从一个人所交的朋友了解他的为人。He came in company with a group of girls他是和一群女孩子来的。27.concert n协作,一致vt商议 (熟义:音乐会)The various governments decided to act in concert over this matter各级政府决定互相配合处理此事。The team made a concerted effort to win the game这支球队齐心协力力争赢这场比赛。28.cost vt使失去(生命、健康等) (熟义:花费;值)The patients dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night病人的危险状态使医生、护士好几夜不曾合眼。29.count vi重要;vt认为 熟义:数(数目)Every minute counts每分每秒都重要。On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife总的说来,她自认为还是一个幸运的人。30.cover v走完(一段路),够付(费用),看完(多少页书);涉及;报导(熟义:覆盖)Here is 5;that should cover all your expenses这儿有5英镑,应该够付你所有的开支。练习:将下列句子译成汉语。1The new theory became widely accepted2The brake wouldnt act,so there was an accident3The President gave an address to the nation over the radio4This ticket will admit three to the film5The national flag stands out brightly against the blue sky6Do it well if you do it at all 7It wasnt long before his new car broke down8This type of suit doesnt agree with your build9It chanced that the rain came on when we started out10I came out first in this exam11I have company this evening12The teacher asked the students to read the text in concert13Careless driving cost him his life14For businessmen what counted was money15Hospitals receive 10,000per donor to cover the costs of the operating room,doctors, and nursesD31deal with 与做生意;与来往 论及(熟义:处理;对付)Do you deal with Smith,the butcher?你与肉商史密斯有生意往来吗?32desert vt离开,抛弃n应得的赏罚 (熟义:沙漠)We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut我们在一间空无人住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。33date A日期 B追溯 C枣子 D约会The ancient temple has a long history and can date back to the year 1890ADHow wonderful it is!34depend A依靠 B信赖 C视情况而定When will the sports meet be held?It dependsI have no idea now35develop A染上 B发展 C冲洗 D开发(熟义:发展;开发)It is really a bad news that after his father died last year his mother develops a terrible disease this year!How sad he is now!36do A做 B将就 C.(表示强调)真地 D行(熟义:做,制作)Which do you prefer,coffee or tea?Either will doIt makes no difference for me37draw A打平 B吸引 C吸取 D画 (熟义:画)Ladies and gentlemen,may I draw your attention to me?I have an important announcement to make. 38drive A使 B驾驶 C驱赶 D精力 (熟义:驾驶)Do you have any idea what has driven him mad?(the key: 33-38 BCADBA)E39easy adj舒适的,安分的,轻松的 (熟义:容易的)Now we are leading an easy life现在我们过着舒适的生活。40escape v被忘记 (熟义:逃走)His name escaped me for the moment我一时想不起他的名字了。41eat ones words 收回前言,认错道歉(切勿望文生义,解为“食言”)He boasted that he would throw me downstairs;but I made him eat his words他吹嘘说他要把我抛下楼去,但我叫他收回他的话了。42example n警告 (熟义:例子,榜样)Let this be an example to you这便是给你的警告。