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巧背单词Unit1 My names Gina.my, my 是我的,我的 m y m-y name , name 是名字,名字, name na-me is is 是动词是,是 is i-s I , I 是代词我, 我 I 永远大写am , am 是动词是, 是am a-m nice , nice 是令人愉快的,令人愉快的 nice ni-ce clock ,clock 是时钟,时钟, clock clock to , to 是不定式符号 ,不定式符号to t-o , meet, meet 是遇见,相逢,遇见,相逢meet m -ee-t you , you 是你或你们, 你或你们,you you what, what 是什么, 什么 what whatyour , your 是你或你们的, 你或你们的 your you-rhello , hello 表示喂,喂 hello he-llohi , hi 是(打招呼) 嗨 , (打招呼) 嗨 hi h-i his , his 是他的,他的 his his (男性的)and , and 是和或又, 和或又and a-n-d her , her 是她的,她的 her, h er ( 女性的)question, question 是问题, 问题, question question answer, answer 是回答, 回答 answer answer look look , 是(有意识的)看,(有意识的) 看 look look first , first 是第一, 第一 first first last , last 是最后的, 最后的 last last boy , boy 是男孩,男孩,boy boy girl , girl 是女孩, 女孩 girl girl zero , zero 是数词零, 零 zero zero one , one 是数词1 , 1 one one two , two 是数词2, 2 two two three , three 是数词3, 3 three three four , four 是数词4, 4 four four five , five 是 数词 5, 5 five fiv e six , six 是数词 6, 6 six six seven , seven 是 数词 7, 7 seven seven eight , eight 是数词 8, 8 eight eight nine , nine 是数词 9 , 9 nine nine ten , ten 是 数词 10 , 10 ten ten telephone , telephone 是电话,电话 telephone telephone number, number 是数字,数字number num-ber it , it 是代词它, 它 it it family , family 是家庭,家庭 family , fami-ly good , good 是好的, 好的 good g-oo-d morning , morning 是早晨,早晨,morning morningafternoon , afternoon 是下午,下午,afternoon af-ter-n-oo-n evening , evening 是晚上,黄昏,晚上,黄昏evening , evening are. , are 是动词是, 是 are a-r-e fine , fine 是(身体)好的, (身体)好的 fine fi-ne thanks , thanks 是(名词)谢谢,谢谢, thanks , th-an-kslist, list 是名单,列表,名单,列表 list list card , card 是卡片, 卡片 card card ID card , ID card是身份证 ,first name , first name 是名字,last name , last name 是姓氏, family name , family name 也是姓氏telephone number, telephone number是电话号码names, names =name is , whats , whats =what is , its , its =it is , Im , Im =I am ,Good morning . Good morning 是早上好。Good afternoon, Good afternoon, 是下午好Good evening . Good evening 是晚上好How are you ? How are you ? 是你(身体)好吗?Jenny , Jenny 是詹妮,詹妮 Jenny, Jenny (女名)Gina, Gina 是吉娜, 吉娜Gina, Gina (女名)Alan, Alan 是艾伦, 艾伦 Alan, Alan (男名)Mary, Mary 是玛丽,玛丽 Mary Mary (女名)Jim, Jim 是吉姆,吉姆 Jim, Ji-m(男名)Tony , Tony 是托尼,托尼 Tony , Tony (男名)Tom, Tom 是汤姆,汤姆 Tom, Tom (男名)Bob, Bob 是鲍勃,鲍勃Bob , Bob (男名)Mike , Mike 是迈克,迈克Mike , Mike (男名)Green , Green , 是格林,格林Green , Green (姓)Miller, Miller 是米勒,米勒Miller, Mill-er(姓)Jack , Jack 是杰克,杰克Jack , Jack (男名)Smith, Smith 是史密斯,史密斯Smith, Smit-h (姓)Brown, Brown 是布朗,布朗Brown, Brown (姓)Linda , Linda 是琳达,琳达 Linda Linda (女名)Nick , Nick 是尼克,尼克Nick, Nick (男名)Kim, Kim 是(女名)金,(女名)金 Kim Kim Hand , Hand 是汉德,汉德 Hand, Hand (姓)Alice , Alice 是艾丽斯Alice Alice (女名)Cindy , Cindy 是辛蒂,辛蒂 Cindy Cindy (女名)Dale , Dale 是戴尔,戴尔 Dale , Dale (男名)Eric ,Eric 是埃里克,埃里克Eric ,Eric (男名)Frank, Frank, 是弗兰克,弗兰克Frank , Frank (男名)Grace ,Grace 是格雷斯, 格雷斯Grace Grace (女名)Helen , Helen 是海伦, 海伦 Helen , Helen (女名)背单词Unit 2This , this 是这或这个,这或这个 this ,th-is penci;, pencil 是铅笔,铅笔 pencil , pencil pen, pen 是钢笔, 钢笔 pen, pe巧n book , book 是书本, 书本 book , book eraser , eraser 是橡皮,橡皮, eraser , eraser ruler, ruler 是直尺, 直尺 , ruler , ruler case ,case 是箱或盒子,箱或盒子case case backpack, backpack , 是双肩背包,双肩背包backpack , backpack sharpener , sharpener 是卷笔刀,卷笔刀 sharpener sharpener dictionary, dictionary , 是词典,词典,dictionary, dictionary that, that 是那或那个,那或那个that , that yes ,yes 是回答 是, 是 yes , y-e-s no, no 是回答不, 不no , no not , not 是(否定)不,不not , not excuse , excuse 是原谅,原谅excuse ex-cu-sethank , thank 是(动词)谢谢,谢谢thank , th-a-n-kOK OK 是口语好,好OK O-Kin ,in 是(介词)用, 用in in (表示方法、媒介、工具)English , English 是英语,英语, English , English how , how 是 怎样, 怎样how h-ow do / du:/ 是助动词,助动do, d-o (也表示动词做、干或行动)spell , spell 是拼写, 拼写 spell , spe-ll baseball , baseball 是棒球,棒球 baseball , baseball watch, watch, 是手表, 手表watch , watch computer, computer 是电脑,电脑 computer computer game , game 是游戏,游戏,game game key , key 是钥匙,钥匙key key notebook , notebook , 是笔记本,笔记本 notebook , notebook ring , ring 是戒指,戒指 ring ring (也是环(状物)、或打电话)call , call 是打电话,打电话call calll (也是喊、叫或称呼)at , at 是在(几点),在(几点) at , at (也是在(里面或附近)in , in 是在里面,在里面 in in the, the 是(定冠词)(定冠词)the the (特指某人或某物)lost , lost 是丢失的,丢失的lost lost found , found 是找回的, 找回的 found foun-d (是find 的过去式、过去分词)please , please 表示请,请please pl-ea-se school , school 是学校,学校 school school of, of 是(属于)(什么)的,(属于)(什么)的of of excuse me , excuse me 是请原谅 in English, in English 是用英语computer game , computer game 是电子游戏 lose and found , lost and found是失物招领a set of , a set of , 是一套,一副Tim, Tim是非颠倒蒂姆,蒂姆Tim Tim (男名)Sonia, Sonia 是索尼亚,索尼亚 Sonia Sonia (女名)Jane , Jane ,是珍妮,珍妮 Jane Jane ( 女名)Kelsey , Kelsey是凯思, 凯思 Kelsey Kelsey (女名)David , David 是大卫,大卫 David David (男名)巧背单词Unit 3sister , sister 是姐;妹, 姐、妹sister sister mother, mother 是妈妈, 妈妈mother, mo-ther father , father 是爸爸,爸爸,father fa-therbrother, brother是兄;弟, 兄;弟brother , bro-therparent ,parent 是父亲或母亲,父亲或母亲parent parent grandmother , grandmother 是祖母,祖母 grandmother, grandmother (包括外祖母)grandfather, grandfather是祖父,祖父 grandfather, grand