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2008高三英语总复习经典词汇闪亮精彩人生 强化记忆铸就高考辉A1. accessgain access to.的入口 have free access to 自由利用a finishing touch 点睛之笔 touch .up 对。润色angel小天使 angle角度 attitude态度altitude 海拔高度2. accountn.account 账户,叙述 on account of=because of 由于take. into account=take.into consideration 把.加以考虑account for 占据,占有(比例),解释原因,3. allabove all 最重要的是 after all毕竟,终究at all根本 in all总共,总计first of all 首先,第一4. anything but =never 决不nothing but=only=no more than 仅仅,只 nothing less than 与。一样5. asas a whole 总体上 as a rule 作为规则 as a result/consequence 结果in face=as a matter of fact=actually=in actual fact=in reality 实际上as follows 如下 as for 至于(as for me.) as to至于(as to +clause)as usual 通常 as with 正如.一样6. atat the mercy of=with the control of 受.控制at times=now and then=from time to time 有时at a time 每次 at one time 曾经,一度 at the time 在此时at any time 在任何时 at all times=always 总是at the same time=meanwhile 同时at no time=never=under no circumstances=by no means=in no way=on no condition=in no case 决不in no time=immediately=right now/away 立刻,马上in time 及时,有朝一日 on time =punctual准时 anything but=never 决不against the blue sky 与蓝天相映衬 lean against the fence 斜靠栅栏at the crossing/crossroads 在十字路口,在关键时刻7. awaythrow away 扔掉 put away 收拾好 give away 赠送,泄露carry away 带走 clear away 清除 break away离开8. approach=draw near=be around the corner 临近,将近9Attend attend to=see to =deal with=handle处理attend to sb.=take care of 照看某人attend school/class/a lecture/party/wedding/meeting/funeral 出席B1. bebe meant/intended for 打算用作 be connected with 与.联系be crazy about对.狂热 be stationed 驻守,驻扎be late with=do sth.late 迟做某事 be done for 不中用,完蛋be cross with=be angry with=be annoyed with 生气2. blowblow away 吹走 blow out 吹出 blow off吹掉 blow up 爆炸, 充气3. breakbreak away from 脱离(政党),改掉(陋习)break down 抛锚,身体垮了,破裂,分解 break in 打断,插嘴,闯入 break into破门而入 break out 爆发 break off中断,使停止break through 突破 break up 驱散,拆散,放假4. but for=without5. byby accident=by chance=by coincidence 偶然的6. bringBring sth. to light 给.带来光明,使.明了 bring about lead to 导致,引起bring back 带回,使忆起,使恢复 bring down cut down on=cut back on降价bring forward=put forward 提出 bring in 引进 bring off=finish 完成bring out=take out 拿出,推出(书,唱片) bring up 抚养,呕吐bring forth 产生,生产 bear the fruits 结果子7, burstburst into tears/laughter =burst out crying/laughingburst out=blow up 爆 be attached to 附加于bit by bit=little by little=step by step=gradually 逐渐地C1. callcall for 需要,邀约,取物 call in 请来,收回 call on=drop in on 拜访人call at=drop in at 拜访地 call up 回想起,打电话,征召入伍call off=cancel =取消 call it a day 到此为止2. carrycarry away 拿走 carry forward 发扬,推进 carry off 夺走,carry on =go on with 进行 carry out 执行,实行 carry through 进行到底carry weight 承载,负重 carry sth. into effect/ practice 把.付诸实践3. catchcatch hold of sth.=get hold of= take hold of 抓住 catch on. 扎在.上catch up with 赶上 catch fire 着火 catch sight of看到 catch on理解,变得流行4. certainit is certain that. sb. certain/sure be certain to do/ of doing/ that-clause5. come along6. come come in 进来 ,被收到 come into 进入.状态 come into being 产生,形成come about=take place=happen come back 回来,记起 come down 下来come back to life苏醒=come to oneself come from来自 come on 加油,跟我来come out 出来,出版 come true 实现 come to the point 触及问题实质come to an end 结束 come to light 显露 come up with 想出come onto the market上市come across=run across=bang into=meet with=run up against=chance upon碰见7. commonin common with 与.