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高三英语科考前辅导一、听力部分(一)数字计算类1、计算类题目通常包括时间、年龄、钱款、距离、日期、年代、数量、号码等。2、此类题目往往要求做加减乘除四则运算,一般以加和减为主。3、此类题目常见的提问方式有:(1)When? / What?(2)How old/ long/ soon/ many/ much?4、做该类题目时,应注意:(1)做时间型题目时,我们首先要掌握时间的几种表达方式,如half past six, a quarter to ten, after, before, early, late等。当涉及多个时间点时,我们一定要弄清时间的先后顺序。这类题目有时也涉及简单的计算。(2)以-teen结尾的数词与以-ty结尾的数词发音易混淆,考生应注意辩别。(3)以-th结尾的序数词与以其对应的基数词容易混淆。在为在-th在序数词词尾的发音一般很难被听清楚,如sixth.(4)当涉及的数字不止一个时,该题极有可能是计算题。计算题中常出现的表达法有half, quarter, double, twice, one-third, percent, a pair, a dozen, dollar, pound, cent, penny, at a 30% discount(打七折), one-third off the normal price等。解读:在数字计算类中,此类试题在高考听力试题中的出现频率是最高的。命题人主要是通过两个干扰因素进行设题。一是材料中出现了三个或三个以上的时间点,而正确的时间信息很有可能在对话开始就已给出,这会使考生猝不及防;二是利用一些数字单词的清辅音、轻读、连读等特点,使考生在听觉上产生混淆。如ninth/ nine, eighth/eight, -teen/ -ty等。同学们对词尾清辅音的读法要多加练习,同时要注意词与词之间的连读。在高考听力测试中,我们也时常见到关于时间的推算题。其中包含时刻、周、日、价格等,由于这种试题还要进行简单的数字运算,所以经常是高考听力的设题范围。(二)判断地点和方位类1、针对话题中涉及的多个地点,我们应根据所提问题具体分析,逐一进行筛选,进而确定正确答案。2、如对话中没有直接说出所提问问题的地点、方位,这就要求考生根据特定场合、时间或事件的发展等进行推测,并作出正确的判断。3、辨别地点、方位类的试题常用的提问方式有:(1)Where is the man/ woman come from?(2)Where does the conversation most probably take place?(3)Where are the two speakers now?(4)Where is the man/ woman going?4、注意对话中介词及介词短语的运用。如果把at或in放在地点前面,那么此地点可能是事件发生的地点;如果把to或from放在地点前面,那么这个地点可能是指要去的地点或来自什么地方。我们还需注意其他介词或介词词组,如果next to, beside, by, outside, far away from, in front of, on the right(left), at the end of, over, up, down, in the back of等。5、我们应通过抓住与特定场合有关的词、词组和句型来推断暗示的地点,具体可参考“职业身份型”中列举的与职业和身份有关的词、词组和常用语。因为通过这些词语我们可以判断出对话者双方的身份与他们互相之间的关系,也有助于推断出对话发生的地点。解读:地点推断题与时间推断题都是听力中常考的题型。因为与谈话内容有关的常常是时间、地点、人物和事件,所以它们是听力必考的题目。同学们在备考复习时,应多加注意对这方面事实性信息的获取,即五个W和一个H(Who, When, What, Where, Why和How)。命题人对方位、方向题的考查不是很普遍,这类题一般只限于问路的情景中,但是问路是考试大纲中明确要求考生掌握的功能项目,所以同学们要牢记表示方向、方位的常用语和关键词语。(三)判断人物及关系类一、这就要求我们要了解以下几个方面:1、根据对话中所涉及的环境推断出说话者的身份、职业或两者之间的关系。2、根据说话者所流露的态度、语调、语气、措词作出推理判断。3、一般的提问方式有:(1)Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?(2)Whats the man/ woman?(3)What does the man/ woman do?(4)What do you know about the man/ woman?4、熟悉与某一职业有关的词语的表达,抓住与说话者身份相关的内容。如老师与学生常谈的是学习、考试等;学生与学生常谈的内容不外乎学习生活、课外活动等;顾客与营业员常谈的内容是东西的价格、型号等;医生与病人当然要谈病情、治疗方法等;夫妻之间的话题离不开家庭生活、孩子的情况等;同事之间的谈话一般围绕日常工作、同事这间或上下级之间的关系等展开。熟悉上面所列出的常见的表示职业、身份的信息词或词组将有助于考生提高对这类题的应试能力。解读:对人物的身份和人物之间的关系的判断在听力试题中的分量比较重,因为这种试题考查考生获取重要信息及根据说话者的语气、语调正确判断人物和人物关系的能力。这在未来的高考听力中仍然是热门题目,我们中学生需掌握的人物对话一般有:doctorpatient; waiter(waitress)customer; secretaryboss; shop assistantcustomer; classmates; friends; drivepoliceman; teacherstudent;salespersoncustomer; husbandwife; lawyerclient; parentchild等。四)细节把握及令指令辨认类1、考生在解题时,除了要判断时间外,还要注意是什么人、在哪里、干什么。2、有时事件的发展是随着条件、原因的不同而有不同的结果,因此考生应综合所有信息进行考虑。3、常用的问句有:(1)What does the man/ woman tell the woman/ man to do first/ last?(2)What is the man/ woman doing now?(3)What did the man/ woman do?(4)What will the man/ woman do?解读:涉及询句事件(What)的试题一直是高考听力中的常见题目,最少的也会有三道。这在2009年的高考中也不会例外。解题的关键是同学们应准确把握对话和独立中提到的人物和这个人物所做之事。建议同学们在听力训练时多注意话语的谓语部分。(五)推理、判断和归纳类1、要捕捉说话者的“弦外之音”,即根据说话者的语音、语调,找出深层含义。