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Module 1 Hobbies主讲: 席 文 冬一、一周知识概述1谈论自己的爱好。2重点单词及短语:collect, tidy, fan, interview, volleyball, useful, activity, develop, result; tidy up, take up, all the time, be interested in, as well as, such as, as a result, come out, listen to sb. to do, make +宾语+宾补, spend time in doing sth, spend time on sth., in the future等。3语法:掌握简单句的基本句型(SV, SVO, SLP, SVOiOd, SVOC)并会划分简单句的成分。二、重难点知识讲解1Which hobby do you think takes up the least space? 你认为哪种爱好占地方最少?take up在句中意为“填满,占据(某空间或时间)”。e.g.This table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方。Her time is fully taken up with writing. 她的时间都用于写作了。take up还有“开始从事;专注于继续;接下去”的意思。e.g.He took up art at school. 他在学校开始对艺术感到兴趣。to take up ones story 接着讲故事2Sorry its a bit untidy. Ill tidy up the table and chairs. 对不起,有点乱。我会收拾一下桌椅的。(1)a bit表示“稍微、一点儿”,可以修饰动词以及形容词、副词的原级、比较级。e.g.After a days work, Im a bit tired. 工作一天之后,我有点儿累。Can you speak a bit more slowly? 你能说得稍微慢一点吗?This is a bit more expensive than that. 这个比那个略微贵一点。a little bit意为“有点儿;一点儿”,常用于口语中,与a little和a bit意思相近,用来修饰形容词。He feels a little bit tired.他感到有点累。注意a bit不像a little后可直接接不可数名词,修饰不可数名词时,后需加of。e.g.Theres a little water left in the glass. 杯子里还剩下一点水。Today she only had a bit of bread. 今天她只是吃了点面包。(2)tidy up意为“整理,收拾”。e.g.Please tidy up these books. 请你把这些书收拾好。When are you going to tidy your room up? 你打算什么时候收拾自己的房间?Would you tidy up a bit in the bathroom? 请整理一下浴室好吗?3What made you so interested in music? 什么使你对音乐这么感兴趣?Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.爱好能够促进你成长,启发你的兴趣,还能帮助你学习新的技能。Last year, he made his brother a bicycle. 去年我给弟弟做了一辆自行车。以上三个句子概括了初中阶段make的基本用法:(1)“make+宾(名词、代词)+补(形词、名词、介词、过去分词等)”意为“使处于某种状态”。e.g.The party made her a good teacher. (make +代词+名词) 党把她培养成为一名好教师。Soccer makes me crazy.(make +代词+形容词) 足球使我疯狂。The soft music makes Tina sleepy. (make +名词+形容词) 轻柔的音乐使Tina快睡着了。I made myself understood by all the students.(make +代词+过去分词)我使自己被所有学生所理解。(2)“make + 宾+do (即不带to的不定式)”意为“(迫)使某人做(某事)”。e.g.She made all of us laugh. 她使我们每个人都笑了。(3)“make + 宾/make+间宾+直宾/make+直宾+for间接”意为“(为)做/制造”。e.g.make food 做饭make a plane做飞机She made me a coat. = She made a coat for me. 她为我做了件大衣。She made a kite for her sister yesterday. 她昨天为她妹妹做了一个风筝。4I often listened to him play the violin. 我经常听他拉小提琴。(1)listen to, hear, see等感官动词后可接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,即listen to/see/hear sb. do sth.,意为“听/听到/看到某人做某事”。e.g.I often hear her sing in the next room. 我经常听到她在隔壁唱歌。He often sees Lucy dance in the classroom. 他经常看见Lucy在教室里跳舞。(2)当play后接表示乐器的名词时,需要在该名词前加上定冠词the.e.g.Do you like to play the piano or the violin? 你喜欢弹钢琴还是拉小提琴?She plays the guitar every day. 她每天弹吉他。当play后接表示球类的名词时,该名词前不能有任何冠词。e.g.Does he like playing football or chess? 他喜欢足球还是象棋?5Whats happening on Friday?星期五有什么事?Im going to Radio Beijing. Im giving an interview on Starsearch!我要去北京广播电台。我得参加Starsearch的采访!以上两句的谓语动词be doing是现在进行时形式表将来的用法。用现在进行时表示将来,指的是近期的,按计划或安排要发生的动作。e.g.The train is coming. 火车快来了。They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow. 他们后天离开去北京。What are you doing this weekend? 