海南省高考英语复习课件:Module 6《The Tang Poems》(外研版选修8)

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海南省高考英语复习课件:Module 6《The Tang Poems》(外研版选修8)_第1页
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Module 6 The Tang Poems 基础落实 .高频单词思忆 1.I have never made his (泛泛 之交). 2.The professor does not (同意) of the governments foreign policy. 3.We were (警告,告诫)not to make a lot of noise after ten in the evening. 4.Local people lined up to (捐献) blood for the brave girl.,acquaintance,approve,cautioned,donate,5.India gained (独立)from Britain in 1947. 6.She tested the whole class on (不规则的)verbs. 7.The sunlight was (反射)in the water. 8.The great hall was (装点) with flowers for those heroes. 9.The lawyer (证明,证实)the innocence of his client. 10.The feedback from the computer enables us to (更新,刷新)the program.,independence,irregular,reflected,decorated,proved,update,.重点短语再现 1.cater 满足的要求care 照顾, 喜欢care 在乎 2.hand hand with和手拉手shoulder shoulder肩并肩side side肩并肩 3.approve 赞成某事,同意某事 ones demands满足某人的要求 4.a of 异口同声的loud and 一 清二楚 5.be tolerant 容忍be addicted 迷上,for,for,about,in,to,by,of,meet,chorus,clear,of,to,6.a of humor幽默感on second 重新考虑 7.correspond 和通信 in touch with sb.和某人保持联系 8.take 呈现(生机、新貌等)take 接管take 当心 9. the top of ones head未经考虑的 10.take of抓住take of利用 a record保持纪录,sense,thought,with,keep,on,over,off,hold,advantage,hold,care,.典型句式运用 1.If only people could see me inside. 要是人们能够看到我的内心世界就好了。 if only要是就好了,但愿 我太疲倦了。如果明天能不上班多 好。,考点提炼,句子仿造,I am so tired.If only I could take the,day off tomorrow.,2.It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon. 据说他在试图捉月亮的影子时掉进江里溺水身 亡。 句式It is said that.据说 据说谁要是摸了这棵树谁就要倒霉。,考点提炼,句子仿造,It is said that if one man touches the,tree, he will have bad luck.,3.The book has proved very popular, giving students a sense of motivation and achievement. 这本书被证明很受欢迎,给了学生们动力和成 就感。 prove证明是,用作不及物动词 多年后,这个理论被证明是正确的。,The theory proved right many years later.,考点提炼,句子仿造,4.Poems written as therapy can be funny too, as laughter is also considered to be very good medicine. 被创作用以作为疗法的诗也可能滑稽可笑,因 为大笑也被认为是良药。 be considered to be.被认为 是 迈克尔被认为是位电脑专家。,考点提炼,句子仿造,Michael is considered an expert in,computer science.,5.At its high point, the country reached as far as Siberia in the north, Korea in the east and Vietnam in the south. 最鼎盛的时候,唐朝的疆域北至西伯利亚,东 至当时的朝鲜,南到越南。 reach as far as延伸到,远达 我们家乡这条河一直延伸到东海。,考点提炼,句子仿造,The river in my hometown reaches as far,as the East Sea.,导练互动 重点单词 1.share v.分享;均分;分担;n.一份;一股 The invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before. 此时印刷术的发明意味着人们可以以从未有过 的方式来记载和分享知识。 (回归课本P72),观察思考 He would share his last pound with me. 他到了只剩最后一英镑的时候,也会分给我用。 The money will be shared among 30 different environmental organizations. 这笔钱会在30个不同的环保组织间分配。 She shares (in) my troubles as well as my joys. 她和我苦乐与共(同甘共苦)。,归纳拓展 share (in) sth.分摊或分享某物 share sth. with sb.与某人分享某物 share sth. among/between sb.在某人间分配某物 share out分发;分配 have/take a share in (doing) sth.参与(做)某事 share the joys and hardships同甘共苦,活学活用 He tried hard to pretend to the pleasure of his officials. A.share in B.share from C.share with D.share for 解析 share in the pleasure分享快乐。,A,2.prove vt.证明;证实;link-v.证明是;结 果是 The book has very popular,giving students a sense of motivation and achievement. 这本书被证明很受欢迎,给了学生们动力和成 就感。 (回归课本P79) 观察思考 It is impossible to prove that God exists. 无法证明上帝存在。 Your computer experience should prove to be useful. 你的计算机运用经验会表明是有用的。,proved,归纳拓展 prove sth. to sb.向某人证明某事 prove+that-clause证明 It is proved that.据证明 prove sb.s innocence/guilt证明某人清白/有罪 prove sb. right/wrong证明某人正确/错误 prove (to be)+n./adj.原来是,结果是,终被发现是,活学活用 Some westerners were always doubting Chinas ability of holding the Olympic Games. Yes,but the Beijing Olympic Games a great success. A.showed B.kept C.proved D.remained 解析 根据句意知是:北京奥运会证明是成功的。