如降调表示肯定、赞同,升调表示疑问、否定等。2、侧重于听but, however, though等连词后面的信息,在这些词后面都会有一些转折,它们后面往往提供一些重要信息。3、注意一些词语及语法结构的运用,如虚拟语气结构说明所陈述的内容与事实相反;定语从句对人物或事物做了进一步的修饰;“used to do”表示“过去常常做某事”;否定加比较级结构表示最高级等。4、说话者的看法、观点、态度、意图有时是通过语气、语调来体现的。因此,我们在听的时候务必细心,这样才能作出正确的判断。5、态度反应型题目所涉及的主要是对话双方对某人、某事的看法,主要考查考生的分析判断能力。所给选项常有比较明显的特点,即选项中往往出现表示人的情感或态度的动词或形容词等,如he, afraid, think, believe, feel, like, indifferent, for, against等。另外,在选项中常会出现表示人的喜、怒、哀、乐等情感的形容词,如angry, sad, excited, sorry等。有时也会出现描述事物性质的形容词,如hot, big, small, fresh等二、单项填空INMET单项填空试题是一道综合考查语法基本知识、词汇基本知识和日常交际用语的测试题,考查的范围是中学阶段所学过的各种语法词汇知识及习语,内容广泛,绝大部分试题都是考查基本知识及其用法。就试题考查的内容来说,试题从以下五个方面来考查学生的实际水平:1、基础语法知识;2、语法知识的运用能力;3、词组的搭配和习惯用法;4、对词义的正确理解;5、功能交际(即日常交际用语)。以上考查的五个方面是互相渗透、互相制约的。无论从哪个方面进行考查,都往往离不开其它方面的知识和能力。考生在复习时面对这么广泛的内容,应有重点地有选择地进行总结归纳,以减少不必要的能量消耗。注重培养以下五种能力:(一) 英语语法知识的识记、理解,在具体语境中的分辨和灵活运用的能力(二) 语法和词汇知识在特定语境条件限制下的灵活运用能力(三)英语词语及用法的辨析能力。(四)记忆、理解和灵活使用英语中某些固定搭配的能力。(五)英语情景交际能力。三、完形填空解题原则1、整体的原则做完形填空题时,首先必须从整体上把握文章内容,对文章的主旨大意、中心思想应有一个基本的掌握。只有在把握整体的前提下,才能处理好部分的关系。2、相互联系的原则一篇文章是由段、句、词构成的。段与段之间、句与句之间、词与词之间通常存在一种行文逻辑方面相互联系的关系。因此,完形填空短文中所空的词通常与文中某个部分在逻辑意义上相互关系、相互制约。找出这种关系,是解答完形填空题的关键。四、阅读理解(一)高考阅读理解题的解题技巧针对近几年高考题的特点,在考试时,我们一般可采取以下方法:(1)先读后解,即先将所读材料浏览一遍,获取所读材料的大致信息,再看题并根据题目寻找材料中的相关信息进行作答;(2)带题检读,即先看题,再根据题目要求检读材料中的相关信息,逐题作答;(3)明确测试目标,确定相应的解题方法,如果题目考查对材料主旨的理解能力,通常可以通过文首或文尾的主题句或通读全篇后再作答;如果题目测试猜测生词的能力,考生要在通读全文的基础上,通过查看其所在句子及上下文意思猜测出其含义;(4)发现命题者干扰项的设置方法。下面介绍了六种干扰项设置方法,可逐个对选项进行排除,以发现最佳选项。将材料的部分内容当全部内容;扩大材料中某部分内容的含义;偏移材料中某部分内容的含义;缩小材料中某部分内容的含义;包含部分正确内容以影响判断;偏移材料的主旨和要义。在一般情况下,为了降低错误率,每篇文章应至少读两遍。高考试卷中,阅读理解题所选的短文都是200词以上的篇幅,读一遍很难将其全部重要内容记下来,因此建议大家先快速阅读全文和试题,再带题读第二遍,之后再针对其测试内容和干扰项的设置方法采取相应的解题方法。五、任务型阅读1、“任务型阅读”,主要考查学生何种能力? 捕捉信息能力:属基础题。 组织信息能力:属活用题。 综合概括信息能力:属概括题。 2、“任务型阅读”,有什么样的解题步骤与方法?1、略读。快速浏览全文,理清文章基本结构。 2、扫读。扫读图表,以利带着问题找读。 3、细读。分析整合信息、准确表达。 4、复查。通观全篇,复读检查。3、“任务型阅读”,有什么样的解题方法?建议:教会学生查读 1.带着问题有意识地在细节处和关键处做标记 2.根据最醒目的字眼(time age number place) 3.依据信息词,如: (1)5W: Who what when where why how (2)时间先后: First then after that next finally (3)因果: Because thus lead to is caused by as a result of Likeness alike common just as eitheror (4)比较 : Similarly, differently, likeness, unlike, But while however instead on the contrary4 建议:教会学生组织、表述信息1.用名词所有格 “ s ”代替 of citizens longer living the longer living of citizens2.词性转换 3.句子结构转换4.另选它词来释义六、书面表达1、要点全的策略一篇高分习作必定是要点齐全,这也符合评分标准最高档的要求“覆盖所有知识要点”。考生作答时要想做到要点齐全,在动手誊写之前,先把题目中所有要点以英语提纲的形式列出来,然后把它们组成句子,再根据逻辑关系重新排列顺序,这种方法在提纲式、图画式和表格式作文中尤为有效。在开放式作文中,我们也可把自己所想表达的内容以及要点的形式呈现出来,再按照上面的方法进行写作。2、虎头貌尾的策略现在高考书面表达对于开头和结尾的命题有两种形式,一种是提供了开头和结尾,这一般是应用文体。命题者并没有在写作格式方面对考生进行考查,因为那样也许会让考生陷入记忆大量写作格式的局面。另一种就是需要考生自己来开头和结尾。以俗语或谚语开头,可以引起老师的注意,也可以以套语开头,还可以开篇点题,避免偏离话题,这样就容易被老师看好。3、恰当运用高级语法结构的策略根据评分标准,一篇要点齐全,表达正确,但语言平淡,表达方式单一的书面表达是很难获得高分的。如果在一篇习作里能有几处高级语法结构,如定语从句、结果状语从句、从句中省略主语和谓语、倒装句、强调句、感叹句、with复合结构等,这势必会让阅卷老师心动,提高得分档次。4、妙用情感性语言的策略具有真情实感,能够震撼读者心灵,激起读者共鸣。在高考书面表达中,除了上述策略外,还可以运用一定的情感性语言来增强文章的情感性,吸引阅卷老师的注意。更重要的是,情感性语言的使用还能增强文章的连贯性和醒目性,从而最终增强语言的准确性和文章的可读性,提高文章的得分。高三英语错题集一.