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Test 1第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1.How are you, Bob?. Im fine. Thank you.2. Thanks for your help. . My pleasure.3. Hello, Im Harry Potter.Hello, my name is Charles Green, but . call me Charles4. Paul, _?Oh, thats my father! And beside him, my mother.whos talking over there5. Hi, Tom, hows everything with you? _ B. Hm, not too bad _, and how are you?6. Thats a beautiful dress you have on!_ A. Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday._7. Why didnt you come to my birthday party yesterday?_ D. Sorry, but my wife had a car accident _8. Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip?_ A. Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day _.9. Havent seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now? _ D. I am working part time in a bookshop, you know _.10. Marilyn, Im afraid I have to be leaving now._ B. Oh, so early?_第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)Passage 1The French Revolution broke out in 1789. CBDDDPassage 2In the United States, it is not customary to telephone BBBDBPassage 3A foreigners first impression of the U.S. is likely to be that DBDAC第三部分:词汇与结构(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)26. Professor Smith promised to look _ B. over_ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defense.27. Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses _ A. in between_.28.As the bus came round the corner, it ran _ A. into_ a big tree by the roadside.29. On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _ D. clients _ a day.30. What is the train _ C. fare_ to Birmingham?31. The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brians _ C. expense32. Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _ B. mess and disorder!33. If she wants to stay thin, she must make a _ A. change _ in her diet.34. _ A. Before_ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.35. You shouldnt _ C. kill _ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.36. When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother _ B. was cooking _ dinner in the kitchen.37. Did you notice the guy _ C. whose _ head looked like a big potato?38. Both the kids and their parents _ C. are _ English, I think. I know it from their accent.39. Never before _ D. did I _ see such a terrible car accident on the road!40. Johns father _ C. has taught _ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University.41. Every year thousands of lives _ D. are lost _ in road accidents because of careless driving.42. The young lady coming over to us _ A. must be _ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!43. Had you come five minutes earlier, you _ B. would have caught _ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.44. Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have _ C. a large amount _ of fat.45. No matter _ D. how hard it was snowin _, the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.g第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)There were once three sons of a wealthy businessman. B Whenever; used C. in the least. each. elder. as joinedunpopular changing making11、 In the eighteenth century, cities 21 larger and larger. People moved from the countryside and small towns to the 22 because there was 23 work for them to do in the cities.On Sundays and holidays, they liked to 24 the cities and have a good time in the countryside. But not every 25 had a horse or a wagon(四轮马车). People needed a simpler means of transportation. 26 in many countries tried to solve this problem.The first bicycle, which was very simple, 27 in 1790. People called the horse on wheel. Then in 1861, after many improvements being made, the bicycle became a practical 28 of transportation.People liked bikes because they werent as 29 as horses and didnt need to be fed. They could go anywhere and were easy to 30 .(1)、A:becomeB:becameC:changeD:changed答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(2)、A:citiesB:countrysideC:townsD:villages 答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(3)、A:manyB:muchC:moreD:lots 答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(4)、A:come to B:reachC:go awayD:leave答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(5)、A:familyB:houseC:home D:people答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(6)、A:WorkersB:InventorsC:Teachers D:Drivers答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(7)、A:inventedB:appearedC:madeD:produced答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(8)、A:mean B:way C:means D:ways 答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(9)、A:cheapB:easy C:difficult D:expensive答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(10)、A:rideB:drive C:get on D:buy答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B12、 American people divide their days 21 several blocks 22 time, and plan different activities 23 different times. American time is on the dot(准确地). If something is supposed to happen 24 Eight oclock, it will begin at eight. Americans value promptness(准时)and may become angry if a person is more than 15 minutes late 25 a good reason. If you know you are going to be late, call 26 advance and let someone know. 27 you arrive late, you should apologize and explain why. Americans arrive 28 time for doctors appointments. The doctor may keep you 29 , but if you keep the doctor waiting, you may get a bill 30 the doctors time!(1)、A:byB:inC:intoD:on答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(2)、A:atB:ofC:inD:for答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(3)、A:forB:upC:intoD:to答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(4)、A:atB:onC:byD:in答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(5)、A:with notB:withoutC:not at D:not with 答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(6)、A:on B:atC:forD:in答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(7)、A:AtB:In C:If D:By 答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(8)、A:onB:inC:atD:by答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(9)、A:to waitB:waiting C:waited D:wait答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(10)、A:forB:withC:over D:in 答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B13、The Internet began more than thirty years ago, and its 21 was to increase communication among universities, the government and some 22 American businesses by linking their computers together. The Internet makes it easy for them to send large 23 of information quickly.As time passed, more people began using the Internet. In 1981, the Internet linked 213 computers. Only nine years later, it 24 more than 350,000 computers. Today experts say there are about 300 million computers connected to the Internet.The Internet has changed the way people work. They can travel from place to place 25 getting in touch 26 their office all the time via the Internet. A 27 report in the America magazine, Newsweek, said more than 89 million Americana now use the Internet at work. Companies around the world now use the Internet. One can hardly imagine how business could be done 28 the Internet.The Internet is becoming more 29 than any one had thought possible. And its importance is 30 to increase more in the future.