山西省届高中英语总复习 M4 Music Born in America课件 (外研版选修7) 新课标

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山西省届高中英语总复习 M4 Music Born in America课件 (外研版选修7) 新课标_第1页
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山西省届高中英语总复习 M4 Music Born in America课件 (外研版选修7) 新课标_第2页
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山西省届高中英语总复习 M4 Music Born in America课件 (外研版选修7) 新课标_第3页
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Music Born in America,Module 4,选修 7,1,1. Songs that are spoken rather than sung are called rap. 采用近乎念白方式而不是唱的歌曲被叫做rap。 2. As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York. 粤语流行音乐不仅仅吸引了本地的大量听众,而且传到海外的其他国家,并且香港的歌星在北京、伦敦和纽约都很有名。,重点句型,2,3. “My message is that it doesnt matter if youre black, white, fat, thin, old and young were all the same, its a great world and you can do something with your life.” “我想告诉大家的是,不管你是黑人还是白人,肥胖还是瘦小,年长还是年幼,这些都不重要我们都是一样的,这是一个美妙的世界,你可以在有生之年做些事情。”,重点句型,3,1. The DJs at block parties in the 1970s played a lot of soul music and they noticed that people preferred the percussion breaks in the songs because they were the best parts to dance to. 20世纪70年代街区舞会上,音乐的主持人(DJ)会播放很多灵乐,他们注意到大家很喜欢乐曲中的打击乐,因为打击乐非常适合跳舞。 (1) dance to 随着跳舞,应和着的节拍;to为介词 She always dances to her husbands tune. 她总是夫唱妇随。,句型探究,4,(2) prefer 的用法: prefer+n. Would you like meat or fish? 你想要肉还是鱼? Id prefer meat,please. 我更喜欢肉。 prefer+动名词 Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating in a restaurant? 你自己做饭还是喜欢下馆子?,句型探究,5,prefer+不定式 I prefer to spend the weekend at home. 我喜欢在家里度周末。 prefer sb. to do sth. Their father prefers them to be home early. 他们的父亲宁愿他们早点回家。,句型探究,6,prefer A to B 在本句型中,A与B是平行结构,可以是名词, 也可以都是动名词。 I prefer dogs to cats. 在狗与猫之间我更喜欢狗。,句型探究,7,prefer+不定式+rather than+不定式 本句型中,第一个不定式前面要加to,第 二个不定式通常省去to。 He prefer to die rather than become traitor. 他宁死也不做叛徒。,句型探究,8,preferrather than中的rather也可以移到第一个不定式之前prefer ratherthan,这种用法多见于书面语。 He preferred rather to take the whole blame himself than to allow it to fall on the innocent. 他宁可自己承担全部责任而不愿让无辜的人受到连累。,句型探究,9,prefer+that从句 Would you prefer that I come on Monday instead of on Tuesday? 你宁愿让我星期一来而不是星期二吗?,句型探究,10,2. As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York. 粤语流行音乐不仅仅吸引了本地的大量听众,而且传到海外的其他国家,香港的歌星在北京、伦敦和纽约都很有名。 as well as 用于肯定句中,起连接作用,意为“既又,不仅而且”。,句型探究,11,as well as 作“和,同”讲时,具有连词性质,常用来连接两个并列成分。如果连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词与as well as 之前的主语在人称和数上保持一致,若连接两个动词,第二个as 后常用动名词形式。,句型探究,12,Tom, as well as his parents often goes to the park. 汤姆经常和他的父母一起去公园。 His parents as well as he treat me very well. 他父母和他对我都很好。 She sings as well as playing piano. 她不但会弹琴还会唱歌。,句型探究,13,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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