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归类法掌握高考英语单项选择题乾县一中 周粉妹【摘要】在高中新课改的背景下,高考英语也在稳中求变。单项选择题更加注重考查学生语言运用的能力,不仅在句子结构层面上而且在句子意义层面上的设计都越来越巧妙。或插入干扰成分,增长句子;或省略部分信息,缩短句子;或利用思维定势,设置陷阱。在平时教学中,帮助学生归纳整理,对比分析可以起到事半功倍的效果。借助以下方法归类的题目,围绕互相关联的内容,让学生的理解逐层加深,或对难题层层剥离,或对句型强化记忆。这些分类之后的试题能引发学生深入思考,使知识更加系统化,更好地培养学生解决问题的能力。按照试题的特点,对其作如下归类,并以实例说明。【关键词】单项选择 思维定势 动词的曲折表现形式 一、情景会话中动词的曲折表现形式将考查同一知识点或相似句型的题目组合在一起,让学生在类比中找出规律,拓宽视野。例如:Hey,look where you are going!Oh,Im terribly sorry._.A.Im not noticing B.I wasnt noticingC.I havent noticedD.I dont noticeBe careful. Dont throw your cigarette end out of the window. If you do that you may start a fire.Sorry,_.A.Im not thinking B.I wasnt thinkingC.I havent thoughtD.I didnt thinkI dont think Jim saw me;he_into space.A.just staredB.was just staringC.has just staredD.had just staredIs there anything wrong,Bob? You looked sad.Oh,nothing much. In fact,I_my friends back home.A.have just thought ofB.was just thinking ofC.would just think ofD.will just be thinking of【解析】答案均选B。该组题考查过去进行时的一个用法:过去某时正在做某事。在这四个小题中分别表达的意思是“刚才我没注意”“刚才我没考虑”“当时那时他正凝望着远处”“我刚才正在想念家乡的朋友”。四小题均描述过去某时时段进行的动作或状态。通过该组题的练习,学生掌握英语可以不使用具体时间词汇而直接使用动词的曲折形式来表达时间背景。这一特点也是英汉两种语言的一大区别。学生应该明确英语动词的曲折变化是学习的一个主要目标。另外,从四个选项对比中知道:进行时是描述性语言,形象地描述一个场景;一般过去时是陈述性语言,陈述过去某时时段的事实,往往表示“刚刚,刚才,”之意,暗示现在已“不再这样” ;现在完成时则强调对现在的影响。eg: 1.-It is me,Jack. -Oh,sorry. I didnt recognize that you were here just now2. I didnt know you bought the present for me.3. Oh, its you! I didnt recognize you just now.4. -Your phone number again? I _B_ quite catch it. -Its 6456112.A. didnt B. couldnt C. dont D. cant二、对比式搜集近似题目或改变原题中的某些关键词,答案将完全不同,此种组题方式能培养学生细心观察、缜密思考的能力。例1.Is this the factory_you worked three years ago?Is this the factory_you worked in three years ago?Is this factory_you worked in three years ago?A.that B.whereC.in thatD.the one【解析】答案分别是B、A、D。该组题考查定语从句的关系代词。第题中worked为不及物动词,用where作状语。第题用that作介词in的宾语。第题主句不完整,先添加表语the one,关系代词that作介词in的宾语,可以省略。例2._time went on,the truth came to light._time going on,the truth came to light.A.WhenB.WithC.ByD.As【解析】答案分别为D、B。两小题的不同点是:第题前半部分是个句子,用as引导一个状语从句;第题用了go的非谓语形式,是“with+宾语+宾补”结构。例3.All metals are conductors,and silver_the best.All metals are conductors,silver_the best.A.isB.to beC.beenD.being【解析】第题的and并列两个句子,选择谓语形式is;第题逗号后没有连词,不是句子,选非谓语形式being。三、渐进式这类题组不断加大难度,深入相关考点,让学生学会灵活运用,在万变中找规律。例1.Robert is said_abroad,but I dont know what country he studied in.Robert is said_abroad,but I dont know what country he is going to study in.Robert is said_abroad,but I dont know what country he is studying in.A.to have studiedB.to studyC.to be studying D.to have been studying【解析】本组题考查句型sb is said to do中不定式三种形式表示的时间意义。第题从studied判断发生在过去,用to have done;第题is going to study说明将要发生,用to study;第题is studying正在学习,用to be studying。答案分别是A、B、C。例2._is known to everybody that Lu Xun is a famous writer._everybody knows,Lu Xun is a famous writer._is known to everybody,Lu Xun is a famous writer._is known to everybody is that Lu Xun is a famous writer.A.ThatB.WhatC.ItD.As【解析】答案分别为C、D、D、B。