海南届高考英语一轮复习 Module 1课件 (外研版选修7)

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.高频单词思忆 1.My employer will (证实) that I was there on time. 2.He has authority, but he doesnt try to (支配)others. 3.My (一代人) have grown up without the experience of a world war.,confirm,dominate,generation,TB7,基础落实,Module 1 Basketball,4.She is an (杰出的,出色的) actress according to her achievement. 5.The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this (角度). 6.The (碰撞)between the ships was caused by fog. 7.Martin admitted that he had no (适当的,足够的)proof. 8.They have (任命)a new head teacher at my daughters school.,outstanding,angle,collision,adequate,appointed,9.The tournament is open to amateurs as well as (职业运动员). 10.Such courageous behavior really (应得)to be praised.,professionals,deserves,.重点短语再现 1. an average of 平均为 average 平均 the average在平均数以上 2. possession of 占有,拥有be of具有某种品质 3. the time一直 all time有史以来at 有时,偶尔at time一度,曾经 4.be rude 对粗鲁be friendly 对 友好 5. a record保持记录 the record 破记录 a new record刷新记录,with,on,above,take,possessed,all,one,to,to,hold,break,set,of,times,6.be on以为基础 sth. on sth.把某事 建立在某事的基础上be in以为背景 7.draw sb.s attention 引起某人的注意 ones attention吸引某人的注意bring sth. ones attention吸引某人注意某事 8.name 以命名 the name of.名 叫的 the name of.以的名义 9.in ones 性质上;本性;本质 nature生 就;本来;生来 nature本质上;事实上 10.if 如果有必要的话if 如果有可 能的话if 如果曾经有的话,based,base,set,attract,to,after,in,nature,by,in,necessary,possible,ever,to,by,.典型句式运用 1.Wearing his famous number 23 shirt, Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in the history of the game. 穿着他著名的23号球衣,迈克尔乔丹成为历史上最有名的篮球运动员。 v.-ing 短语在句中作状语 没有意识到处于危险中,他继续向洞的深处走。,考点提炼,句子仿造,Not realizing he was in danger, he went,farther into the cave.,2.At one point, Chamberlain was so much better than all the other players that they changed the rules of the game to try to stop him! 曾几何时,张伯伦比其他所有球员都优秀得多, 以致于他们改变了比赛规则来试图限制他! at one point 一度,曾经 一度,我认为他会拒绝,但他最后却 同意了。,考点提炼,句子仿造,At one point I thought he was going to,refuse, but in the end he agreed.,3.To do this, he told Yao to be more aggressive and, if necessary, to be rude to his teammates. 为了达到这一目的,他告诉姚明要更强有力地进 攻,并且如果有必要的话,可以对他的队友粗鲁些。 条件状语从句的省略 如果可能的话,我将到机场为你送行。,考点提炼,句子仿造,If possible, I will go to the airport to,see you off.,4.Teachers at the school were shocked and angry but Webb Elliss schoolmates enjoyed this new game,which they named after the school. 该校的老师大为震怒,但韦布埃利斯的同学们都 喜欢这种新玩法,就用他们的校名作为该运动的名 字。 name after以的名字命名 这个小岛是以那位冒险家的名字命名的。,考点提炼,句子仿造,This small island was named after that,explorer.,5.But there is no doubt that he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”. 但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。 毫无疑问我们会成功的。,考点提炼,句子仿造,There is no doubt that we will be successful.,Theres no doubt that.毫无疑问,导练互动 重点单词 1.association n.协会;联想;联系 The National Basketball Association(NBA)is the number one basketball league in the world. 美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)是世界上最棒的篮球联赛。 (回归课本P1),观察思考 Scotland has all kinds of happy associations for me. 苏格兰给我各种各样愉快的联想。 The book was published in association with British Heritage. 这本书是与英国传统出版社联合出版的。 归纳拓展 in association with.与合作 have no association with.不和结交 associate sb./sth.with sb./sth.联想,联系 be associated with.和有关,活学活用 What do you have with the color green? Life. A.association B.organization C.consideration D.examination 解析 have association with.和有联系。句意为:关于绿色你能联想到什么?生命。,A,2.attend vt.护理 He attended the University of North Carolina for a year before leaving to join the Chicago Bulls. 他加入芝加哥公牛队以前,在北卡罗莱纳大学学习了一年。 (回归课本P2) 观察思考 Only seven people attended the meeting. 只有7个人参加会议。 I may be lateI have got one or two things to attend to. 我也许会迟到,我有一两件事要处理。,归纳拓展 attend a lecture/a movie听演讲/看电影 attend school/class/church上学/上课/去教堂 attend a meeting参加会议 attend on/upon sb.伺候某人,照顾某人 attend to处理;注意倾听;专心于;照料;接待 attend to what sb.say(s)倾听某人说话 attend to the matter处理事情 be attended by.由陪同;由照料 attend school/church中,school,church前通常不用冠词。,注意,易混辨异 attend/join/join in/take part in (1)attend用来表示出席,参加会议、讲座、婚礼、报告等一些较为正式的场合。 (2)join表示参加某一团体,并成为其中的一员,如入党、入团、参军等;如果后边接人,则表示参加某人的活动。 (3)join in多指参加比赛或活动,常用于口语中,如果要表示“加入到他人的行列一道从事某项活动”则要用join sb.in sth.。 (4)take part in指参加会议或群众性活动,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。,活学活用 The coach asked his staff to the large group of journalists waiting for him to announce his training plans. A.adapt to B.attend to C.refer to D.appeal to 解析 attend to接待;adapt to适应;refer to指的是;提及;appeal to呼吁;恳请。,B,3.deserve v.值得;应得 But there is no doubt that he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”. 但是,毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”的称号。 (回归课本P3) 观察思考 They deserved punishing.(=They deserved to be punished.) 他们应该受罚。 The team deserves to win.这个队该赢。 These proposals deserve serious consideration. 这些建议值得认真考虑。,归纳拓展 deserve to值得;应该 deserve to be done=deserve doing值得去做;应该去做(表示被动意义) get what you deserve罪有应得 deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/注意 除deserve后跟动名词表示被动need, want, require,be worth后跟动名词也表示被动。,注意,活学活用 After all the harm she has done,she whatever she gets. A.costs B.deserves C.rewards D.pays 解析 句意为:经历所有的不幸之后,她得到了他应得的东西。,B,4.adequate adj.适当的;足够的;充分的 .,so they wear helmets which give adequate protection to their heads. ,因此,他们戴头盔给他们的头部以足够的保护。 (回归课本P11) 观察思考 His wages are adequate to support the family. 他的工资足够养家。 He took adequate clothes for a weekend trip. 他携带了足够的衣服去周末旅行。,归纳拓展 be adequate for.满足的需要 be adequate to do sth.足够做某事 易混辨异 adequate/enough/sufficient (1)adequate指足够符合特定(有时可指最低)的资格、分量、才能等;符合一个客观要求或标准。 (2)enough是常用词,它除表示“足以满足需要的”外,还含有“数量很多使人感到心满意足”的意思。 (3)sufficient则指需要的,达到目的的“满足”,所以事实上常常已经sufficient,但并不一定感到enough。,活学活用 (1)I hope I will not be called on in class as Im not yet prepared. A.attentively B.readily C.actively D.adequately 解析 句意为:我希望我在课堂上不被提问,因为我还未做好充分的准备。 用adequate,enough或sufficient填空 (2)We have money to spend. (3)To be healthy one must have an diet. (4)There is food for everybody.,D,enough,adequate,sufficient,mit v.犯(罪);做(错事);承诺;花(钱或时间);忠于 Sackler bounced off him and committed a foul. 赛克勒跳过他,做了一个犯规动作。(回归课本P11) 观察思考 The president is committed to reforming health care. 总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。 My agent has already committed me to an appearance. 我的代理人已保证我会出场。,归纳拓展 commit time/money to (doing) sth.在某事上花费时间或金钱 commit to sb./sth.忠心于某人;全心全意投入某事 commit oneself to.委身于;专心致志于 commit suicide自杀 commit a crime犯罪 commit to sth./doing sth.承诺(做)某事,活学活用 To satisfy the people,the government must be to improving health care. A.replying B.promising C.committing D.deciding 解析 句意为:为了使人民满意,政府必须投入资金来改善医疗卫生。,C,重点短语与句型 6.draw ones attention引起某人注意(某事物) 观察思考 He drew his attention to the rising unemployment. 失业率日渐升高引起了他的注意。 Attention should be paid to getting everything ready before Sunday. 注意在星期天之前把一切都准备好。,归纳拓展 attract/catch ones attention吸引某人的注意 pay attention to注意 focus ones attention on.把注意力集中在 bring sth. to ones attention吸引某人注意某事 devote ones attention to 专心于 give ones attention to注意,活学活用 We must draw our attention the fact that the young dont look to the old nowadays. A.to;up B.on;down C.on;upon D.to;down 解析 draw ones attention to.