,C,3.approve v.赞成;批准;通过 London Underground of the idea, and once sponsors had been found to pay the expenses for half the spaces,they agreed to pay for the other half. 伦敦地铁局同意了这个主意,并且一旦找到支 付其中一半费用的赞助商,他们愿意付另一半 的费用。 (回归课本P81),approved,观察思考 The Senate approved a plan for federal funding of local housing programs. 参议院批准了一项关于联邦政府提供地方建房资 金的计划。 Catherines parents now approve of her marriage. 凯瑟琳的父母现在同意她结婚。,归纳拓展 approve of赞成 meet with ones approval得到某人的批准 with approval of经的批准 win/earn ones approval得到赞许 disapprove of不赞成 approve作“赞成”讲时是不及物动词,常与of连用,另外,approve不用于进行时态。,注意,活学活用 The photos on the wall my mother of those happy,old days when a large family lived together. A.inform B.approve C.remind D.retell 解析 inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事; remind sb. of sth.使某人想起。,C,4.expense n.费用;开支 观察思考 Bills just been on a computing course, all at the companys expense.比尔刚开始 学习一个电脑课程,费用全部由公司支付。 High production rates are often achieved at the expense of quality of work. 高产出率常常是以(牺牲)产品质量为代价的。,归纳拓展 at the expense of以为代价;牺牲 at ones expense花某人的钱;在某人受损的情况下 at any expense/cost不管花多少钱或付出多大代价 put sb. to the expense of使某人花钱 spare no expense不惜一切代价,易混辨异 expense/price/fee (1)expense可指生活方面的各种费用,多用于指 大量、大规模的花费,常用复数。 (2)price指商品出售的价格,尤指卖主所定的价 格。 (3)fee常指会费、学费、报名费、入场费或者付 给医生、律师、教师的服务费等,是可数名词。,活学活用用expense,price,fee填空 (1)What is the of this diamond ring? (2)If you want to join,there is an entrance of 20 yuan and an annual membership of 10 yuan. (3)The manufacturer and the dealer shared in the of advertising.,price,fee,fee,expense,5.caution n.小心,谨慎;警告;vt.警告,告 诫;使小心 观察思考 Open the box with caution. 打开那盒子时要小心。 She cautioned the child against talking to strangers. 她告诫那孩子不要同陌生人搭讪。 Ive always been cautious about giving my address to strangers. 我总是很小心,不轻易把住址给陌生人。,归纳拓展 with caution小心地 treat sth. with caution认真对待某事物 give sb. a caution给某人警告 caution sb. against sth.警告某人不要做某 事,要某人谨防某事 caution sb. not to do sth.=caution sb. against doing sth.警告某人不要做某事 be cautious about (doing) sth.小心谨慎地 做某事,活学活用 The teacher cautioned me not to be late again,or he would punish me.,老师警告我不要再迟到了,否则他会惩罚我的。,6.reflect v.反映;反射;映照;反省;思考 .the strange journeys of his mind are in his poems. 他奇怪的思想历程反映在他的诗中。 (回归课本P83) 观察思考 He was left to reflect on the decision. 他负责认真考虑这个决定。 The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage. 热气经白色的沙面反射形成海市蜃楼。,reflected,归纳拓展 be reflected in.被映照在中;反映 了 reflect on/upon.考虑;仔细想 on/upon reflection经再三考虑;经深思熟虑 a reflection of.的反映 易混辨析 reflect/consider (1)reflect表示以思考的方式回顾、回想发生过 的事情,常与on或upon连用。 (2)consider包括了推理、用抽象的概念思考和对 未来的思考。,活学活用 Seans strong love for his country is in his recently published poems. A.relieved B.reflected C.responded D.recovered 解析 句意为:Sean的热爱祖国的强烈思想反映 在他最近出版的诗中。,B,重点短语与句型 7.cater for满足的要求;为提供食 物;迎合;考虑到 It all tastes and included living and dead poems from the homeland and from all over the English-speaking world,. 它迎合了不同的口味,包括人们经常读的和不 经常读的诗,有来自英国的,还有来自整个英 语世界的 (回归课本P81),catered for,观察思考 The small hotel caters for weddings and parties. 这家小旅馆承办婚礼和宴会酒席。 Football fans were well catered for. 足球迷们得到了极大的满足。 This kind of novels can only cater to the mass market. 这种小说只是迎合大众市场。,归纳拓展 cater for sb.为某人提供服务,满足某人的要求 cater to sth./sb.迎合某人/某物 活学活用 为了讨好他的老板汤姆做了一切他能做的。 .,Tom did all he could to cater for his boss.,8.correspond with/to与一致;相当于; 与通信 Hundreds of people corresponded with London Underground suggesting poems,or just to say thank you. 数百人给伦敦地铁局写信推荐诗歌或只是表达 谢意。 (回归课本P81),观察思考 His expenses do not correspond to his income. 他入不敷出。 Her job corresponds with her interest. 她的工作符合她的兴趣。 These goods do not correspond with the list. 这些货物与货单不符。,归纳拓展 hold/keep up correspondence with sb.