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英语数词翻译知识原文译文1.1 The Contract price is concluded on the basis of a fixed CIP Beijing Airport, total amount is 199,200,00 CHF (one hundred ninety-nine thousands and two hundred Swiss Franken); 合同定价基于北京机场固定的CIP而定,总价为199200 CHF(19.92万瑞士弗兰肯)。Thirty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Dollars Only 叁万柒千伍佰玖拾美元整up to 2.5 vol. % 2.5体积百分数down to 480kg/t 480公斤/吨upwards of 150 years 150多年The production of cars in China went up 300 thousand last year. 去年中国的汽车产量增加了30万辆。The total value of Chinas exports to the US rose by two thirds last year. 中国出口到美国的商品总额比去年增长了三分之二。The prime cost decreased by 60%. 基本支出减少了60%。The decrease of 3% in the gross carbon rate during the formed coke period was attributable to the relatively high hydrogen content of the formed material, being about three times as great as that of the base period coke. 在形成焦炭的阶段总碳比下降了3%,这是由于形成焦炭的过程中氢含量较高,约是基本阶段焦炭含量的3倍。The budget for research work expenditure of the university in 2009 is 20 million yuan lower than that of Beijing University. 2009年该高校科研工作的经费预算比北大少了2000万。The wire is by three inches longer than that one.这根电线比那根长了3英寸。The grain output of last year in this province was 20% percent up on that of 1978. 去年这个省份的粮食产量比1978年的时候涨了20%。By using this new-process the loss of metal was reduced to 20%. 用了这项新工艺后金属的损耗降到20%。By 1980 the production of primary copper by leaching would be expected to increase five-fold. 到1980年用浸出法生产的原铜的产量有望增长到5倍。This represented a six-fold increase from 2004 and was 93% higher than in 2007, the year before the global financial crisis. 全球金融危机前那一年比2004年增长了5倍,比2007年高出93%。The strength of the attraction between two unlike charges increases by 2 x2 =4 times if the distance between the original charges is halved. 如果两个不同电荷间的距离缩短一半,他们的吸引力会增加3倍。The speed exceeded the average speed by a factor of 3.2. 这个速度是平均速度的2.2倍。Each of these bombs has ten times the destructive power of the bomb that was used on Hiroshima. 这些炸弹中的每一个比投放在广岛的那个破坏力强10倍。The baby girl doubled its weight in a year. 小女孩一年内体重翻倍。The number of livestock has quadrupled this year. 今年家畜的数量翻了两番。As the high voltage was abruptly trebled, all the relays burnt. 由于高压突然增加了两倍以致所有的继电器都烧毁了。A is as much (large,long,)again as B.A比B多(大、长.)一倍。A is half as much (large, 1ong,)again as B. A比B多(大、长.)一半。Increase by n powers of ten 增加了10n倍The sun is 330,000 times as large as the earth.太阳比地球大33万倍。The operation cost decreased three times. 运营成本减少到1/3。Reduce 8.2 times减少了5/41。The data in Fig. 3 show a nearly three times difference in the highest values.图3数据所示最高值处有近3倍的差距。This newly-designed automatic assembly line can shorten the assembling period by ten times. 这个新设计的自动流水线可以把装配期缩短为1/10。The equipment under development is more likely to reduce the error probability by a factor of 7.开发中的设备很可能会减少7成的错误率。The principal advantage over the old-fashioned machine is a four-fold reduction in weight. 相比旧机器而言最主要的优势就是减少到了1/4的重量。Because the natural-gas generator burns fuel continuously, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions would be one-fiftieth those of vehicles with internal-combustion engines. 因为天然气发电机不断的消耗燃料,所以一氧化碳和碳氢化合物的排放量是含内燃机的车辆的1/5。This thermal power plant is four times larger than that one. 这个热电厂比那个大四倍。One kilogram of uranium gives nearly three million times as much heat as can be obtained by burning an equivalent amount of coal. 一千克铀释放的热量相当于等量碳燃烧所得热量的300万倍。This book is three times as long as that one.这本书的篇幅是那本的3倍长。The total enthalpy of the gas to be cooled would be three to four times smaller. 气体冷却后的总焓值比原来小2到3倍。This kind of film is twice thinner than ordinary paper. 这种薄膜是普通膜的一半厚。The cars will be driven by the ceramic engine twice as light as that of their steel counterparts. 汽车将会用陶瓷引擎来驱动,这种引擎是钢构引擎的一半重。Komatsu, one of the biggest heavy machinery makers, saw Chinese unit sales fall 28 per cent year on year in March.作为全球最大重型机器制造商之一的小松集团中国分部的销售量比去年3月下降了28%。Total inward investment was $23 billion in 2007 (the latest available figure), up over two-fifths on a year earlier. 2007年(最新获得的数据)对内投资总额为230亿美元,相比上年增长超过2/5。Prices continued to fall with the consumer price index falling 1.2 per cent from a year earlier随着居民消费价格指数同比下滑1.2%,物价也随着下跌。The data show that Chinas gross domestic product expanded at 9.8 per cent in the fourth quarter compared to a year earlier. 数据显示中国的GDP相比上年第四季度增长了9.8%。Global investment in renewable energy in 2011 hit another record; up 17% on 2010 to US$257 billion.2011年全球对可再生能源的投资再创新高,比2010年增加17%,总值高达2570亿美元。On a month-on-month basis, the National Bureau of Statistics of China said the CPI dropped 0.3 per cent from Aprils level.中国国家统计局称5月份国内居民消费价格指数相比4月下跌3个百分点。Third-quarter deal volume of $412.4bn was down 34 per cent from the second quarter.第三季度成交量为4124亿美元,比第二季度下降34%。In June, the latest month for which data are available, German exports leapt by 7 per cent compared to the previous month.根据六月份最新数据,德国出口量相比上个月有了7%的飞跃。Notably, the Philippines and Singapore led the entire Asian market by posting over 15% rental growths over the preceding quarter. 很显然,菲律宾和新加坡以超过上个季度15%的租金增长率引领了整个亚洲市场。Although the first quarter numbers reflected in part the slump in the economy at the same time last year, sequential growth was also strong. 虽然第一季度的数字在一定程度上显示了去年同期经济萧条,环比增长势头却依然迅猛。Imports rose 15.6 per cent from May, while declining 13.2 per cent year on year.自5月以来进口量增长15.6%,而去年同期却下降13.2%。Please write on every other line.请隔行写。He comes here every three days.他每三天来一次。The bus runs every five minutes.公交车每五分钟一班。The test indicated that one transistor in every ten was out of order.试验表明每十个晶体管中有一个是坏的。In the older type of coaxial system amplifiers are required every eight miles. In the newer type coaxial system, the signals transmitted are much higher in frequency and amplifiers are required every four miles.在旧式共轴系统中每8英里要安装一个放大器。在新型共轴系统中信号传播频率要比之前高很多,放大器只需要每4英里安装一个。New boosters can increase the payload by almost one order of magnitude.新型增压机可以增加差不多同量级的负载。His mark in math is second to none in the class. 他数学考了全班第一。He did it in three hours, but it took me as many days. 他三小时完成的事花了我三天。The car ran sixty miles in as many minutes.这辆车的时速为60英里/时。

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