“吸引某人的注意力”和look up to“尊敬”,都为习惯搭配。,A,7.take possession of占据;占领;拥有 Joe immediately took possession of the ball and ran,. 乔立即抓住球,快跑,(回归课本P11) 观察思考 Soon they conquered the country and took possession of the palace. 他们很快征服了那个国家,占领了皇宫。 To love is not to possess,but to give. 爱不是占有,而是给予。,归纳拓展 in possession of拥有,占有 in the possession of被占有/控制 come into possession of占有 come into ones possession被某人占有 possess oneself of取得;把占为己有 possess sb. of sth.使某人拥有某物 be possessed of拥有,具有,活学活用 (1)How did you the old valuable house? It used to be my uncle.He left it to me in his will. A.take possession of;in possession of B.take the possession of;in the possession of C.take possession of;in the possession of D.take the possession of;in possession of 解析 take possession of拥有;in the possession of被所占有/拥有。句意为:你是如何拥有那 座价值连城的老房子的?它过去为我的叔叔所有, 他在遗嘱中把它留给我了。,C,(2)Anyone who is in possession of weapons without permission is considered law- breaking.,任何未经允许而持有武器的人都被视为违法。,8.be based on以为基础 The exact origin of baseball is unknown,but it is probably based on an old English game called rounders. 棒球的确切起源无人知晓,但它可能是以英国的一 项被称为“圆场棒球”游戏的比赛为基础的。 (回归课本P13),观察思考 This play is based on a true story. 这个戏剧基于一个真实的故事。 The film is based on a novel by Sinclair Lewis. 这部电影是根据辛克莱刘易斯的小说改编的。 归纳拓展 base.on/upon.以为基础 be based in/at.设立在;把安置在 at the base of.在根部下 on the basis of.以为基础,活学活用 Without facts,we cant form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge our thinking. A.which to be based on B.which to base upon C.upon which to base D.to which to be based 解析 base.on/upon.把建立在基础上。,C,9.But there is no doubt that he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”.但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。 句式分析 (1)doubt作动词时,在肯定句中,名词性从句用whether,if,when,what等连接;在疑问句、否定句中,名词性从句用that连接。 (2)doubt作名词时,连接词根据句子所表达的意思依据上述规则选用。,(3)在doubt,need,possibility,point等词前面常用there is;而wonder,use,good等词前面常用it is。 There is no doubt that he is an excellent player. 毫无疑问,他是一名出色的运动员。 There is some doubt whether he is the best man for the job. 他是不是担任那项工作的最佳人选,有点疑问。 I dont doubt that our team will win. 我们队会获胜是毫无疑问的。,归纳拓展 There is no doubt that.毫无疑问 There is doubt whether不确定是否 I dont doubt that.我确信 I doubt whether/if.我不敢肯定 without/beyond doubt无疑地,必定 in doubt不肯定的;不确定的,活学活用 (1)There is some doubt she will be able to repay the money on time. A.that B.which C.whether D.why 解析 在肯定句中doubt后接同位语从句时,从句用whether不用if引导;否定句中用that引导。,C,(2) We dont doubt the people in Beichuan County will recover from the disaster soon and rebuild their homes better than before. A.that B.if C.what D.whether 解析 doubt用于否定句中,其后从句的连接词用that。,A,10.To do this,he told Yao to be more aggressive and,if necessary,to be rude to his teammates.为了达到这一目的,他告诉姚明要更强有力地进攻,并且如果有必要的话,可以对他的队友粗鲁些。 句式分析 (1)to do this为了达到这一目的,在句中作目的状语,表示的是主语的目的,因此,其逻辑主语通常是句子的主语。,不定式和不定式短语作目的状语,主要用来修饰 动词,表示某一动作或状态的目的。为了使目的意义更加清楚或表示强调意义时,还可以在前面加in order to或so as to。 由in order to引导目的状语,既可以置于句尾 也可以置于句首,而由so as to引导的目的状语, 只能置于句尾,而不能置于句首。,(2)if necessary“如果有必要的话”,这是一个省略句。在有些表示时间、地点、条件等的状语从句中,如果从句谓语含有be动词,且主语与主句的主语一致,或主语是it时,通常可以省去从句的主语和be动词。 I will stay up all night,if necessary,to get it finished. 如果有必要,我会熬个通宵把这事做完。 To finish the job on time,I worked day and night. 为了能按时完成工作,我日夜工作。 Dont speak until (you are) spoken to. 别人没有跟你讲话,你就不要开口。,活学活用 We seldom, ,go to the cinema because we are kept busy studying. A.if ever B.if necessary C.if any D.if possible 解析 if ever=if we have ever gone to the cinema。