海南届高考英语一轮复习 Module 5课件 (外研版选修7)

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Module 5 Ethnic Culture 基础落实 .高频单词思忆 1.Most of the nations want peace,and only a (少数人) want the war to continue. 2.There is a great demand for (农业的)machinery in this country. 3.Her English accent is so good that you would think she was a (本地的) speaker.,minority,agricultural,native,4.The will has to be proved before we can (继承). 5.In the army camp the quilts are usually (折叠)in this manner. 6.They scouted around for some antiques to (为配备家具)their new apartment. 7.He tried to (调整) himself to the new life there.,inherit,folded,furnish,adjust,8.At the formal party I felt very (尴尬的,难为情的)and out of place. 9.No building can stand without (稳固的) foundations,and neither can a marriage. 10.It was (愚蠢的) of them to expect the economy to recover so quickly.,awkward,firm,foolish,.重点短语再现 1. use在使用 use of利用be used to sth.习惯或适应某事物use 用尽, 耗尽 2.have population of有人口have a of有的传统 3. the distance在远处 a distance在一 定距离的地方 4.get lost 迷路;沉迷于be lost in 陷入沉思,in,make,doing,tradition,in,at,in,thought,a,up,5.pull (车)驶离车站 through(大 病或手术后)痊愈,复原 6.make 形成,组成;捏造make up 弥 补;补偿 7.fall 喜爱上;倾心于be fond 喜欢 lose ones to sb.爱上某人 8.be furnished 用装点 9.green envy嫉妒 10.adjust oneself 调整以适应 sth. from sth.改编,out,pull,up,for,for,of,heart,with,with,to,adapt,.典型句式运用 1.The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500-metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow. 古城依山而建,对面是海拔5 500米的玉龙雪 山,山峰被积雪覆盖。 独立主格结构 实验做完了,同学们继续在实验报 告上作记录。,考点提炼,句子仿造,The experiment finished, the students went,on to take notes in the experiment report.,2wherever you go,you hear the sound of rushing water. 无论走到哪里,你都会听到潺潺的流水声。 让步状语从句 无论做什么,都要尽最大努力。,Whatever you do, try your best.,考点提炼,句子仿造,3.Seen from above,the old town is a maze of canals,little bridges and tiny cobbled streets that tourists get lost in. 从上面俯看,古城就是一座由水渠,小桥和鹅 卵石铺成的街巷构成的迷宫,游人极易迷失 其中。 过去分词短语在句中作状语 老师给了他一个奖励,小男孩很是 高兴。 .,Having been given a prize by the teacher,the little boy was very happy.,考点提炼,句子仿造,4.This region is where the Naxi ethnic group live. 这个地区是纳西少数民族居住的地方 where引导的表语从句 问题是我们从哪里筹到那么多的钱。,考点提炼,句子仿造,The problem is where we can collect so,much money.,5.They sit in small circles in the square, with their babies on their backs, completely uninterested in the tourists! 她们围成小圈坐在广场上,身背孩子,对游客 丝毫不感兴趣! with的复合结构 他陷入深思,两只手捧着头。,He was deep in thought, with his head in,his hands.,考点提炼,句子仿造,导练互动 重点单词 1.minority n.少数民族;少数人;少数 观察思考 Only a minority of British households do not have a car.在英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。 The majority of the students were present. 大多数学生出席了。 Boys are very much in the minority at the dance class. 在舞蹈班上男孩子占极少数。,归纳拓展 be in a/the minority占少数 the majority of多数 be in the majority占多数 a minority of少数 the great majority绝大多数 The minority/majority of.作主语时,其后的谓语动词取决于of之后的名词。the minority/majority单独作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数,也可用复数。,注意,活学活用 Most nurses are women,but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a . A.scarcity B.minority C.minimum D.shortage 解析 in a minority占少数;占的比例较小。,B,2.run v.跑;行驶;转动;流动;经营;管 理;伸展;延伸;扩散;融化;n.跑;一系 列;状况;趋势 .,it is the women who Naxi society,. ,管理纳西族社会的是妇女, (回归课本P58),run,观察思考 After school,he helps his mother run their small shop. 放学后,他帮妈妈经营他们家的小商店。 Im afraid the colour ran when I washed your new skirt. 很遗憾,你那条新裙子我洗的时候掉色了。,归纳拓展 run after追赶某人;追逐某物 run over(指容器或所盛之物)溢出;轧过 run across无意间碰到 from sb./a place突然离开某人/ 处;从某人/处逃走 from sth.因羞怯、缺乏信心等而极 力回避某事物或逃避 run out (of sth.)