高考英语外研版选修8Module4《Which English?》知识与要点

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,1debate n讨论,争论,辩论 vi.&vt.辩论,讨论,争论 归纳拓展 (1)debate about/on/over sth.with sb.与某人争论 debate sth. with sb.与某人讨论某事 debate whether/what/how etc. to do sth.讨论 (2)hold a debate举行辩论会 beyond debate无可争辩 under debate在辩论中,例句:We must debate the question with the rest of the members.我们必须和其他委员讨论这个问题。 The two sides debated fiercely whether to raise the price of school meals. 双方就是否提高学校用餐价格进行了激烈的辩论。 The proposal is under debate. 那个提议还在讨论当中。 同类辨析 debate,argue与discuss (1)debate辩论的目的在于说服对方。 (2)argue指条理清晰地陈述赞成或反对的理由。 (3)discuss从不同的观点出发与某人讨论某事。,【链接训练】 这是关于如何惩治罪犯的争论。(翻译句子) This_is_a_debate_about_the_punishment_for_criminals.,2clarify vt.澄清,讲清楚,阐明;(加热)净化 归纳拓展 (1)clarify matters澄清真相 clarify ones remarks把话说清楚 clarify ones stand/position阐明某人的立场 (2)clarification n澄清 clarity n清澈,透明 例句:He clarified his stand on the issue. 他澄清了他在该问题上的立场。 My mind was clarified on this issue. 对这个问题我的头脑变得清楚了。,She asked him to clarify what he meant. 她要他说清楚他是什么意思。 【链接训练】 Chinese government_on the matters to Taiwan. Aclarify it stand Bclarifies its stand Cclarify its stand Dclarifies it stand 【解析】 句意为:中国政府针对台湾问题阐明了自己的立场。故应用短语clarify ones stand“阐明某人的立场”,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 【答案】 B,3complain vi.抱怨;不满;发牢骚 归纳拓展 (1)complain (to sb.)about/of.(向某人)抱怨 complain (to sb.)thatclause(向某人)抱怨 complain to sb.向某人申诉;诉说病痛 (2)complaint n抱怨;申诉;投诉 make a complaint about/of/against抱怨;投诉 a letter of complaint一封投诉信 (3)cant complain口还算好(总体上还是满意的,虽然有些不如意),例句:She often complains to her boss about/of her low pay. She often complains to her boss that she gets paid too little. She often complains to to her boss about/of getting paid too little. 她经常向她老板抱怨说她的报酬太低。 Why dont you make a complaint against your noisy neighbour?你为什么不投诉那位喧闹的邻居呢?,【链接训练】 句型转换 Some Iraqi common people complained of being robbed and beaten often by American soldiers in Iraq. Some Iraqi common people complained that_they_were_robbed_beaten often by American soldiers in Iraq. 句意为:一些伊拉克平民控诉说他们经常遭到驻伊美军的抢劫和殴打。,4approval n批准;认可;赞成;同意 归纳拓展 (1)general approval一致同意 with approval of经的批准 in approval同意地,支持地 give (ones) approval给予批准 meet with ones approval得到某人的赞许,得到某人的认可 (2)approve v批准,赞成 approve of sb./sth.赞成某人/事,例句:She desperately wanted to win her fathers approval. 她急不可待地想赢得她父亲的赞同。 I cant agree to anything without my partners approval. 没有合伙人的认可我什么也不能答应。 He doesnt approve of me leaving school this year. 他不同意我今年离校。,【链接训练】 The mayor has_the new building plan and the construction of the new Broadcasting Center will begin in a few days. Aappreciated Bapproached Cappointed Dapproved 【解析】 句意为:市长批准了新的建造计划,建造新的广播中心的工程几天之内就开工。approve“批准,赞成”,符合题意。appreciate“感激”;approach“接近”;appoint“任命;委派;指定”。 【答案】 D,例句:I am convinced of his innocence. I am convinced that he was innocent. 我相信他是无辜的。 What she said convinced me that I was mistaken. 她的一番话使我认识到我错了。 What convinced you to vote for them? 究竟是什么使得你愿意投他们的票呢?,【链接训练】 The couple tried every effort to _ the judges,who tried the case of their innocence,resulting in the contrary. Aprove Bcharge Cconvince Dconfirm 【解析】 句意为:那对夫妇尽力使审讯那宗案件的法官相信他们是清白的,但结果正相反。