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2011届高三年级英语考前提醒1. Mr. Martin, _ abroad for forty years, is now on his way home. A. lived and worked B. living and working C. having lived and worked D. to live and work分词的完成式,表示做完以后。此句的意思是“在国外生活工作了40年以后,马丁先生现在在回家的路上。” 2. _ greatly added to the pleasant atmosphere of the party. A. Jim was coming B. Jims coming C. Jim came D. Jim came动名词的复合结构作主语,要用“+doing”例如: Marys failing 3. I have been considering but just cant decide which offer _ since both seem attractive to me. A. to accept B. accepting C. accept D. to be accepted连词what, how, when等引导的宾语从句可化简为“”what to do/ where to do” 4. I have just received a job offer but I am considering _ it because I am quite satisfied with my present one. A. not to accept B. not accepting C. not accept D. not acceptedConsider译为“考虑”时后接doing,否定用not doing。译为“认为”时,常用be considered to do/ be doing/ have done的结构。 5. With all the problems _, Mr. Johnson felt much relieved. A. being settled B. to be settled C. to settle D. settled此处为with引导的独立主格结构,意思是“由于所有的问题已解决,约翰逊先生非常的欣慰”所以用过去分词。 6. With such a lot of construction _ outside, I can hardly concentrate on my study. A. to go on B. going on C. to be going on D. goes on独立主格结构中如果是“有事要做”用with to do/ to be done “正在做”用doing。 7. He bought the house for only 200,000 dollars. I _ gladly pay twice as much. A. should B. can C. may D. would此处would表示愿意,等同于would like to 8. How much did you say the shirt is? I _ quite catch you. A. didnt B. couldnt C. wouldnt D. shouldnt“过去没能干成某事” 可用两种形式表达,一是was/ were not able to, 另一种是didnt do。肯定形式也是如此。were/ was able to do等同于did。 9. -Please dont stay at the party too long. Youll have to go to work tomorrow.-All right, I _.A. dont B. cant C. mustnt D. wont祈使句肯定式回答用will,否定用wont, 反意疑问句用will you。 10. -Why didnt you turn up at the party? -I _ but I had an unexpected visitor.A. would B. did C. would have D. should情态动词+have done表示过去本来会做,省略用情态动词+have。 11. Winter in the north of China usually lasts four months but sometimes it _ be longer. A. will B. should C. must D. cancan除了“能够”的意思外,还用来表示“有时候会”。 12. I could have helped you but I _ anything about your trouble. A. didnt know B. dont know C. wouldnt know D. havent known 本题前半句I could have helped you表示过去。因此与此结构搭配的时态用过去时。 13. I was so excited last night that it was a long time _ I got to sleep. A. that B. since C. before D. when 连词before引导的状语从句,“过很久才”。 14. - Did Jack come back early last night? - Yes. It was not eight oclock _ he arrived home. A. before B. that C. when D. until 连词when引导的状语从句,“当.时候”。 15. Think about what you really care about, and set goals to accomplish _ matters to you. A. that B. which C. what D. when what译为“所的(事)”,在其所引导的宾语从句中作主语。 16. - Obama won the election. Its amazing! - Yes. But the result was within _ we had expected, _ brought great joy to many young people and the black. A. that, which B. that, that C. what, what D. what, which what译为“所.的(事)”,在其所引导的宾语从句中作宾语;which在其所引导的非限定性定语从句中作主语。 17. All the books I have are here. You may borrow _ you like. A. whatever B. whichever C. whenever D. however whichever译为“随便哪个”,在其所引导的宾语从句中作宾语。 18. - Im afraid I have to give it up. - Dont be discouraged. Remember _ sticks to his work will succeed one day. A. anyone B. who C. no matter who D. whoever whoever = anyone who译为“任何的人”,在其所引导的宾语从句中作主语。 19. _ it comes to traffic rules, I often come across such cases _ the local drivers obviously know them but wont follow them. A. When, when B. That, when C. When, which D. When, where when it comes to “当谈到的时候”;where = in these cases在其所引导的定语从句中作状语。 