高中英语 Module4《Music Born in America》课件 (外研版选修7)

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Music Born in America,Module 4,America music is the blend of all kinds of culture and music. On the other hand, America is a free country for the music development.,Breakdancing,A Movie about Breakdancing,The Breakdancing shows on the stage and in the street.,Graffiti Artworks,Graffiti Artworks,DJs play a important role in the rock music,A Famous America Rap Singer,A rap singer being awarded a prize,作为被剥夺文化的奴隶,早期非洲-美国黑人认为只有教堂才是他们能抒发和抚慰在新处境里心境的地方,并通过寓言和歌唱形式传播单纯的“转世投胎”的理论,使黑人教堂在19世纪异常繁荣。他们早期通过口耳传播非洲化的基督教圣歌,由此转化、形成了黑人精神和谐的福音音乐(GOSPEL MUSIC)。,福音音乐(GOSPEL MUSIC),Rap: 扣击责骂使着迷发敲击声交谈理解 也叫说唱乐 (美国人说)说唱乐在早期的时候被称作“旧式说唱乐”。而其形式也总是由DJ刮擦唱片或播放连续的鼓曲从而产生多变的和节奏感极强的音乐,伴着这种音乐MC在一旁快速地,极富节奏感地用语言诠释着自己对生活的感悟或精神状态。说唱乐就是这样默默地,却是极生动地开端了它发展的坎途。随后,乐器的搭配上说唱乐融入了硬式摇滚吉他,第一支“硬核说唱乐(HardcoreRap)”组合RunD.M.C.也将“hardhittingbeats”引进了说唱乐的表现方法里,而旧式的刮擦唱片的技术也经由声音采样技术的提高和普及取而代之。,Grammar: Ellipsis,小议省略 为避免重复,省略句中的一个或几个成分,这种语法现象叫省略。一般说来,句子的省略都发生在句子的主要成分上,即发生在主语,谓语,宾语上。,1.省略主语 (1) 在祈使句中省略主语,如:(You) Come here. (2) 在表达对某事物的看法时,有时也把主语省略,如: (It) Sounds like a good idea. (I) Have no idea.,2.省略谓语或谓语的一部分 (1) 在并列句中省略重复的部分,如: He repaired the computer and I (repaired) the loudspeaker. Mary learns French and John (learns) German. (2) 当并列句或从句中有助动词时,可以省略相同的动词,如: She might sing, but I dont think she will (sing). (3) 在there be句型中省略there be,如: (Is there) Anything I can do for you?,3.省略宾语 作为宾语的单词或从句有时都可以省略,如: He wrote down the new words and I wrote down (the new words), too. Is our teacher in the office? Sorry, I dont know (whether he is or not ).,4.主语和谓语一起省略 (You come) This way please. What do you want to eat? (I want) Some rice and vegetables.,5.不定式符号to后面的动词可以省略 (1) 在回答话语中,如: Would you like to come to the party? Id love to (come to the party). (2) 在状语从句中,如: You can go with us to the concert if you want to. (这里特别要注意动词可以省略,但是不定式符号to不可以省略。),涂鸦艺术(Graffiti art) 涂鸦艺术在 HIP HOP文化中,一直是较静态的一个部份,因为它一直游走在法律与艺术之间,其实说起来,其中违法的部份在于许多人仍将它用在地盘的区分上,而非用在真正的艺术创作上。但谁都不能就此否认它们的存在价值,因为涂鸦的起源本是如此。 所以在欧洲,有许多艺术家组成联盟,为的只是要争取它们在艺术上的价值。,piano,saxophone,saxophone,flute,A Music Band,piano,Language Point,1. Cantopop expresses only harmony and virtue, and Hong Kong is blessed with the most conventional music scene in the world. (P53) 在这个句子中,be blessed with 表示“幸运的享有”,“有幸得到”,“具有”,后加名词。类似的用法还有: e.g. He is blessed with good health. 他享有好的健康。 此外,bless一词还常用于一些常用语中,如: God be blessed! 感谢主! God bless me! 上帝保佑我!,2. People were bored with the pop music of the daydisco music and rock music were both in decline in the mid 1970s. (P45) 句中,be bored with sth/ sb, 表示“对感到厌烦”,这里要注意区别bored和boring, bored 表示“感到厌烦的”,而boring表示“令人厌烦的”,如: This job is so boring that everyone intends to give it up. Everyone is bored with this tough job.,3. The fans are devoted to their stars. (P53) 句中,be devoted to 后加名词或动名词,表示“致力于”,“专心于” e.g. He has been devoted to the research of artificial intelligence. People are devoted to finding the main contradiction. devote还可以用于短语devote oneself to表示“献身于”,“致力于”。,4. They yell their names at concerts and beg for autographs. (P53) beg for sth. 表示“请求得到某物”,也可用于beg sb. to do sth. 表示“请求某人做某事”,如: The children begged for the best rewards for their excellent performance in the exams. The stray children begged that old man to give them some food to eat.,5. When new albums come out, the stars are marketed as consumer products, () (P53) come out意为“出来”,“出现”,“发行”,“出版”,“发表”,“揭露”等,这里表示“专辑发行”。 e.g. The authors new book just came out and it was soon becoming a best-seller. 作者的新书刚刚出版, 很快就变得很畅销。 The whole story came out during the process of trial. 整个事情在审讯过程中揭露出来。,6. It is far from being a part-time job. (P53) far from在这个句子中表示“远远不”,“完全不”。