单项填空1. I hear that the famous film star was killed in _ car accident yesterday. What _ shock to all his fans! A. the; the.B. the; aC. a; a D. a; the2. Short as he is, the football players speed _ his small size, which ensures his main position in the team.A. accounts forB. takes advantage of C. compensates for D. submits to3. The comments the expert made _ stock-market bothered him greatly, _ him not fall asleep all night. A.be concerned, which madeB. concerned, makingC. concerning, making D. to be concerning, made 4. Why are most of us unable to study English well, Mr. Li? You _. But you _ too little attention to it. A. could; pay B. would; referC.will; attachD. can; devote5. Can you imagine how late I went to bed last night? It was nearly 1 a.m. _ I finished my article. A. thatB. asC. beforeD. when6. _ to our surprise, he went over all his notes in such a short time, _ for the next days examination.A. Very; preparing B. Greatly; to be prepared C. Much; prepared D. Rather; being prepared7. Have you heard of it? Firefighters rushed into a burning house, three of them unfortunately _ in and _ their lives. A.caught; lostB. catching; lost C.caught; losing D. catching; losing8. That hotel has 500 beds, but it can _ more guests than that.A.take upB. set upC. turn up D. put up9. When did you manage to get it completed? Not until a new technique was _. A. presentedB.introduced C. devoted D. contributed10. Here, your new computer is ready. Thank you. _ to call this number if you have any problems.A. Feel freeB. It is free C. Youre free D. Dont forget11. Because of _ high demand for Type O blood, _ supplies of it available in blood banks are usually limited.A. the; the B. /; the C. a; the D. /; /12. I dont know why Tom was absent from yesterdays meeting.He must have been sick, _?A. isnt he B. mustnt he C. didnt he D. wasnt he13. Those who need tickets, please search our website to order, or the regular ticketing agents _ be able to sell you.A. might B. should C. would D. could14. If you visited our school this month, you would be amazed to see a modern stadium _ here.A. is constructing B. is being constructedC. were constructingD. were being constructed15. Everyone has periods in their lives _ everything seems very hard. A. which B. where C. when D. that16. These reporters are so aggressive! _, they follow movie stars around and take pictures of everything.A. To be practical B. To be exact C. To be sure D. To be honest17. _ about the milu deer that they decided to go to Dafeng for further research.A. So curious were the couple B. So curious the couple wasC. How curious the couple were D. What a curious couple was18. Van Gogh succeeded in selling only one painting in his lifetime, and _ was sold to his brother. A. another B. one C. that D. which19. Now we are faced with a shortage of electricity, which is found to be the _ in many other cities of our country. A. condition B. case C. example D. matter20. The United States is trying to _ the serious problems resulting from the energy crisis. A. step up B. cut off C. cope with D. end up21. Talking about his success, the famous scientist said, “ Ive been lucky _ there are many people who have helped me.” A. provided that B. in that C. so that D. now that 22. Ladies and gentlemen, due to an unexpected accident, one of the singers whom all of you _ to hear _ tonight. A. came; wouldnt perform B. come; wont perform C. had come; dont perform D. have come; wont be performing23. 