这个周末你要做什么?Im playing soccer with Jim. 我会和Jim踢足球。6As well as the usual activities, such as sailing, climbing and mountain biking, there was a writing workshop with a professional writer. 除了像帆船、爬山和山地车等常见的活动外,还有一个由职业作家指导的写作研习班。(1)as well as意为“除之外,也,还”。e.g.He speaks Japanese as well as English and French.他不但会说英语和法语,而且还会说日语。He wrote three famous novels as well as some plays.他写了三部著名的小说还有一些戏剧。as well as结构还可表示比较,引起一个比较状语从句。e.g.He can operate the machine as well as I do.他操纵这台机器和我一样熟练。She cooks as well as her mother(does).她烧菜和妈妈一样好。(2)such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。插在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as后面不可有逗号。e.g.Some warm-blooded animals, such as the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate. 一些温血动物,像猫、狗和狼都不需要冬眠。English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia and Canada.许多国家都讲英语,例如澳大利亚和加拿大。7In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life, and it came out as a book in 2003.上高中时,大卫写了一个关于青少年生活的故事,这个故事于2003年以书的形式出版了。come out在句中意为“出版;发表;说出来(get published; be spoken)”。e.g.The magazine comes out once a month. 这个杂志一月出一期。When does Johns book come out? 约翰的书什么时候出版?come out还有很多其他的意思,如“出来;(花)开放;(消息、真相、秘密等)被透露”等。 e.g.The stars came out as soon as darkness fell. 天一黑,星星就出来了。The flowers are coming out. 花要开了。The affair will come out in the newspapers. 这件事会在报上登出来。8Many teenagers love his book, and as a result, David has become a successful young writer.许多青少年喜欢他的书。结果,大卫成了一名成功的年轻的作家。as a result 因此;结果e.g.Many people helped him. As a result, he succeeded at last. 许多人帮助他。因此/结果,他最后成功了。It snow heavily, and as a result, he came late.雪下得很大,结果,他来晚了。注意:as a result of 是介词短语,后面跟名词、代词、动词的-ing 形式,相当于 because of,后接原因。e.g.As a result of the flood, many people became homeless. 由于这场洪水,许多人变得无家可归了。9I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. Maybe Ill write more books in the future, but Im not sure.我花费一些业余时间效力于校排球队。我不能肯定,将来我是否会写更多的书。10Its sometimes difficult to remember that we shouldnt spend all our time on our favourite hobby.有时候很难记起我们不该把所有的时间花在我们最喜欢的爱好上面。(1)注意两句中的spend的用法,表“花费”含义时其主语必须是人,常用于以下结构: spend time /money on sth. 在上花费时间(金钱) e.g.I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。 spend timemoney (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事e.g.They spent two years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。spend money for sth. 花钱买e.g.His money was spent for books. 他的钱用来买书了。(2)in the future (=time that has not come yet)侧重表示“将来某个时候/将来”,不一定就是从今立即开始,与in the past相对。e.g.My sister wants to be an actress in the future. 我妹妹将来想当演员。注意:in future(= from now on)也是“在将来”的含义,它强调“从今以后/今后”。e.g.Dont do that again. Be more careful in future.别再那样做了,今后更要注意。三、语法点拨简单句基本句型英语是一种结构型的语言,以谓语动词为核心构成的各种句型。为了帮助同学们掌握英语的句型,本模块我们一起总结英语简单句的基本句型。所谓简单句,就是整个句子由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成。简单句常见的基本句型有以下五种:(一)主语不及物动词(SubjectIntransitive Verb)(SV)例句:They are running.他们在跑步。剖析:在此句中,谓语动词是不及物动词,不必加宾语就可表达一个完整的、明确无误的意思。有时为了表示动作发生的频率、原因、结果、目的、场所、时间等,可以带状语修饰动词,但状语不算句子的主要成分。例如:The students are playing under the tree.学生们正在树下玩耍。