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三年级上册单元要点复习Unit 1 第一单元 Hello1、A: Hello! (你好!) B: Hi! (你好!) 2、A: Bye. Good bye!(再见) B: See you.(再见) Goodbye.(再见)3、A:Whats your name?你的名字是什么? B:Im Tony. 我叫Tony。 4、A: Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴。 B: Nice to meet you,too! 见到你也很高兴!Unit 2 第二单元 My classroomWhats this? Its a desk. 这是什么?这是桌子。and this? Its a ruler. 那这个呢? 这是尺子。文具类:table 桌子desk 课桌chair 椅子book 书本pencil 铅笔ruler尺子Unit 3 第三单元 AnimalsWhats this? Its a bird. 这是什么?这是一只鸟。Is this a bird? 这是鸟吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its a dog. 是的,它是。/ 不,它不是。这是一只狗。动物类:elephant 大象panda 熊猫monkey 猴子lion 狮子tiger 老虎rabbit 兔子Unit 4 第四单元 My familyHow are you? Im fine, thanks. 你最近好吗? 我很好,谢谢。Whos he/she? 她/他是谁?Hes my father. / Shes my mother.他是我爸爸。/她是我妈妈。How about me? Youre my friend. 那我呢? 你是我的朋友。家庭成员类:mother妈妈father爸爸grandmother祖母 grandfather祖父sister姐妹brother兄弟friend朋友Unit 5 第五单元 Happy birthday!How old are you? 你今年几岁啊?Im ten. This is my brother. 我今年十岁。这是我的弟弟。How old is he? Hes seven. 他几岁了? 他七岁。生日用品:a candle/candles 蜡烛a balloon/balloons气球 a present/presents 礼物 a cookie/cookies小甜饼 /曲奇饼Unit 6 第六单元 Lets sing.Can you read? Yes, I can. 你会读吗? 是的,我会。What about you? No, I cant. But I can fly. 那你呢? 不,我不会。但是我会飞。动作类:fly 飞翔read 读书sing 唱歌draw 画画swim 游泳cook 煮饭/烹饪Unit 7 第七单元 Food and drinkWhat do you like, tony? I like juice. ony,你喜欢喝什么? 我喜欢喝果汁。I like cake. I dont like bread. 我喜欢吃蛋糕。 我不喜欢吃面包。食物类:cake蛋糕 noodles 面条ice cream冰激凌bread面包 rice米饭 milk牛奶juice 果汁Unit 8 第八单元 Sport Do you like tennis? No, I dont. I like baseball. 你喜欢打网球吗?不,我不喜欢。我喜欢打棒球。Do you like soccer? Yes, I do. 你喜欢踢足球吗?是的,我喜欢。球类: Soccer 足球baseball 棒球football 橄榄球tennis 网球basketball篮球 ping-pong乒乓球二、看图完成对话:A:Whats your name?B:_ name is _.A:Whats your name?B:_ am _.A:Whats _ name?B:My _ is _.A:Whats your _?B:I am _.A:Who is _?B:She is _.A:Who is _?B: He is _.A:What is _ name?B:Her name is _.A:Whats _ name?B:His name is _.A:Whos that boy?B:_ is Jack.A:Whos that girl?B:_ is Susan.A:_ is he?B:_ is my father.A:Who is _?B:She is my _.一、用英文朗读下列号码,并用英文写下来:Modle:112 one-one-two113 _189 _762_624_259_493_538_674_843_371_二、将下错乱的单词重新排列成句子,写在横线上:1、are old how you ? _2、Tony how is old ? _3、old how is GoGo ? _4、how is Jenny old ? _5、she how old is ? _6、how he is old ? _7、am I nine . _8、is she seven . _9、ten he is . _10、she eight is . _三、仿照例子,根据自己实际,画一画,写一写:Hello, my name is Jack.Im a student in Zhongshan school中山学校.Im seven.Look, this is my good friend.His name is Lin Hua.He is eight.What about you?一、将图与相应的单词连线:flysingcookdrawreadswim二、根据动物的特性,回答下列问题:Model: Can a cat swim? No, it cant. What can a rabbit do? It can jump.1、Can a rabbit fly? _2、Can a tiger swim? _3、Can a fish run? _4、Can a monkey jump? _5、Can the lion run? _6、Can the bird fly? _7、What can a kangaroo(袋鼠) do? _8、What can the whale(鲸) do?