20. - You seem to have had that car for years. - Yes. I should sell it _ it still runs. A. while B. because C. and D. but 连词while引导的状语从句,“当 / 趁时候”。 21. The reform _ great changes in the company.A. has brought out B. has brought down C. has brought about D. has brought forwardbring out: 展现出,解释 bring down 压低(价格),搞垮bring about: 带来 bring/put/ forward/up/ 提出(建议) 22. When we arrived there we were informed the meeting was _, so we had to change our plan.A. called for B. called on C. called at D. called off call for: 接(某人),需要,要求 call on sb.:拜访(某人),邀请,号召 call at (place):拜访(某地) call off: 取消 23. Whenever I go to Shanghai, Ill _ in The Grand Hotel.A. put off B. put away C. put down D. put up put off: 推迟 put away:收起来 put down 放下,写下,镇压 put up: 挂起,举起,留宿 24. The final examination is coming up soon. Its time for us to _ our studies.A. get down to B. get out C. get back D. get overget down to:着手开始 get out: 出来get back:取回 get over: 克服(困难,疾病) 25. When he realized the police had seen him, the thief _ the exit as quickly as possible.A. made off B. made for C. made out D. made upmake off: 匆匆逃脱,离开 make for: 朝走,有助于 make out: 辨认出 make up: 和好,编造 26. The cinema was full and a lot of people had to be _.A. turned in B. turned down C. turned over D. turned awayturn in: 上交 turn down: 调低(音量),拒绝 turn over: 翻转 turn away: 拒绝 27. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite _ as planned.A. come out B. turn out C. go on D. come upcome out: 出来,出版 turn out:结果(意料之外) go on: 继续,进展 come up:被提出,(从土里)发芽 28. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village _ scenes of my childhood. A. called up B. called for C. called on D. called in Call up: 给打电话 call in: 招来 29. We can stay here for as long as our supplies _. A. hold out B. hold up C. hold on D. hold down hold out: 维持,出示,抱有(希望) hold up: 举起,延误 hold on: 挺住,别挂断(电话) hold down:压抑,压制 30. I called the airline to _ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada. A. obtain B. admit C. confirm D. appoint confirm: 确认, 证实 31. To my great _, grandmothers illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A. anxiety B. relief C. sorrow D. curiosity to my relief: 使我感到安慰的是 32. -Can we have two rooms with garden view? - Im afraid there is only one room _.A. affordable B. available C. accessible D. adaptableA项affordable意为“不贵的,支付得起的”;B项available项意为“可获得的,可得到的”;C项accessible意为“易于接近的,可进入的,易于使用或得到的”;D项adaptable意为“能适应的,可修改的”,因此正确选项为B项。33. It took _ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too.A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than 句意:建造这种节能房不但需要建筑用品,还需要动脑子。A项other than意为“除以外”;B项more than这里意为“not only不仅仅,不只是” C项rather than意为“而不是”; D项less than意为“少于”,因此正确选项为B项。34. China has won a good _ for holding the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai World Exposition successfully. A. description B. construction C. motivation D. reputation A项description意为“描述,描写”;B项construction意为“建设” C项motivation意为“动机”; D项reputation意为 “声誉,名望”,因此正确选项为D项。35. This is only a solution that can be adopted to solve the problem _, so you have to find a better way. A. definitely B. temporarily C. permanently D. absolutelyA项definitely意为“确切地,肯定地”;B项temporarily意为“临时地,暂时地” C项permanently意为“永久地”; D项absolutely意为“绝对地”,因此正确选项为B项。36. -You dont go to that supermarket quite often, do you? -No, I only go there _ because its too far from my home. A. frequently B. constantly C. eventually D. occasionallyA项frequently意为“经常地”;B项constantly意为“不断地” C项eventually意为“最终地”; D项occasionally意为“偶尔地地”,因此正确选项为D项。