(1)、A:resultB:goalC:findingD:experiment答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B(2)、A:majorB:minorC:mentionedD:stated答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B(3)、A:amountB:numberC:sizeD:part答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B(4)、A:increasedB:raisedC:limitedD: linked答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B(5)、A:asB:whenC:whileD:however答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B(6)、A:toB:onC:intoD:with答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B(7)、A:decentB:recentC:absentD:present答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B(8)、A:withB:withoutC:throughD:on答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B(9)、A:creativeB:crazyC:importantD:smart答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B(10)、A:provedB:improvedC:expectedD:regarded答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B理科B14、Some kids have a hard time 21 to the new freedom that they acquire when they leave high school and come to college. Here you are able to choose 22 or not you want to go to class. However, this responsibility comes with a great price. If you do not go to class, you may miss an important lecture and these are very critical when it comes time for that test that is fifty percent of your grade. With this responsibility I have learned how to manage my time more 23 . 24 hating every minute of school, I value it 25 a time for me to prepare for the big test. This new schedule has also changed me in that now I 26 school is worth my time. I do not dread(害怕)going to class. Yes, it is boring some of the time but since I only have two to four classes a day for only four days out of the week, it is not as 27 as high school. Also many of my courses require more in depth thinking. As an alternative to doing worksheets and 28 simple questions, college courses call 29 analysis and thought. Almost all of my homework now is writing papers and reading books. These essays most often entail(包括)an examination of a subject and what it means or what it reveals to me. Thanks to this routine, I have been able to investigate and recognize meaning more 30 and it has helped me in my thought process.(1)、A:contentB:adoptC:findingD:adjusting答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(2)、A:whereB:whenC:whetherD:if答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(3)、A:effectiveB:efficientlyC:effortD:affect答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(4)、A:Instead ofB:Rather thanC:InsteadD:Other than答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(5)、A:forB:uponC:asD:with答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(6)、A:should likeB:feel likeC:look likeD:would like答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(7)、A:unpleasantB:pleasantC:enjoyableD:misfortune答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(8)、A:answeredB:answerC:answeringD:to answer答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(9)、A:inB:forC:upD:about答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B(10)、A:likelyB:preparedC:readyD:readily答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B文科B15、 There were once three sons of a wealthy businessman _21_ they met, the two eldest, who were twins, _22_ to quarrel about which of them should be his fathers heir(继承人). The youngest, who was not _23_ ambitious(野心勃勃的), took no part in their argument. As soon as they left home, the father arranged for an adequate income to be provided for _24_ of them, but insisted that apart from this they were to be financially self-supporting. The _25_ twin, who had the advantage of good looks and a striking personality, decided that he would take up the stage _26_ a career. He _27_ a small repertory company, acted in minor parts, was always unpunctual(不准时) at rehearsals and was accordingly _28_ with his fellow-actors. He earned little and so had to live mainly on his allowance. He occasionally thought of _29_ his profession, but always put off _30_ a decision, and he became increasingly bored and disillusioned.(1)、 A:whateverB:wheneverC:whereverD:however答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(2)、A:are usedB:usedC:usingD:are using答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(3)、A:at leastB:at mostC:in the leastD:in the most答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(4)、A:everyB:allC:eachD:none答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(5)、A:firstB:olderC:youngerD:elder答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(6)、A:isB:asC:beD:/答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(7)、A:joinedB:attendedC:wentD:joined in答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(8)、A:popularB:unpopularC:welcomeD:unwelcome答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(9)、A:livingB:turningC:endingD:changing答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(10)、A:makingB:makeC:decideD:deciding答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B16、 Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps _21_ the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard, _22_ reading material and giving out assignment. The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and _23_ what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and _24_ become hard even for the students to understand. Most institutions provide courses which assist new students to develop the skills they need to be _25_ listeners and note-takers. If these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which _26_ learners to practice these skills independently. In all cases it is important to _27_ the problem before actually starting your studies. It is important to acknowledge that most students have difficulty _28_ acquiring the language skills required in college study. One way of _29_ these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the academic year. Another basic strategy is to find a study partner _30_ it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.