(指供应品)用完,耗尽 run for竞选 in the long run从长远来说,run away,活学活用 What have you done with my cat? Im terribly sorry.Ive it.Believe me,its an accident.But Id like to pay for it. A.run after B.run over C.run through D.run across 解析 run over从上辗过;run after追赶; run through穿过;用完;run across无意间碰见。,B,3.fasten v.系牢,缚紧 It had a rigid framework of wooden poles,.,and with rope made with some kind of loose plant fibre. 它结构坚实,用松散植物纤维制成的绳紧 紧系住。 (回归课本P67) 观察思考 You should fasten your attention on your work. 你应把注意力集中在工作上。,fastened,Fasten the ends of the rope together firmly. 把那条绳子的两头紧紧绑在一起。 He fastened a light to his bicycle. 他在自行车上装了灯。 He rose,his eyes still fastened on the piece of paper. 他站起来,眼睛仍紧盯着那张纸。,归纳拓展 fasten up/together系牢;固定 fasten down固定;使牢固 fasten on/upon抓住;缠住;盯住 fasten.to把固定到 fasten ones eyes on.盯着 fasten ones attention on.把注意力集中 在,活学活用 Its bad manners to fasten your eyes on a stranger for a long time. 。,长时间盯着一个陌生人看是不礼貌的。,4.adjust v.适应,使适应;整理,整顿;安 排;调整;校正 My eyes had to to the darkness inside. 我的眼睛不得不去适应里面的一片漆黑。 (回归课本P67) 观察思考 Youll quickly adjust yourself to student life. 你将很快适应学生生活。,adjust,Theyll soon settle inkids are very good at adjusting. 他们很快就会安顿下来,孩子们很会适应环境。 It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. 几秒钟之后她的眼睛才适应了黑暗。 You can adjust this desk to the height of any child. 这桌子可以根据小孩的高度任意调整。 Weve had to make some adjustments to our original calculations. 我们不得不对我们最初的计算作一些调整。,归纳拓展 adjustable adj.可调节的;可调整的 adjustment n.调整;调节 adjust to适应;调节 adjust (oneself) to(使自己)适应于 adjust sth. to.把某物调整到 make adjustments to对进行调整,易混辨异 adapt/adjust/fit/suit/match 五者都含有“适合,适应”的意思。 (1)adapt指“修改或改变以适应新的条件”。 You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。 (2)adjust指“调整,调节使之适应”。 You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes. 你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后,你才看得见。,(3)fit多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合”。 The shoes fit me well.这鞋我穿正好。 (4)suit多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况等”。 Choose a computer to suit your particular needs. 选一台适合你自个儿需要的电脑。 (5)match指“大小、色调、形状、性质等相配或 相称”。 The doors were painted blue to match the walls. 门漆成了蓝色,为的是与墙的颜色相配。,活学活用 If it is too cold in this room,you can the air conditioner to make yourself feel comfortable. A.fasten B.adjust C.defeat D.upload 解析 adjust调整。句意为:房间里太冷了,你 可以调整空调使自己觉得舒适些。,B,5.furnish vt.陈设;布置;装修;提供, 供应 The tent a few mats on the floor,and a low table with a teapot. 帐篷的地板上铺着几块地垫,还有一张矮桌, 上面放着一个茶壶。 (回归课本P67),was furnished with,观察思考 Having bought the house,they couldnt afford to furnish it. 买了这所房子以后,他们买不起家具来布置它了。 The house was furnished with some old tables,a blackboard,and an old stove. 房子里摆放着几张旧桌子,一块黑板和一个旧 炉子。 Mr. and Mrs. Shaw have bought some modern furniture for their living room. 肖夫妇买了些新式家具布置起居室。,归纳拓展 furnish sth. with sth.用某物布置某物 furnish sb./sth. with sth.;furnish sth. to sb./sth.为某人/某物提供某物 be furnished with备有;安装有,陈设有 a piece of furniture/an article of furniture一件家具,活学活用用furnish的适当形式填空 (1)It will cost us a lot to our new flat. (2)We wanted some to this empty house. (3)Judging from the poorly house, we can tell he must be leading a plain life. (4) with everything needed,we set off on our holiday.,furnish,furniture,furnish,furnished,Furnished,重点短语与句型 6.in use被使用,在使用中 The Naxi language is the only hieroglyphic language still in and is over 1,000 years old. 纳西语是唯一仍在使用的象形文字,已有1 000 多年的历史了。 (回归课本P59),use,观察思考 The old machine is still in use. 那台旧机器仍在使用中。 New printing techniques have recently come into use. 新的印刷技术最近已开始投入使用。 Its an opportunity to put her medical training to good use. 