prove“证明”;charge sb. with.“指控某人”;convince sb. of sth.“使某人相信”;confirm sth.“证实”。由句意及convince sb. of sth.的搭配可知正确答案为C。 【答案】 C,_that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic about the future of the country. AConvincing BConvinced CTo convince DHaving convinced 【解析】 考查非谓语动词的用法。句子的逻辑主语是people与convince之间是主动关系,故用v.ing形式,排除B项;C项动词不定式置于句首,一般作目的状语,与题意不符,故排除;convince这一动作与主句谓语动作同时发生,故排除D项完成时。选A。句意为:人们确信政府能带领他们走出经济危机,他们对国家的未来很乐观。 【答案】 A,6oppose vt.反抗,反对 归纳拓展 (1)oppose (doing) sth.反对干某事 be opposed to (doing) sth.反对干某事 (2)opposition n反对,对立 meet with opposition遭到反对 in opposition to sb. on sth.在某事上与某人意见相反 注意:be opposed to中的to是介词,不是不定式符号,后加名词/代词或v.ing形式,不加to do,其同义词组是be against和object to。,例句:Most people are opposed to war and for peace. 大多数人反对战争,支持和平。 The President opposes giving military aid to this country.总统反对向该国提供军事援助。 【链接训练】 翻译句子 我们强烈反对种族歧视。 We_are_bitterly_opposed_to_the_racial_discrimination.,1tell.apart把区分开 归纳拓展 (1)tell A and B aparttell A from Btell the difference(s) between A and B 把A与B区分开 tellthat./wh 辨别,识别 (2)tell sb. about/of sth.告诉某人有关某事 tell a lie/lies撒谎 to tell the truth说实话,例句:It is also quite easy to tell British and American English apart. 要将英国英语和美国英语分辨开来也很容易。 I cant tell whether it is him or not. 我认不清是不是他。 It is very important for us to tell true friends from false ones in society. 在社会上辨别出真假朋友对我们来说是非常重要的。,【链接训练】 The twins are so much alike that their own mother can hardly _. Atell them apart Btell apart them Csay them apart Dsay apart them 【解析】 tell apart是动词短语(v.adv.),代词常常放在tell和apart之间,故选A。 【答案】 A,2let sb./sth.down使某人失望,辜负;(使)略逊一筹,美中不足 归纳拓展 let alone更不必说 let off宽恕;开(枪),放(炮、烟火等);让下车 let out放走,释放;泄露,放出;放宽,放大(衣服) let go放开,松手 let sb./sth. in/into让进来,放进来 注意:let.alonelet.be/leave.alone不干涉;对置之不理;而let alone是“更不必说”,需作插入语。,例句:This machine wont let you down. 你尽管放心,这台机器不会出毛病。 She speaks French very fluently,but her pronunciation lets her down. 她法语讲得很流利,但美中不足的是发音不太好。 There isnt enough room for us,let alone any guests.连我们都没有足够的空间,更不用说客人了。,【链接训练】 If you dont bring a present to Lucy,you may _. Thank you for reminding me. Surely Ill buy her one this evening. Aleave her along Blet her down Chold her back Dcheer her up 【解析】 句意为:如果你不给露西带生日礼物,你可能会使她失望的。谢谢你提醒我。我今晚肯定就去给她买一件生日礼物。leave sb.alone“不理会某人”;let sb.down“使某人失望”;hold sb.back“阻止某人”;cheer sb.up“使某人振作起来”。由句意可知答案为B项。 【答案】 B,3be relevant to.与有关 归纳拓展 (2)relevance n. 关联 relevantly adv.相关联地,例句:Do you have any relevant experience in advertising? 你有广告行业的相关经验吗? What they are discussing is not relevant to the present question.他们所讨论的事情与目前的问题无关。 【链接训练】 完成句子 The judge ruled that the evidence wasnt_relevant_to/had_no_relevance_to/wasnt_related_to/wasnt_connected_with/had_nothing_to_do_with(与无关)the case.,Not all idioms have been common for many years. 并非所有的习语很多年都常见。 not all.意为“并非所有的都”,是部分否定。not的位置比较灵活,可置于句首,也可放在句中。 例句:Not all the people present agreed with you. All the people present didnt agree with you. 不是所有在场的人都赞成你(的看法)。 