与某人 (保持)通信(联系) bring.into correspondence with.使与 一致起来;使与相互通信 by correspondence用写信的办法 in correspondence with和一致;与有 通信联系,活学活用 The Korean TV show,Rang-rang 18 seh, young female Chinese audiences. A.fills out B.puts aside C.corresponds to D.caters to 解析 根据句意知是:电视秀满足了中国年轻的 女性观众。,D,9.If only people could see me inside.要 是人们能看到我的内心世界就好了。 句式分析 句中的If only表示“要是就好了”,从句 中通常用虚拟语气。 If only I had a car,I could get out of this place. 要是我有辆车就能离开这个地方了。 Only if you practice speaking more,can you improve your spoken English. 你只有多练习说英语,才能把口语提高。,易混辨异 if only/only if (1)if only引导感叹句,要用虚拟语气,意为 “但愿,要是就好了”。 If only I had the chance! 那个机会若给我就好了! (2)if only引导状语从句,要用虚拟语气,意为 “要是,若是”。 If only I had more money,I could buy a car. 要是我有更多的钱,我就能买辆汽车了。,(3)only if引导状语从句,用陈述语气,意为 “只有”。 Youll succeed only if you put all your heart into it. 只有投入全部精力,你才会成功。 活学活用 要是你早点打电话,我就不必一直等你了。 .,If only you had called me earlier,I,wouldnt have been waiting for you.,考题回扣 【例1】A person e-mail account is full wont be able to send or receive any e- mails. (天津高考) A.who B.whom C.whose D.whoever 解析 e-mail account前缺少定语,故用 whose引导定语从句,相当于the e-mail account of whom。 课文原文 But perhaps the biggest foreign influence came from Buddhism, origins were in India.,C,whose,【例2】Gun control is a subject Americans have argued for a long time. (陕西高考) A.of which B.with which C.about which D.into which 解析 argue about sth.争论某事;argue with sb.与某人争论。句意为:枪支的控制是 很长时间以来美国人争论的话题。 课文原文 .because he paints a realistic picture of the problems of the age he lived.,C,in which,【例3】Bill suggested a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. (上海高考) A.having held B.to hold C.holding D.hold 解析 suggest后面要接动名词作宾语,A项是 动名词的完成式表示发生在谓语动词suggested 之前的一个动作,由句意可知不合题意,故排 除,因此选C。 课文原文 They filling the blank spaces with poems,for the entertainment of the travelling public.,C,suggested,【例4】The questionnaire takes ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview. (湖北高考) A.mainly B.punctually C.approximately D.precisely 解析 mainly主要地;punctually准时地; approximately大约;precisely精确地;确切 地。由句中的ten to fifteen minutes可知, 此处是“大约”估计的时间而不是确切的时间。 课文原文 ,the Romantic poets lived hard and died young.,C,Typically,【例5】It was not until midnight they reached the camp site. (重庆高考) A.that B.when C.while D.as 解析 考查强调句。 课文原文 only in the 11th century his poetic genius was recognised.,A,It was,that,自主检测 .品句填词 1.The director was angry because no one (分享) his opinion. 2.These few words fully (显露) her noble quality. 3.The film that we had thought would be (证明是) very interesting. 4.My mother is a (谨慎的) driver. She never does any dangerous driving. 5.He has suffered from a (紊乱) of the digestive system.,shared,revealed,proved,cautious,disorder,6.He just (一瞥) at those cheap goods in the shop,not showing much interest in them. 7.How do you explain the (吸引力) of horror films? 8.He slept on firewood and straw to remind him of his (苦难). 9.Many people like (装饰) their new houses before moving into them. 10.Cuba gained (独立) from Spain in 1898.,glanced,appeal,suffering,decorating,independence,.短语运用 1.I refuse to that store ever again;they keep cheating us on the bill! 2.When I asked them which answer they chose, they said “A” . 3.The children walk down the street . 4.I assure you my actions will my words.,trade with,in chorus,hand in,hand,correspond,with,5.She television.Its really not a good thing. 6.Its late spring now and most flowers are . 7.The nice thing about Sally is that she can always see the joke.I couldnt bear working with a person who didnt humour. 8.Im afraid your parents wont your going there. 9.I her wrists,so she couldnt run away. 10.Our politicians should learn to the man in the street.,is addicted to,at their high point,have a,sense of,approve of,took hold of,cater for,.