(1)、 A:extendingB:illustratingC:performingD:conducting答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(2)、A:attributingB:contributingC:distributingD:explaining答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(3)、A:suspectsB:understandsC:wondersD:convinces答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(4)、A:whatB:thoseC:asD:which答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(5)、A:effectiveB:passiveC:relativeD:expressive答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(6)、A:enableB:stimulateC:advocateD:prevent答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(7)、A:evaluateB:acquaintC:tackleD:formulate答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(8)、A:inB:onC:ofD:with答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(9)、A:preventingB:withstandingC:sustainingD:overcoming答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(10)、A:in thatB:for whichC:with whomD:such as答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B17、 One day when Jamie came home after school, his mother had worry on her face. He knew she was thinking of _21_ Its bad out there. Black clouds are coming from the sea, Jamie said. Yes. Im thinking of those fishing boats at sea, she said. At that moment _22_ went out. Jamie and his mother were in the dark. The coastline will be in the dark, Jamies mother said. She got more worried. _23_ always come in threes. I broke my best glasses this morning, and my sister has the cold. Now, dont worry, mum. Theyre right. Theyre _24_ to come through this all right. But Jamie really worried about those fishing boats himself. The fishing boats would _25_ the cove(海湾) in the dark. Jamie took flares and rushed into the wind. There was a cliff by the sea. He started to climb. He _26_ himself up hand over hand. At last he reached the top. He _27_ three times. On the fourth try he fired off one of the flares. It rose and cut into the black sky in bright light. Then he saw an answering flare up at sea. Jamie fired off two more. He saw another answering flare up, then another, then another. The answering flares from the fishing boats showed they _28_ the entrance to the cove but then changed course and were _29_ sailing into the cove. They were almost home. Jamie helped _30_ the fishermen of the village.(1)、 A:the windB:the cloudsC:the rainD:the weather答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(2)、A:JamieB:his motherC:the fireD:the lights答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(3)、A:MessagesB:AccidentsC:TroublesD:Questions答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(4)、A:sureB:luckyC:safeD:ready答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(5)、A:loseB:missC:leaveD:forget答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(6)、A:pushedB:pulledC:carriedD:climbed答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(7)、A:madeB:triedC:failedD:finished答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(8)、A:were atB:had foundC:had passed byD:were going into答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(9)、A:nowB:thenC:onceD:again答案:A难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(10)、A:answerB:saveC:find outD:look for答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B18、 More and more teachers and parents have noticed another kind of pollution, _21_ came from the printed papers sold on streets. These printed things look like newspaper but have hardly anything to do with them. You can only find reading materials badly _22_ theresome are too strange for anyone to believe, _23_ are frightening stories of something even worse. However, many of the young students are getting absorbed in such poisonous reading, which costs them what they should pay for their breakfast and bring them nightmares and immoral ideas _24_ return. Homework is left undone, daily games lost. These sellers shout on streets selling their papers well. The writers, publishers and printers, _25_ they are, we never know, are making their silent money. The sheep skinned wolfs stories seem to have been forgotten once again. Why not forbid this kind of things at school? Yes, both teachers and parents have _26_ each other for more strict control of the young readers. Yet unfortunately, _27_ you want to forbid it, the more they want to have a look at it. Sometimes you may even find several children share one patched paper, which has traveled from one hand to _28_ driven by the curious nature. It really does harm to our society. It has already formed a sort of moral pollution. The _29_ teachers and parents need more powerful support. Meanwhile, the young readers need more interesting books to help them _30_ these ugly papers.(1)、 A:itB:thatC:whichD:this pollution答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(2)、A:made ofB:made upC:made fromD:made in答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(3)、A:the othersB:othersC:the otherD:some others答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(4)、A:asB:inC:forD:from答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(5)、 A:whateverB:whoeverC:whicheverD:however答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(6)、A:warnedB:advisedC:persuadedD:asked答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(7)、A:ifB:the moreC:oneD:only when答案:B难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(8)、A:the othersB:some othersC:anotherD:others答案:C难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(9)、A:puzzledB:disappointedC:anxiousD:worried答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B(10)、A:destroyB:throw awayC:fight againstD:get rid of答案:D难度:1知识点:完型填空部分大学英语B书B19、 It is always interesting to visit another country, especially for those who have never traveled a great deal. Foreign _21_ can be very educational for anyone if he is interested enough to make preparations beforehand. Learning the language of the new country would be difficult for the traveler, _22_ the benefits of such an effort would become obvious immediately _23_ his arrival. It may not seem important to him when he comfortably stays at home, but knowing how to _24_ a meal or book a room is necessary for the newcomer in a strange country. Without knowing the language, it is very difficult _25_ the stranger to understand the people of the new country and their customs. Of course, in our small world it is often possible to find someone _26_ understands our own, but this is only second-best for the traveler. To be sure, he can

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