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1.【题文】Challenges and tough experiences can help you find out who you really are.About 2 years ago, I was 1 in one of my first taekwondo (跆拳道) championships (锦标赛). I was very 2 in myself My opponent (对手) was skinny. The thoughts in my head were something like Shes so 3 of course youll win. As the match started, my opponents true 4 came out. She came straight at me and landed a head kick on me, 5 three points in the first five seconds. I was so shocked, 6 and forgot everything my coach said. I was kicking 7 , in hopes of not losing. But 8 hit me. I lost 21-5.1 had never lost before. I was afraid of the girl, and to me, her name was 9 with defeat.The experience lasted with me. I worked and trained harder than before. I listened to my 10 wholeheartedly and made sure I was not overconfident. The following year, I _11 the same girl once again at the state championships. I was 12 But with encouragement from my coach, I 13 some confidence. When the fight started, I did not panic like the previous match but listened to my coachs 14 . His voice 15 me around the ring (拳击场), attacking at key moments. The main thought in my head was not about winning or losing, 16 doing my best. Eventually, I won. My hard work, and listening to my coach all 17 . My opponent had the 18 skinny figure, but did not frighten me anymore.From this experience, I learned not to let confidence overshadow reality. It is important to 19_ the fact that there are people better than you. But with this idea in mind, you can work hard to become that person mat is better. This experience also taught me not to judge others based on their 20 .1. A. competing B. struggling C. playing D. quarrelling2. A. proud B. confident C. content D. ashamed3. A. young B. tiny C. strong D. ugly4. A. expression B. sense C. personality D. figure5. A. taking B. catching C. reaching D. scoring6. A. surprised B. panicked C. tired D. excited7. A. angrily B. bravely C. blindly D. cautiously8. A. reality B. courage C. imagination D. memory9. A. filled B. associated C. mixed D. compared10. A. coach B. teammate C. opponent D. judge11. A. recognized B. faced C. admired D. reminded12. A. afraid B. courageous C. delighted D. alone13. A. lacked B. borrowed C. developed D. remembered14. A. judgment B. praise C. encouragement D. advice15. A. showed B. forced C. kept D. directed16. A. but B. or C. so D. and17. A. paid back B. called off C. called back D. paid off18. A. different B. same C. rare D. common19. A. oppose B. ignore C. receive D. accept20. A. appearances B. words C. description D. behavior【答案】ABBCD BCABA BACDD ADBDA【解析】【试源】2015届河北省唐山市高三上学期期末考试【结束】2.【题文】Many people travel during the holiday season but do not make sure that their houses and homes 1 (protect). Crime goes up 2 (rapid) during the winter and summer holiday seasons. Here are some things that you should keep in mind when you go on 3 holiday.Always give 4 (strange) the feeling that you are at home. Have the snow 5 (clean) off your stairs or out of your driveway during the winter season. You might ask someone to park 6 cars in your driveway.Tell your newspaper deliverer that you are not at home. 7 (have) a pile of newspapers and other mail on your doorsteps tells people that you are not at home, so you could also have a neighbor 8 a relative get your mail every day.Fix a timer in some of your rooms 9 turns lights on and off during different times of the day. Some TVs also come with a timer that you could set to be turned on during certain times. Have motion (运动) sensitive lights outside your house that keep thieves away 10 you are not at home.【答案】1. are protected 2. rapidly 3. a 4. strangers 5. cleaned 6. their/his 7. Having 8. or 9. that/which 10. when/while 【解析】【试源】2015届河北省唐山市高三上学期期末考试【结束】3.【题文】假如你是育才中学的一名英国交换生Tom。为了放松心情、结交朋友并了解中国的风土人情,你计划这个假期去云南大理、丽江旅游。请根据以下要点撰写一篇博文寻找中国学生作为旅游伙伴: 1时间: 2月2 1日-2月26日; 2对旅伴的要求; 3联系方式:电话:13012345678; E-mail:tommy1999163.com.注意: 1词数100左右; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Im Tom, a British exchange student at Yucai High School. Looking forward to meeting you.