这是将她所受的医学培训很好地付诸实践的机会。 We must make the best possible use of the resources we have. 我们必须尽可能充分地利用我们现有的资源。,归纳拓展 come into use开始被使用 make use of sb./sth.利用或使用某人/某物 make the best use of sth.充分利用某事物 put sth. to good use从某事物中获益 use sth. for sth./doing sth.用某物来干某事 be used to do sth.被用来干某事 used to do sth.过去经常干某事 be used to doing sth.习惯,适应做某事 use sth. up用尽,耗尽 Its no use doing.做没用,活学活用 (1)Eugenes never willing to alter any of his opinions.Its no use with him. A.to argue B.arguing C.argued D.having argued 解析 句意为:Eugene从不愿改变自己的主 意,同他争论是没有用的。It is no use doing sth.为固定句型,其中it为形式主语, 真正的主语是doing sth.。,B,(2)May I borrow your car? Sorry,it is at the moment. A.in use B.out of use C.of use D.of no use 解析 “it is in use at the moment.”此刻 我的汽车正在使用中。,A,7.The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500 metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain,its peak covered with snow.古城依山而建,对面是 海拔5 500米的玉龙雪山,山峰被积雪覆盖。,句式分析 句中的its peak covered with snow是独立主格 结构,在句中作状语表伴随。此外,还可作时 间,原因,条件状语等。 The Bai have an agricultural economy,their main crops being rice,wheat,beans and cotton. 白族人以农业经济为主,主要作物有水稻、小 麦、大豆和棉花。 The meeting over,they all went home. 会议一结束,他们就都回家了。,归纳拓展 常见的独立主格结构有如下几种: (1)独立分词结构 名词/代词/名词词组+现在分词。名词/代词/名 词词组与现在分词之间为逻辑上的主谓关系。 Time permitting (=If time permits),we will go for an outing tomorrow. 如果时间允许的话,我们明天去郊游。 名词/代词/名词词组+过去分词。名词/代词/名 词词组与过去分词之间为逻辑上的动宾关系。 The problems solved (=As the problems were solved),the quality has been improved. 随着问题的解决,质量已经提高了。,(2)独立不定式结构 名词/代词/名词词组+不定式。名词/代词/名词词 组与不定式之间是主谓关系,且强调的是一次具 体性的动作,或没有发生的动作。 They said goodbye to each other,one to go home,the other to go to the bookstore. 他们道别后,一个回了家,一个去了书店。,(3)独立无动词结构 名词/代词/名词词组+形容词。 An air crash happened to the plane,nobody alive. 那架飞机遭遇了空难,无一人生还。 名词/代词/名词词组+副词。 He put on his sweater,wrong side out. 他把毛衣穿反了。 名词/代词/名词词组+介词短语。 The boy goes to the classroom,book in hand. 那男孩手里拿着书去教室。,活学活用用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly,her long hair in the breeze. (flow) (2)The boy sat there,right hand . (raise) (3)My sister left for Beijing this morning, her boss her there this Friday. (join) (4) a hospital nearby,the man was saved.(there be),flowing,raised,to join,There being,(5)More time ,we could have done it better. (give) (6)She your close friend,you should have helped her. (be) (7)Everything into consideration, they thought the car was good enough though it was heavy on oil.(take),given,being,taken,8.She walked towards us carrying something long and thin.她向我们走来, 手里拿着又长又细的东西。 句式分析 carrying something long and thin在句中作 伴随状语。carry的逻辑主语是she。动词-ing 形式作状语时,常用来表示原因、时间、结 果、条件、方式和伴随,其逻辑主语一般与句 子主语保持一致。若表示否定,则not必须置于 动词-ing之前。,He stood there looking at the stranger.(伴随) 他站在那儿看着那个陌生人。 Taking a key out of his pocket,he opened the door.(时间) 他把钥匙从口袋里拿出打开了门。 Her husband died,leaving her with five children.(结果) 她丈夫死了,留下了她和五个孩子。 Not knowing his address,I wasnt able to contact him.(原因) 不知道他的地址,我不能和他联系。 Working hard,you will succeed.(条件) 努力工作,你会成功的。,活学活用 Daddy didnt mind what we were doing,as long as we were together ,fun. A.had B.have C.to have D.having 解析 having fun作状语,表伴随。,D,9.However different we may appear to be at first,we are all the same,all equal.无论起初我们看上去有多么不同,然 而我们本质上是一样的,每个人都是平等的。 句式分析 这是一个带有状语从句的主从复合句。 However different we may appear to be at first是让步状语从句。 “however+adj./adv”也可转换为“no matter how+adj./adv”结构。,However hard its raining,we should go to school on time. 无论雨下得多大,我们还是应该按时上学。 He wanted to take no risks,however small it was. 再小的险他也不想冒。 Whatever you do,I will always be on your side. 