句中the students是主语,are playing是谓语动词,介词短语under the tree作地点状语,修饰动词,说明动作发生的地点,但不是句子的主要成分。常见的不及物动词有:come, go, listen, wait, climb, move, jump, laugh, sit, stay等。(二)主语及物动词宾语(SubjectTransitive VerbObject)(SVO)例句:We read English every morning.我们每天早晨读英语。剖析:此句型的谓语动词是及物动词。因此,必须后跟宾语,才能使句意表达完整、准确。宾语是谓语动词动作行为的对象,由名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语等充当。e.g.My sister likes bread .我妹妹喜欢吃面包。I finished reading the book.我读完了这本书。 Would you like to come?你愿意来吗?常见的及物动词有:like, finish, enjoy, want, play, make, help, take, read, tell, teach, do等。(三)主语连系动词表语(SubjectLink VerbPredicative)(SLP)例句:They are English teachers. 他们是英语教师。 The days get longer. 白天变长了。剖析:此类句型的谓语动词是连系动词,它本身有一定的涵义,但不能独立作谓语,它必须和表语一起构成谓语。表语通常由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语充当,说明主语是什么或怎么样。e.g.My book is on the desk. 我的书在桌子上。(句中on the desk这一介词短语作表语)The trees turn green in spring. 树木在春天变绿。(The trees是主语,turn是连系动词,green是形容词作表语,in spring是时间状语)常见的连系动词有:be动词, 感官动词feel(感觉), look(看起来), 以及表示变化的动词get(变得), turn(变成), become(成为), go(变成)等。(四)主语及物动词间接宾语直接宾语(SubjectVerb Indirect ObjectDirect Object)(SVOiOd)例句:He told me a story yesterday.他昨天给我讲了个故事。剖析:在这类句型中,谓语动词要带两个宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语,所以该句型也称为:主语及物动词双宾语。在该句型中,间接宾语为及物动词这个动作所涉及到的人(如上句中的me),直接宾语指及物动词这个动作的直接对象(如上句中的a story)。e.g.Could you pass me the salt?请你将盐递给我,好吗?间接宾语有时也可以改成一个由 to或for引起的短语,放在直接宾语之后,即构成“主语及物动词直接宾语介词间接宾语”的句式。e.g.Uncle Wang made the farmers many machines. 王叔叔给那些农民制造了很多机器。Uncle Wang made many machines for the farmers.Could you show us your dictionary?你能把你的字典给我们看吗?Could you show your dictionary to us?用to还是用for取决于动词,一般常在give, show, pass, send, teach等动词后用介词to, 而在buy, sing, make, draw, cook等动词后用介词for。在此句型中,如果直接宾语为人称代词宾格时,则只能使用“主语及物动词直接宾语介词间接宾语”的表达形式。e.g.Ill show it to my brother.我将把它给我的弟弟看。(五)主语及物动词宾语宾语补足语(SubjectVerbObjectComplement)(SVOC)例句:We will keep the table clean.我们将保持桌面干净。剖析:有些及物动词的宾语后边还需要有一个补足语作以补充说明,意思才完整。宾补的作用是说明宾语的动作或状态,宾语和它的补足语构成复合宾语。例如:They called him James.他们叫他詹姆斯。在动词宾语后面跟着的是直接宾语还是宾语补足语,可由前面的宾语与其关系来判断:若宾语与其后的部分不存在逻辑上的主谓关系,则该动词后跟的是双宾语;若宾语和其后的部分有逻辑上的主谓关系,则该动词后跟的是复合宾语。试比较:Mother will cook us something English this evening.妈妈今晚将为我们做些英国食物。(us和something不存在主谓关系,此处为双宾语结构)We call that boy Tom.我们叫那个男孩汤姆。(That boy is Tom.合乎逻辑,即宾语that boy与Tom存在主谓关系,故此处为复合宾语结构)宾语补足语可以由名词、动词不定式、形容词、副词和介词短语等充当。在感官动词see, hear, watch, look at, listen to, feel, notice等及使役动词make, let, have等后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语时,该不定式符号to应省去。e.g.We often hear her sing songs in her room.我们经常听见她在房间里唱歌。 窗体顶端单项选择:1Lucy prefers _ basketball to playing _.Ato play; violinBplayed; violinCplaying; the violinDplay; the violin2Steven is so lucky that he has got almost everything, such as fortune, fame _.Aand love Band so onCetc. Dand so forth3 Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest bank? Sorry, Im new here. _. ABad luck BThats trueCThank you all the same DNot at all4John plays football _, if not better than, David. Aas wellBas well asCso wellDso well as5My uncle lives _ 105 Beijing Street. Aon BatCto Dof6Most middle school students spend much time _ TV every day.Ato watch