相同 have sth.in common 有共同之处 above the common 超常 out of common非凡的common good 大众利益common knowledge/sense 常识 common practice 常见的做法8. concludeto conclude= in short= in a word=all in all 总之make/draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion 得出结论9. conditionout of condition=be in poor health 健康不佳on condition that=only if=on the understanding that=provided that=providing that 条件是.10. convenientbe convenient to sb. / be convenient for sb. To do 做.方便for the convenience of 为了.的方便 at ones convenience 在某人方便时11. countcount sb./sth. as 认为,看作 count on=rely on=depend on 依靠count down 倒计时 count .in 把.算在内 count .out 数出count the cost 开始吃苦头12. cutcut back on=reduce削减 cut down on削减 cut off 切断,阻断cut up 切碎,切小 cut away 切除,切掉 cut in=break in=cut short插嘴,打断 cut out剪断,剪出 cut through打通cut short突然中断 clear away 清理掉 clear up整理好,天放晴D1. dinner Dinner is served.开饭了。 Treat sb. to dinner招待某人吃饭2. die die of 死于疾病、饥寒、情感等 die from死于疾病、意外事故等die down(情绪)消退 die away(声音)消失、消退 die out 死光,灭绝3. do do well in 在。方面做得好 what.do with=howdeal with处理do sb. a favor帮某人忙 do up系纽扣,做头发 do away with 废除,除掉cannot but do 只能做 do nothing but do只能做 can not help but do只能做have nothing to do but do只能做 have no choice/option/alternative but to do 别无选择做4. down close down关停 turn down拒绝;把声音调低 look down upon看不起let sb.down使失望 calm down =cool off冷静下来 take town 记下pull down 拉下 knock down 撞倒 copy down 抄下 blow down 吹倒put down 镇压 bring down 降低 hand down 传下来 lay down 放下E1. effortmake an effort努力 make a good/ great effort to do sth. 努力做。make every effort to do sth. 努力做 spare no effort(s) to do不遗余力做without effort毫不费力2. exceptexcept 全部除了 except for 除了整体中的部分 except that 引导从句except when 引导时间从句F1. fallfall behind落后 fall off从摔下 fall down跌倒 fall asleep 睡着2. favo(u)rdo sb. a favor = do a favor for sb. 帮某人忙 ask a favour for sb.请人帮忙in sb.s favor 得某人欢心 in favor of sb.支持某人3. feastfeast sb. on sth.请某人吃 feast (ones) eyes/ears on大饱眼/耳福 4. fool fool into骗做 make a fool of 愚弄 play the fool 装傻5. foradmire sb. for sth.为而钦佩 thank sb. for sth.为而感谢excuse sb. for sth.为而宽恕 forgive sb. for sth.为而原谅scold sb. for sth.因而责备 blame sb. for sth. 因而责备6. formbe in form= be in good condition状态好 be out of form状态不佳in the form of以形式7. force force ones way强行前进 by force用武力 come/ go into force生效8. by far得多(修饰比较级)so far 到目前为止 free from pollution 免遭污染 far from satisfactory远非令人满意9Function as 起.作用 work as 充当,担任 act as 充当,担任G1. getget about/around/round传出去 get across使理解 get away离开get back回来;取回 get down to (doing) sth.开始认真做get in touch with与。联系 get in a word插话get into进入 get on/along well with与。相处好;。进展顺利get on / off上/下车 get over克服,度过 get to 到达,逐渐.get through通过;接通;经历 get rid of 除掉2. givegive away捐赠;泄露 give back归还;恢复 give in屈服,投降give up放弃 give off发出,放出(光和热) give out =hand out 分发, 发布=run out (of)用光,耗尽 =be tired out =be worn out=be exhausted筋疲力尽3. go go ahead干吧;继续 go all out= try ones best竭尽全力 go about开始着手;传开 go against违背 go back回家go beyond超过 go by经过(地点);(时间)过去go down下沉;下降 go for运用于 go in for参加;爱好go with=match与。相配 go without在没。的情况下应付一下;没有也行go out熄灭 go over复习;检查;过一遍 go off响起go through完成;通过;仔细检查 go up上升,上涨H1. habitbe in the habit of doing sth.有做的习惯by/ out of habit出于习惯 get out of the habit of doing sth.