father (包括外祖父)friend , friend 是朋友,朋友friend , friend grandparent ,grandparent 是祖父、祖母, 祖父、祖母grandparent , grandparent those , those 是那些,那些those , those are , are 是动词是,是are , are these , these 是这些,这些 these ,these she, she 是(女性的)她,她,she she (主格)he , he 是(男性的)他,他 he , he (主格)aunt , aunt 是姨母,姨母 aunt, aunt (包括对父母亲所有姐妹的称呼)son , son 是儿子,儿子 son son cousin, cousin 是堂(表)兄弟姐妹, 堂(表)兄弟姐妹cousin cousin daughter, daughter 是女儿,女儿 daughter , daugh ter uncle , uncle 是叔叔,叔叔 uncle , uncle (包括对父母亲所有兄弟的称呼)picture , picture 是照片,图画 ,照片,图画picture , pic-ture photo , photo 也是照片,图画 ,照片,图画 photo, phot-odear, dear 是亲爱的,亲爱的 dear ,dear for, for 是为了,为了for, for here, here , 是这里,这里here, here thanks for , thanks for 为(什么)而感谢thats , thats =that is , hes , hes =he is , Dave , Dave 是戴夫,戴夫Dave Dave (男名)Anna, Anna, 是安娜,安娜Anna, Anna (女名)Paul, Paul 是保罗,保罗 Paul Paul (男名)Mona, Mona 是莫娜,莫娜 Mona , Mona (女名)巧背单词Unit 4where , where 是在哪里,在哪里where , where table , table 是桌子, 桌子 , table , table bed, bed 是床(铺),床(铺)bed , be-d dresser , dresseer 是梳妆台;碗柜, 梳妆台;碗柜dresser, dress-erbookcase , bookcase 是书橱,书橱 bookcase bookcase sofa, sofe是沙发, 沙发 sofa sofa chair, chair是椅子,椅子chair, chair drawer, drawer是抽屉,抽屉 drawer, drawer plant, plant 是植物,植物 plant , plant under, under 是在下面, 在下面under under they , they 是他们,他们they , they on , o n是在上,在上 on on know, know , 是知;了解,知道,了解know know bag, bag 是书包;提包 ,书包;提包 bag ,bag math, math 是数学,数学 math math alarm clock , alarm clock 是闹钟,闹钟 alarm clock alarmclock video, video 是录象 ,录象video video hat, hat 是帽子,帽子 hat, hat take , take 是拿走,拿走take , take thing, thing 是东西,东西 thing , thing to , 是朝或向,朝或向 to , to mom , mom 是(口语)妈妈,妈妈mom mom can, can 是能或会,能或会 can ca-n bring , bring 是带来, 带来 bring , bring some , some 是一些,一些some some need , need 是需要,需要need , need floor, floor , 是地板,地板 floor , floor room , room 是房间,房间room , room desk , desk 是书桌,书桌 desk desk wheres , wheres =where is , theyre , theyre =they are , dont , dont =do not CD, CD是激光唱片,TV, TV 是电视,电视机Tommy , Tommy是汤米,汤米Tommy, Tommy (男名)Sally, Sally 是萨莉,萨莉Sally , Sally (女名)too / tu: / 表示也,也too , t-oo , tooChina / 5tFain / 是中国,中国 China , Ch-i-n-a Miss /mis/ 是小姐,小姐 Miss Mi-ss see /si:/ 是看见,看见,see s-ee let /let / 是动词让,让let l-e-t us /Qs / 是(宾格)我们,我们 us u-s class /kla:s/ 是班级,班级class cla-ss good-bye / gud 5bai / 是再见,再见,good-bye , g-oo-d-b-y-e bye /bai / 是再见,再见,byeb-y-e bye-bye /9 bai5 bai/ 也是再见。Good morning , Good morning 早晨好.Im, Im 是我是,我是Im 等于 I am thank you , thank you 是谢谢你


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