高考英语一轮复习 Module3 Literature课件 (外研版选修7)

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Module 3 Literature,要 点 梳 理 高效梳理知识备考,重点单词,1cruel adj.冷酷的cruelty n残忍;残酷cruelly adv.残酷地 2intend v打算intention n意图;目的;打算 3eager adj.热切的;渴望的eagerly adv.热切地eagerness n渴望,4desperate adj.绝望的desperately adv.绝望地desperation n绝望 5healthy adj.健康的health n健康 6serve v端上(饭菜等)service n服务;服役 7illegally adv.违法地;非法地illegal adj.非法的legal adj.合法的,8distribute v分发,分配,分送distribution n分发distributor n分发者 9starvation n挨饿,饿死starve v饿死 10attain v获得,达到attainable adj.可达到的attainment n达到;成就 11concern n关心;担心concerned adj.有关的concerning prep.关于 12accumulate v积累accumulation n积累,13accomplish v完成(任务等);取得(成功)accomplishment n完成 14humble adj.低下的,卑微的humbly adv.卑微地 15scene n场景;场面scenery n风景,重点短语,1in avoice 用声音(说),声地 2in astonishment 吃惊地 3a huge amount of 大量的 4no sooner.than. 一就 5bring sth. to the attention of sb. 使某人关注某事 6be cruel to sb. 对某人冷酷,7escape from. 从逃脱 8pick out 挑出,捡出 9in ones early thirties 在某人三十刚出头时 10hold on (to sth.) 抓紧;不放松,重点句型,1Frightened by his own courage, he said, “Please sir, I want some more.” 开口时多少有一点被自己的大胆吓了一跳,他说:“求求你了,先生,请再给我点吧”。 2.they would sit staring at the pot with eager eyes, as if they wanted to eat it. 他们便会坐在那,用渴望的眼神盯着那口锅,好像要把它吃掉一样。,3Not until at least thirty seconds had passed, was the man able to speak. 至少过了三十秒钟,他才说出话来。 4No sooner had the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon. 这个男孩的话刚出口,大师傅就用汤勺狠狠地敲他的头。,高考范文,(2007全国卷) 一家宾馆新开业,为吸引外国宾客,希望在互联网上进行宣传,请你用英语为其写一篇文字介绍。主要内容应包括: 1地点:距白山入口处500米; 2房间及价格:单人间(共20间),100元/天; 双人间(共15间),150元/天; 热水淋浴;,3餐饮:餐厅(中、西餐),咖啡厅(茶、咖啡); 4游泳池:全天免费开放; 5欢迎预订。,注意:1.词数100左右,开头语已为你写好; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel Baishan_Mountain_Hotel_is_now_open_for_business. _,范文 Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel Baishan_Mountain_Hotel_is_now_open_for_business. Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain. It has 20 single rooms and 15 double rooms, all with hot showers. A single room is 100 yuan and a double room 150 yuan for one night. You are advised to book in advance. The hotel serves,three meals a day and there are Chinese food and western food for you to choose from. You can also enjoy yourself at the caf drinking tea or coffee in the evening. We also have a swimming pool, which is open all day and free of charge. All are welcome!,考 点 探 究 互动探究能力备考,.词汇短语过关,1serve vt. 端上;招待;为服务;供给某人(饭菜等) vi. 服役;供职 service n. 服务 serve sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物,用某物招待某人 serve sth. to sb. 用某物招待某人 serve as 可用作;担任;作为 serve in the army 在部队里服役 serve the people heart and soul 全心全意为人民服务 at your service 愿为您效劳;听候您的吩咐,即学即练1(1)Breakfast _ _ between 7 and 10 am. 早餐供应时间是从7点到10点。 (2)Are you _ _? 有人接待你吗? (3)How can we best _ the needs of future generations? 我们怎样才最能满足子孙后代的需要?,is,served,being,served,serve,(4)The town _ _ _ _ buses and major road links. 在这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的联接也很发达。,is,well,served,with,2eager adj. 渴望的;热切的 eagerness n热心;渴望 be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 be eager for 渴求 with eagerness殷切地,即学即练2(1)He looked around the circle of _ faces. 