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初三英语复习资料(试题集)a1. Little Berry is a c koala. It is interested in everything around it .2. The man in black is one of the (persons who lead a group of people ) of the company.3. Dont be (patient) with her . She is only a child .You dont need to get angry .4. They are all (success) in passing the exam . Miss Wang always makes her lessons (live) and interesting .5.Amodest person is always (active). He doesnt like to show himself off .6. 翻译短句:有时 照顾 讨厌做 在做得好 7. -Jack looks sad . -He is (担心)not passing the English exam. 8.根据中文将下列句子补充完整我的3岁儿子有时很自私,不喜欢和别人分享他的玩具。My three-year-old son is and he doesnt want to .在老师的帮助下,我学会了原谅别人的错误With the help of the teacher, I learned to .9. 按要求用 Its+adj. +of sb. +to do sth. 句型完成句子。What do you think of them and their actions ?(1)Andy got full marks in a maths test . .(2)He doesnt show off in front of his classmates . .10. 选用合适的介词填空It is hard the 5-year-old boy to read such a long story .11. 同义句改写Tina is so kind that she always helps her friends in need .Tina is her friends in need .Our teacher are patient enough to spend a lot of time explaining things to us .Our teachers are they spend a lot of time explaining things to us .Kitty dances for two hours every day . She is active . Kitty for two hours every day .This exercise isnt difficult .I can work it out easily .This exercise is for me easily .12. 根据句意、中文或首字母提示完成句子It took our physics teacher about one and a half hours (解释)the tough problem to us .13. 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空My brother bought a computer yesterday . He wants to learn to use it to help himself get than before. (organize) Zidane is a good foot ball player because he has many personal .(quality)Failure(失败) is the mother of . If you want to be , you must work hard , then you will in everything . (success)14. 根据中文提示完成句子His heavy work (影响) his health ,so he looked quite tired now .15. 根据所给首字母填空,使句子意思完整I like the p flower called forget-me-not .16. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空These children often share their (happy) with each other.17. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子住在寒冷地区的人跟喜欢用能给他们带来温和而舒适感受的颜色People live in the cold climates use warm colour which can bring them warm and .18. 用prefer to 改写下列句子She likes bananas better than apples . .19.用适当的不定代词填空(someone / somebody , anyone / anybody , no one / nobody , everybody, something, anything, nothing, everything , none )-Did the old man live alone in his home ?-He has two sons and a daughter. But of them live with him .- is in the classroom . Where are they ?-They are all having the physics test in the meeting room .-Helen , what did you talk with Bob ? -He asked me to tell him I knew .20. 用所给词的适当形式填空She (prefer) to wear trousers in summer though the dress was beautiful .Jack prefers (use) his own bicycle .21. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子你和她是很好的搭配,我认为你们可以互相帮助。You and she are . I think you can .我承诺不玩电脑游戏。I computer games .当你累的时候,你可以闭上眼睛放松一会自己。When you , you can close your eyes and .许多女人喜欢在婚礼那天穿白色。Many women like to their wedding days .家代表着幸福,因为它让你想起了温暖、舒适的感觉Home because it you a .我宁愿多吃药也不愿动手术。(preferto )I .22. 根据所给提示写出相应单词This is my first project . Im not confident (自信的) enough to it by myself .Lily bought me a nice watch as my birthday present , but I cant (接受) it , because it is too expensive .The woman lost her son , so she became m at last .23. 用所给单词的适当形式填空Tibet (西藏) is really a beautiful place . It is worth (travel) to far to enjoy the wonderful scene .The forest is very dangerous , so I refuse (walk) through it by ourselves at night .24. 完成句子父母对我太严格以至于我不时会感到有压力和生气My parents are .我希望你认为我的建议值得采纳I hope you think .她的话对我有些价值What she said is to me .我怀疑我是否能按时上交作业I doubt .25. 词的适当形式填空 (hand) in your homework on time , or you teacher will be angry with you .Yesterday he called me (not stay ) out late to play basketball. The poor village is very poor . Some old horses are made (work) from day to night Kitty revised carefully (achieve) a high mark in the following exams.Why not (send) an e-mail to her instead of replying to her letter?26. 根据所给提示填写单词This kind of animals live in A countries, such as China ,India and so on .27. 完成句子电视将现场直播今年的春节联欢晚会This years get-together party for the Spring Festival on the TV. 28. 用所给单词的适当形式填空Most people think its far (comfortable) to travel by air than by train .Its raining even (heavy). I really dont know what to du .Please tell them not to play so (noise)29. 用适当的介词填空People can make a call countries in English .30. 根据所给提示填写单词We can find many interesting on the Internet.31. 用所给词的适当形式填空He learns to swim (well) and (well) than before.Xiao Wang knows as (more) things as his sister .The doctor was found (die) in his office the next morning .If you arent interested in sports programmes, youll find it (disturb ).32. 完成句子朋友之间应该互相学习,互相帮助Friends should and help each other .不要总是为了晚餐吃什么而争论。Dont always what to eat for dinner .我的语文老师和数学老师一直意见不合。Our Chinese teacher and Math teacher often . 33. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空Eating too much can make you (health) .34. 句子翻译不但他,而且他的学生对这门课感兴趣 .导演坚持认为她是演主角的人选 .她提醒我还没给父母亲写信。 .如果你想称为一名成功的芭蕾舞演员,为什么不全身心投入芭蕾舞训练呢? .大多数父母认为恐怖片不适合青少年 .这位歌手七岁时开始亮相 .35. 用所给动词的过去完成时填空。Mr Wang said he (teach) math for three years .36. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。I (not realize) she wasnt Chinese until she had spoken .Kitty is always the first on (arrive) at school .She (act ) in many other (act ) films before she (act ) in that Hollywood film last year .37. 选择填空What he said made me . A to feel excited B feel exciting C feel excited D felt excited They never knew what to the world in a hundred years .A will happen B would happen C had happened D have happened That old man died the age of eighty .A on B in C with D at Im sorry . I go now . My told me on the phone that my mother was ill .A can B may C have D could 38. 单词拼写I cant find my new bike . It has gone m .39. 选择填空Nothing to the students yesterday .A was happened B happened C happens D is happened Mike is close fiend of mine who was born the evening May21,1990.A on/of B in/of C at/in D on/in “Please the witness this murder away,” said the detective .A take/to B bring/to C take/of D bring/of 40. 句型转换“Dont listen to music in class ” said Mr Smith . (改为间接引句)Mr Smith us listen to music in class .He has found something special already .(改为否定句)He special .The suspect insisted that he was not guilty.(对划线部分提问) The suspect ?It seemed that the victim was murdered by a strong man .(改同义句)The victim murdered by a strong man .Our teacher asked it we knew the answer (改为直接引语)“ The answer? ” our teacher asked .Eddie cant decide which charity activity he will take part in (改同义句)Eddie cant decide which charity activity .part in .41. 句子改错My teacher said to me that I had made great process in the exam ( ) Could you tell me where do you often play tennis ? ( ) Mother asked her son how many books he had read last term. ( ) The policeman told us that the body was found here . ( ) 42. 根据汉语完成句子警察问我谋杀案是何时发生的。The policeman asked me .他住在我的隔壁,我们相处得融洽。He .We .我不确信他昨天是否到学校I am not sure .他叫我上学不要迟到。He told me .43. 选择 take/bring 完成题目When you come to the party ,dont forget to the wine with you .44. hear/listen(to)完成题目I a strange noise in the midnight yesterday .


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