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小学六年级英语上册单元知识点梳理及检测6A Unit 6 Holidays 盐城市第一小学 江苏省特级教师 王咏梅知识点梳理一、重点词汇讲解 1、holiday 假日 ,a popular holiday 一个流行的(受人欢迎的)节日 2、Christmas 圣诞节,at Christmas 在圣诞节 3、festival 节日 4、Spring Festival 春节, at Spring Festival 在春节 5、 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(龙舟节), at Dragon Boat Festival 在端午节(龙舟节) 6、 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,at Mid-Autumn Festival 在中秋节 7、New Years Day 元旦,on New Years Day 在元旦 8、May Day 五一节,on May Day 在五一节 9、Childrens Day 儿童节,on Childrens Day 在儿童节 10、National Day 国庆节,on National Day 在国庆节 11、Halloween 万圣节,at Halloween 在万圣节 12、Easter 复活节,at Easter 在复活节 13、people 人,人们 (复数)people 14、had (have,has的过去式) had lunch(吃午饭) 15、went (go的过去式) went home(回家) 16、did(do的过去式) ,否定式didnt=did not 17、also (副词) 也 (近义词) too(also一般放在句中,动词前,be动词后;too一般放在句末。) 18、relative亲戚,亲属,visit their relatives and friends 拜访他们的亲朋好友 19、delicious 美味的,可口的 ,eat a lot of delicious food 吃许多美味的食物20、favourite 最喜欢的 ,my favourite holiday 我最喜欢的节假日 21、dress up 装扮,dress up in costumes穿戏服装扮 22、moon cakes 月饼,eat moon cakes 吃月饼 23、beach 海滩,(复数)beaches ,go to beaches 去海滩 24、race 比赛 ,watch dragon boat races 观看龙舟比赛 25、dumpling 粽子;团子;饺子 ,eat rice dumplings 吃粽子 26、spend 度过,spend time with their family 和他们的家人度过时光 27、watch the moon 赏月 28、make pumpkin lanterns做南瓜灯 29、have a big lunch 吃丰盛的午餐二、重点句型讲解1、Whens ? Its in/on. 在什么时候? 它在 2、What do people usually do at/on? They 人们通常在做什么? 他们 3、Did you last? Yes, I did./No,I didnt. 你上一个做吗? 是的,我做了。/不,我没有。 4、Whats your favourite holiday? My favourit holiday is 你最喜欢的节日是什么? 我最喜欢的节日是。 三、语法讲解 1、提问某人曾做过什么事情,应用助动词did来帮忙提问,要记得:助动词提前提问,后面动词用原形。 例:Did you have a party last Spring Festival? 你去年春节举办聚会了吗? Yes,I did./No,I didnt. 是的,我举办了。/不,我没有。 2、“在节日”的表达,onDay,其他都用at.(atFestival) 例:on Childrens Day在儿童节; at Spring Festival在春节;at Halloween在万圣节 3、在某月用in,具体在某日用on. 例:in September 在九月 on the first of Jannuary 在一月一日 4、play with sb/sth 和某人玩/玩某物 例:play with your friends和你的朋友一起玩;play with lanterns玩灯笼;play with a yo-yo玩溜溜球 5、关于“talk”的用法:talk to某人,talk about某事 例:Mr Green is talking to his students about holidays. 格林老师正在跟他的学生谈论节假日的事。 6、also 和too的用法区别: also 也;还 一般用在句子中,通常放在动词前或be动词后。例:I also like English.我也喜欢英语。 I am also a student.我也是名学生。 too 也;太 一般用在句子末尾,前面用逗号隔开。例:I like English,too. 我也喜欢英语。 I am a student,too. 我也是名学生。7、课外节日补充: Lantern Festival Womens Day MothersDay 元宵节 妇女节 母亲节 TeachersDay April FoolsDay Thanksgiving 教师节 愚人节 (西方) 感恩节(西方) 6A 第六单元检测听力部分一、根据所听内容,找出一个与其同一类的单词( ) 1. A. bear B. milk C. tomato( ) 2. A. rice B. sweater C. kitchen( ) 3. A. hospital B. car C. taxi( ) 4. A. table B. eye C. black( ) 5. A. Saturday B. Halloween C. blackboard二、根据所听内容,选出相应的答句 ( ) 1. Where is my Walkman? A. This is Helen speaking.( ) 2. Where are you from? B. Its in your bag. ( ) 3. Hello, may I speak to Helen? C. Im from China. ( ) 4. Whats wrong with you ? D. Thanks a lot.( ) 5. Happy birthday to you! E. Ive got a fever. 三、根据所听内容,完成下面的对话A: _ is the _ _?B: Its _ the 5th of February.A: _ do people usually do?B: The people _ their relatives and _.A: And _ a lot of delicious food?B: Yes, _ right.A: _ are you going to at the festival?B: Ill be at home.笔试部分四、选词填空comes after delicious food watch the moonthe Spring Festival favourite holiday dress upgo to a party May Day visit relatives had a big lunch1.He ate a lot of _ at last New Year.2.People often _ in costumes and go to parties.3.We didnt _ and friends last year.4. _ is on the 1st of May.5. What holiday _ National Day.6.What do people usually do at _?7.They usually _ at Mid-Autumn Festival.8. My _ is Childrens Day.9. I _ last night.10. I will _ this Spring Festival.五、用适当的疑问词填空1.- are you? - I am five.2.- is that woman in the car? She is Miss Li.3.- students can you see? Fourteen.4.- is your bike? - Blue and white.5.- is your father? Hes a driver.