归纳拓展 (1)与not连用构成部分否定的词有: all,everyone,everywhere,both,everybody,,always,every,everything,altogether(全体), entirely(全部地),wholly(全部地) (2)表示全部否定的词有:none,nobody,no one,neither,never,nothing,nowhere等。 例句:None of the people present agreed with you. 所有在场的人都不赞成你。 Both of Tom and Jack are not fond of op music. Not both of Tom and Jack are fond of pop music. 汤姆和杰克二人不全喜欢流行音乐。 Tom and Jack are not fond of pop music. 汤姆和杰克都不喜欢流行音乐。,【链接训练】 I havent read _ of his books,but judging from others comments,I think hes a very promising writer. Aany Bnone Cboth Deither 【解析】 any与not连用表全部否定;not与none of连用,双重否定表肯定;not与both和either连用表部分否定,根据题意,选A。 【答案】 A,The boys and girls had walked for hours.They _ got very tired,but _ of them would stop to take a rest. Aall;neither Bboth;none Call;none Dboth;everyone 【解析】 both只能用于两者之间,此题中是说the boys and the girls,故用all,作they的同位语;空二考查全部否定,故用none。 【答案】 C,复习状语和状语从句 1状语 定义:修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,说明动作或状态特征的句子成分。 位置:修饰形容词或副词的状语一般放在被修饰词的前面;修饰动词的状语一般放在被修饰词的后面。特殊情况除外。 (1)状语的表现形式 副词及副词短语 例句:Light travels fast.光传播得很快。,介词短语 例句:We have lived in this city for 10 years. 我们在这座城市已生活了十年。 分词短语ing及ed形式 例句:Encouraged by the teacher,I decided to learn English well. 在老师的鼓励下,我决心把英语学好。 动词不定式 例句:He worked hard to pass the exam. 他努力学习,想通过考试。,从句 例句:So long as you can promise to return it on time,I will lend you my bike. 只要你能保证准时归还,我可以把自行车借给你。 独立主格形式: 例句:The teacher entered the classroom,ruler in hand.老师手里拿着一把尺子进了教室。 (2)状语的种类 时间状语 原因状语 条件状语 地点状语 方式状语 伴随状语 目的状语(常位于句末,强调时可位于句首) 让步状语 程度状语(单个副词时,常前置),比较状语(通常有固定形式,不可随意改变) 例句:When it rains,I usually go to pick up my daughter in my car. 下雨时,我通常开车去接我的女儿。 I didnt go to the party because of the heavy snow.因为下大雪我没有去参加聚会。 As long as you work hard,you can make great progress. 只要你努力,就能取得很大的进步。 He was sent where he was most needed. 他被派往最需要他的地方去了。,2状语从句 通常来说明主句中某一动词、形容词、副词的起状语作用的从句,叫做状语从句。状语从句位置较灵活,可以放在主句之前、之后或中间。状语从句包括时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、让步状语从句。 各个类型的状语从句在前面单元的语法中已经一一讲到过,这里我们只将其引导词进行归纳总结。,【链接训练】 After a long walk,she was _ tired that she had to go upstairs and rest. Amuch Benough Ctoo Dthat 【解析】 句中that可作为副词,相当于so,与后面的that构成结果状语从句,其余选项均无这种用法。 【答案】 D,_ online shopping attracts a certain group of the people,there will always be some who enjoy shopping for their own groceries. AWhen BAs CIf DWhile 【解析】 句意为:虽然网上购物吸引了一定群体的人,但总有一些人喜欢上街购买自己的杂货。此处while表示“虽然;尽管”,引导让步状语从句。 【答案】 D,We have decided to go for a picnic tomorrow,Dick.Are you going with us? Well,_ you are going,so will I. Awhen Bsince Cif Dwhile 【解析】 句意为:我们已决定明天出去野炊,迪克,你和我们一起去吗?哦,既然你们去,那我也要去。此题极易误选C。if “假如你们去,那我也去。”显然不符合前文逻辑。 【答案】 B,Jenny was reading a piece of science fiction,completely _ to the outside world. Ahaving lost Bbeing lost Closing Dlost 【解析】 lost是形容词,be lost to the world(全神贯注于某事而不注意周围的事情)。形容词短语表示状态,作状语。 【答案】 D,_,the people in Sichuan Province are recovering from the effects of the terrible earthquake on May 12th,2008. AStrongly and unitedly BStrong and united CBe strong and unite DBeing strongly and united 【解析】 strong and united“坚强并团结”,为形容词短语作状语。 【答案】 B,Loading ,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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