翻译句子 1.这本书对他有很大的吸引力。(appeal) 2.警察告诫罪犯不要玩任何诡计。(caution) . 3.这孩子迷上了计算机游戏。(be addicted to) . 4.你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。(correspond with) .,The book has much appeal to/for him.,The policeman cautioned the prisoners not,to play any tricks.,The boy is addicted to computer games.,Your account of events doesnt correspond,with hers.,5.我不喜欢人们老是把我当成孩子看待。(think of.as.) .,I hate it that people always think of me,as a child.,.单项填空 1.After the manned flights in 2003 and 2005,our first lunar probe Change sent back first clear pictures of the moon,thus again China is a global space power. A.proving B.to prove C.to have proved D.being proved 解析 现在分词作伴随状语,与Change 构 成主谓关系,故A项正确。,A,2.My parents will not my birthday party if I dont do well in my next test. A.agree with B.allow for C.approve of D.object to 解析 句意为:如果我下次测验考不好的话, 我父母将不会同意我举办生日聚会。agree with同意(人的观点);allow for顾及,考 虑;approve of赞同;object to反对。,C,3.My father me against getting up late again,or he would punish me. A.cautioned B.accused C.counted D.advanced 解析 考查caution sb. against doing sth. 警告某人不要做某事。句意为:父亲警告我不 要再起晚了,否则他就会惩罚我。accuse指 责,指控;起诉;count数;advance前进。,A,4.It is always better to your worries and troubles with your trusted friends or relatives.This helps lighten your burden. A.tell B.deal C.divide D.share 解析 share分享,符合题意。tell告诉;deal 处理;divide分割,常与介词into连用。,D,5.There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars road condition needs . A.which;improving B.that;to be improved C.when;improving D.that;to improve 解析 第一个空是同位语从句的引导词,来解 释说明a new problem的具体内容,而从句中又 不缺少主干,所以用that。表示“某物需要 被”可以用现在分词的主动形式表被动, 也可以用不定式的被动式,即need doing=need to be done,故选B项。,B,6.I dont like the newspaper peoples love of scandal. A.catering to B.catered to C.fitting in D.fitted in 解析 cater to迎合,与newspaper构成主动关 系,故用现在分词短语作定语。fit in装备好。,A,7.“I must go.”Claudia said, her watch. A.look at B.stare at C.glancing at D.glaring at 解析 根据句式结构,此处应填动词的ing形 式作伴随状语,故排除A和B。句意为:克劳迪 娅看了一下表说:“我必须走了。” glance at瞥了一眼;glare at怒视,故选C项。,C,8.As the Red Cross for help for the earthquake victims,much money has been raised. A.appeals B.applies C.begs D.pleads 解析 句意为:由于红十字会呼吁援助地震受 害者,已经募捐到了很多钱。appeal呼吁;恳 求;apply申请,运用;beg乞讨;plead乞求, 恳求。,A,9.His business was very successful,but it was at the of his family life. A.consumption B.credit C.exhaustion D.expense 解析 at the expense of.以为代价; 在损害的前提下。,D,10.We are invited to a party in our club next Friday. A.to be held B.held C.being held D.holding 解析 party和hold之间是被动关系,由句中的 时间状语next Friday可知应用表示将来的不定 式短语to be held作后置定语。,A,11.He has some with English,but he doesnt speak it fluently. A.resistance B.acknowledgement C.acquaintance D.access 解析 have acquaintance with sth.对了 解。句意为:他略懂些英语,但说得不流利。A 项意为“抵抗,反抗”;B项意为“承认,致 谢”;D项意为“接近,进入”,常与介词to连 用。,C,12.If everyone can to the Hope Project, then many dropouts can return to school. A.send B.donate C.present D.give 解析 donate to.向捐赠。,B,13.“One World One Dream” fully the universal values of the Olympic spirit Unity,Friendship,Progress,Harmony, Participation and Dream. A.raises B.reflects C.understands D.announces 解析 reflect映射;反映,符合题意。raise举 起;understand理解;announce发表;广播。,B,14.I will give the dictionary to needs it. A.anyone B.no matter who C.whoever D.whomever 解析 句意为:我将把这本字典给任何需要它 的人。to后面的宾语从句缺少主语,故用 whoever。,C,15.The teacher told us to gather about the ancient calender. A.as much information as possible B.information as much as possible C.as more information as possible D.information as more as possible 解析 句意为:老师告诉我们尽可能多地收集 有关古代日历的信息。as.as possible尽可 能,不用比较级,故排除C、D两项;此处 much应修饰information,故应选A。,A,返回,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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