,A,考题回扣 【例1】He was busy writing a story, only once in a while to smoke a cigarette. (辽宁高考) A.to stop B.stopping C.to have stopped D.having stopped 解析 句意为:他在忙着写一个故事,只是偶尔停下来抽支烟。此处应为现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示与write伴随的动作。A项通常作目的状语和结果状语。,B,课文原文 Wearing his famous number 23 shirt, Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in the history of the game.,【例2】We all know that, , the situation will get worse. (全国高考) A.not if dealt carefully with B.if not carefully dealt with C.if dealt not carfully with D.not if carefully dealt with 解析 本题考查状语从句的简化以及非谓语动词 的否定。由“be+副词+done”结构以及“not+ 非谓语动词”可排除A、C两项;然后结合状语 从句的简化原则可知D项错误,B项正确。相当 于if it is not carefully dealt with。,B,课文原文 To do this,he told Yao to be more aggressive and,if necessary,to be rude to his teammates.,【例3】His sister left home in 1998,and since. (全国高考) A.had not been heard of B.has not been heard of C.had not heard of D.has not heard of 解析 句意为:他的妹妹自从1998年离开家后一直杳无音讯。根据句意,指从1998年后到现在一直没有音讯,故应用现在完成时,排除A和C项;又因他的妹妹和hear of之间是被动关系,故排除D项。,B,课文原文 He has been brought up and trained in this way.,【例4】As his best friend,I can make accurate guesses about he will do or think. (上海高考) A.what B.which C.whom D.that 解析 guess about表示“猜测”,其后跟的应该是宾语从句。由于do or think为及物动词短语,故空格处既要引导宾语从句,又要在从句中作宾语使用,故可排除that;由于没有明确的范围,故可排除which;从句意看该处应指物而不指人,故可排除whom。,A,课文原文 “At first,I didnt really understand what the coach wanted.”Yao said.,自主检测 .品句填词 1.The book was translated into many (版本) and sold all over the world. 2.Mary (应得) to win this contest because she is the best among them. 3.It was (自私的) of him to leave all work to you. 4.The secretary has left,so you must (任命;指定) a new one as soon as possible.,versions,deserves,selfish,appoint,5.One cannot escape being punished after he (犯) crimes. 6.Diana is a (体贴的) boss who is always willing to listen. 7.He works very hard and now he is a(n) (出色的) engineer. 8. (复杂的) problems are not easy to solve. 9.He has an income of only 200 dollars a month,which is not (足够) to support his large family. 10.The new evidence can (证实) his innocence.,committed,considerate,outstanding,Complex/Complicated,adequate,confirm,.短语运用 1.Their children have all and left home now. 2.The earthquake is the worst one China. 3. I think she is going to refuse,but in the end she agrees.,in the history of,grow up,be rude to,draw ones attention to,take possession of,be based on,name after,hold the record,if necessary,at one point,grown up,in the,history of,At one point,4.Liu Xiang of 12.88 seconds for 110-hurdle for several years. 5.I tried to certain facts. 6.Be kind to your mother-in-law, ,pay for her board at some good hotel. 7.Why you so your little brother?,held the record,draw your attention to,and if,necessary,are,rude to,8.You cant legally the property until three weeks after the contract is signed. 9.The little girl her grandmother. 10.The report figures from six different European cities.,take possession of,was named after,is based on,.翻译句子 1.毫无疑问,中国正变得越来越强大。(doubt) 2.他学习一直刻苦,考试及格是应该的。(deserve) 3.在会议上,他要求所有人都注意这个问题。(attention),There is no doubt that China is becoming,stronger and stronger.,He has been working very hard and,deserves to pass the exams.,At the meeting,he drew everyones,attention to the problem.,4.我因迟到向会议主席道歉。(apologise) 5.We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain village school.,I apologised to the chairman for being,late.,我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那所山村小,学去。,.