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太原市2015年初中毕业班英语综合测试(一). 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)16. Miss teaches us so well. _ is a godness in our hearts.AShe B. Her C. Herself17. I have much _ in learning math and Im so worried.Afun B. trouble C. luck18. Would you like to join our reading club? Id love to. Reading makes me _when Im down.Aserious B. knowledgeable C. excited19. The reform(改革) about the college entrance exam will _ lots of students. They have to face many problems.Apunish B. influence C. luck20. Ma Yun is one of _ businessmen in China. He is an inspiration to young people.Asuccessful B. more successful C. the most successful21. Chinese people should pull together _ China Dream can be achieved. Aas soon as B. even if C. so that22. Our class is a big family. Our life _love and joy. Ais full of B. is thankful to C. is thirsty for23. There were some creative ideas in 2014 Spring Gala(春晚). Yes. We could get hong bao _ shaking mobile phones. Awith B. for C. by24. Liu Xiang had to say goodbye to his profession. But he has _challenged himself.Aquickly B. bravely C. carefully25. Teenagers _ the heroes in their eyes and usually follow them to behave.Ais full of B. is thankful to C. is thirsty for26. My mother pays attention to my growing and _lots of her time caring about me. Acosts B. spends C. pays27. Could you please help me with my English? -_. You can come to my office. AIm sorry B. No problem C. No, thanks.28. Smog continues to be a hot topic in 2015. The government has taken actions to _ the number of cars and close down the heavy-polluting factories. Acontrol B. cancel C. develop29. What a nice day! Lets go to fly a kite. -_! AGood luck B. Congratulations C. Sounds great30. Could you tell me _? -Last weekend. We had a meaningful day. AWhen did you plant trees B. When you planted trees C. Where you planted trees. 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) Its hard being an astronauts son. I mean, everybody expects you to be special or _31_. But Im just a common student, and Im common in all kinds of ball games, too.I often wonder_32_ my father ever had a son like me. Hes so special and so good at _33_. So I used to dream about doing something special to make him _34_me.In one class, my teacher _35_a Fathers Day essay contest to us. He also told us the winners essays would _36_in front of all the parents and students. After school I walked home, _37_my father, who I would write about in my essay.I still remember he stayed by my side in the _38_ when I was little kid and had an awful dream. He surprised me _39_ a new puppy dog at my eighth birthday party. He sat and tired to explain the meaning of life to me when Grandpa Bob died. To me, he wasnt a world-famous astronaut, just my dad.I wrote about all these _40_in my essay. One of our classmates said, “I believe youll win the contest, David. Youre the only one in our school who _41_write about being the son of an astronaut.” I shrugged(耸肩). I hadnt show anyone the essay, but now I _42_hoped I wouldnt win. I didnt want to win just because my father was an astronaut.I won the second prize. _43_I finished reading my essay, the whole school applauded(鼓掌). I saw my father blowing his nose. I went back to my seat. Dad nodded to _44_, cleared his throat, and put his hand on my shoulder. “Son, this is the most _45_moment of my life,” he said. It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe Ill never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but just then, it was enough just to be my fathers son.31. Astrange B. honest C. perfect32. Awhy B. what C. whether33. Asomething B. everything C. nothing34. Aproud of B. interested in C. patient with35. Areported B. announced C. explained36. Abe written B. be read C. be copied37. Aworrying about B. looking for C. thinking of38. Asilence B. dark C. sadness39. Ato B. for C. with40. Adreams B. expection C. memories41. Ashould B. could C. had to42. Ahardly B. mostly C. even43. AWhen B. Although C. Since44. A. me B. them C. us45. A. embarrassing B. relaxing C. valuable. 阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分)AWelcome to one of the largest collection of footwear(鞋类)in the world that will make you broaden you eyes. Here, at the Footwear Museum, you can see different kinds of footwear from all over the world. You can find out the shoes worn by people from the ancestors to pop stars.Footwear MuseumRoom 1The famous people shoe section is probably the most popular in the whole museum. It started in the 1950s. There are different kinds of shoes belonging to everyone from queens and presidents to pop stars and actors! Visitors find the famous peoples choice of shoes very interesting.Room 2 Visitors are amazed and shocked by the collection of “special purpose” shoes on the show here. For example, there are Chinese shoes made of silk. They were worn by women to tie their feet firmly to prevent them from growing too much. Besides, there are kinds of sports shoes for different ball games.Room 3As well as shoes, the museum also shows shoe-shaped things. They are unbelievable. For example, we can see metal light that is like a pair of shoes, and a wine bottle that looks