【答案】One possible versionIm Tom, a British exchange student at Yucai High School. I am planning to take a six-day tour of Dali and Lijiang, Yunnan Province, starting from February 21. Id like to find an outgoing and enthusiastic companion from a Chinese high school, who has a good knowledge of Chinese culture, especially about Yunnan local minorities. Besides, it would be nice if you have some experience in traveling. Above all, your good command of English will make sure free communication between us can happen. I sincerely hope we can relax, enjoy ourselves, make friends as well as improve our cross-cultural communication skills during this experience. If anyone is interested, please contact me at 13012345678 or send me an E-mail to tommy1999163.com. Looking forward to meeting you!【解析】【试源】2015届河北省唐山市高三上学期期末考试【结束】4.【题文】In the 9th grade I was assigned a “Life Project”. We had to 1 a person whom we hoped to be like later in life and give an oral presentiation to the class. I wanted to 2 entertainment lawyer. Many students really didnt want to do it. 3 , I felt this was a way to open 4 to places I dreamed of. I looked in the yellow newspapers and wrote down various 5 of entertainment lawyers. I called each of the numbers, but no one 6 to my messages. I 7 asked people if they knew someone I could interview. Still no help. As weeks grew I became 8 of trying, until I looked on the internet and came across a big time law firm called the Beverly Hills. I called and asked 9 I could possibly interview the entertainment lawyer. The assistant told me the man was busy and didnt want to be 10 by my little school project. I was discouraged by this 11 . I tried again anyway, and left the entertainment lawyer a message. He called back! He told me that he would be honored to be interviewed. I was very 12 . I learned a lot of different things and 13 the information to my classmates. My teacher told me to keep in 14 with him. I did. And he did a big 15 at my school to all of the 11th and 12th grade students. This was a 16 of my hard work and determination to get a big time lawyer who I thought wouldnt give me the time of day. To this day in 2014 he always tells me that if I need 17 I could call himeven a letter of recommendationhe said he would be 18 to write one. I will never forget how that simple “Life Project” opened so many doors and gave me the 19 to get out of my comfort zone. Determination and courage are the 20 I learned from this project. 1. A. describe B. interview C. communicate D. imagine 2. A. turn B. become C. realize D. get 3. A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Otherwise 4. A. careers B. causes C. doors D. subjects 5. A. addresses B. numbers C. names D. ambitions 6. A. referred B. objected C. stuck D. responded7. A. eventually B. constantly C. rarely D. gradually8. A. ashamed B. afraid C. tired D. aware 9. A. why B. whether C. when D. where 10. A. introduced B. bothered C. bore D. prevented 11. A. comment B. content C. regulation D. suggestion 12. A. embarrassed B. puzzled C. excited D. exhausted 13. A. explained B. recited C. returned D. reported 14. A. contact B. contract C. conversation D. contribution 15. A. prearation B. presentation C. performance D. program 16. A. congratulation B. construction C. ceremony D. celebration 17. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something 18. A.satified B. sorry C. prepared D. intersted 19. A. opportunity B. direction C. method D. solution 20. A.promises B. prices C. conclusions D. values 【答案】BACCB DBCBB ACDAB DACAD【解析】【试源】2015届安徽省安庆一中、安师大附中高三第四次模考【结束】12.【题文】I started my travel business 6 years ago. I didnt have a 1 budget, so I simply told everyone I was familiar with about my business. 2 , I had got very few clients (客户).Late one evening I received a call from a woman 3 about a cruise (航游) she had booked. I didnt 4 her voice so I asked her where she lived. She replied, “Montana.” I told her that I didnt have any clients in Montana and that she must have been 5 . “Sir, I have your 6 written down right here on my piece of paper, 7 I must have booked it with you. Could you recheck it, please?” she 8 responded. 