他看了看四周热切的脸庞。 (2)She _ _ _ success. 她渴望成功。 (3)Maggie _ _ _ visit me last summer. 去年夏天麦琪急于来看我。,eager,is,eager,for,was,eager,to,拓展:be anxious to do sth. 急切地想做某事 be anxious for sth. 急切地想得到某物 long for 渴望 be greedy for 渴望,3whisper n&v.低语,耳语,私语;私下说,低声地说 in a whisper (in whispers) 低声地 whisper about sth. 密谈某事 It is whispered that. 有人私下说 whisper to sb. 对某人窃窃私语,即学即练3(1)They debated _ _. 他们低声辩论。 (2)“Did you hear that?” he _ _ me. 他小声对我说,“你听到了吗?” (3)_ _ _ _ he will resign next month. 有人私下说他下个月要辞职。,in,whispers,whispered,to,It,is,whispered,that,提示:whisper 后接双宾语时,间接宾语无论在前还是在后,其前都要带介词 to, 即whisper sth. to sb. whisper to sb. sth.。类似结构还有: announce sth. to sb. 向某人宣布 explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释 introduce sth. to sb. 向某人介绍 suggest sth. to sb. 向某人提议 report sth. to sb. 向某人报告,4reward n. 报酬;奖金 vt. 酬劳,奖赏 rewarding adj. 报答的;有益的;值得的 as a reward for 作为(对某事的)报酬/奖赏 in reward of 为酬谢;作为奖励 reward sb. for sth./doing sth. 因(做)某事而报答某人 reward sb. with sth. 用某物奖赏某人,即学即练4(1)Its _ _ _ virtue. 这是对美德的回报。 (2)I dont expect anything _ _. I did it because I enjoyed it. 我不指望得到什么报答,我做这件事只是因为我喜欢干。,a,reward,for,in,reward,(3)They _ the boy _ 5 _ bringing back the lost dog. 他们给了那个男孩五英镑,酬谢他把走失的狗送回来。,rewarded,with,for,5intend vt. 打算;计划 intention n. 打算;计划 intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事 intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 intend that.从句中谓语形式:(should)do intend.as.be intended as.打算把当作 intend.for.be intended for 为打算或设计 had intended that/to do. intended to have done.原本打算做,即学即练5(1)Ive made a mistake though I didnt _ _. 虽然不是有意,但我犯了错。 (2)The chair _ _ _ you, but she took it away. 那椅子原来是要给你的,可是她拿走了。 (3)This _ _ _ _ a picture of a cat. 这幅画原本是要画猫的。,intend,to,was,intended,for,was,intended,to,be,6distribute vt. 分配;分送;分布distribution n. 分配;分发;分类;发送;发行 distributive adj. 分发的;分配的;分布的 distribute.over. 把分配到 distribute sth. to. 把某物分给 distribute sth. among.(divide.among.) 把分给,即学即练6(1)The farmers are _ manure _ the field. 农民们正在田间施肥。 (2)The old man has _ the magazines _ the children. 老人已把杂志分给孩子们了。,distributing,over,distributed,to,7in astonishment 吃惊地,惊讶地 to ones astonishment 令某人吃惊的是(常置于句 首作状语) be astonished at/by 被惊吓,对吃惊 What astonishes sb. is. 令某人吃惊的是,即学即练7(1)She stared at him _ _. 她吃惊地盯着他。 (2)We _ _ _ find the temple still in its original condition. 我们惊讶地发现该寺庙仍完好无损。,in,astonishment,were,astonished,to,(3)_ _ _, the key was in the door. 让我吃惊的是,钥匙就在门上。 (4)What _ me most is his complete lack of fear. 最令我吃惊的是,他一点儿也不恐惧。,To,my,astonishment,astonishes,拓展:在此 inn. 短语中,介词 in 表示状态、情况,意为“地”。类似短语还有: in surprise 吃惊地 in fear 害怕地 in hatred 憎恨地 in anxiety 焦急地 in excitement 激动地 in pain 痛苦地 in despair 绝望地 in anger 愤怒地 in silence 安静地,8a huge amount of大量的,即学即练8(1)He got _ _ _ _ help from his friends. 他从朋友那里得到很多帮助。 (2)There is _ _ _ _ traffic on the road. 路上车辆很多。 (3)Large _ _ money _ discovered hidden in the room. 屋里发现藏有大量的金钱。,a,huge,amount,of,a,great,deal,of,quantities,of,were,.重点句型详解,1Frightened_by his own courage, he said, “Please sir, I want some more.” 