单项填空 1.How did you the old valuable house? It used to be my uncle.He left it to me in his will. A.take possession of;in possession of B.take the possession of;in the possession of C.take possession of;in the possession of D.take the possession of;in possession of,解析 take possession of为固定短语,possession前没有冠词,意为“拥有,占有”;in possession of拥有;in the possession of sb.为某人所有。 答案 C,2.Advertisements are not only made and paid for by business,but also by individuals, organizations and that wish to inform or educate the public. A.imaginations B.connections C.associations D.instructions 解析 由句中的individuals,organizations知应是association符合句意。imagination想象;想象力;connection联系;instruction指示。,C,3.The newly discovered star was named a Chinese astronomer honor of his contributions to astronomy. A.for;in B.after;for C.as;in D.after;in 解析 name after以的名字命名;in honor of为了纪念。,D,4.It was a(n) party.We danced all night and then watched the sun coming up over the sea.No better way to welcome the New Year. A.awful B.terrible C.frightening D.awesome 解析 awesome很好的;极好玩的。awful可怕的;terrible恐怖的;frightening令人害怕的。,D,5.Mary told us on the phone she would be back . A.in an instant B.on a instant C.for instance D.for an instant 解析 in an instant即刻;不久之后;B、C两项搭配错误;for an instant一会儿;一瞬间。,A,6.Dont waste lots of time looking for the answer to one question.Leave it and come back to it later . A.if it necessary B.if you are necessary C.if is necessary D.if necessary 解析 考查省略句。句意为:不要浪费大量时间去寻求一个问题的答案。先把它放在一边,若有必要的话,回头再来解决。if necessary是if it is necessary的省略,其中it指代第一句中涉及的内容。,D,7.How do you like the regulations of our school? The regulations are strict with the students and they require that students at least 90% of the lectures. A.will attend B.will take part in C.should attend D.should take part in 解析 require接从句时,从句应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用(should+)动词原形。“听课”应用attend。take part in指参加某一活动。,C,8.There is some doubt he is the best man for the job. A.that B.which C.whether D.why 解析 doubt用于肯定句中时,其后的同位语从句用whether引导;用于否定句中时其后的从句用that引导。,C,9.There was more than rain this year,so some parts of our country have been flooded. A.extra B.permanent C.efficient D.adequate 解析 adequate充足的;extra额外的; permanent永久的;efficient高效的。句意 为:今年降水量过大,因此,我们国家的有 些地方发生了洪灾。,D,10.If you yourself to your work,youll succeed some day. A.refer B.throw C.commit D.depend 解析 commit oneself to sth.=devote oneself to sth.致力于;委身于。,C,11.I have an important meeting to , so I cantyou in the discussion. A.attend;join B.take part in;attend C.join;take part in D.attend;attend 解析 attend a meeting参加会议;join sb. in sth.加入某人的行列从事某活动;take part in参加某活动。,A,12.The book was so interesting that she found herself it. A.being absorbed in B.absorbed by C.absorbed in D.being absorbed by 解析 句意为:这本书如此有趣以致于她沉迷于其中了。此题考查过去分词作宾补。be absorbed in沉迷于,故选C。,C,13.She working nights and it took her a few months to it. A.was not used to;used to B.used to;was not used to C.did not used to;get used to D.was not used to;get used to 解析 be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,强调状态;get used to sth.则强调动作,表示一个慢慢习惯的过程。,D,14.Teaching is not just a simple piece of work;its an art a science. A.is based on B.based with C.based on D.depended on 解析 based on a science=which is based on a science。,C,15.Although the lecture had already been on for five minutes,I was still not able to find a chair . A.to sit B.to sit on C.for sitting D.for to sit on 解析 考查不定式在句中作定语。sit为不及物动词,后面需加上相应的介词on。,B,返回,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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