高中英语 Module3《Literature》Cultural Corner课件1 (外研版选修7)

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高中英语 Module3《Literature》Cultural Corner课件1 (外研版选修7)_第1页
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高中英语 Module3《Literature》Cultural Corner课件1 (外研版选修7)_第3页
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Reading and Vocabulary 2 Cultural Corner,Module 3,Literature,Pip,Abel Magwith,Miss Havisham,Estella,Bentley Drummble,help,(orphan),( ),( ),( ),( ),Read the passage for the first time. Tell their relationships,What happen to them?,task,wealthy,( ),Pip,Abel Magwith,Miss Havisham,Estella,Bentley Drummble,cold&cruel,be fond of,marry,treat her badly,daughter,encourage,help,give him money,orphan,convict,lonely&wealthy,beautiful,( ),( ),( ),( ),Second Reading: P38 activity3,1. convict 2. prison 3. make money 4. illegal 5. kindness 6. repaid 7. gentleman 8. escape,Second Reading: (P37) activity2,1.Receiving the money secretly and then finding it was from Magwithch; Marrying Estella when she was so unpleasant to him earlier. 2.Finding that the rich man is bad, whereas the poor man (Pip) is good and kind. 3.She is first cold and cruel to him, and later loves him enough to marry him. 4.At first Pip gives to Magwitch; later Magwitch gives to Pip,Language focus,Magwitch _(从监狱中逃出来) but is soon caught again. Pip meets and _(喜欢) a beautiful girl. However, Estella _(对冷漠) him. , whose fiance left her _ (举行婚礼那天) PiP learns that an unknown person _(打算)give him money every month.,escaped from prison,becomes fond of,is cold and cruel to,on her wedding day,intends to,6.He goes to London, _(变得有教养)and is able to live very comfortably. 7. Magwitch _(非法返回英格兰), having made a lot of money in Australia. 8.He has been doing this in order to _(报答) the boys kindness.,becomes educated,returns to England illegally,repay,escape (vi, vt),1.to get away from a place or unpleasant or dangerous situation,The bird_ _the cage.,The hotel guests tries their best to _ _ the burning building.,2.to avoid sth unpleasant or dangerous,She was lucky to _ _(逃脱惩罚).,He narrowly _ _ _(险些丧命).,3.to be forgotten or not noticed,Her name _ _(我记不起她的名字).,escaped from,escape from,escape,punishment,escaped,being,killed,escaped,me,intend to do sth/ intend doing sth想要,打算,I intend coming / to come back soon. I intend that he (should) do it at one. My father intended me to become a doctor,建议,主张,repay,to pay back money you have borrowed from sb (repay sb sth / repay sth to sb) To give sth to sb or do sth for them in return for sth that you have done for you,She _ _ _ _ _.(还了银行的贷款),(repay sb for sth / repay sth with sth),How can I repay you for your help? He repaid her kindness with money.,repaid,the,bank,the,loan,Charles Dickens,Cultural Corner,Pre-reading,What do you know about Charles Dickens? Could you name some of the novels he wrote?,Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿,Great Expectations 远大前程,A Tale of Two Cities 双城记,David Copperfield 大卫.科波菲尔,A Christmas Carol 圣诞颂歌,Read the passage and answer the questions:,1. Why can he write very well about poverty? 2. When did he begin to write? 3. Why is Oliver Twist an important novel? 4. How did Dickens novel help to improve English society?,1. Why can he write very well about poverty?,Because he had _ _ it himself. Due to not _ _ _,his father was_ _ _when he was 13. He worked in a factory, _real poverty. He worked for _ and worked as a_ _,actually,experienced,paying,his,bill,put into prison,experiencing,newspaper,political,journalist,experience (n.),u,c,The old teacher has a lot of experience.,It is an unforgettable experience.,2. When did he begin to write?,Dickens started writing novels_.,in his early thirties,3.why is Oliver Twist an important novel?,It _ child poverty _of the public.,brought,to the attention,4. How did Dickens novel help to improve English society?,They made people aware of child poverty and made them want to do something about it. Dickens often wrote about the problems of _ _, and _ _ _ _ his work, the _of the poor were _.,poor people,as a result of,lives,improved,注意区别:as a result /as a result of,Write a short description of these characters in Great Expectations.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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