开口时多少有一点被自己的大胆吓了一跳。他说:“求求你了,先生,请再给我一点吧。” frightened 为过去分词作状语,这种过去分词事实上与系动词构成了一种系表结构,作为形容词来使用。常见的系表结构有:,be lost/buried/absorbed in. 专心于,沉浸于 be covered with. 覆盖着 be armed with. 武装着 be based on.建立在基础上 be situated in. 坐落于 be filled with. 充满 be satisfied with. 对满意 be faced with. 面对着 此类系表结构中的形容词可以单独作状语,前面不加 being。,Covered_with snow, the ground looks beautiful. 地面上覆盖着雪,看起来美极了。 Filled_with extraordinary strength, the boy stood up. 使出了非凡的力气,那个男孩站了起来。 Lost_in thought, he didnt notice me come in. 陷入沉思,他没有注意我进来。,即境活用1 _ of stealing money from the bank, he was questioned by the police. AAccusing BAccused CHaving accused DTo accuse,答案:B,解析:be accused of因某事被指控,因此可知句中用 accused of 作状语。,2No sooner had the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon. 这个男孩的话刚出口,大师傅就用汤勺狠狠地敲他的头。 no sooner.than. 一就 表示“一就”的结构还有:,(1)hardly.when/scarcely.when/no sooner.than, 注意句子主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时;hardly/scarcely/no sooner 位于句首时,用倒装语序。,(2)as soon as; the moment/minute/instant.;immediately/instantly (3)on名词/动名词 on his arrival on hearing the news (4)at名词 at the sight of,No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang. 他刚坐下,电话铃就响了。 Ill tell you the result immediately I get it. 我一得到结果就告诉你。 On seeing her mother, she burst into tears. 一见到她妈妈,她就放声大哭。 At the sight of the scene, he couldnt help thinking of his hometown. 一看到这个场景,他就情不自禁地想起他的家乡。,即境活用2 Did Linda see the traffic accident? No, no sooner _ than it happened. Ahad she gone Bshe had gone Chas she gone Dshe has gone,答案:A,解析:no sooner.than. 句型。,易 错 点 拨 自我完善误区备考,reward/award/prize (1)reward 指对某人的服务或工作等的报答,也指因帮助警察抓住罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到的奖金、酬金。 (2)award 指为鼓励在工作中达到或完成所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的多少。 (3)prize多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中所赢得的“奖,奖品”。,应用1 用reward/award/prize填空 (1)She received a medal as a _ for her courage. 她得到一枚奖章,作为对她勇敢的奖赏。,reward,(2)A _ was given to the person who had the winning number. 奖品给了那个持有中奖号码的人。 (3)He won the _ for the best student of the year. 他获得本年度优秀学生奖。,prize,award,2. eager/anxious (1)eager指“渴望”,强调对成功的期望和进取的热情,含有积极的意义。 (2)anxious指“担心,焦急”,强调对结果感到不安。,应用2 用eager/anxious填空 (1)She is _ to go to college, but _ about not passing the entrance examination. (2)We are actually there to accompany them as many of the disabled, especially the youth, are _ to make friends.,eager,anxious,eager,高 效 作 业 自我测评技能备考,.单项填空,1Have you been wasting time on computer games again? _. Ive been studying a lot and I need a break. ANo way BNot really CI dont agree DI couldnt agree more,答案:B,解析:A表示“没门,不可能”,表示拒绝;B表示“不完全如此”;C表示“不同意”;D表示“非常赞同”,从题干来看,B项符合语境。,2After the earthquake in Sichuan, we could see the terrible _ from TV. Ascenes Bscenery Cscare Dspot,答案:A,解析:句意:四川大地震后,我们通过电视看到了震后的惨状。scene场面,场景;scenery自然风景;scare害怕;spot场所。,3I must have seen him somewhere before, but his name _ me for the moment. Afled Bforbade Cescaped Dforgot,答案:C,解析:句意:我以前一定在哪儿见过他,可我一时想不起他的名字了。escape被遗忘,被忽略;flee逃走,逃避;forbid禁止,不许;forget忘记。