无论你做什么,我将一直支持你。,归纳拓展 带-ever后缀的有些疑问词还可以引导名词性从 句,主要有whatever,whoever, whomever, whichever。但这时它们不可以改写成“no matter+特殊疑问词”的形式。这时的whatever,whoever,whomever,whichever既要 在主句中作成分,又要在从句中作成分,为了 便于理解,我们可以把它们分解成两个词来理解。whatever=anything that,whoever=anyone who,whomever=anyone whom,而whichever为which 的强调形式。,Whoever wants to see the film can go with us tonight. =Anyone who wants to see the film can go with us tonight. 无论谁今天晚上想去看电影都可以和我们一起去。 You can give it to whomever you like. =You can give it to anyone whom you like. 你可以把它给任何你所喜欢的人。,考题回扣 【例1】Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please?(全国卷高考) A.who B.what C.whoever D.whatever 解析 句意为:请问一下我能不能和负责国际 贸易的人说话?speak to后接sb.,故排除B、D 两项。句中to后跟宾语从句,而且从句中又缺 少主语,并且是不确指,故排除A。 课文原文 different we may appear to be at first,we are all the same,all equal.,C,However,【例2】So sudden that the enemy had no time to escape. (山东高考) A.did the attack B.the attack did C.was the attack D.the attack was 解析 在so+adj+that.句型中,当so+ adj.置于句首时,其所在句子的谓语应用部分 倒装形式,故选C项。 课文原文 was an ox working in a field.,C,In the distance,【例3】It was along the Mississippi River Mark Twain spent much of his childhood. (天津高考) A.how B.which C.that D.where 解析 此处构成It was.that.强调句式,句 中强调了介词短语along the Mississippi River。 课文原文 For example, the women run Naxi society.,C,it is,who,【例4】Why not try your luck downtown,Bob? Thats the best jobs are. (浙江高考) A.where B.what C.when D.why 解析 本题考查名词性从句。句意为:为什么 不到市中心商业区去碰碰运气呢,鲍勃?那是 最好的工作所在的地方。where“的地 方”,在此引导表语从句。 课文原文 This region is the Naxi ethnic group live and Ive spent several afternoons sitting in a caf in the old town square,just watching people.,A,where,【例5】 by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. (天津高考) A.Being encouraged B.Encouraging C.Encouraged D.Having encouraged 解析 encourage与主句主语many farmers之间 为逻辑上的动宾关系,因此应用被动形式,故 排除B、D两项;A项表示该动作正在进行; Encouraged by the advances in technology 为过去分词短语作原因状语。 课文原文 by fewer and fewer people these days,the Naxi language may disappear in the future.,C,Spoken,写作技能 高考书面表达中常见的错误分析(二) 7.逻辑错误 不少学生在写作时从语言角度考虑得多,而 从逻辑角度考虑得少,所以常常在书面表达中出 现逻辑错误。 8.不符合英语表达习惯 书面表达中,不少学生受汉语思维方式、表 达习惯、文化习俗的影响,写出许多不符合英语 表达习惯的句子。 如:英语中表示人口多少需用large/small, 而不用many或few。,9.句子缺乏统一性 句子统一性要求一个句子必须表达一个单一 的完整意义,如果把不相连的意义放在同一个句 子里,就违反了句子统一性原则。 10.句子缺乏连贯性 连贯性是指句子无论长短,在安排上要合乎 逻辑、衔接自然,使句子语义关系明确、一目了 然。写作中不连贯的句子主要包括垂悬修饰语、 指代不清、未用过渡性词语、非平行结构和语义 不完整的分割短句等方面的错误。,11.汉式英语错误 英语的应用习惯与汉语不同,特别是在一些 连词的应用上,如用了because就不能用so,用了 though或although就不能用but。 12.标点符号误用 汉语中有书名号,但英语中没有。要书写报 刊、书名等,常把报刊、书名的每个单词首字母 大写,或加双引号,或变换不同的字体等形式 表示。,自主检测 .品句填词 1.He was angry with himself for having made such a (愚蠢的) mistake. 2.Wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old (风俗). 3.There is a need for greater (多 样性) and choice in education. 4.Although the sale of cars rocketed up recently,only a (少数) of the population has a car in China.,foolish,custom,diversity,minority,5.He cant (适应) himself to the busy modern life. 6.I thought she had retired,but (显然) she hasnt. 7.The more she tried to get out of the situation,the more (尴尬的) it became. 8.The man became rich by (继承) a lot of money from his uncle. 9.You should (固定;拴) all the doors and windows before you leave. 10.Jack (折叠) the map up and put it into his bag.,adjust,apparently,awkward,inheriting,fasten,folded,.短语运用 1. was a tower that we couldnt see clearly because of the fog. 2.Astronauts in flight must weightlessness. 3.If you want to catch that train,youd better for the station immediately. 4.Although ,she bravely blinked back her tears.,In the distance,adjust to,set off,in pain,5.As we all know,China 1.3 billion. 