改掉做的习惯form/develop/get into the habit of 养成习惯2. havehave a word with sb=talk with.与。说句话 have words with=quarrel with 争吵have good/ bad effects on有影响 have word =have news 有消息 have difficulty/ trouble in doing sth.= find difficulty in doing做有困难have a go= have a try 试试 hang on(to) 紧握不放3. holdhold back阻止 hold ones breath屏息 hold on (to)继续;坚持下去hold out坚持;拿出 hold up = stop =block阻滞;耽误;支撑;举起;拿起I1. in the future 在将来 in future 今后in comparison with 与相比 in the course of 在过程in accordance with= according to 根据 in line with 与一致in vain 徒劳地,白费 in the downtown(area) 在市中心in the urban area 在城区 in the rural area 在乡村2. in sbs case= in terms of= as far as sb is concerned 就某人而言in that case 假如那样的话 in case/ in case of 万一、以免in any case= anyway= anyhow 无论如何in no case= at no time =by no means= under no circumstances 绝不3. in hopes of =in the hope that 希望 in honour of 对表示敬意in search of 搜寻 in want of 需要,缺乏in need of 需要 in place of= instead of 代替 in favor of 赞扬in memory of 纪念 in praise of 赞扬 in possession of 拥有4. in all 总共 in use 使用中 in case 万一in conclusion=at last=eventually=finally=in the end 最后in detail 详细地 in turn 轮流、依次、反过来 in return 作为回报in pairs 成双成对 in a rush =in a hurry 匆忙 in response to 作为的回应 in danger=at stake 处与危险中K1. Keepkeep track of 跟上 keep up 坚持 keep up with 跟上keep back 保留、阻止、隐瞒、拒留 keep silent 保持沉默 keep in touch with 与保持联系 keep ones word 遵守诺言keep out of 使不进入 keep away from 远离keep off 使远离2. KnockKnock at 敲 Knock down 撞倒 Knock off 撞掉下来Knock about 连续打击、漂泊、闲逛L1. LayLay the table 摆放餐桌 Lay aside 备用、搁在一边 Lay eggs 下蛋Lay down 放下 Lay hopes on 寄希望于 Lay off 下岗Laid-off workers 下岗工人 Lay emphasis on 把重点放上2. Lead Lead sb to sp 领某人去 Lead sb to do 领某人做Lead sb into doing 率领 Lead sb by the nose 牵着某人的鼻子Lead the way 领路 Lead/live a happy life 过幸福生活Lead to= bring about= contribute to= result in 导致3. LeanLean against the door 斜倚着门4. LeaveLeave aside 搁置 Leave out 遗漏 Leave behind 没带,离开Leave off=pull up =stop 停止 Leave sb.alone 别管 Leave space 留下余地 Leave it at that 到此为止5. Light Bring sth to light 给带来光明 Come to light 显露Throw light on sth 阐明 Light year 光年 Light-house 灯塔Lighter 打火机 Light-hearted 轻松的、愉快的 Light sleep睡眠不足Light-lit-lit light- lighted- lighted 6. LiveAdj 活的、生动的 lively(adj) 生动活泼的 Adv 现场直播地 alive活的、有气息的 living 活的、健在的 Live up to 不辜负 Live through 经历,活过 A live fish 活鱼Be broadcast live 现场直播7. LookLook ahead 向前看 Look back (on) 回顾 Look down on 轻视、看不起Look for 寻找、期待 Look forward to 期待做某事 Look on 围观、旁观Look out (for)当心、小心 Look over仔细看Look over ones shoulder回头看Look round 参观、浏览、回头看 Look through 浏览 Look into 调查Look/ watch out for 留心、警惕 Look on/ upon as 把看作Look to 注意、考虑 Look up 抬头、查阅 Look up to sb 尊敬8Last last but not least 最后但同样重要的 last but one(two) 倒数第二(三)M1. MakeMake a dive for 向猛冲 Make an apology to 向道歉Make up 组成、化妆、弥补、编选 Make room for 给腾地方Make up ones mind 下决心 Make up for =compensate for 弥补,补偿Make use of 利用 Make ones way 前进 Make it 做成某事/约定Make progress =make advances 进步 Make repairs 修理Make a promise =make a commitment 许诺言 Make/earn a living 谋生The news really made my day.此消息真得使我开心一整天2. MeansMeans 方法、手段 meaning 含义、意义meaningful 意味深长的Be meant for= be intended for 打算做Be meant to do sth = be supposed to do 应该做By this/these means= in this way 用这种方法By every means 用尽手段 By all means= of course 务必、一定By no means = under no circumstances 绝不By any means = anyway =anyhow 无论如何3. MeetMeet with= come across=run into 碰巧Meet = appeal to =cater to= satisfy ones need 满足需求Meet ones eye 正视某人目光 Make both ends meet 收支相抵Meet with sb.