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高三期末自主练习英语试题说明:本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题),共14页。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。非网上阅卷的学校,第卷答案涂写在答题卡上,第卷在答题纸上做答,考试结束后,考生只交答题卡和答题纸;网上阅卷的学校,第卷和第卷答案全部涂写在答题纸上,考试结束后,只交答题纸。第卷(共101分)注意事项:1答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡纸上。2每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡纸上将该项涂黑。1 What _ fun music evening! Yes. I had _ great time and made several new friends there.Aa;aB不填;a Ca;theD. the;a2. The scientist spent years alone in the forest,_ by eating wild fruit and small animals.A. surviving B. survivedC. to surviveD. having survived3. Advertising can influence consumers moods, _,in turn,can influence consumers reactions to products.A. thatB. which C. whereD. when4. You have to move out of the way _ the truck cannot get past you.AsoB. and Cor D. but5. Why not find a new job? Why should I? I _ as much,but I like what Im doing.A. didnt earnB. dont earn C. hadnt earnedD. havent earned6. You are always saying you need a chance. Now that _ is right at your hand,how can you let it go?A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it7.In a world _ is filled with high-tech means of communication,we are losing touch with those around us.A. whereB. thatC. whatD. when 8. The boy was so tired that he fell asleep _ his mother could take off his clothes.A. beforeB. afterC. whileD. when9. Will you take part in the speech contest?_ I have long been expecting such an activity.A. Not at all.B. Its my pleasure.C. But why?D. Thats for sure.10. When it comes to job interview,you really dont know_ you performed until you get the good-news call.A. howB. whyC. whereD. when11. Its unbelievable you can get Tom,such a determined man,_ his mind.A. changeB. to changeC. changingD. changed12.What made you bored with her?_ was her laziness and unkindness.A .ItB. ThatC. WhichD. What13. Im mad at what Jack said yesterday._!He was just kidding.A. Take your timeB. Lighten upC. Enjoy yourselfD. Not at all14.I crashed into a pole yesterday.You _ too fast,I suppose.A. are drivingB. were drivingC. have drivenD. had been driving15. Mom,dont you think its OK to play once in a while _ it doesnt affect my studies?A. even ifB. unlessC. so thatD. as long as第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡纸上将该项涂黑。I was in a parking lot when a tall,sincere man approached me asking for help with directions. He had a printout of google maps from the airport to a 16 on the main street, but just couldnt 17 it. He clearly didnt have a phone,so after confirming his written directions,I mapped it on my 18 and showed him exactly where he needed to go.He mentioned that he had 19 going there,but there was no such street number and he couldnt locate his hotel. I 20 it again for him,he thanked me with a big 21 ,shook my hand,and took off. I got into my car and he got into his,and we 22 ways. As I drove to the next store and went in,I found something wasnt sitting right about the 23 so I googled again and 24 that he was looking for the right 25 but in a city a half hour away!Unfortunately it had been several minutes,and in the peak rush hour time,the 26 of finding him was slim to none. But I decided to give it a 27 and took off in that direction. I had barely 28 what his car looked like,and was just about to 29 .I parked my car and was 30 what else I could do when the man drove right by and 31 over into a nearby parking spot,still 32 about where he was.When I pulled in next to him,he couldnt believe it.“ 33 did you find me?!” he asked. “Im not sure,but I 34 that you are in the wrong city!” I showed him the right directions,and after more smiles,laughs and a handshake,we parted ways again. Probably well never 35 again,but that makes it all the more sweet.16. A. store B. bankC. schoolD. hotel17. A. find B. reach C. catchD. check18. A. carB. phone C. computerD. map19. A. failed B. succeededC. triedD. stopped20. A. explainedB. provided C. reminded D. confirmed21. A. smile B. surpriseC. voice D. praise22. A. droveB. passed C. partedD. lost23. A. transportation B. conductionC. solutionD. direction24. A. decidedB. realizedC. forgotD. expected25. A. addressB. numberC. message D. condition26. A. courageB. time C. chanceD. idea27. A. handB. tryC. look D. speed28. A. guessed B. pointed C. noticedD. cared29. A. set outB. give inC. put off D. give up30. A. remembering B. considering C. believingD. concluding31. A. pulledB. rushedC. headedD. left32. A. worriedB. crazy C. excitedD. confused33. A. HowB. WhyC. Where D. When34. A. made upB. took inC. figured outD. kept off35. A. moveB. meet C. knowD. recognize第二部分 阅读理解(共28小题;每小题2分,满分56分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡纸上将该项涂黑。