6.The other boys were when Joe bought a second-hand car! 7.I didnt having to pay that bill this week. 8.The machine made in the 1980s is still now in the factory. 9.She people she meets as raw material for her fiction. 10.I an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.,has a population of,green with envy,reckon on,in,use,makes use of,came across,.翻译句子 1.他很快使自己适应了这个国家炎热的天气。 (adjust) . 2.完成了作业,他出去玩了。(独立主格) . 3.他一大早就动身去车站了。(set off),He adjusted himself very quickly to the,heat of the country.,Homework finished,he went out to play.,He set off for the station in the earlier,morning.,4.我们必须采取坚决措施来控制污染。 5.His best movie,which won several awards, was about the life of Gandni. 。,We must take strong/firm measures to,control the pollution.,他最优秀的电影,就是荣获几项大奖的那一,部,是关于甘地生平的。,.单项填空 1.There used to be a mountain in our village,at the top of which . A.stood a temple B.was there a temple C.a temple stood D.a temple was there 解析 此处考查了方位状语前置到句首时句子 要出现完全倒装这一语言现象。,A,2.He rose,his eyes still on the piece of paper. A.fasten B.fastening C.fastened D.fastens 解析 本题考查独立主格结构,his eyes和 fasten之间是被动关系,故选C。,C,3.In his letter,Mike wrote,“Dear Jack, Ive been in Britain for only a week,and Im trying to the new life here.” A.adjust to B.agree with C.depend on D.be fit for 解析 adjust to the new life适应新生活, 符合语境。,A,4.Our school,which offers special education for quick learners and at the same time offers special guides for ones,is really worth the name of the School for Every Student. A.stupid B.silly C.foolish D.slow 解析 分析句子和根据句子知空处和前面的 quick learners相对,故用slow。,D,5.The boy knocked down by the car stood up all by himself, unhurt. A.apparently B.surprisingly C.unfortunately D.generally 解析 apparently显然地;surprisingly令人 吃惊地;unfortunately不幸地;generally一 般地。句意为:被那辆车撞倒的那个男孩自己 站了起来,显然没有受伤。,A,6.They are required to keep a two-meter from everyone else during the quarantine(隔离) period,experts say. A.length B.width C.distance D.space 解析 keep a(n).distance保持的 距离。,C,7.I want to rent a apartment,so I neednt trouble to buy any furniture. A.used B.big C.cheap D.furnished 解析 a furnished apartment有家具的房子。,D,8.Since his retirement,having a walk along the river after supper has become part of his daily . A.tradition B.custom C.convention D.routine 解析 part of daily routine日常生活的一 部分。,D,9.When I went in,the old man was sitting in an armchair out of the window. A.to stare B.staring C.stared D.was staring 解析 staring out of.是v.-ing短语作伴 随状语。,B,10.He didnt want to see anybody,so he spent six hours in the small room. A.locked B.to lock C.locking D.being locked 解析 本题易错选C项。但he和lock之间是动宾 关系,故应用过去分词。,A,11.The couple a health centre in Cambodia, their seven-year-old son was born. A.run;which B.control;where C.run;where D.control;which 解析 run经营;管理;where引导非限制性定 语从句,在句中作状语。,C,12.Most nurses are women,but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a . A.scarcity B.minority C.minimum D.shortage 解析 be in a minority占少数。scarcity缺 少;不足;minimum最小值;shortage短处; 不足。,B,13.If better use is of your spare time, youll make good progress in doing your business. A.spent B.used for C.taken D.made 解析 make use of.利用。,D,14.Safety in school has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents students got injured or killed while in school. A.in which B.for which C.which D.when 解析 句中的which是关系代词,引导定语从句 修饰先行词accidents。,A,15.She the letter in half and put it into her pocket. A.folded B.wrote C.took D.divided 解析 fold折叠,符合句意。,A,返回,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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