=happen to meet sb.偶遇 Meet with sth 遭遇4. More More than = over 超过=not only/ just 不仅仅=very 很、十分more A than B 与其说不如说 no more than= only/ just 仅仅no morethan 绝不比更 not more than= at the most 不超过not morethan 不如,比不上 not a little=very much 非常not a bit=not at all 一点也不 not necessarily 未必,不一定nearly 几乎 hardly 几乎不 mostly 主要地 almost 几乎,差不多might as well do不妨做 manners and customs风俗习惯O1. Occasion On occasion=occasionally=偶而,间或 Object to=oppose doing反对做On a large scale 大规模地2. OccupyOccupy oneself in/with 忙于 Be occupied with=be busy with忙于In case of 万一 Instead of/in place of 代替 For fear of 担心In search for 搜寻 Accuse sb of 控告 Rob sb of 抢劫Remind sb of 提醒 Cure sb of 治疗 Convince sb of 信服 Suspect sb of 怀疑 Warn sb of 警告 Deprive sb of 剥夺Require sb of 要求 Inform sb of 告知3. OnHold on坚持 Keep on 反复 Go on 继续 Carry on 进行Count on=depend on=rely on依赖 Hang on 紧抓不放 Keep an eye on 照看、盯着看4. OnceAll at once 突然、一起 At once 马上、立刻Once(and)for all 一劳永逸地、永远地 Once in a while 偶尔、间或Once more (again) 再一次 Once upon a time 从前5. OnlyIf only= wish 真希望,但愿 Not onlybut (also)不仅而且Only that 除了,只是 Only too 太、非常6. OrderIn order 整齐、秩序井然 In order of 按顺序In order that 为了 In order to 为了(做某事)Keep order 维持秩序 Place an order for sth. 订购Out of order 坏了、违反规程7. OverSmooth away= get rid of 避免,克服 消除 Turn sth over 翻过来Rather than 而不是 Other than 除了,与不同More than 超过 Or rather 更确切地说P1. PackPack away/up 把收起来放好 Pack in 停止、放弃Pack off 把打发走 Package travel 包价旅游2. PartFor ones part 就个人来说 In part 部分地On the part of 就而言 Part with 放弃、出让Play a part/role in 扮演角色、参与 Take part in 参加、参与3. PassPass away 去世 Pass by 经过、从旁经过Pass off (as) 被看作、充作 Pass on 传授、传递Pass out 昏倒、失去知觉 Pass over 对不加考虑Pass up 放过(机会)、放弃4. PickPick from 从摘下、捡起、挑选 pick off 摘去pick on 挑剔、挑选、找茬、责备 pick ones pocket 扒窃pick out 取出、去掉;挑选;分辨,了解pick up 抬起、搭乘、爬起来、振动、偶学、(身体、生意)好转5. PlaceIn place 在合适的位置 In place of 代替、取代、交换In the first place 第一、首先 Out of place 不适合的位置、格格不入的Take place 发生、举行 Take the place of =replace 代替、取代6. PointMake a point 发表观点 Prove ones point 证明观点Come /get to the point 来谈正事 Miss the point 错过重点Be on the point of (doing) sth when正要做这时突然Off the point 离题 To the point 到正题 Up to the point 切中主题At this/ that point 此时、此阶段7. PurposeForpurpose 为了目的 For (the) purpose(s) of 为了的目的On purpose=deliberately 故意地、特地 To the purpose 中肯地Product 工业产品 Produce 农产品,土特产8. PayPay off 还清、成功、带来好结果 Pay for sth 为付费Pay back 偿还 Pay sb .for sth付某人某物 Pay sb. 支付某人9. PutPut across把解释清楚 Put aside=set aside 储备 Put down 放下、记下;估计认为;平定、镇压 Put forward 提出 Put on 穿上、上演、假装、增加 Put off=delay=postpo ne 推迟、使泄气、下车、关掉、脱去(衣物)、摆脱 Put out 伸出、熄灭、制造、出版、发行、驶出、离开 Put over 把讲清楚,推迟,成功完 Put through 实行、完成、接通 Put up 供食宿、建立、张贴、抬高Put up with =stand=bear=tolerate容忍、忍受 Pros and cons 赞成与反对QQuestion beyond (all) question 无可置疑 out of question=no problem 毫无疑问Out of the question=impossible 不可能的 under question 受盘问without question 无可争辩R1. request at ones request 应某人之邀 by request 应要求on request 应要求2. ringring off 挂断 ring up 打电话 ring back 回电ring out 突然响起 hold on 别挂电话 give sb. a ring 给打电话3. runrun across / into 不期而遇, 偶然发现 run after 追求run against 碰及 run along 走开; 延长; 贯穿run