like legs! The Footwear Library Visitors are amazed and shocked by the collection of “special purpose” shoes on the show here. For example, there are Chinese shoes made of silk. They were worn by women to tie their feet firmly to prevent them from growing too much. Besides, there are kinds of sparts shoes for different ball games.46. We can find a famous actors shoes in _. A. Room 1 B. Room 2 C. Room 347. _are probably on show in Room 3.A. Shoes for sports B. Cups that looks like shoes C. Jackie Chans old shoes 48. People come to the museum to _. A. buy special purpose shoes B. design different shapes of shoes C. know about the history of fooyware49. All the things in the museum_. A. have to do with footwear B. are from the same age C. are made of the same material50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the introduction? A. None of the shoes were worn. B. All of the people can visit the Footwear Library C. Chinese special shoes for women are in Room 2.BOn the Spring Festival Eve on Feb 18, Beijing had a good day. PM 2.5 levels were below 50. However, the nice day ended with fireworks(鞭炮) celebrations at night. In the first hour after the start of the celebration, PM2.5 levels rose to 500 in certain parts of the city. According to the China National Environmental Monitoring Center, on the first day of the Spring Festival, air pollution reached “dangerous levels” in 201 Chinese cities, thanks to fireworks, with more than 40 of them seeing “serious pollution”. In this case, the government has encouraged people to take it easy when it comes to lighting fireworks. The discussion on whether to ban(禁止) fireworks during the Spring Festival is also heating up. Sina surveyed 3,000 Internet users, and results show that only 38 percent of the people support lighting fireworks, and 60 percent are against. “we support a ban on fire works,” some people said. “Lighting fireworks can only bring problems: pollution air, influencing sheep, causing fires and troubling cleaners.” Some thought it hard to ban traditions, and lighting fireworks during holiday seasons wont cause long-time pollution. Others, however, suggested a moderate(温和的) way to solve the problem. One of them showed his opinion: “As a tradition, fireworks certainly add to the festivals happiness. They shouldnt be banned totally. But the time should be reduced. Foe example, it can be allowed just during the Spring Festival Eve, the first day of the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival.” 51. Shortly after the start of Spring Festival celebration, PM 2.5 levels reached_in. A. 50 B. 201 C. 50052. According to Sinas survey, most of the people_ lighting fireworks. A. support B. dont care about C. are against53. What is the disadvantage of lighting fireworks according the passage? A. It might lead to fires B. It causes long-tine pollution C. It adds to the festival sadness54. Whats the moderate way to deal with lighting fireworks? A. Fireworks mustnt be played for any reason. B. People should cut down hours of lighting fireworks. C. People should be allowed to set off fireworks. 55. What can we learn from the passage? A. Its a long way to go to stop people before from lighting fireworks. B. People who support lighting fireworks think it cant be cause serious pollution at all. C. People should see “serious pollution” in all parts of Beijing during the Spring Festival Eve.C To get ready for the Winter Olympics, I was on a training with my teammates. And then everything bent black. Id been hit by a speeding truck. I had life-threatening injuries. Id broken my neck and my back in six places. The doctor came over to me and said, “Janine, youll have to rethink everything in your life, because youre never going to be able to do the things you did before.” After six months, it was time to go home. I remember Dad pushing the outside in my wheelchair. All I wanted to do was to put my running shoes on and run out the door. I wanted my old life back. I wanted my body back. And the question I asked was, “Why me?” Then I thought to myself, “Maybe being at rock bottom is actually the perfect place to start.” Sitting at home in my wheelchair, an airplane flew overhead, and I looked up, and I thought to myself, “Thats it! If I cant walk, then I might as well fly.” I said, “Mom, Im going to learn how to fly.” Without thinking twice, I went to the flying school. People there used to look at me and think, “Oh, is she kidding?” and sometimes I thought that, too. But that didnt matter, because there something inside me, burning, that far outweighed my pain. Little goals kept me going along the way, and finally I got my private pilots license. I flew my friends around Australia and then I found myself back at that same school where Id gone for that very first flight, teaching other people how to fly, just after 18 months after my accident. Then I knew for certain that although my body might be limited, it was my spirit that was unstoppable. “When you let go of what you are, you become what you might be.” I now know that my real strength never came from my body, the pilot light inside of me was still a light, just as it is in each and every one of us. 56. The winter was a _before the accident. A. sportswoman B. pilot C. truck driver 57. Bad luck fell on the writer because she_. A. failed the Winter Olympics Games B. was hurt badly and was dying C. fell off the wheelchair and her neck was broken 58. When the writer learn to fly, _. A. her goal led her to make great progress B. she never once doubted herself and kept doing itC. she gave up when others showed disbelief 59. What dose the underlined word “limited” mean in the last paragraph? A. 