第题用形式主语it代替that从句;第题as作非限制性定语从句的宾语,指代整个主句Lu Xun is a famous writer;第题as作定语从句的主语,指代整个主句;第题中_is known to everybody是主语从句,用what作主语从句的主语。四、分解式将含有两个或两个以上考查点的题目逐一分解,各个击破。例1.Its such a good place_everybody wants to visit_it is well known all over the world.A.which;thatB.as;asC.as;that D.that;asIts such a good place_it is well known all over the world.A.thatB.asC.whereD.whichIts such a good place_everybody wants to visit.A.whichB.asC.thatD.whereIts such a good place_everybody wants to visit it.A.whichB.asC.thatD.where【解析】第题将第题分解,每题仅考查一个知识点,化繁为简。第题与第题对比,以便深入理解。答案分别选C、A、B、C。第题为such.that.句型;第题用as引导定语从句,作visit的宾语;第题解释了第题第一空的疑难,visit有宾语it,是such.that.句型,状语从句。Suchas句型中,such修饰先行词,as引导定语从句并在从句中往常作主,宾,表等成分; suchthat句型中的such修饰名词,that只起引导结果状语从句的作用,在从句中不作成分。区别 the same.as.表示与同样的,不是同一个 the same.that.表示同一个,就是那个二者都可以引导定语从句,the same修饰先行词,that所引导的定语从句中that所指内容与先行词是同一事物,而as引导定语从句在其中所指的内容与先行词所指内容不同,只是像而已。 例如: This is the same pen as I lost last week.这同我上周丢失的那支钢笔一样。(但不是同一支) This is the same pen that I lost last week.这就是我上周丢失的那支钢笔。 例2.He suggested the problem worth paying attention_at the meeting.A.to be discussedB.being discussedC.to discuss D.discussingHe suggested the problem_at the meeting.A.be discussedB.being discussedC.to discussD.discussingThe problem is worth paying attention_。A./B.to【解析】第题将第题分解。第题suggested后宾语从句用虚拟语气should be discussed,should可以省略,选A;第题为固定短语pay attention to,选B;因此第题选A。五、还原式将考查点为固定词组、句型结构、复杂句式、疑问句的题目还原为本来面目,让学生剖析题目设计,理解做题方法。例1.The manager discussed the plan they would like to see_the next year.They would like to see the plan_the next year.A.carry outB.carrying outC.carried outD.to carry out例2.Who would you rather_ _with you?1 would rather_Mary_with me.A.have;goneB.have;goingC.have;goD.have;to go例3.Whatever trouble Mr White had_with the case,he would stick to his opinion.Mr White had great trouble(in)_with the case.A.deal B.to dealC.dealtD.dealing【解析】三个例子分别选C、C;C、C;D、D。例1将复杂的定语从句还原为单句,原句中see的宾语the plan在从句前面。从句中关系代词that/which被省略。第题使宾语the plan还原在see的后面。例2把疑问句改为陈述句,使have sb do还原。例3将have trouble in doing sth还原。六、陷阱式在考查非常熟悉的知识点时,学生经常会不假思索,按思维定势下结论。这类题目训练学生的发散思维,防止粗心大意。例1.We should prevent the river_.A.from pollutingB.from being pollutedC.to polluteD.pollutedWe should prevent pollution_happily.A.from livingB.from being livedC.to liveD.to living【解析】第题为短语prevent.from doing,故选B;第题题意改变,选C作目的状语。例2.His mother did as much as she could_the boy.A.helpingB.helpC.to helpD.helpedThe girl spent as much time as she could_over the lessons.A.goingB.goC.to goD.wentCarnegie spent almost 20 years_to him giving his wealth away.A.leaving B.leftC.to leaveD.leave【解析】第题选C,用不定式作目的状语;第题选A,为短语spend time(in)doing sth;第题根据题意应选B,意思是“剩下的”“余下的”。该句意思是“卡内基花了将近二十年的晚年岁月把自己的财富捐赠出去”。