at 突然进攻 run away (off) with 消耗, 用掉run back over 回忆过去 sth run out / run out of sth 用完, 耗尽run down 用完; 停止走动, 走下坡路in the long (short) run/term 从长期(短期)来看4Resign resign ones poison=leave office 辞职,离职 resign oneself to=give in to sb 听从于,顺从于 read ones mind/thoughts 猜度某人心思/想法S1. scratchscratch about 四处抓 scratch away 刮掉scratch out 刮掉; 勉强维持 scratch up 磨坏, 挖出start from scratch 白手起家2. sendsend away 把打发走 send for 派人去请; 召唤send in 递送; 提交 send off 邮寄, 发送send out 发送(信函,货物等); 发出(声音) send up 使上升,,发射3. setset about doing =set out to do 开始做某事 set apart 把分开set aside 把放置一边, 留存备用 set back 向后移, 推迟, 阻碍set down 记下, 标出 set forth 启程, 出发; 详尽地解释set fire to sth. = set sth. on fire 纵火 set sb free 释放set foot in/on涉足 set sail (for) 启航 set off 引爆, 引发思念 ,动身set out to do 开始着手 set about doing 开始着手 set up 建立, 成立set an example to sb 给某人树立榜样4. shortrun short of 缺乏 cut short 突然停止 for short 简称, 缩写in short 简言之 be in short of =be lack of 缺少5. sightat (first) sight 乍一看, 一看到就 at sight of 一看见catch sight of 看见, 发现 in sight 在视野之内, 看得见in sbs sight 在某人看来 lose sight of 看不见 out of sight 看不见, 视野之外6. soonsoon after 不久, 很快 as soon as possible 尽快no sooner than 一 就 sooner or later 迟早the sooner, the better 越快越好7. spiritbe down in spirits 情绪低落 be in high/low spirits 情绪高涨/低落in spirit 精神上, 心灵上8. standstand at attention 立正 stand at ease 稍息stand by 站在一旁(袖手旁观); 支持某人stand for 代表 stand up for 支持, 坚持stand out 突显 stand on ones own feet 自立9. stepin step 步调一致 in steps 逐步地out of step 不协调, 跟不上 step by step 一步步地, 逐步地step aside 让开, 走开 step down 走下来; 退休, 辞职step in 干涉, 介入 step up =speed up 增加, 加快10. strikestrike off 打掉, 删去 strike out 创新; 删去 strike up 开始演奏, 建立起(友谊等) be on strike 在(开始)罢工(课)go (out) on strike 举行罢工 strike 12 敲12点11. suma large sum of 一大笔 in sum 一言以蔽之sum to 共计 sum up 是 的总和, 合计 to sum up 总而言之12. statein a state of处于 的状态 make a statement 作出声明state ones views陈述观点something of= in a sense从某种程度上,有几分 Its 8 oclock sharp. 现在8点正 Second to none 绝对第一T1. taketake great trouble to 不辞辛劳 take away 拿走take back 收回, 使忆起 take care 小心take care of 照顾 take down 拆卸; 记录, 记下take in 吸收; 领会; 欺骗 take off 脱下; 起飞; (事业)腾飞take on 呈现; 雇佣; 接收; 承担 take out 把带出去; 清除take over 接管 take to 喜欢; 习惯于; 对感兴趣take up开始从事; 占据 take after像 take .for granted that 想当然认为2. thinkthink nothing of (doing) sth 认为没什么think for oneself 独立思考think twice before doing 三思而行 think again 重新思考think aloud 自言自语 think badly of sb 对看法不好think a lot of sb高度评价=think highly of =speak highly of= sing high praise for think sth out 考虑好 think sth over 仔细考虑think sth through 认真考虑 think sth up 想出think back= recall 回忆 3. throughbreak through 突破 cut through 克服;开出一条路go through 通过; 经历; 搜遍 get sb through 接通电话; 通过(考试); 浏览look through 浏览; 仔细查看 live through 活过read through 读完, 读通 think through 彻底考虑pass through 通过, 穿过 put through 接通电话 see through 看透4. to (doing)look forward to 期待 pay attention to 注意 get down to 着手做commit to 把 托付给 keep to 不偏离, 遵守point to 指向 come to 谈到; 苏醒 occur to 想到attach to 赋予 devote. to 奉献, 致力于adapt to (使) 适应 turn to 求助; 翻到 admit to 承认 stick to 坚持 appeal to 呼吁; 迎合 object to 反对adjustto 适应 to some degree/extent在某种程度上5. windwind up 上发条 wind ones way 蜿蜒而行 wind-wound-woundwelcome aboard欢迎搭乘班机 upside down 颠倒 win a victory 获胜warm-up 热身准备 wash away 冲走

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