它的本义是“远离”,如:It is far from here. 7. I wanted black music to make an impression on white audience and we got some great blues, jazz and gospel artists. (P55) make an impression on sb.表示“给某人留下印象”,“给以影响”,另外还可以用make no impression on sb.,意为“对某人无影响”。,8. (), but Herc and other DJs made them longer by using two records on two turntables, side by side. (P44) side by side表示“并排”,“一起”,“肩并肩”。类似的短语还有:neck and neck “并驾齐驱地”, head to head “交头接耳地”。,9. Hip hop took advantage of that and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco. (P45) take advantage of sth. 表示“利用”,“很好的使用某物”,take advantage of sb.表示“欺骗”,“占便宜”,与advantage的相关短语还有:have the advantage of 比强, 胜过,make ones advantage of 利用,占便宜。,10. The teacher told us that she would try out the theory and play us some classical music, () (P52) try out的意思是“试验”,“尝试”,另外还可以表示“参加选拔”,如: He has tried out for the football team, but failed.,1.in decline (a)becoming more popular (b)becoming less popular 2.took advantage of (a)used (b)didnt use,Exercises,3.the next generation (a)the people who followed immediately (b)people 20 years later 4.spread (a)went to other places (b)stayed in the same place,5.strongly influenced (by) (a)affected a lot (b)didnt affect at all 6.emerged (a)disappeared (b)appeared,Backing tracks beat disco music electronic music Percussion rap reggae rock music record,1.The instrumental music behind a singers voice is called the _ . 2.Drums and similar instruments are called_. 3._ is music that people dance to in clubs.,backing tracks,percussion,Disco music,4.Songs that are spoken rather than sung are called_. 5._ is a kind of music that comes from the Caribbean. 6.The_ of a song makes you want to dance!,rap,Reggae,beat,7._ is produced on a computer. 8._ can be very noisy. 9.Musicians_ their songs in a studio.,Electronic music,Rock music,record,Everyday English,1.can you turn that music down a bit? (a)can you make it louder? (b)can you make it quieter? 2.It isnt my cup of tea. (a)It isnt the kind of thing I like. (b)This tea belongs to someone else.,3.We didnt play music as loudly as you do these days. (a)You like listening to music louder than we did. (b)We listened to louder music than you. 4.why are you inside listening to music? (a)Why dont you turn the music off and go out? (b)Why dont you listen to the music outside?,5.Its her turn to call me. (a)I called her last time. (b)She wants to call me.,Louis Armstrong,Cultural Corner,Robert Johnson,Woody Guthrie,Woody Guthrie was playing his guitar.,Questions:,1.Do you like Hongkong Music? 2.What do you know about Cantopop? 3.Which Hongkong singer do you like?,The kings of Cantopop,Jackie Cheung,Andy Lau,Leon Lai,Aaron Kwok,1. You should this opportunity, for it may not occur again. 2. He was being satisfied with the current position in the company so at last he quit. 3. It is evident from his words that he has been this task, because he said he would never do it again.,Test Yourself,take advantage of,far from,bored with,4. The girl talked eloquently (富有表现力地) in order that she could _the interviewers. 5. The city _ the favorable situation for the future development. 6. As soon as the book Chicken Soup _, it became popular among the young people pretty soon.,make an impression on,came out,is blessed with,7. The scientist has been _ the research for nearly 30 years. 8. The workers are on strike recently because they _ the increase of the salary. 9. Apparently, he has an intention to _ if the machine works. 10.He put two favorite toys, Snoopy and Kitty, on the bookshelf ,_,side by side,try out,beg for,devoted to,Good bye,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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