31. The secretary was allowed ten more minutes. She _ her boss patience and tried to hurry. A. realized B. tolerated C. sensed D. understood24. There was a loud explosion in the street. _ from the stores to see what had happened. A. Out rushed people B. Out people rushed C. Rushed people out D. Did people rush out25. Feeling more and more pressure from the environment _, the government has decided to close down the factories pouring out poisonous chemicals. A. polluted B. having polluted C. being polluted D. having been polluted26. To work from home, which one could hardly imagine, has been made _ with the development of computer technology. A. it possible B. possible C. possibly D. to be possible27. -I hope that you can remove the difference between you and Susan and become good friends. -_. If only Susan had the same idea.A. By no means B. Its a pleasure C. By all means D. My pleasure28. Bamboo is a(n) _ of great potential and a very strong material as well. A. source B. origin C resource D. brand29. Did Frank call you yesterday? Yes, but I would rather he _. A. not B. wouldnt C. didnt D. hadnt30. The only thing that worries the mother is what will _ her young children when she dies of cancer. A. take care of B. appeal of C. belong to D. become of31. I like the vase, but I dont love you any _ just because you broke it. A. better B. worse C. shorter D. less32. As the Beijing Olympics is drawing near, you must feel the urge to do something for the big event, _? A. mustnt you B. neednt you C. don they D. dont you33. Today I will take up the story _ I left off yesterday. A. in which B. which C. from which D. where34. As we know, tomatoes can be cooked, juiced, eaten whole, sliced, diced or _. A. whenever B. wherever C. however D. whatever35. Where did you find the wallet? It was at the stadium _ I played football. A. that B. there C. which D. where36. Though Confucius has long gone, his powerful ideas undoubtedly _ Chinese society and tradition. A. made B. formed C. laid D. shaped37. Ahead of us walked a group of girls, _ holding a flower in her hand. A. each B. every C. one D. all38. We students should learn to be good citizens. A mistake may _ cause lifelong regret. A. necessarily B. however C. absolutely D. otherwise39. The police suspected him of carrying drugs, so they _ his bag, but found nothing. A. looked up B. went through C. searched for D. turned in40. We went to the Lincoln Memorial last week, _, not surprisingly, was crowded with visitors from all over the world. A. where B. when C. that D. which二.