_9、What can a crane(鹤) do? _10、What can a dog do? _一、 用下列单词组成不同的句子:can cant mother father sister brother teacher my swim cook draw read singModel: My Mother can read.一、将图与相应的单词连线:deskbooktablechaireraserpencil二、看图完成对话:A:Whats this?B:Its a _A:_ is this?B:Its _ dog.A:What _ is this?B:_ a cat.A:Is this a fish(鱼)?B:Yes,_ _.A:Is this a _?B:Yes,it _.A:_ this a panda?B:No,it _.A:Is _ an elephant?B:_, it is.A:Is this a duck?B:_, it _.A:_ is this?B:_ a lion.A:_ this a monkey?B:_, it is.一、用a或an填空:_ apple _ ant _ banana _ box _ book _ boy_ balloon _ brother _ carrot _cow _ cat _ cup_ chair _ candle _ cake _ cookie _ duck _ desk _ dog _ elephant _ fish _ girl _ hat _ kite_ lion _ lemon _ monkey _ orange _ panda _ piano _ pencil _ plate _ present_ queen _ rabbit _ sister _ sun _ tiger _ table _ umbrella _ violin _ watch _ zoo 二、根据以上物品的特点,找出与以下同一类的物品:1. apple _2. tiger_3. pencil _ 三、根据实际情况回答下列问题:1、What color is the banana? _2、Do you like rabbits? _3、What color do you like? _4、Can a violin fly? _5、What animal dont you like? _6、Do you like cake? _7、Is the apple yellow? _四、仿照例子,写一写:Hello! My name is Debbie. I am a boy. I am a student. I am seven. I can draw, but I cant swim. I like noodles, but I dont like salad. What about you?_ 一、听音,选出你听到的字母、单词、词组或句子。1. A.CD B.ID C.DL2. A. father B. mother C. brother 3. A. parent B. panda C. purple4. A. salad B. soda C. swim 5. A. bread B. chair C. whale6. A. sing B. sister C. student 7. A. fly B. family C. friend 8. A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. How old is Tony?9. A. What do you like? B. Whats your name? C. What color is this?10. A. Can you sing? B. Whats your name? C. Whos she ?二、听音,在相应的图下标号,1.2.3 Fly rabbit panda Read teacher( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听问句先答语。 ( )1. A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is.( )2. A. Its an eraser. B. Its orange. C. Its a dog.( )3. A. Hes nine. B. Im ten. C. Shes seven.( )4. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, I cant.( )5. A. Its table. B. Its a desk. C. Its a eraser.四、听音,将下列句子排列顺序。( )Im Tony. ( )Ok! Lets sing.( )Can you sing? ( )Yeah! Lets sing.( )Yes, I can. ( )Hello, Im Gogo, Whats your name?Part two 笔试部分 一、用正确的书写格式抄写下列句子。 1.Whos she? Shes my mother.2.How old are you? Im ten.二、填补单词,选择单词的中文意思。1. ( ) pen _ _ l A. 钢笔 B.铅笔 C.彩笔2. ( ) sist _ _ A. 姐妹 B.兄弟 C. 爸妈3. ( ) b _ _ e A. 蓝色 B.男孩 C. 女孩4. ( ) ch _ _ se A. 奶酪 B.饼干 C. 面包5. ( ) ra _ _ it A. 鸭子 B.狮子 C.兔子三、圈出不同的单词。1. mother father book sister 2. watch lion rabbit bear 3. banana apple duck orange 4. fly sing read bread 5. football soccer tennis table 6. desk chair ruler friend四、选择正确的答案。1. Whos ? my father.A. she, Shes B. He , Hes C. he, Hes 2. Whats this ? .A. Its a eraser. B. Its a book. C. Its an pencil.3. Is this a panda ?A. is it. B. it isnt. C. it is.4. How old are you? .A. Im fine. B. Im five. C. Hes five 5. Can you fly? .A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, I can.6.