43employ A雇佣 B使用 C采取My father employs more people during the harvest44end A终点 B结局 C终止At last,the war ended with the Englishmen winningThe Frenchmen had only controlled one province of Canada45enter A进入 B加入 C开始 D报名Have you entered yourself for the sports meet to be held next week?46equal A相当的 B比得上 C等于Nothing can equal the pleasure of drinking a cold drink on a cold summer day47even A有规律的 B平坦的 C甚至 D公平的Everything is evenly arranged at present Dont be too worried48excuse A免除 B借口 C原谅Living in the country can excuse you from the worry of the heavy traffic and the polluted environment49expect A预计 B盼望 C希望The weather turns out far better than we expectedNow we have got used to it50experience A经验 B经历 C遭受Now that you have experienced such an adventure before,you must be able to do with it51express A明确的 B高速的 C表达 n快车(熟义:v表达)It was in that express way that the traffic accident happenedHis express wish was that you should come here by express train他明确的愿望是要你乘快车来52extra A额外的 B非常 C额外的事物The workers will get some extra pay if they work extra hours( the key to 43-52 ACDBAAABBA)F53fail v不足,缺乏;忽略 (熟义:失败,不及格)Our water supply failed我们供水不足了。He never fails to write to his mother every month他从来不忘记每月写信给他的母亲。54familiar adj密切的,亲密 (熟义:熟悉)Are you on familiar terms with Tom?你和Tom交情好吗?55family n子女 (熟义:家)Has he any family?他有子女吗?56far from 远远不是 (熟义:离远)The show was far from being a failure;it was a great success这个展览远远不是失败;而是十分成功的。57figure v认为,想象 (熟义:n数字;雕塑,人物)She figured that she would be next她认为她可能就是下一个。I couldnt figure out what he meant我不明白他是什么意思。58fine vn罚款 (熟义:adj好的,晴朗的)He was fined 200他被罚了200美元。59flood n大量的东西;vt大量而来,充满 (熟义:洪水)I received a flood of letters this morning今天早上我收到大量的信件。60freeze v不许动,停止走动(熟义:冻结,冻冰)Freeze!Drop your arms!不许动,放下武器!for every每就(表示比例关系)(切勿望文生义)61for good 永远(勿望文生义)Shell soon leave London for good她将永远离开伦敦。62foreign 不熟悉;和格格不入 (熟义:外国的)The subject is foreign to me我不熟悉这门学科。63free 没有,免交;远离(常与of连用)(熟义:自由的,有空的)Most of the roads are free of snow道路上的雪大部分都已化了。64face A面对 B面孔 C表面 (熟义:脸)The American Indians have to face a lot of problems because they are not treated equally in the society and they are looked down upon65fair A公平 B市场 C白皙“Fair play”is a rule that we should observe strictly when we are having a match66fall A降雨量 B瀑布 C掉下 D秋天Americans usually say“fall”while British are used to saying“autumn”,in fact they mean the same thing67fan A扇子(熟义) B吹 C迷 狂热者The Chinese football fans are in great excitement because the Chinese National Football Team entered the World Cup Matches68favor A关爱 B赞成 C帮忙Will you please do me the favor to workout the maths problem ?It is too difficult for me69feel A触角 B摸起来 C感觉 D摸In the dark street I had no choice but to feel my way homeI nearly fell down in the darkness70fight A打架(名词) B斗志 C打架(动词)The boy is full of energy and fight,so he is very troublesome(Key:64-70 AADCCDB)G71game adj愿意(去做难而危险之事) (熟义:游戏,比赛)Are you game to climb the mountain?你愿意去爬山吗?72get away with (做坏事)不受惩罚 (熟义:带着逃跑)The child ought to be punishedYou shouldnt let him get away with telling lies这孩子该受惩罚,他撒了谎,你不该把他放过了。73get back 报复 (熟义:回来去,拿回来去)He will get back at you for this他要因此而报复你。74get down 写下;使情绪低落,身体虚弱(熟义:下来,使下来)All this waiting and delay is really getting her down这漫长的等待与拖延使她疲惫不堪了。75get down to 着手干某事(勿望文生义)Its time I got down to marking the papers是我开始批改试卷的时候了。76get off 寄走;使不受惩罚;使睡觉(熟义:下车,离开,动身)Ill have to get this letter off by tonight今晚我一定得把信寄出去。