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Unit6 Grammar参考教案Teaching aims:1. To recognize and use countable nouns.2. To master the rules of forms the plural forms of countable.3. To master how to show the amounts of uncountable nouns.Teaching important points: To master the rules of forms the plural forms of countable. Teaching difficult points: To master how to show the amounts of uncountable nouns.Teaching methods: Situation and Communicative approachTeaching aids: pictures, record and multimedia Teaching procedures:Step1 Presentation1. Show some pictures of different kinds of foods to the students. Teacher points at an apple, asking: Whats this? S : Its an apple. Write “an apple” on the blackboard. Present “a banana” in the same way.2. Let students watch and say the differences between “an apple” and “a banana”. Teacher asks : How to use “a” and “an”.2. Teacher also points at two cakes and asking “What are they?” Ss : They are two cakes .”Write “two cakes on the blackboard and circle “s. Let students read and think “Why add “s”?3. Show more words on the blackboard and ask students to say out their plural.4. Teacher says :most countable nouns add “s” to change them into plural. What about another countable nouns? Let students look at the table on page 73 and have a discussion in groups of 4. Ask : How to change them into plural forms? Get the students to find the rules 5. Present : write the rules of forming the plural forms of countable. Ask students read the table on page120. Pay attention to “s” and “es” pronunciation ,let students read after the teacher. Step2 .Exercise Give some countable nouns for the students to change them into the plural forms.Step3.Presentation 1. Show a bottle of water , and ask :What is it? Its water. But can we say ita water? Ss answer “No”. T: Because water is uncountable noun. Write “water” on the blackboard.T: Now, can you tell me some more uncountable nouns? Ss answer .Write “ juice rice tea meat milk chicken bread” on the blackboard, let students read.2. Show two bottles of water to the students and ask students :Can we say two waters ? S: No , why? What can we say about it ?Get the students to look at the pictures on the page74 and find the method of describing.3. Show some uncountable things for the students to describe ,and teach the new words:Packet salt tea kilo carton4. Get the students to find more uncountable things in groups.T: When we talk about the amount of the uncountable nouns, we can use nouns before them.Step4: Practice1. Get the students to ask and answer with the pictures on tpage74 like this;2. Complete the dialogue on page74, practice in pairs. Divide all the students into groups to read the dialogue.3. Get the students to make up similar dialogue with nouns in them.Step5: Homework How to show the amounts of uncountable nouns.Do the exercise.资料来源:英语教师俱乐部QQ:824560647资料来源:英语教师俱乐部QQ:824560647

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