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朗文版备战2020年小升初专题复习(题型专练)情景交际C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共38题;共76分)1. (2分) Good afternoon. _A . HelloB . Good afternoon.C . Good morning!2. (2分) 当你和好朋友同样都喜欢夏令营时,你应该说:A . I like summer.B . I like summer vacation,too.C . I like summer vacation.D . Because I can swim.3. (2分) 赵老师提议同学们一块儿做游戏,同学们应说:A . Sorry,Miss Zhao.B . Goodbye.C . Great!4. (2分) - How can I get to the Holiday Hotel?- _ and youll see it.A . Go straightB . Get offC . Wait a minute5. (2分) 当你打电话表示我是谁时你应该说:(以Tom为例) _A . I am Tom.B . This is Tom speaking.C . Tom speak.6. (2分) Good afternoon. Im Mr. Li , Mr. Li. A . Good morning B . Good afternoon7. (2分) My hair is too long. A . You should let it grow. B . You should get a haircut.8. (2分) Hi, Dad! This is my friend, Mike.A . Nice to meet you, Mike! B . Goodbye, Mike!9. (2分) . Is there a supermarket near here? Yes, there is.A . Sorry.B . Excuse meC . Welcome10. (2分) Mum, do you like _? No, I dont. I like bananas.A . bananaB . applesC . bananas11. (2分) 在超市,售货员说:您要买点什么?A . Can I help you?B . What can you do?C . Can you help me?12. (2分) (2016四上深圳期中) She is a nurse.A . What do you do?B . What does your brother do?C . What does your sister do?13. (2分) 你准备买下这个文具盒,你会对售货员说: A . Ill take it B . Ill help you14. (2分) Im going to invent something .( )A . myB . meC . myself15. (2分) Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang?_ Mr. Wang.A . I amB . My nameC . This is16. (2分) 当你想给别人指路时,你应该说:A . I can show you.B . I can see you.C . I can work.17. (2分) What season is it? A . It is summer. B . It is hot.18. (2分) 当你告诉朋友你喜欢放风筝,你说: A . I like flying a kite. B . I likes flying a kite.19. (2分) 当朋友下午向你问好,你可以说: A . Good morning B . Good afternoon.20. (2分) _ my friend, Tom. A . ThissB . This isC . This21. (2分) OK.A . Lets go to the park.B . What would you like?C . What is it?22. (2分) Its Christmas today.Daming, !A . Happy New YearB . Happy Spring FestivalC . HappyChristmas23. (2分) 好的,谢谢。A . Nice to see you. B . Fine, thank you.24. (2分) Hi! Im Alice.A . 嗨,我是Alice。 B . 你好25. (2分) 你建议你的弟弟不要吃太多的快餐食品,你这样表达说:A . You shouldnt eat too much chocolate. B . You shouldnt eat too much fast food.26. (2分) Susan said the story _funny. A . isB . beC . was27. (2分) 奶奶喜欢衬衫,她说:A . I like the blouse. B . I like the shirt.28. (2分) 当你想询问照片上的女人是谁时,可以问:_。A . Who is this woman?B . Who is this man?C . She is my teacher.29. (2分) Boy: How tall are you?Girl: Im 1. 65 metres tall.Boy: Im shorter than you.A . B . 30. (2分) 放学时,你对同学说: A . Good night.B . See you.C . Hello.31. (2分) How many cards?A . One. B . I like it.32. (2分) - _.- Thats Toms ruler.A . Whos Toms ruler?B . Whose ruler is it?C . What ruler is that?33. (2分) (2016一下深圳期中) What can you hear?A . I see a bear. B . I hear a bear.34. (2分) How do you ? How you do? A . are, are B . do, do35. (2分) 问对方的姓名时,应该怎样说?A . Whats my name, please? B . Whats your name, please?36. (2分) I like _ with my brother. A . playB . playsC . playing37. (2分) 在电话中向别人介绍“我是玛丽”应该怎么说: ( )。A . This are Mary.B . Im Mary.C . This is Mary.38. (2分) - How often does Ann make breakfast?- A . She hardly ever makes breakfast.B . She likes making breakfast.C . She will make breakfast tomorrow.二、 填空题 (共7题;共40分)39. (5分) 选择相应答语How tall are you?_ AYes,it was.How heavy are you?_ BIm 1.65 metres.How was your weekend?_ CIm 46 kilograms.Did you do your homework?_ DYes,I did.Was the film interesting?_ EIt was OK.40. (5分) (2017四上东莞期末) 看问句, 选出合适的答句, 把序号写在括号里。Where is the phone? _A. No, its a toy.Is this a phone? _B. No, they arent.What would you like for lunch? _C. Its on the fridge.Would you like some chicken? _D. Id like some chicken.Are they on the desk? _E. N0, thanks. Id like some fish.41. (5分) 应答配对。 Whos she? _A. Yes, she is. Is she your mother? _B. Shes my good friend. Is he fat?_C. No, hes thin. Is he your brother?_D. Yes, he is.42. (5分) 图文配对。 _A. I like playing yoyo. _B. My father likes hamburgers. _C. I like eating pizza.43. (10分) 问答句连线。 What did you do last weekend? _A. Yes, I do. Did you watch TV yesterday? _B. No, she doesnt. Do you like playing football? _C. Yes, he was. Does Amy go to the park? _D. Yes, I did. Was your father happy yesterday?_E. I did my homework.44. (5分) 选择。 Lets go home! _A. Its 9 oclock Where is Amy? _B. YesI do What time is it now? _C. OK Do you like music class? _D. She is in the art room45. (5分) 给下列句子或对话选择相应的图片。A. B. C.D. E. (1) 一How did you go there?一I went there by car._(2) 一What did you do yesterday?一I played computer games._(3) 一Was there a gym in your school?一No, there wasnt._(4) 一Is there a dining hall in your school?一Yes. there is._(5) In the Tang dynasty, there was no post office._第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共38题;共76分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略37、答案:略38、答案:略二、 填空题 (共7题;共40分)39、答案:略40、答案:略41、答案:略42、答案:略43、答案:略44、答案:略45、答案:略

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