高中英语教案:unit2 listening and speaking(重庆大学版必修1)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit 2 Helpful SchoolmatesListening and Speaking教学目标:本单元的听力材料是Charles 和 David 两个同学之间关于考试的两段对话,第话中表达了焦虑之情以及同学的鼓励。目标1 能根据图画和片段听力内容推测所听的内容大意。目标2 在听时,能有目的地抓住所需的关键信息。目标3 能通过听捕捉重要的词组和句型结构并能快速记录下来教学方法:任务型教学法Step1 Pre-listening呈现课前任务1 When an exams is coming, how do you usually feel? Tick the words which coule be used to describe your feelings. Then share your feelings with your partner.excited worred anxious happy fearful angry afraid bored prepared ready hopeful tired terrible confident nervousYou may start your conversation like this:A:How .do you feel when an ezam is comingB:I usually feel.How about you?2 Finish the following tasks by listening and predicting.A. Look at the pictures and listen to the mini-dialogues .Write down what the two speakers say in the speech bubblesB.Tick the best choices according to what you hear and the pictures1)The probable relationship between the two speakers is _A.classmates B. a student and a teacher C. schoolmates2) In Picture 1, the two speakers are talking about _3)They are talking_in Picture 24)The boy in blue feels_in Picture 1 and _in Picture 2Step2 While listening先呈现听后任务1.Listen to two dialogues and decide whether each of the following statements is true(T) or false(F).Correct the false one(s)Dialogue1( )1)Before the mid-term exams, David gets read by doing a lot of reviewing.( )2)Charles thinks mid_term exams are very important.( )3)Charles has to stay up all night to study for a few subjectsDialogue2())Both Charles and David think the maths exam is very difficult.( ) 5)David feels happy because Charles didnt finish the questions in the examination( ) 6)They will get the results of the exams next Monday2 Listen again and complete the following sentencesCharles worryDavids encouragement1) I feel _the coming exams.1)Dont worry and _2)_I need to stay up all night studying this whole week2)_,boy!3)I dont know_if I failed3)Im sure youll _in tomorrows English exam.Step3 Post-listening 让学生俩俩对话,运用在听力中获取的表示焦虑和鼓励的话语,1.Talk with your partner about your worries and try to give encouragement by using the sentence structures in the table above.Your worry might be: 展示语言点Unable to remember new wordsHaving difficulty in understanding English in classPoor spoken EnglishOne of the subjectsRelationship with classmates or teachersYou may start your conversation like this: 教师提示和指导所用句式A:Whats wrong,John? You dont look too good.B:Im jlust feeling a bit down, thats all. Nothing to worry about A:Whats the trouble ? Can I help?B:To tell you the truth,I.2 .Homework: 请同学们编写一个简短的 对话,是老师和同学的一段关于表达焦虑和鼓励的对话。或者是同学之间的对话,准备明天在课堂上表演。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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