Ill pay anything you ask if you manage to get her off如果你能使她不受惩罚,你要什么我就可以给什么。77get on(with)get along(with)进展(熟义:与相处)How are you getting on at university?你在大学情况如何?78get through 用完;(使)通过(考试、议案)熟义:接通(电话)He got through 300in a week他一周就用完了三百英镑。79give away 泄露(机密);暴露(身份);出卖(朋友)(熟义:赠送)Please dont give my secret away请不要泄露我的机密。80give out 宣布;被用完;运转失灵 熟义:散发(传单)等He gave out that he was going to America他宣布他要去美国。The fuel gave out燃料用完了。81given(considering) prep考虑到 (熟义:被给予)Given the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation从他的总体健康状况来看,可能手术后要一段时间才会恢复。(2000北京春)82go v被放置;相配;变得更糟 (熟义:去,离开)The sofa can go against the wall沙发可靠墙安放。Pink and orange dont go粉红色与橘色不相配。He is getting old and his sight is starting to go 他老了,视力也下降了。83go out 熄灭,公开,播放 (熟义:出去)The fire went out火熄了。Word went out that the President was dead总统逝世的消息公开了。84as good as 差不多,几乎 (熟义:与一样好)He as good as said I was a liar他实际上等于说我在说谎。85make good 成功(勿望文生义)He went to Shenzhen,where he soon made good他去了深圳,在那里不久就成功了。86ground n理由 (熟义:地面)He has strong grounds for more money他完全有理由要更多的钱。H87hand n帮助,控制 (熟义:手)Its really heavycan you give me a hand?真的很重帮一下忙,好吗?The boys have got out of hand男孩们变得难以管教了。88happen v碰巧chance (熟义:发生)It happened that the new person in the office was the woman he had met at the party办公室新来的妇女碰巧是他在那次晚会上见到的那个妇女。89head v动身去 (熟义:头)The ship was heading for Shanghai这艘船开往上海。90help v避免,抑制 (熟义:帮助)Dont tell him more than you can help不要把不该告诉他的话告诉他。91high adj正盛的;开始有臭味的 (熟义:高的)a high wind强风;high summer盛夏The meat has a high flavour这些肉有臭味了。92home adj本国的( 熟义:家)The cars are made for the home market这些小车生产出来在国内销售。93hold v容纳 ( 熟义:握;拿;举行)The case can hold all my clothes这个箱子可以装得下我所有的衣服。94hold on 继续坚持做(难做之事) (熟义:别挂断;等一等)They didnt know if they would be able to hold on until help arrived他们不知道能否坚持到援军到达之时。95hold out 够用;坚持(抵抗) (熟义:伸出)The people of Hechuan held out for 36 years on the Fishing Castle96if conj即使;虽然 (熟义:如果)If she is poor,she is honest虽然她穷,但她诚实。97. industry n努力,勤勉 (熟义:工业)His success was due to industry他的成功是由于他工作努力。98instead of 不仅没有反而 (熟义:代替)Instead of disturbing her,the news had a strangely calm effect这个消息传来,不仅没有使她心神不安,反而使她非常镇静。99institute vt建立(机构、制度等);开始;开始执行(熟义:学院、研究所)The government instituted a consumer protection agency政府建立了消费者保护协会。100instruct v教,训练 (熟义:命令,指示)I instruct you in EnglishI teach you English101interest n利益;利息;股份;同业者 (熟义:兴趣)Dont look after your own interests不要只顾自己的利益。Its into your interest(s)to work hard努力工作对你有利。I have an interest in the company我在公司有股份。102disinterested adj公正无私的(勿望文生义)His action was not altogether disinterested他的行为不完全公正。103introduce v以开始 (熟义:介绍、引进)He introduced his speech with a joke他的演讲以一个笑话开始。104invite v招引,吸引 (熟义:邀请)Dont leave the windows openits inviting thieves to enter不要把窗户打开了这个要招贼来。105iron n.v熨斗;用熨斗烫 (熟义:铁)Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron妈妈用电熨斗在给我熨衬衣。J106jacket n(动物的)毛皮;马铃薯皮,公文套(熟义:短上衣)He doesnt like eating potatoes boiled in their jackets他不喜欢吃连皮煮的马铃薯。107jam vtn(使)塞进;(使)塞满;(使)堵塞,困境(熟义:果酱)He jammed four apples in his pocket他往衣袋里塞了四个苹果。