有风险的 B. 受限制的 C. 受压迫的 60. What is the main idea the writer wants to express? A. Success depends on a healthy body. B. Life is full of amazing and uncertain things. C. The powerful force in the mind drives us forward.第II卷(共45分)V. 听力填空(每小题1分,共5分)VI. 补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)Sandy: Hi, Dave. The P.E test is coming. I am very nervous about it.Dave: _66_Sandy: You know I dont like P.E. and I am afraid to fail in the test.Dave: In fact, the purpose of the P.E. test is to make us have a healthy mind and body.Sandy: _67_But what should I do? Dave: 68Sandy:You mean outdoors sports?Dave: Yes, it will be helpful to your P.E. test.Sandy: Sounds good._69_Dave: Once every day.Sandy: Ill do as told me._70_Dave: Youre welcome. Keep on doing never give up!AI agree with you.B. Have a nice day!C. You could take part in outdoor sports every day.D. How often should I do sports?E. Thank you very much.F. Dont worry, Sandy.G. When should I start doing sports? VII. 阅读理解(二)(每小题2分,共10分) What should you do if there is a fire at school? Do you know how to protect yourself in a large crowd? Every year since 1996, on the last Monday of the last week in March, the National Day of Education on Safety(安全教育日) is held. This year it falls on March 30. it offers us a chance to learn more about school safety. A 2014 survey from Peoples Daily shows that the worst accident were a result of stampedes(踩踏), fires and traffic. Experts suggest that with right safety methods we could avoid 80 percent of these accidents, China Education Daily reported. Different accidents mean different ways of dealing with them. A stampedes happens in a place where a large crowed is gathered. When students around you being to push, sand still and try to hold on to something, or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves. If you fall down I a moving crowd, lie on one side, cover your head with both hands and curl(弯曲) your body. Where theres a fire, the first and most important rule is to stay calm. Leave the classroom and use a piece of cloth to cover your month and nose so that you dont breath in smoke. Dont use the lift because it probably doesnt work. Instead, taking the stairs is a safe way. Never rush or push on the stairs so that you can avoid being hurt. If you take a school bus on your way home or to school, remember to fasten(系牢) your seatbelt dont walk around when the bus is moving. If you walk to school or go by bike, follow traffic rules. Wait for the green traffic light, and look left and right for cars before you cross the road. Value your life, and learn how to protect yourself. 71. When is the National Day of Education on Safety every year? _ 72. Why should we learn about safety methods? _ 73. What should you do if you fall down in a moving crowd?_74. Is it a safer way to get out side of the burning building by lift? Why?_ 75. How can you protect yourself from danger while crossing the street?_.词语运用(每小题1分,共10分)however make important enjoy leave bebecause feeling become unlucky she die I had a very special teacher in high school in my junior school life. She 76._ a teacher for more than 20 years. Not only she is kind, but also she is talented. 77._, her husband died of cancer. About a week after her husbands 78._ she shared some of her thoughts with us. I cant forget that day. The class was nearly over. She said, “Before class is over, let me share with all of you some of my 79._.” She continued, “each of us is on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give. We must treasure every single day.” Her eyes began to water, then she went on, “So I want all of you 80._ a promise from now on,on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesnt have to be something you see, it could be an 81._smell or the sound of the wind. Please look for these things, and treasure them. They are 82._than any other thing in our life. We must keep our eyes on them, for that any time they can all be taken away.” As times goes by, I get to realize the truth of 83._ words. Once in a while, I remember that teacher and try to appreciate all of those thing that 84._ out often. The notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today, or walk barefoot(赤脚的) along the beach at sunset, 85._ it is not the things we did that regret, but the things we didnt do. . 书面表达(15分) 家庭是我们温暖的港湾。你知道每年5月15日是“国际家庭日”(International Day for Families)吗?你的家庭幸福吗?请讲述一个发生在你家庭成员之间的难忘故事。你打算为你的家庭做怎样的事情?请根据提示要求写一篇英语的小短文。 提示:l Do you have a happy family?l Tell us an unforgettable story that happened in your family?l What will you do for your family? 注意:1. 字数:80词左右; 2. 不要出现真是的人名或校名; 3. 请把答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。 .

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