高考英语一轮复习课件:选修7 Module 4《Music Born in America》(外研版全国通用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,外研版全国通用,Module 4 Music Born in America,选修7,fall into (a) decline 开始衰退 be in decline 处于下降、衰退中 on the decline 在下坡路上;在衰退(减少) decline by 下降了 decline (to do) sth. 拒绝(干)某事,词汇点击,1. decline n. 衰退,下降,减少;谢绝,拒绝 v. 下降;减少;拒绝,Theres a sharp decline in interest in sports in our town. 在我们镇上,(人们)对体育运动的兴趣正在急剧下降。,词汇点击,1. decline n. 衰退,下降,减少;谢绝,拒绝 v. 下降;减少;拒绝,词语辨析 decline, refuse, reject,都含有“拒绝”的意思。 decline 较正式地、有礼貌地谢绝。,He declined the nomination. 他谢绝提名。,词汇点击,1. decline n. 衰退,下降,减少;谢绝,拒绝 v. 下降;减少;拒绝,词语辨析 decline, refuse, reject,refuse 是普通用语,指“坚决、果断或坦率地拒绝”。,He refused to take the money. 他拒绝接受此款。,词汇点击,1. decline n. 衰退,下降,减少;谢绝,拒绝 v. 下降;减少;拒绝,词语辨析 decline, refuse, reject,reject指“以否定、敌对的态度而当面拒绝”。,They rejected damaged goods. 他们拒收损坏的货物。,词汇点击,1. decline n. 衰退,下降,减少;谢绝,拒绝 v. 下降;减少;拒绝,完成句子,The number of tourists to the resort _ 30% because of the terrorist attack last year. 由于去年的恐怖袭击,到这个旅游地点旅游的人数减少了30%。,declined by,词汇点击,1. decline n. 衰退,下降,减少;谢绝,拒绝 v. 下降;减少;拒绝,完成句子,To our surprise, he _ to the party. 使我们吃惊的是,他谢绝了宴会的邀请。 His proposal was completely _. 他的建议被完全拒绝了。,declined the invitation,rejected,The whale emerged from the water. 那只鲸鱼从水里浮现出来。,2. emerge v. 出现,显露; (事实)暴露;崭露头角,It emerged that事已清楚 emerge from从中露出、浮现;摆脱,词汇点击,2. emerge v. 出现,显露; (事实)暴露;崭露头角,词汇点击,词语辨析 emerge, appear,emerge“出现,显露”,多表示“从中出来”,常与from 连用,即emerge from;另外,还可表示真相、事实等的显示、暴露。,appear“出现”,只表示“被看见,进入视野”,没有“从中出来”之意。,2. emerge v. 出现,显露; (事实)暴露;崭露头角,词汇点击,完成句子,He _ as leader at the age of thirty. 他在30岁就崭露头角,成为领袖。 A woman _ at the far end of the street. 一个女人出现在街道的尽头。,emerged,appeared,You obviously think otherwise. 显然你的想法与众不同。 He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten. 他提醒了我,要不然我就把这事给忘了。,3. otherwise adv. & conj. 另外,别样;否则,要不然 (相当于or),词汇点击,3. otherwise adv. & conj. 另外,别样;否则,要不然 (相当于or),词汇点击,完成句子,Do as you are told, _ _. 叫你怎么做你就怎么做,否则就有麻烦了。 We must run, _. 我们必须跑,否则我们将会迟到。,otherwise / or you will be in trouble,otherwise we will be late,He was at one time so devoted to playing the piano. 他曾经那么沉迷于弹钢琴。,4. devote vt. 把(时间、精力等)贡献给,致力于,devote oneself / ones life / energy / time / money to (doing) sth. 把献给,把投入到,把用在,词汇点击,4. devote vt. 把(时间、精力等)贡献给,致力于,词汇点击,知识拓展,devoted adj. 挚爱的;忠实的 be devoted to 献身于,专心致志于 devotion n. 深爱,忠诚;献身,奉献,4. devote vt. 把(时间、精力等)贡献给,致力于,词汇点击,完成句子,He devoted his life _ world peace. 他一生致力于促进世界和平。,to promoting,He always takes full advantage of the mistakes by his rivals. 他总是充分利用他的对手所犯的错误。,短语精释,1. take advantage of 利用,知识拓展,have an advantage over 比有优势 have the advantage of 有的优势 to sb.s advantage / to advantage of sb. 对某人有利 gain / have / win an advantage 胜过,优于,短语精释,1. take advantage of 利用,完成句子,In the first half, we _ the opposing team. 前半场,我们比对方队占优势。 This method _ saving a lot of fuel. 这个方法有节省很多燃料的优点。,had an advantage over,has the advantage of,短语精释,1. take advantage of 利用,完成句子,It would be _ to attend this meeting. 参加这次会议会对你有利。 I should like to _ the opportunity to express my thanks for your help. 