The accident jammed the main road for three hours这次事故使交通堵塞达三小时之久。There are many traffic jams in Chongqing重庆经常塞车。108jar vtvi发出刺耳声,剧烈震动,刺激(熟义:n罐子)Their loud voices jar on my nerves他们高声尖叫,刺激了我的神经(使我听了很不舒服)。I fell from the tree and jarred my back我从树上摔了下来,震疼了我的背。109job n费力的事情vt做零工,做股票经纪;假公济私;承包(熟义:工作)Waxing the car was quite a job给小汽车打蜡真费事。He jobbed his son into the position他利用职权把儿子安排到那职位上去了。110jump nvi(大幅度)上涨 (熟义:跳)Last week the price of goods jumped上周物价急剧上涨。K111keep vt管理;经营,照顾;养活;饲养;售卖;遵守;庆祝(熟义:保持,保留)Her grandfather kept a hair dressers shop她爷爷经营过理发店。She kept her sisters children她为她姐姐照顾过孩子。He needs more money to keep his wife and children他需要更多的钱来养活老婆和孩子。Do you sell school things?有文具卖吗?Sorry,but we dont keep them对不起,我们不卖这些。Everyone must keep the law人人得遵守法律。We keep the Spring Festival at home我们在家过春节。112key nadj关键(的),关键性的人物(熟义:钥匙,答案)The key factor in their success is hard work他们成功的关键因素是努力工作。113kick n劲头,味道,乐趣 (熟义:踢)The swimmer has a strong kick游泳运动员兴致勃勃。She gets a kick out of driving a car at high speed驾驶汽车飞奔,她感到很刺激。114kill vt删掉,除掉,关掉,使笑痛得要死,使难受之极;消磨(熟义:杀)It kills him to admit he is wrong他承认他错了时,难受得很。His joke killed the audience他的笑话使听众笑得死去活来。115knock vt批评,说不好 (熟义:敲,打)The critics knocked his latest play评论家抨击了他最近的戏剧。116know vt辨认,经历 (熟义:知道,认识)I dont know Miss Green from Miss Smith我区分不出格林小姐和史密斯小姐。Those who have not known hunger can never imagine how it feels没有挨过饿的人永远也想象不出挨饿是什么滋味。L117labour vi费力地行走,干苦活 (熟义:劳动)They laboured through the thick forest and up the steep hill他们艰难地穿行于茂密的森林,攀登于峻峭的山岭。118at large逍遥自在地,逍遥法外;详尽地;普遍地;随便地(勿望文生义)The suspect is still at large嫌疑犯仍逍遥法外。Boys at large like games一般说来,男孩喜欢运动。119last adj最不可能的v延续,够用(多久)(熟义:最后的)He is the last person to tell a lie他极不可能说谎。Her holidays were to last six weeks她的假有六周。The food will last(us)(for)three weeks这些粮食可够(我们)吃三周。120lay vt向提出;制定;生(蛋) (熟义:放,摆设)The prisoner laid an escape plan那囚犯制定了一个越狱计划。Its laid down in the Act that women and men have the equal rights法案规定男女享受平等的权利。121learn v听到,获悉 (熟义:学习)I learned of that yesterday我昨天才得知此事。122lecture nv训斥,教训(批评) (熟义:演讲)My father gave me a lecture for smoking因为吸烟我爸爸训斥了我一通。123lead vt致使n铅 (熟义:领导,引导,通向)What led you to think so?是什么使你这样想呢?124lesson n教训(不悦的经历) (熟义:课)Pear Harbor was a painful lesson for the US珍珠港事件对美国来说是一次痛苦的教训。125let down 辜负,使失望 (熟义:放下来)He said he would be here by 12oclock, but he let us down他说他12点钟之前就到,但他让我们失望了。126let out 泄露(机密);发出(声);出租 (熟义:让出去)Ill never tell you another secret if you let this one out如果你把这个秘密说出去了,我再也不告诉你第二个秘密了。127liberal adj慷慨的,丰盛的 (熟义:开明的,自由的)He is liberal with his money他用钱大方。My father gave a liberal amount of money each week我老爸每周都要给我一大笔钱。128life n活力,劲头 (熟义:生活)The children are full of life这些孩子们充满了活力。129not on your life 无论如何也不(勿望文生义)“Do you appreciate it?”“Not on your life”你喜欢它吗?一点也不喜欢。130cant for the life of me 即使要我的命也不能(勿望文生义)I cant for the life of me see why you are so annoyed我无论如何也不明白你为什么这么生气。131lift n搭便车,鼓舞 (熟义:电梯)Can you give me a lift to the station?我能搭个便车去车站吗?His report gave us a great lift他的报告使我们深受鼓舞。lift v消散(熟义:举起)Jans depression seemed to be lifting at last吉安总算没有失望的情绪了。