37. She devoted herself _ to her research, expecting to make a breakthrough in her fieldA. cautiously B. extremely C. flexibly D. entirely A项cautiously意为“小心地”;B项extremely意为“极端地,非常地” C项flexibly意为“灵活地”; D项entirely意为“彻底地地,完全地”,因此正确选项为D项。 38. The special school accepts all disabled students, _ educational level and background. A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of A项according to意为“根据”;B项regardless of意为“不管,不顾,不考虑” C项in addition to意为“除以外”; D项in terms of意为“就而言”,因此正确选项为B项。 39. Everybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving story. A. beyond B. without C. of D. in 【beyond reach (within reach) beyond repair / control / description 】 正确答案为A项。beyond words “无法用语言表达或形容” 类似表达还有 beyond reach 够不着(within reach在够得着的范围内);beyond repair 无法修理;beyond control 无法控制;beyond description 难以形容或描述。40. Experts have been warning _ of the health risks caused by passive smoking. A. at a time B. at one time C. for some time D. for the time 句意:专家们警告被动吸烟给健康带来威胁已经有一段时间了。A项at a time意为“每一次”;B项at one time意为“一度,曾经” C项for some time意为“(持续)一段时间”; D项for the time意为“暂时”,因此正确选项为C项。41. Because of the limited time, he didnt go into details on the subject. He only spoke _. A. in common B. in particular C. in brief D. in detailA项in common意为“共同地”;B项in particular意为“特别地,尤其地” C项in brief意为“简要地”( in detail “详细地,具体地”); D项in advance意为“提 前,预先”,因此正确选项为C项。42. His efforts to raise money for his program were _ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets. A. in return B. in progress C. in effect D. in vain A项in return意为“作为回报”,in turn 意为“按顺序,反过来”B项in all意为“总共,总计” C项in effect意为“生效,起作用”; D项in vain意为 “徒劳地”,因此正确选项为D项。 43. - Such a mistake could have been avoided. - Unfortunately, he _ the mistake several times in the test. A. repeats B. has repeated C. repeated D. had repeated 答案C 根据 could have done 可知错误发生在过去, 因此用一般过去时。44. All the books in the shop are sold at half price because the bookstore _ next month. A. is to close up B. is closing down C. has closed down D. will close up答案 B close up 尤指临时关门停业, close down 倒闭, 因此可排除掉A、D,又因有时间状语next month,因此要用一般将来时。此处用现在进行表将来。45. I _ to many places in my life and last year alone I _ to South Africa three times. A. have been; had been B. had been; had been C. have been; went D. went; went答案C 前空指到目前为止去过许多地方, 应用现在完成时,后空有明显表达过去的时间状语 last year alone, 因此用一般过去时。46. Song Hua wont be able to come next week, because she _ herself at Mount Tai then.A. enjoys B. will be enjoying C. is enjoying D. will have enjoyed答案B 在下个星期的这个时候她将正在泰山度过美好时光,因此要用将来进行时。47. The conference _ a full week by the time it ends.A. has lasted B. will have lasted C. would last D. must have lasted答案 B 到会议结束的时候,它将已经持续一个星期了, 因此要用将来完成时。48. Being popular with customers, the products _ well and maybe _ in two months.A. sell; sell out B. are sold; sell outC. sell; will be sold out D. are sold; will be sold out答案 C 受顾客欢迎,产品卖得好,是一般情况,用一般现在时, 同时sell well 要用主动形式,in two months 为将来时的标志,因此后空要用一般将来时。49. This old bookcase _ when we moved it.A. damaged B. has damaged C. got damaged D. was being damaged答案 C 当我们搬运的时候,书架被弄坏了,应用被动结构, 故排除掉A、B 不是正在被弄坏,排除掉D。get damaged 也为被动结构,表动作性。50. The French Team became champion of the world cup, impossible _ it seemed at first. A. though B. so C. although D. while答案 A 表虽然, 选项中只有though可以放在这样的位置, 因此选A。51. _ that the Internet is far more convenient and efficient than other traditional means of conveying meaning.A. It is no doubt B. I am not doubt C. There is no doubt D. There was no doubt答案C 此题采取翻译法, 毫无疑问因特网比其他传情达意方式更方便更有效。