9 , she had my website but I wasnt her travel agent.I 10 her name, phone number and sailing information and told her I would call the cruise line and see 11 I could find out. She greatly 12 my offer to help. The next day I called to tell her that I found out that one agency did have her 13 and gave her its number. The woman was very 14 with the solution. We also talked for a few minutes about her 15 and gave her some tips while on board. She thanked me again and I told her it would be my _16 to help her any time in the future. After a few days, I completely 17 about the encounter (邂逅).Several months later, much to my 18 , I got a call from the ladys sister from Montana, who wanted to get married on a cruise ship. Thats just the beginning of the story. My little 19 to the lady in Montana brought 30 brand new clients! Time will only tell how many new clients will come my way 20 one simple offer.1. A. marketingB. travelingC. housingD. training2. A. UnusuallyB. UnbelievablyC. Unfortunately D. Unreasonably3. A. commentingB. complainingC. debatingD. asking4. A. understandB. rememberC. tolerateD. recognize5. A. mistakenB. misunderstoodC. forgottenD. amused6. A. numberB. nameC. websiteD. address7. A. forB. butC. soD. though8. A. excitedlyB. politelyC. curiouslyD. coldly9. A. ThereforeB. BesidesC. InsteadD. Indeed10. A. checked outB. put downC. sorted outD. turned down11. A. whatB. howC. whenD. where12. A. rejectedB. acceptedC. appreciatedD. weighed13. A. applicationB. hookingC. passwordD. signature14. A. embarrassedB. annoyedC. confusedD. satisfied15. A. familyB. cruiseC. careerD. agency16. A. pleasureB. creditC. shameD. reward17. A. thoughtB. worriedC. caredD. forgot18. A. sadnessB. astonishmentC. reliefD. disappointment19. A. rudenessB. generosityC. kindnessD. sympathy20. A. in terms ofB. on account ofC. in honor ofD. on behalf of【答案】ACDDA CCBDBACBDBADBCB【解析】【试源】2015届安徽省合肥市高三第一次教学质量检测【结束】5.【题文】Malka and Shaindle are sisters. Although they live an hours drive from each other and dont see each other often, they are in touch. Malka has a large family. Shaindle, however, has had difficulty having children.Malka had just given birth to another son . Shaindle , married there years and still childless, was receiving fertility(生育) treatments. Involved with work , doctors visits, and medical treats, she was unable to make the trip to visit her sister after she had given birth.Malka knew her sisters problem and was quite understanding. Shaindle and her husband Feivel would be at the haptismal (洗礼)ceremony,of course.On the day of the haptism , Shaindle and Feivel arrived early, earlier than Malka and her family. Malkas mother-in-law, Yehudit, was already at the hall. “Hello,” said Shaindle cheerfully, never thinking what was about to happen.Yehudit turned to her angrily and said, “What a selfish sister you are! Never once did you see fit to visit Makla this entire week! No wonder you have no children!”Shaindle went into shock at her words. She turned away, her eyes filled with tears. The accusation had cut Shaindle like a knife. She was psychologically bleeding. Poor Shaindle couldnt calm down. It took a while before she could regain her calmness. She couldnt look at Yehudit; it was just too painful for her to do so.The minute the words had escaped Yehudits month, she knew she had crossed a red line. She had stepped on very raw toes and felt regretted for her words but it was too late. Her attempts to apologize were ineffective. The celebration had suddently turned sour in just a matter of seconds. After all these years, the memory of that happening lingers on 1. Shaindle didnt visit her sist er after her sister gave birth because .A. she envied her sisterB. she lived too far from her sister.C. she was too busyD. she didnt feel quite herself2. We can learn from the last paragraph that . A. Shaindle didnt forgive Yehudit for many years. B. Yehudit didnt realize how her words could affect Shaindle C. Shaindle couldnt get rid of the bad memory for many years. D. Shaindle burst out anger at Malkas mother-in-law.3. The purpose of the passage is to tell us . A. words can really hurt usB. sistes should care for each other C. we should try to forget unpleasant thingD. two sisters different experiences4. The undeflined part “stepped on very raw toes” probably means . A. be impolite to somebodyB. hurt somebody deeply C. meet somebody by accidentD. make fun of somebody. 【答案】CCAB【解析】【试源】2015届安徽省安庆一中、安师大附中高三第四次模考【结束】6.