,4Id like to see the movie very much, but I have no money on me. Thats OK. This is my _. Aoffer Bturn Ctreat Dservice,答案:C,解析:This is my treat. 这次由我请客。,5Which of the following is wrong? AShe explained this matter to all of us. BHe announced to us that he would retire. CHe whispered her that he loved her. DHe told me the news.,答案:C,解析:C项中 whispered 后应加 to,其余选项正确。D项tell sb. sth. 意为“告诉某人某事”,不加 to。,6. It is said that the police have offered a large _ for information leading to the robbers arrest. Aaward Bprize Creward Dwelfare,答案:C,解析:指“奖赏、酬金”用 reward。,7Looking at her _ looks, we were _. Aastonished; confused Bastonishing; confusing Castonishment; confused Dastonished; confusing,答案:A,解析:astonished looks 惊讶的表情;be confused 感到迷惑的。,8The government _ the medicines and food to the people in the earthquake area. Adistinguished Bcontributed Cdevoted Ddistributed,答案:D,解析:句意为:政府给地震灾区的人们分发药品和食物。distribute分发;distinguish 区分,辨别;contribute贡献;devote奉献。,9It is not easy to learn English well, but if you _, you will succeed in the end. Ahang up Bhang about Chang on Dhang onto,答案:C,解析:hang on 坚持下去,坚持不放手;hang up 挂断,悬挂;hang about 闲荡。,10The newlypublished book, which refers _ basic English grammar, is _ only for beginners. Aas; meant Bfor; intended Cto; planned Dto; intended,答案:D,解析:句意为“这本讲解基础英语语法的新出版的书仅是为初学者编写的”。refer to 查阅,提到,谈到,涉及;be intended for. 打算供使用。,11We _ a certain amount of working experience through volunteer work. Aaccomplished Babandoned Caccumulated Dattempted,答案:C,解析:accumulate积累;accomplish完成;abandon抛弃,放弃;attempt尝试。,12Dont eat anything that will spoil your _ for dinner. Aappetite Bapplause Capplication Dappearance,答案:A,解析:appetite食欲;applause拍手,喝彩;application申请;appearance外表。句意:不要吃破坏你晚饭胃口的东西。,13The problems faced by single parents werent _ the experts attention until the early 1980s in our country. Abrought to Bfocused on Crelied on Dturned to,答案:A,解析:句意:在我国单亲父母所面临的问题直到20世纪80年代才引起专家们的注意。bring sth. to the attention of sb.使某人注意某事,句中使用了被动语态形式。focus ones attention on sth.关注;pay ones attention to sth.注意;turn ones attention to sth.把注意力转向。,14The speech he made _ the football match bored a lot of fans to death. Abeing concerned Bbe concerned Cconcerned Dconcerning,答案:D,解析:句意:他做的那个关于足球赛的演讲把球迷烦死了。concerning作后置定语,意为“关于”。,15No sooner _ down _ he stepped in. Ahad I sat; when Bhad I sat; than CI had sat; when DI had sat; than,答案:B,解析:no sooner.than.表示“一就”,no sooner放在句首时,其后句子应用倒装。,.完形填空,Nowadays the whole world are worrying about a dangerglobal warming.In fact this began a long time ago.Yet,not all of us seem to realize it.,One day around 30 years ago,the nine million citizens of London heard sirens(a loud noise of warning made by a special machine) all over the town. Emergency services, the _1_ ,the police,doctors and nurses _2_ by,ready to go into action.In railway and underground stations,people read posters and _3_ ,telling them where to go and _4_ to do in the,emergency.This was Exercise Floodcall.London wasnt flooded yet.But it is _5_ that it will be. In 1236 and 1663 London was _6_ flooded.In 1928,unluckily,quite a _7_ people living in Westminster,the heart