AMy father was a self-taught mandolin(一种琵琶乐器)player. He was one of the best string instrument players in our town .He could not read music,but if he heard a tune a few times,he could play it. When he was young,he was a member of a small country music band. They would play at local dances and on a few occasions would play for the local radio station. He often told us how he had auditioned(试音)and earned a position in a band that featured Patsy Cline as their lead singer.Occasionally,Dad would get out his mandolin and play for the family. We three children would often sing along. Dad loved to play the mandolin for his family. He knew we enjoyed singing and hearing him play. He was like that. If he could give pleasure to others,he would,especially his family. I had to mature into a man and have children of my own before I realized how much he had sacrificed.In 1950,our family moved. Dundalk and Dad found a job at Todd Steel. One day he was involved in an accident and got the third index finger of his left hand mashed between two pieces of steel. He didnt lose enough of the finger where it would stop him picking up anything,but it did impact his ability to play the mandolin.After the accident,Dad was reluctant to play the mandolin. He felt that he could not play as well as he used to. When I came home on leave and asked him to play he would make excuses for why he couldnt play. Eventually,we would wear him down and agreed to play. For the family it didnt make any difference that Dad couldnt play as well. We were just glad that he would play. When he played the old mandolin it would carry us back to a cheerful,happier time in our lives.36. What do we learn about the father in the text?A. He founded a small country music band.B. He learned to play the mandolin mainly by hearing.C. He was proud to be a friend of Patsy Cline.D. He tried for many times to earn a position in a band.37. We can infer from the text that Patsy Cline is probably _.A. a famous mandolin playerB. a famous band founderC. a famous film directorD. a famous singer38. According to Para.2,which of the following statement is true?A .The father played the mandolin for the family every day.B. The father played the mandolin at home to please the family.C. The family enjoyed singing while playing the mandolin.D. The family often played the mandolin together.39. What happened to the father after the accident?A. He lost the job in Todd Steel.B. He couldnt pick up things as usual.C. His injury was serious enough to lose his life.D. He couldnt play the mandolin as usual with his left hand.40. Why did the father make excuses for not playing the mandolin?A. He was too tired to play the mandolin.B. He didnt like the mandolin after the accident.C. He was afraid he couldnt play well.D. He wouldnt play the mandolin any more.41. What does the author want to tell us by writing the text?A. The author was thankful for the fathers sacrifice to the family.B. The father was the best string instrument player.C. The father was diligent in playing the mandolin.D. The father could not live without playing the mandolin.BHas the world just witnessed its first ever robot suicide(自杀)?Tiring housework was seemingly too much for one cleaning robot to take,when it apparently rebelled(反抗) and decided to end it all.The robot was given the tiresome task of cleaning up some spilt cereal(残渣剩饭) before it climbed on to a kitchen hotplate where it was destroyed,according to reports in Austria.It had reportedly grown worn out of being forced to clean the same house every day and decided to become a victim to the robot cause.“Somehow it seems to have restarted itself and made its way along the work surface where it pushed a cooking pot out of the way and basically that was the end of it,”explained fireman Helmut Kniewasser,who was called to handle the fire.“It pretty quickly started to melt and then stuck to the kitchen hotplate. It then caught fire. By the time we arrived,it was just a pile of ash.” The fireman added: “The entire building had to be evacuated(疏散) and there was severe smoke damage particularly in the flat where the robot had been in use. Its a mystery how it came to be started and ended up making its way to the hotplate. ” It took an hour to clean and make the building safe. The homeowner plans to sue(控告) the producer of the robot.42. According to the passage,the robot suicided because it _.A. failed to finish its daily workB. was tired of doing house workC. destroyed a kitchen hotplateD. had to eat spilt cereal43. What kind of lesson can we learn from