BwatchedCwatching Dwatch7This book is very _. I am _ in it.Ainterested, interested Binterested, interestingCinteresting, interesting Dinteresting, interested8You dont like to do your homework. What about _ soccer?Ato playBplayedCplayingDplay9Ren Changxia, a policeman, was always very busy. She had little time to spend _ her family.AaboutBonCwith Din10It is _ hot. Lets have a rest under the tree.Aa little BlittleCa fewDfew11They knew her very well. They had seen her _ up from childhood.Agrow BgrewCwas growingDto grow 12The whole family _ to Guangzhou for holidays tomorrow.Ais going Bare goingCgoes Dwent 窗体底端一、根据句意或首字母完成单词。1My brother likes c stamps.2What made you so i in music?3Tom is a l(懒惰的) boy. He doesnt study hard.4The table t up too much room.5I cant i(想象) what he looks like.6Too many a(活动) take up too much of our time for study.7Your room is in a mess. Please t up your room.8I thank you very much indeed for this i(接见/采访).二、翻译下列短语。1占据2收拾某人的房间3集邮4对感兴趣5拉小提琴6给某人某物7这个学期末8将来9听音乐10使某人做某事11结果 12例如13出版 14花时间/金钱做某事15照顾,照料 16拍照答案:1-5 CACBB 6-12 CDCCAAB 答案:1collecting2interested3lazy4takes5imagine 6activities7tidy8interview答案:1take up 2tidy up ones room 3collect stamps 4be interested in 5play the violin 6give sb. sth./give sth. to sb.7at the end of this term8in the future 9listen to music10make sb. do 11as a result12such as 13come out 14spend time/money in doing sth. 15look after16take photosModule 10 My perfect holiday主讲:席文冬一、一周知识概述本模块通过学习用来描述imaginary situation的would + v.的结构,展开“我的理想假日”这一话题,要求同学们能够描述自己理想假日。1词汇:能够正确使用下列单词和词组:perfect, board, flight, gate, silly, business, empty, stomach, burn, enough, everything, college, simple, properly, go to college, so that, not at all, see off等。2语法:能够使用would谈论假设状况;能够使用although, but, so that引导的状语从句。二、重难点知识讲解1Betty:Id like to go with you! 我想和你一起去!Tony:So would I! 我也想!So would I. 这句话是接上一句话的,它的意思是“我也想和你一起去。”“So+助动词+主语”句型为倒装结构,其中句子的主语与上文句子的主语是不同的。so代表上句中陈述的肯定内容。助动词可以是连系动词或情态动词,但必须与上句中的谓语动词及时态相一致。其汉语意思为“另外一个人也是如此,也一样,同样”。在本句型中,主语应重读。在并列句中,so前一般要加and。e.g.My wifes father is an engineer and so am I.我岳父是个工程师,我也是。They can do it and so can we. 他们办得到,我们也能办到。I like playing football. 我喜欢踢足球。So does he.( = He likes playing football, too.) 他也是。/他也喜欢踢足球。注意:“so同一主语助动词(be动词情态动词)”意为“确实如此”,用来表示对前面所叙述的肯定的情况表示赞同或认可。试比较:2Id like to go to New York, Washington and Los Angeles. 我想去纽约、华盛顿和洛杉矶。“would+动词原形”可以用来表示想象、推测或可能。本模块中出现了很多类似的句子:e.g.Id see elephants, lions and all the other animals.我会看看大象、狮子以及所有其他动物。Id eat all my favourite food.我会吃最喜爱的食物。3Id be afraid that something would go wrong with the plane. 我担心飞机会出故障。go wrong表示“出毛病,出故障;走错路”。e.g.Something went wrong with the radio.收音机出毛病了。I cant understand how I went wrong.我不明白,我怎么走错路的。go后接形容词,表示“变成,处于状态”。e.g.He often went hungry in the old days. 在旧社会他经常挨饿。The food has gone bad already. 这些食物已经坏了。4Dont be silly! 别傻了!silly在这里表示“傻的,可笑的,愚蠢的”。e.g.Dont be so sillyyoure acting like a child! 别傻了你的行为像个小孩似的!How silly of you to do that!你做那事多愚蠢呀!You were very silly to trust him.相信他,你可真愚蠢。5You could go by boat or by train, although it would take so long that youd need to come back immediately. 