132in alight以目光,对有看法(勿望文生义)There was Brian,pushing the pram,and I suddenly saw him in a new light那就是布莱恩,推着童车,突然间我对他有了新的认识。133see the light一下子明白,开窍;问世(勿望文生义)He explained his reason and then I saw the light他解释原因之后,我一下子就明白了。134light adj轻浮的,灵巧的v开朗起来(熟义:adj亮的,浅色的,轻的;v点燃)A smile lit up her face她脸上露出了喜悦的笑容。135land A着陆 B土地 C使处于The plane at last landed safely because of the pilotsbravery and intelligence136large A大的 B慷慨的 C未缚住的The lion at large is a great threat to the citizens137last A最不可能的 B最后的 C过去的 D持续When you are seasick,the sea is the last place you want to go138late A晚的 B末期的 C以前的 D已故的(熟义:迟到的,晚的)The late Premier Zhou is respected by all the people in the world139lead A铅 B引导 C领导 D领先Johnson ran fastest and he was in the lead140lie A位于 B躺 C说谎The boy lied to his teacher in order to get a day off to watch the live broadcast of the football matchWhich one is the correct meaning of the word“lie”? _141lift A举起 B电梯 C搭车 D.鼓舞Will you please give me a lift home?142light A灯 B点亮 C光 D轻It was very light to carry ,being empty except for two shirts143long A盼望 B长 C长久We are longing for him to come back as soon as possibleWhich one is the correct meaning of the word“long”? _M144manage A管理 B成功 C对付The box is very lightI can manage it on my ownBut thank you all the same145march A三月 B行军 C前进Long March was the turning point of the Chinese Revolution146master A主人 B掌握 C大师The country was ruled by France and Italy one after another and then it became its own master in 1861147match A火柴 B比赛 C匹配 D配偶The curtains color is the same as the walls I think they match each other very well 148matter A事物 B麻烦事 C有关系Does it matter whether he will be invited to the meeting?149mean A卑鄙的 B意味着 C打算 D标准He is so mean and selfish that it is very difficult to make friends with him150measure A度量 B量 C措施The government has taken some further measures to do with the problem of pollution151meet A遇见 B满足 C会议In order to meet the needs of the readers we will reprint the bestseller152mine A我的 B采矿 C矿When a gold mine was discovered in California,there was a gold rush153move A移动 B感动 C搬家The film“Titanic”was so moving that many audience burst into tears when they were watching it O154object A物体 B宾语 C反对You are brave enough to object to your boss at the meetingI think you should tell the truthI will support you for ever 155observe A看 B庆祝 C遵循The traffic rules should be observed strictly,otherwise you will get into trouble156open A开的 B开办 C开The shop will stay open until 9oclock 157operate A动手术 B管理 C经营“When will the patient be operated on?”“No moment can be spared now.”158order A次序 B命令 C订购Everything will be in order soonJust have a little patience159over A超过 B在上面 C遍及All over the world there is nearly a population of 6 billionP160park A停车 B公园 C停车场“No parking”signs can be seen almost everywhere along the road161part A部分 B作用 C分离 D角色The part that women play is greater and greater with time passing by162place A放 B搁置 C名次 D发(定单)In the English contest I took the

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