the way the robot killed itself?A. The robot shouldnt be designed to be restarted by itself.B. The robot should be designed with no automatic moving ability.C. We should not make the robot do too much housework.D. We should not let the robot get close to the kitchen hotplate.44. Why did the fireman Helmut Kniewasser arrive there?A. To rescue the robot.B. To put out the fire.C. To find the reasons for robots suicide.D. To warn people of the danger of the fire.45. The building had to be evacuated because _.A. the robot might hurt people thereB. the building might be crashed at any timeC. the smoke is too dangerous to peopleD. the fireman wants to investigate the cause of the fire46. Who will probably be responsible for the robots suicide?A. The firefighter.B. The homeowner.C. The robots producer.D. The robot itself.CA Dutch artist and designer has come up with a device which he hopes will get rid of pollutants from Beijings smog skies,creating clean air for the citys mask-wearing people.An electromagnetic field(电磁场) will pull particles(微粒) in the smog to the ground where they can be easily cleaned.“Its like when you have a balloon which has static(静电) and your hair goes toward it. Same with the smog,”says artist Daan Roosegaarde.His studio has reached an agreement with the Beijing government to test the technology in one of tile capitals parks.With its skies regularly covered by dirty gray smog,Beijing this week announced a series of emergency measures to handle the problem. Roosegaarde says an indoor model device has already proven it works and is confident that the results with the help of a team of scientists and engineers can be replicated outside.“Beijing is quite a good place because the smog in Beijing is quite low. It lies in a valley so theres not so much wind. Its a good environment to explore this kind of thing.” “Well be able to purify the air and the challenge is to get the top of the smog so you can see the sun again.” Roosegaarde acknowledges that projects like this are a way of drawing attention to the problem,rather than a practical solution to Beijings awful air pollution.“This is not the real answer for smog. The real answer has to do with clean cars,different industry and different lifestyles.”However,he hopes the project will make a “fundamental statement” by allowing the citys people to realize the difference between breathing clean and smog-filled air.47. The device works by _.A. helping keep the particles out with more masksB. pulling pollutants to the ground with an electromagnetic fieldC. absorbing hair with a balloon with staticD. creating clean air and let it out into the sky48. According to the passage,_ .A. the Beijing government has agreed to use the technology in BeijingB. they have proven the results of the device both indoors and outdoorsC. the results of the air-cleaning device can be expectableD. the Beijing government has never done anything to handle the air pollution49. What does Roosegaarde really mean by saying “Beijing is quite a good place. ”?A. The air pollution in Beijing is not quite serious.B. The weather in Beijing is good for foreigners to live in.C. Beijing is quite fit for using the air-cleaning device.D. It is easy to get the top of the smog in Beijing.50. The underlined word “replicated” in Paragraph 5 probably means “_”.A. reproducedB. destroyed C. worriedD. described51. Roosegaarde appeals to people in Beijing to _.A. pay attention to air pollution and solve the problem finallyB. invent more devices to clean the smog in BeijingC. drive modern cars and try different lifestylesD. realize how serious the pollution theyre facing is52. According to Roosegaarde,the smog in Beijing is mainly caused by _.A .the climate changing of the whole worldB. the local industry,cars and lifestylesC. governments emergency measuresD. inefficiency of air-cleaning devicesDThe intelligence times provide us much convenience,but at the same time,some of our abilities are being weakened gradually.1. Memorizing phone numbersIt was annoying to remember numbers. Now we simply add them to our contacts list. That usually works well unless our device is lost,stolen,or damaged. No one can be expected to remember all their contact numbers. What we can do is memorize 5 of our most important contact numbers. This should include a mixture of family,friends and business. If youre really ambitious you can memorize 5 contacts for each category.2. Map-reading skills The convenience and effectiveness of GPS guidance systems and digital maps generated by search engines is unquestionable. Theyve definitely made our lives easier. What we dont get from using these