完型填空A Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. In many ways, this is _1_ for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same _2_ night after night. One would _3_ them to know their parts by heart and _4_ have cause to falter(结巴). Yet _5_ is not always the case.A famous actor in a _6_successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat _7_ had been imprisoned in Bastille for twenty years. In the last act, a gaoler ( 监狱长,看守) would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner. _8_ the noble was expected to read the letter at each _9_ , he always insisted that it should be written out in full.One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke _10_ his colleague to find out if , after so many performances, he had managed to learn the _11_ of the letter by heart. The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed (使暴露) the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. Just then, the gaoler _12_ with the precious letter in his hands. He entered the _13_ and presented the letter to the aristocrat. But the copy he gave him had not been written out in _14_ as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. The gaoler looked on eagerly, _15_ to see if his fellow actor had at last learnt his lines. The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then, squinting (眯着眼看) his eyes, he said, “ The light is _16_. Read the letter to me.” And he promptly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler. _17_ that he could not remember a word of the letter either, the gaoler replied, “ The light is indeed dim , sir. I must get my _18_ .” With this, he hurried off the stage. Much to the aristocrats _19_ , the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the _20_ copy of the letter which he proceeded (继续进行) to read to the prisoner.1. A. fortunateB. unfortunateC. happy D. unhappy2. A. linesB. wordsC. playsD. roles3. A. wantB. askC. expectD. wish4. A. alwaysB. neverC. sometimesD. often5. A. suchB. the thingC. oneD. this6. A. highlyB. highC. poorlyD. poor7. A. whereB. whatC. whichD. who8. A. BecauseB. Even thoughC. WhenD. Though9. A. playB. performanceC. roleD. case10. A. with B. in C. onD. to 11. A. pagesB. jokeC. linesD. contents12. A. appearedB. disappointedC. came outD. came in 13. A. room B. cellC. stageD. office14. A. EnglishB. FrenchC. orderD. full15. A. worriedB. surprisedC. anxiousD. afraid16. A. brightB. dimC. darkD. out17. A. To seeB. To findC. SeeingD. Finding18. A. glassesB. lines C. lightD. letters19. A. surpriseB. satisfactionC. angerD. amusement20. A. usual B. oldC. unusualD. new内容概要:人们总是倾向于认为舞台上的演员们把台词背得很熟,事实并不是这样。本文叙述了一名著名演员由于同伴开玩笑,没有给他提供台词全文而在舞台上所闹的笑话。1、选B。 剧目获得成功,以至连续上演好几年,这对可怜的演员来说可倒霉了。根据文中的poor及下文中所讲他们必须重复同样的台词,故选unfortunate (不幸的、倒霉的)。2、选A。 lines = a row of written words on a printed page 此处指台词。3、选C。 expect 表示“预料、预期”。人们总认为一定台词背得滚瓜烂熟了。4、选B。人们认为演员们在舞台上台词记得很熟,是不会卡壳的。5、选D。 this 代指前面所说的情况。6、选A。 high意为“高的”,一般指具体高度;highly意为“高度的、极”,多用于动词派剩之形容词前。