表达有,要用there be 结构。52.The cakes are delicious. Hed like to have _ third one because _ second one is rather too small.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a本题句意为,“蛋糕很好吃。他因为第二块太小了,所以还想再来一块。” C选项a third one有“又一,再一”的意思,the second one “第二块”,序数词前加the, 表示“第几”的概念。故C为正确选项。 53. -Did you enjoy yourself at the party? -Yes, Ive never been to _ one before.A. a more excited B. the most excited C. a more exciting D. the most exciting我以前从未去过一个比这更令人兴奋的舞会。”根据句意有比较的含义,形容舞会“令人兴奋”,要用“exciting”。故C为正确选项。 54.I didnt want _ of the two notebooks and the salesman had to show me _.A. either; another B. all; the others C. both; others D. neither; the others句意为“我不想要两个笔记本中的任何一个,售货员只好又给我拿了一本。”A选项中的“either”表示两者中的任何一个,“another”意为“另一个”,故为正确选项。B选项中“all”意为“全部(三者以上)”,“the others”表示“其余的;另一部分(有范围)”。C选项中“both”表示“两者都”,“others”意为“其余的人或东西”。D选项中“neither”意为“两者都不”。此三个选项均不符合句意要求。 55.I hate _ when I have to speak in French on the phone.A. that B. these C. them D. itD选项I hate it when为考查it的固定句型。像这样的用法还有:I like it when/ I dont mind it if/ I cant help it if/ I will appreciate it if/that / as someone puts it等。56.-Which of these electronic dictionaries do you like most?-_. They are both expensive and of little use.A. None B. Neither C. Nothing D. No one句意为“你最喜欢哪个电子辞典?一个也没有。他们又贵又没什么用。”A选项“none”意为“没有人,一个也没有”。B选项中“neither”意为“两者都不”,C选项中“nothing” 意为“没有东西,没有事情”,D选项中“no one”意为“没有人,没有东西”。57.Look at the price of that bike! It is practically the same as _ of a new motorcycle.A. one B. this C. it D. that句意为“看那个自行车的价格。它简直和一个新的摩托车一样的贵。”D选项“that”代“the price价格”。“that”用于比较中,来替代前面出现的特指的单数名词或特指的不可数名词。A选项“one”用于比较中,来替代前面出现的单数名词,是泛指概念,B选项中“this”指示代词“这个”,C选项中“it”指代上文提到的事情,不用于比较。58.-Would you like to go and watch a tennis match this weekend with us?-Im sorry, but Ive got _ plans.A. other B. another C. some D. more句意为“你愿意这个肘窝和我一起去看网球比赛吗?抱歉,我另有计划了。”A选项“other” 意为“别的,其他的,另外的(多接复数名词)” B选项“another”意为“另一个(后接单数名词)”,C选项中“some”意为“一些”,D选项“more”意为“更多的”。 59. Youll be more equipped for life, _.A. the more you learn B. if the more you learnC. if you learn the more D. you learn the more the + 比较级 + ,the + 比较级 + 表示“越越”。 60. In that case, there is nothing you can do _ than wait.A. more B. other C. better D. any other than 意为“除了”。 61. My boss hates interruptions, _ when he is trying to work.A. occasionally B. generally C. specially D. especiallyoccasionally意为“偶然地” ;generally意为“一般地,普遍地” ; specially意为“专门地,特别地” ;especially意为“特别,尤其,格外”。 62. - Jack has spent an hour in the shoe shop. Hasnt he decided which pair of shoes to buy? - Maybe. Young as he is, he is _ about his appearance.A. special B. curious C. particular D. serious be particular about意为“对讲究”。 63. We could hardly believe what she says because she is _ changing her mind.A. regularly B. steadily C. suddenly D. constantly regularly意为“有规律地” ;steadily意为“稳定地” ; suddenly意为“突然地” ;constantly意为“经常地,不断地”。 64. - Did you go Dutch after that meal, I mean, with the other five friends? -_.A. Yes, they did B. Yes, they paid for the mealC. No, they didnt D. No, because it was my treat that day go Dutch意为“平摊费用;各付各的账” ; It was my treat that day.意为“那天是我请客”。 65. -Surely you can turn to David for help. - _ He is the last one you can rely on.A. Get out of it! B. Is that right? C. I couldnt agree more. D. Its up to you. Get out of it! 意为“别瞎说了”。 66. - Hello. Is Mr. Fred available now? - _A. I am Mr. Fred. B. Speaking.C. Who are you? D. Who are you

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