例3. Was it five oclock _the fire broke out? Was it at five oclock _the fire broke out?A. when B. thatC. whichD. in whichWhere did you get to know her?It s on the farmI used to work.A. thatB. whereC. whenD. whichWho is making so much noise?the children.A. It sB. They reC. That sD. There re “Where did you find the professor who made the speech yesterday?” “It was in the hall _ the students often have a meeting.”A. whereB. whichC. that D. when_ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.A. It was we being late B. It was our being lateC. It was we were too lateD. It was because we were late【解析】六道题的答案分别为:A,B,B,A,A,B 题容易误选B,误认为这是强调句。其实在强调句中,若去掉强调句的结构词 it is wasthat,句子结构仍然完整,但此句若去掉结构词,即为 Five oclock the fire broke out,句子不完整,但若在five oclock前加上介词at则可以,因为 at five oclock 用作时间状语,只有句子成分才可以被强调,five oclock只是时间名词而非句子成分。此题选A可分析为:it 表时间,when the fire broke out 为时间状语从句,全句意为“火灾是5点钟发生的吗?”第为强调句;第题“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who”的强调句结构是其固有知识,易产生定势思维,此题以省略形式设陷阱。把句子还原后则为:Its on the farm where I used to work that I got to know her.意思是:“我是在我曾经工作过的农场里结识的她。”故应选B项。如选A项,那就是答非所问了。第完整的句子是Its the children who/that are making so much noise.第 It was in the hall where the students often have a meeting that I found the professor,第还原成非强调句,即为: Our being late caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.注意,强调句的一个显著特点是,若去掉强调结构 it is was that,句子仍然成立;换句话说,该结构中的 that 不能充当句子成分。例4. This is the way you thought of the problems.A. of solving B. to solveC. being solvedD. solving Every second should be made use of the college entrance exam.A. to prepare for B. preparing forC. prepared forD. prepare for The letter I have been looking forward. How happy I was!A. to be receivedB. to being receivedC. to was received D. to receive They suggested that the professor referred tochairman of the meeting to be held.A. was madeB. madeC. be made D. making【解析】答案依次为A/B,A,C,C第题易误选D项,学生受固有知识“介词后加动词V-ing形式”的干扰。解题关键是识别出“you thought of”为定语从句,修饰先行词the way,关系代词that/which做从句thought of的宾语省略了,of solving/to solve the problems是of介词短语或不定式做the way 的又一定语而非介词of的宾语,与way的后置定语形式无直接联系。故正确答案为A和B。第题 因为be made use of 的宾语是every second, to prepare for the college entrance exam不定式短语做目的状语。第题 因为I have been looking forward to是定语从句,主句是The letter was received。第题 referred to是过去分词作后置定语,定语从句的主干是the professor (should) be made chairman of the meeting to be held例5. When questioned by the police yesterday, .A. he felt very nervousB. The door bell rangC. the case would be solved soonD. he feels so nervous Faced with a bill for $ 10,000,.A. John has taken an extra jobB. an extra job has been takenC. an extra job has been given to JohnD. the boss has given John an extra job【解析】第题考生可能无从下手。因其固有知识为:“当以when引导时间状语从句时,如果从句中的主语与主句中的主语一致且含有系动词时,则从句中的主语及系动词可省略。”而此题是把命题反过来考查,即“当以when引导时间状语从句时,如果从句的主语及系动词可省略,则说明前后主语应是一致的。”再加上question一词的宾语是人。故应选A项第题 face sb. with sth. 或者 be faced with sth.表示“被迫面临.或者接受”,非谓语动词Faced with 短语的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,所以面临$ 10,000债务的人就是要干额外工作的人,故选A 参考文献:【1】林汉成 例谈高中英语成组单项选择题的编拟方法教学月刊:中学版(杭州)2009.10上【2】王福增 跳出英语填空题的思维定势考试:高考文科版(京)2009年7/20098期

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