highly successful play 指一部获得相当成功的剧目。7、 D。 定语从句,先行词为人,故用who 引导。8、 B。此句意为: 尽管那个贵族每场戏都得念那封信,但他还是坚持要求将信的全文写在纸上。even though 引导让步状语从句,比though 语气更强。9、 选B。根据下文中的after so many performances可得出答案。10、 选C。 play a joke on sb 指“跟某人开玩笑”。11、 选D。 learn the contents of the letter by heart指背住信的内容。contents表示“内容”。12、 选A。 appeared 此处指“出场、上场”。13、 选A。 cell意为“牢房“,根据上下文可确定答案。14、 选D。根据文中 He always insisted that it should be written out in full可确定答案。15、 选C。 be anxious to do sth 指“急切的、渴望的“。扮演狱卒的演员急于想了解他的同事是否背熟了台词。16、 选B。因为背不住台词,这名扮演贵族的演员只好用“光线太暗”来作托辞。17、 选D。 扮演狱卒的演员也记不住台词,因此他找了个拿眼镜的借口。分词短语作状语,表示时间。18、 选A。 根据下文 with a pair of glasses可确定答案。19、 选D。“ to ones + 表示情感的名词”这一结构,表示“使某人.的”。此处指扮演狱卒的演员的表现使得扮演贵族的演员感到很可笑。20、选A。 the usual copy of the letter 指平时舞台上经常使用的那封信。BA person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work. He may have the belief that he is not capable (有能力的) of it. A child may think he is _1_ because he doesnt understand how to make the _2_ of his mental faculties (才能). Older people may be mistaken that they are incapable of learning things new because of their _ 3_. A person who believe that he is incapable will not make a real _4_ because he feels that it would be useless. He wont go at a job with confidence necessary for _5_ , and he wont work his hardest way, even though he may think he is doing so. He is _6_ likely to fail, and the failure will _7_ his belief in his competence (才能) . Alfred Alder, a famous doctor, had _8_ like this. When he was a small boy, he had a poor _9_ in maths. His teacher told his parents he had no ability in maths in order that they would not _10_ too much of him. In this way, they two _11_ the idea. He accepted _12_ mistaken thinking of his ability, felt that it was useless to _13_ and was very poor at maths, _14_ as they expected. One day he worked at a problem which _15_ of the other students had been able to solve. Alder _16_ in solving the problem. This gave him confidence (信心). He now _17_ with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at _18_. He not only proved that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learned _19_ in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may _20_ himself as well as others by his ability.1. A. cleverB. shyC. uselessD. stupid2. A. biggestB. mostC. highestD. deepest3. A. abilityB. ageC. brainD. knowledge4. A. decisionB. successC. effortD. trouble5. A. workB. studyC. improvementD. success6. A. trulyB. reallyC. howeverD. therefore7. A. lead to B. strengthenC. increaseD. add to 8. A. an experienceB. an exampleC. a thoughtD. a story9. A. stateB. mindC. startD. ending10. A. blameB. expectC. getD. win11. A. developedB. organizedC. discoveredD. found12. A. his B. her C. itsD. their13. A. manageB. succeed C. tryD. act14. A. onlyB. almost C. justD. then15. A. noneB. no C. no oneD. nobody16. A. gaveB. succeeded C. failedD. believed17. A. livedB. worked C. playedD. graduated18. A. lessons B. medicine C. sub

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