六、选择填空( ) 1. The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September _ October. A. and B. or C. to( ) 2. People like watching _ in the evening of Mid-Autumn Festival. A. the moon B. the sun C. the earth( ) 3. Would you like some tea? Yes, _. A. we do B. I am C. please( ) 4. Its raining outside. Please give me _ umbrella. A. a B. an C. the( ) 5. Whats the matter _ you? A. from B. with C. for( ) 6. Dont worry. I can _ your baby. A. look at B. look after C. look like( ) 7. Its time _ some cake. A. to B. have C. for( ) 8. I told my son an _ story last night. A. exciting B. excited C. happy( ) 9. _ bike is this? Its Liu Taos. A. Whos B. Which C. Whose( ) 10. We usually go to school _ six _ the morning. A. in, at B. at, in C. by, in七、根据所给单词的首字母及句意完成单词 1. S_ is the ninth month (月份) of a year (一年).2. We p_ a lot of oranges and tasted them.3. -What does this sign mean? -It means “D_”.4. -What would you like as a birthday p_?5. Today is the Childrens Day. Every child is very e_.八、根据上下文及首字母提示,完成下列对话A: The Teachers Day is _ soon.B: Really? What _ you want to do _ the festival?A: In our school, students usually _ cards for their teachers.B: _ you make cards for your teachers last year?A: Yes, and I gave them many beautiful presents.九、 从第II 栏中选出与第I 栏相配的句子,将其序号写在I 栏前的括号中 I II( )1.Do you usually have a party? A. Lets wait and see.( )2.What does that sign mean? B. Its on the 11th of May.( )3.What would you like as a present? C. Yes, I do.( )4.When can we watch the film? D. Theyre on the sofa.( )5.Whens your birthday? E. Its the 9th of May.( )6.Wherere my CDs? F. It means No Smoking.( )7.What day is it today? G. Yes, Id like to.( )8.Would you like to come to my party? H. Sorry, I cant.( )9.Cant you see the boy in red? I. A toy dog, please.( )10.Whats the date today? J. Its Sunday.十、阅读理解One day Tom tells his friends, “Im going to have holidays(假日)in Beijing.But I cant speak Chinese,so Im going to have evening classes and have Chinese lessons there for a month.”Soon his holiday comes and he goes to China happily.After he comes back,his friends ask him, “Do you have any troubles(麻烦)with your Chinese when you are in Beijing,Tom?”“No,I dont.” answers Tom, “But the Chinese do!”( )1. Tom Beijing. A. lives in B. is going to C. comes from( )2. Tom Chinese for a month.A. studies(学习)B. looks for C. meets( )3.Tom China very happily.A. comes from B. is in C. goes to ( )4.Tom trouble with his Chinese in China.A. has some B. doesnt have any C. will have( )5. “But the Chinese do.”means . A. The Chinese people have trouble with my Chinese. B. The Chinese people dont understand(理解)Chinese. C. Toms Chinese is good.听力部分 一、根据所听内容,找出一个与其同一类的单词1 rabbit 2 skirt 3 school 4 green 5 SundayAnswers: 1.(A) 2.(B) 3.(A) 4.(C) 5. (A)二、根据所听内容,选出相应的答句 1. Where is my Walkman? 2. Where are you from? 3. Hello, may I speak to Helen? 4. Whats wrong with you ? 5. Happy birthday to you! Answers: 1.(B) 2.(C) 3.(A) 4.(E) 5.(D) 三、根据所听内容,完成下面的对话A: When is the spring Festival?B: Its on the 5th of February.A: What do people usually do?B: The people visit their relatives and friends.A: And eat a lot of delicious food?B: Yes, thats right.A: Where are you going to at the festival?B: Ill be at home.Answers:When/ Spring/ Festival/ on/ What/ visit/ friends/ eat/ thats/ Where笔试部分四、选词填空 五、用适当的疑问词填空1.How old2.Who3.How many4.What colour5.What六、选择填空1. ( B ) 2. ( A ) 3. ( C ) 4. ( B ) 5. ( B ) 6. ( B ) 7. ( C ) 8. ( A ) 9. ( C ) 10. ( B )七、根据所给单词的首字母及句意完成单词 1. September 2.picked 3.Danger 4. present 5.excited 八、根据上下文及首字母提示,完成下列对话 coming/ do/ at/ make/ Did九、从第II 栏中选出与第I 栏相配的句子,将其序号写在I 栏前的括号中1. ( C) 2. ( F ) 3. ( I ) 4. ( A ) 5. ( B ) 6. ( D) 7. ( J) 8. ( G) 9. ( H ) 10. ( E)十、阅读理解1.( B )2. ( A )3. ( C )4.( A )5. ( A ) .


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