of London, _8_ in floods.And in 1953,100 people living on the eastern _9_, the London suburbs,were killed again in the floods.At last,the Great London,Council(市政厅) is taking actions to _10_ this disaster happening again.But the flood _11_ were not built until the 1980s.And in the _12_ ,Londoners must be _13_ .When it happens, 50 underground stations will be underwater.Electricity,gas and phone services will be out of action. _14_ will be impassable.It will be impossible to _15_ any of the bridges between North and South London. _16_ London will look like Venice.,But Exercise Floodcall didnt cause _17_ among Londoners.Most people knew it was just a _18_ .One comment from a lady who was _19_ along the Embankment when the sirens sounded was,“Its a flood warning,isnt it? The water doesnt look _20_ to me.”,1A.soldiers Bfiremen Cengineers Drepairmen 2A.hurried Bwent Cwatched Dstood 3A.books Bmagazines Cmaps Ddictionaries 4A what Bhow Cwhy Dwhich 5A.believable Btrue Cnatural Dpossible,6A.easily Bheavily Cstrongly Dpoorly 7A.many Bfew Clots Dplenty 8A.escaped Bkilled Csurvived Ddrowned 9A.edge Barea Cpart Ddistrict 10A.resist Bkeep Cprevent Dobject,11A.walls Bchannel Cshelter Dfence 12A.future Bpast Cmeantime Dend 13A.delighted Bprepared Cfrightened Dencouraged 14A.Roads BPower CMessages DTraffic 15A.see Bpass Cbuild Dcross,16A.Guess BRemember CConsider DImagine 17A.panic Battention Cnotice Dcare 18A.design Bplan Cwarning Djoke 19A.living Bwalking Cworking Dstudying 20A.deep Bhigh Cshallow Dwide,答案及解析: 本文讲述了全球越来越多的人所关注的问题全球气候变暖不是近年才有的,而是由来已久的。 1A。根据前文的内容可以推断出此处选A。 2D。由后文的ready to go into action可以推断出此处选D。本题稍难。 3C。根据后文的where to go可知此处选C。 4A。“疑问词动词不定式”结构中,疑问词做不定式的逻辑宾语,指物,故选A。,5D。此两句意思是:伦敦还没有发洪水,但是将来可能会,故选D。 6B。所填词修饰flooded,用副词,意思是“严重得”,故选B。 7B。句意为:有相当多的人住在威斯敏斯特,故选B。 8D。根据空后的in floods可知此处选D。本题稍难。 9A。由后文的the London suburbs可以推断出此处选A。 10C。根据后文的happening again可知所填词构成prevent sb/sth(from) doing sth句型,故选C。,11A。句意为:但是防水墙直到20世纪80年代才建成,故选A。 12C。in the meantime同时,故选C。 13B。句意为:伦敦人必须做好准备。故选B。 14A。根据本句中impassible(不能通过的)的意思可知此处选A。 15D。由本句中的bridge可以推断出此处选D。 16D。破折号表示解释,后一句是作者的想象,故此处选D。,17A。本句意思是:这次防洪演习没有造成恐慌,故选A。 18C。根据后文的Its a flood warning, isnt it?可知此处选C。 19B。根据空后的along(沿着)可知此处选B。 20B。由前文的flood可知此处选B。,.短文改错 A Frenchman was once visiting London. He wished to take a walk to see a city. But he was afraid he might get being lost because he knew no words of English. So before he left his hotel, he stopped on the first corner and carefully copied in his notebook the names of the street that he was staying .Then he walked on .At last, he got lost. In several hours he found a policeman .The Frenchman tried his best to explain the policeman that he didnt know the name of his hotel, however he knew the name of the street.,He then showed the policeman that he copied in his notebook. It read : “Oneway street”. 答案: 1athe 2去掉being 3beforeAfter 4onat 5namesname 6thatwhere,7InAfter 8explainexplain to 9howeverbut/yet 10thatwhtat,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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