我得好好利用这个机会来表达我对你帮忙的感激之情。,to your advantage,take advantage of,They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it. 他们这样增加了而不是减少了粮食年产量。 Id like a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。,短语精释,2. rather than conj. 而不是,短语精释,2. rather than conj. 而不是,注意:rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的词在人称和数上保持一致。,He, rather than you, is to blame. 是他,而不是你应受责备。,rather than 前后连接的成分通常是一致的。,I enjoy singing rather than dancing. 我喜欢唱歌而不喜欢跳舞。,短语精释,2. rather than conj. 而不是,知识拓展,or rather 更确切地说 other than 除之外(常用于否定句中),短语精释,2. rather than conj. 而不是,完成句子,The computer software is old, _ very out of date. 这个电脑软件很老了,确切地说是过时了。 When Im going out in the evening I use the bike _ the car. 我晚上出去的时候不开车,而是骑自行车。,or rather,rather than,She is getting bored with her job. 她开始对工作感到厌烦了。,短语精释,3. be bored with 厌烦,知识拓展,bore v. 使厌烦,使厌倦 be bored out of your (tiny) mind 心烦意乱 be bored to death / tears 无聊得要死/ 心烦意乱,She is too polite to bore us with anecdotes. 她非常礼貌,不会拿那些奇闻轶事来烦我们。,短语精释,3. be bored with 厌烦,完成句子,He _ with stories about his childhood. 他又给我讲他童年的事情,我都腻了。 You had to wait for five hours. You _. 你不得不等5个小时,你一定等得不耐烦了。 There was a _ expression on her face. 她脸上有一种不耐烦的表情。,bored me to tears/death,must have been bored out of your mind,bored,This country is blessed with natural resources. 这个国家有幸拥有自然资源。 She is blessed with immense talent and boundless energy. 她才智非凡,精力无限。,短语精释,4. be blessed with 有幸,短语精释,4. be blessed with 有幸,知识拓展,bless v. 祝福,感激,保佑;为祈神赐福,God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你! Your mother, bless her heart, is the only friend I have. 你母亲,上帝保佑她,是我唯一的朋友。,The rain stopped and the sun came out. 雨停了,太阳出来了。,短语精释,5. come out 出现,出版,知识拓展,“动词out”构成的短语动词: pick out 挑选;选出;看清 turn out 翻转;生产;结果是 bring out 出版;生产 call out 出动;引起;召集;大声叫喊,短语精释,5. come out 出现,出版,知识拓展,give out 发出;公布;用完 hand out 分发;发放 work out 得出(结果、总数等) go out 出去;熄灭 look out 当心 sell out 售完 break out (火灾、战争)爆发,短语精释,5. come out 出现,出版,知识拓展,put out 扑灭; 出版 get out 出去,离开;生产;出版 find out 查明;弄清 start out 出发;动身,词语辨析(参见必修4 M4),As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York.,句型探究,粤语流行音乐不仅仅吸引了本地的大量听众,而且传到海外的其他国家,并且香港的歌星在北京、伦敦和纽约都很有名。,As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York.,句型探究,as well as用于肯定句中,起连接作用,意为“既又,不仅而且”。 as well as作“和,同”讲时,具有连词性质,常用来连接两个并列成分。如果连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词与as well as 之前的主语在人称和数上保持一致,若连接两个动词,第二个as 后常用动名词形式。,As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York.,句型探究,You cant expect her to do the housework as well as looking after the children. 你不能指望她又做家务,又看孩子。 The little girl is lovely as well as healthy. 这个小女孩既健康又活泼。,As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York.,句型探究,完成句子,Tom, as well as his parents often _ to the park. 汤姆经常和他的父母一起去公园。 His parents as well as he _ me very well. 他父母和他对我都很好。 She sings as well as _. 她不但会弹钢琴还会唱歌。,goes,treat,playing the piano,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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