【题文】To be successful in any aspect of life, you need to know when to use the carrot or the stick.Here are a few tips to help you decide whether its better to use the carrot or the stick.With the kidsThe carrotWhen it comes to raising a kid, the carrot or the stick dilemma is quickly disappearing as too many parents take the carrot approach to the extreme. In child raising, the carrot should never be materialistic things. If you want to ask for good behavior with a reward, it should be with something that cant be bought, say, trust.The stickNowadays, no one likes to use the stick anymore, or in my father s case, the belt. Im not overlooking child abuse, if you ever want to call it that, but I am encouraging parents to toughen up a bit. You dont want your kid to test your limits only to find out he can get away with it. If you want to raise a kid, raise the hand and let him know it comes down on the second offense.At the officeThe carrotPeople need encouragement and motivation to perform well. However, the carrot only really works well with employees who have already proved themselves. If youve got someone who cant show up at the office before noon, the promise of a raise isnt going to do much. On the contrary, if theres a guy with a good work moral, hell thrive(grow stronger) when you add a promotion to the picture.The stickWhen considering the carrot or the stick in the office, remember that, overall, the stick is the more practical method in the office. A wise man, who just happened to be an Italian, once said “Its best to be both loved and feared.” Its nice to have everyone love you, but running a business isnt like running a family. You need to have the stick constantly raised.With the wifeThe carrotWhen it comes to marriage, always use the carrot. Ive had a lovely marriage for many years, and Ive always stuck to the carrot approach.Sometimes you catch more flies with honey, and sometimes its the crack of a whip that gets the horse moving. Try not to use too many sticks in the bedroom; the carrot is much more fun.1. What is the best title of this passage? A. The carrot or the stick? B. The introduction to the carrot and the stick C. Tips in the daily life D. The advantages of the carrot and the stick2. In kids raising, the author prefers _. A. the carrot approach B. the stick approach C. both the carrot approach and the stick approach D. neither the carrot approach nor the stick approach3. Which do you think is the best to be a good boss at the office? A. Always using carrots. B. Eating a lot of carrots C. Being both loved and feared D. Using too many sticks4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. The author often gives more carrots to his wife to eat in the bedroom. B. The carrot is much more fun when it comes to marriage. C. On different occasions, the carrot or the stick is effective. D. You need stick to get your horses to move faster occasionally. 【答案】ABCA【解析】【试源】2015届安徽省安庆一中、安师大附中高三第四次模考【结束】7.【题文】Across the United States, there are several places where two independent towns grew together to become one city but kept both their names.Winston-Salem is one of them. Its a mid-sized city in whats called the plateau(high land), between the Atlantic Coast and the inland mountains in the state of North Carolina. The Winston part is a relatively new place, founded early this century. Its home to the nations biggest open-air tobacco market.The giant R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Companys headquarters is in Winston-Salem, and Winston is the name of one of Reynolds best-known cigarette brands. Fast-growing Winston soon surrounded the much older town of Salem, so in 1913, people in the area voted to combine them into a single place.From a historical and tourist point of view, Salem, or Old Salem, as its called today, is the interesting and unusual part of town.Salem was founded in the 1700s by the Moravians. They spoke German, and their community was religiously based, with single men and single women living apart in separate dormitories. The Moravians greatly valued womens work and brainpower. In fact, one of the nations oldest boarding schools for young women the MoraviansSalem Academy founded in 1772 is still in operation. Over the years, Salem lost its Moravian character. That all changed, though, when a nonprofit group began to rehabilitate the historic area. These days Old Salem is whats called a living history museum, with exhibits, music, and tours of 18th-century houses, bars and Moravian dormitory buildings just seven blocks from the tallest skyscraper(high building) in Winston-Salem.The historic community is booming again. Just as R. J. Reynolds is taking in millions of dollars making cigarettes across town, Old Salem is making about $ 15 million a year in tourism revenue(收入) and donations.1. From the passage we can know that_.A. Winston-Salem is the name of a cityB. Salem is home to the tobacco marketC. the city Winston-alem has two namesD. Old Salem is the name of a tobacco bra

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