如果你想知道别人多少岁,你应该怎样问:A. How are you? B. How old you are? C. How old are you?7.如果别人对你说:“Hello”,你应该怎样回答:A. Hi B. Goodbye C. Bye 8.当你想问别人这是什么,你应该说:A. What do you like? B. Whats this ? C. Is this a dog?9.当你想问Tony 岁数时,你应说:A. How old is he? B. How old are you? C. He is seven.10.你想告诉别人你喜欢吃雪糕,你应说:A. I like ice-cream. B. What do you like? C. I dont like ice-cream.11. 当别人问你是否会唱时,你应说:A. Yes, it is. B. No, Im not . C. Yes, I can.五、画出表示动物的单词。 lion k l i o n p a r a b b i t monkey cat o s f i s h y u h i p p o kangaroofish z e b r a j d c a t h r pandadog n e d o g p a n d a g o a t elephanttiger m t i g e r x e l e p h a n t goathippo k a n g a r o o m o n k e y zebra 4、 本次课总结5、 课后作业一、根据字母表的顺序,填空:1、_ b _ 2、E _ _ 3、_ g _ 4、_ J _5、_ _ N 6、o _ _ 7、_ S _ 8、U _ _9、_ _ x 10、_ Y _二、根据下列描述,将物品及其对应的数量用线连起来:two cups ; six books ; four pencils ; seven plates ten balloons ; nine chairs ; five presents ; eight umbrella245678910三、比较,勾出不同类的单词:例:1、apple antbanana2、queen baseball soccer3、lemon dog cat4、desk duck chair5、yellow cake ice-cream6、milk ice-cream ballon7、lion rabbit book8、Xiaofang Tony Jenny9、father mother brother10、grandmother sister brother11、noodles juice bread12、noodle candle present13、fly swim cake14、tiger cook lion15、monkey lion box16、sing sister swim四、将正确的问句和答句用线连起来:How are you?Yes, it is.What is your name?I am fine, thank you.How old are you?I like bread.Can you swim?Yes, I do.Is this a fish?My name is May.What do you like?I am eight.Do you like soda?No, I cant.一、用正确的书写格式抄写下列句子和单词。G g good H h his I i ice creamelephant monkey lion tiger 二、找出每组中不同类的词。( )1. A. queen B. panda C. bird( )2. A. lion B. cat C.question( )3. A. rice B. tiger C.rabbit( )4. A. dog B.piano C. elephant( )5. A. this B. his C. that三、选择填空。( )1. Is this an elephant? No,_.A. it is B. it isnt C. isnt it( )2. This is _ good English book. A. a B. an C. /( )3. “ Ruff , ruff ” Aha , its a _. A. dog B. cat C. bird( )4. _ this? A. what B. Whats C. What( )5. Is this an_? No , it isnt. A. tiger B. rabbit C. elephant四、填补单词,并选出中文意思。( )1. elep_ant A. 家庭 B. 大象 C. 水果( )2. _anda A. 熊猫 B. 妈妈 C. 阿姨( )3. d_ A. 狗 B. 朋友 C. 熊( )4. li_n A. 姐妹 B. 朋友 C. 狮子( )5. ti_er A. 老虎 B. 叔叔 C. 祖父( )6. _abbit A. 兔子 B.果酱 C. 水果五、在右栏中找出每个句子的答语,把它的编号写在左边的括号中。( )1. Is this a dog ? A. Its a tiger.( )2. Is this a bird ? B.Very well,thank you.( )3.Whats this ? C. Yes , it is.( )4. How are you ? D. Yes, its a rabbit .( )5. Thats a rabbit , I think. E. No, its not a bird. Its a dog.六、连词成句,并把句子翻译成汉语。1. Is , elephant , an , this ( ? ) 2. It , a , cat , big , is ( . ) 3. His , Boomer , name , is ( . )4. What , is , this ( ? )5. is , This , panda , a ( . )

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