你可以坐船或火车,但那样会花很长时间,所以你会需要立即回来。(1)although conj.虽然。连接一个让步状语从句。在中文中,让步状语从句常引用一个连接词词组“虽然,但是”。但在英语中,用了“虽然”(although)就不用“但是”(but);用了“但是”(but),就不用“虽然”(although)。although连接的是带让步状语从句的复合句,而but则连接的是并列句。e.g.Although he is very old, he is quite strong. 他虽然老了,但是很强壮。Although it rained heavily, it was still hot. 虽然雨下得大,但是天还是很热。Although I walked slowly, I got hot and sweaty.虽然我走得慢,但是我还是热出了一身汗。although引导的状语从句可以放在句首,也可以放在句尾,放在句首时要用逗号分开,如上面3个例句;放在句尾时,则不用逗号。e.g.I often got ill although I ate healthy food every day. 虽然我每天都吃健康食品,但我还是经常生病。Im not good at English although you teach it well.虽然你英语教得很棒,但我还是学得不好。although有一个同义词though,though比although更通俗一些,它们用法基本相同。如:Though it was very late, he went on working.=He went on working though it was very late.虽然很晚了,但是他还在继续工作。Though he is very poor, he is above telling a lie.=He is above telling a lie though he is very poor.虽然他很穷,但他不屑说谎话。注意although和though连接的句子无论是在句首还是在句尾,译成中文时常常把他们译在句首。切记不要既用although, though又用but。(2)sothat的意思是“如此地以致于”,它引导结果状语从句。在口语中,sothat的that常被省去。e.g.She felt so sad that tears came to her eyes.她非常悲伤,泪水盈眶。John was so drunk(that)he could not stand still.约翰醉得站也站不住了。He spoke so rapidly(that)we could hardly follow him.他说得很快,我们很难听清楚他在说什么。6Stay in touch! 保持联系!当人们不再像往常那样能常见面时,往往会说stay/keep in touch表示“保持联系”。e.g.Our neighbours are moving away, but I hope that well still keep in touch with each other.我们的邻居要搬走了,不过我希望我们仍然会保持联系。lose touch 表示“失去联系”。e.g.Linda has lost touch with most of her friends from primary school.琳达与小学时的大部分朋友已经失去了联系。7Would life be as easy as when your parents are around?生活会像父母在家那样惬意吗?around在本句中表示here, or near this place。e.g.Is Jack around? 杰克在吗?No, he has left. 不在。他已经走了。When you need her, shes never around (=here or somewhere near).你需要她时,她总不在。Will you be around (=here or somewhere near) next week? 下星期你在吗?8I can fill an empty stomach with tomato and egg soup, but thats all.我可以用西红柿鸡蛋汤充饥,也就这些。(1)fillwith表示“用填/充(满),使充满”。e.g.Please fill this cup with some sugar.请往这个杯子里加点糖。fill with有“充满”之意,fill是不及物动词。e.g.My heart fills with joy. 我的心充满欢乐。The sails filled with wind. 帆被风张满。(2)Thats all. 表示“完了,就这些”。e.g.Thats all for today. Goodbye, everyone.今天就到这里吧。再见!9“We wouldnt know what to do, or how to look after ourselves,”said Zheng.“我们不知道要做什么或怎样照顾自己。”郑说。what to do和how to look after ourselves是“疑问词不定式”结构作know的宾语。“疑问词 + 不定式”,属动词不定式的一种固定用法。“疑问词+不定式”在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、同位语。e.g.Can you tell me how to get to the bus stop? (作宾语)你能告诉我怎么到公交车站吗?Whether to go there by air is not yet decided. (作主语)是否坐飞机去还没有定下来。The problem is where to find the answer. (作表语)问题是到哪儿找答案。I have no idea which book to read first. (作同位语)我不知道先读哪本书。10 the 13-year-old boy said. 这位13岁的男孩儿说。the 13-year-old在本句中做定语,修饰boy。同学们请注意,名词或名词短语在句中做定语时,常用单数形式,如本句中的year。“数词+名词(+形容词)”是复合形容词,在句中作前置定语,数词与名词(与形容词)之间有连字符,其中的名词须用单数。e.g.a 5-year-old boy 一个5岁的男孩a three -metre-long ruler 一把三米长的尺子a 20- metre-high building 一栋20米高的楼房Ms Wang has a 17-year-old daughter.王老师有一个17岁的女儿。注意:“数词+名词(复数)+(形容词)”,中间没有连字符,是短语,在句中作表语。e.g.He is 5 years old. 他今年5岁。The river is 20 metres wide. 这条河20米宽。11and there is much more to learn more than cooking, like “tidying up your room or even dressing yourself properly.”除了做饭以外,还有很多要学习的,比如说“整理自己的房间,甚至恰当的穿衣打扮。”dress指“穿(外)衣”,用作及物动词时,它的宾语是人(sb./oneself),不是衣物。e.g.Wake up children and dress them. 叫醒孩子给他们穿衣服。The child is too young to dress himself.孩子太小不能自己穿衣服。注意:dress 的被动语态be dressed后要接介词in, be dressed in后可跟衣、物。She was dressed in yellow yesterday. 她昨天穿的黄色衣服。 窗体顶端单项选择:1_ the end of the first lap, Class 3 was _ front.AIn, onBOn, inCAt, inDIn, at2Jim won the first place in the long jump yesterday. _.ASo did he BSo he did, tooCSo did he, tooDSo he did3Tom did quite well in the _ race.Aboys100-metre Bboys100 metresCboys 100-metreDboy 100-metres4Congratulations _ you _ your good result.Ato, for Bto, onCfor, onDfor, to5. When the teacher came in, some boys went on _. So the teacher got angry.Ato talk BtalkCtalkedDtalking6I dropped my book and stopped _ it.Ato getBgetsCgettingDgot7Han Yan is as _ as Hui Ying. She jumped as _as her.Ataller, farther Btall, farCthe tallest, the farthest Dtallest, farthest8It is _ bad weather today.Aquite Bquite aCrather aDa rather9Ill sell you _, OK?Asomething good enough Benough good somethingCsomething enough good Dgood enough something10Take turns to _ jump.Aready for Bget ready toCget ready for Dready to11I dont know _ next.Awhat to do it Bhow to doCwhat to doDwhat can I do12Shes been to China, and so _ her brother.AdoesBisCwas Dhas 窗体底端一、根据首字母写出单词的正确形式。1Practice makes p. 2He b the bus.3Passengers for f CA937 to London, please go to Gate 12.4He often takes part in o activities in his spare time.5My parents will go away on b.6The house is e, no one is living there.7There is e(足够)food for everybody.8Dont be s, that insect cant hurt you.9I went to c(大学) in 1994. 10It is a s question. Everyone can work it out.二、翻译下列短语。1如此以致于2上大学3一点也不4出差5保持联系6一个5岁的女孩7照顾8送别9给某人穿衣服 10依赖11坐火车去巴黎12出错三、翻译下列句子。1我想今年暑假飞到英国去看望我的朋友。2他起的太晚,没有赶上火车。3尽管她想到巴黎去,但是她不想坐飞机。4我怕飞机会出问题。5坐船去那儿大概需要2个小时。6他要求他的学生写一份八页的报告。7飞往伦敦937航班的旅客在12门登机。8孩子太小不会照顾自己。答案:1-5 CDABD 6-12 ABAABCD答案:1perfect2Boarded 3flight 4outdoor5business6Empty 7enough 8Silly 9college10simple答案:1sothat2go to college3notat all4on business5stay/keep in touch 6a 5-year-old girl7look after 8see off 9dress sb. 10depend on11take the train to Paris 12go wrong 答案:1I would fly to England to see my friends this summer holiday.2He got so late that he missed the train.3Although she wants to go to Paris, she doesnt want to fly./ She wants to go to Paris, but she doesnt want to fly.4I am afraid that something would go wrong with the plane.5It takes you about two hours to go there by boat.6He asked his students to write an 8-page report. 7Passengers for CA937 to London board at Gate 12.8The child is too young to look after himself.Module 2 Friendship主讲:席文冬一、一周知识概述1谈论有关朋友及友谊的话题。2单词与短语:friendship, if, whether, personal, public, close, lonely, usual, touch, bright, matter; hold the line, whetheror not, in fact, a couple, close to, feel like, by the way, far away, be afraid to do, be different from, make

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