devices and applications is the increased ability to understand spatial orientation(空间方向)and navigation.To renew or acquire those skills,try using physical maps to plan your next trip. After a few trips,youll be pleasantly surprised with how useful a physical map can be.3. PhotographyEven amateur photography requires a basic learning about lighting,depth,and composition. This is true for digital photography. Most smart cameras automatically make these adjustments. We no longer have to learn the art of photography. On most devices,this is easily changed by turning off the automatic settings. Experiment with setting by hand the scene modes,lighting,and zoom. You just may learn that youre a “true photographer”.4. Reading comprehensionThe primary cause is E-reader. Theyre convenient and can store thousands of books. But theres evidence that E-reader makes it more difficult for readers to keep and recall information they just read. Dont worry! What we should do is make an effort to read printed books. This will be especially helpful when seeking information we need for academic or career purposes.5.Hand-written correspondence(通信)Writing letters and notes include hand writing skills,organizational skills,and learning about the person or persons you correspond with. This is another easily regained skill. Send a letter to an old friend,relative or acquaintance.53. Whats the disadvantage by adding all numbers to the contacts list?A. We might lose all our phone numbers accidentally.B. Its hard to find the number from the contacts list.C. We may only have the ability to remember 5 numbers.D. Our device is more easily damaged or stolen.54. To acquire the skills of spatial orientation and navigation,its necessary for one to _.A. use the GPS guidance systemsB. accept the convenience of digital mapsC. use physical maps instead of digital onesD. plan some trips now and then55. To make yourself a “true photographer”,you _.A. must make it clear how the digital camera works itselfB. have to make your camera do the adjustments automaticallyC. had better try to set the scene modes,lighting,and zoom by handD. dont need to learn the art of photography56 .E-readers are thought to weaken our reading comprehension because _.A. they are convenient and can store thousands of booksB. they make it more difficult for us to recall informationC. less people can afford to buy E-readersD. people are not fond of reading printed books nowadays57. The author encourages us to send a letter to old friends so that we can _.A.1earn to know how to get in touch with our friendsB. easily know whether they will write you back or notC. make sure of the importance of communicationD. renew hand writing skills and organizational skills58. The author of the text seems to _.A. be worried that we might lose some basic abilities in intelligence societyB. point out to us the abilities one should have for adapting to the modem societyC. be glad that people will regain these abilities by using them often in daily lifeD. find out that these abilities will probably make modern people different from beforeEFreezing weather can mean frostbite and hypothermia unless a person is prepared. Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long. It mainly happens on the hands,feet,nose and ears. Hypothermia is a condition that develops when the body cannot produce as much heat as it releases. Signs of hypothermia include uncontrollable shaking,very slow breathing and difficulty in thinking clearly. Hypothermia can lead to death if the person does not receive help.To avoid cold-related injuries,here is a simple way to remember four basic steps to staying warm.Think of COLDC.O.L.D.The C stands for cover. Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head,neck and ears. And wear mittens instead of gloves. In gloves,the fingers are separated,so the hands might not stay as warm as they would in mittens.The O stands for overexertion(用力过度) Avoid activities that will make you sweaty. Wet clothes and cold weather are a dangerous combination.L is for layers. Wearing loose,lightweight clothes,one layer on top of another,is better than wearing a single heavy layer of clothing. Make sure outerwear is made of material that is water-resistant and tightly knit.D is for dry. In other words,stay as dry as possible. Pay attention to the places where snow can enter clothing. These include the tops of boots,the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens or gloves.And here are two other things to keep in mindone for children and the other for adults. Eating snow might be fun but it lowers the bodys temperature. And drinking alcohol might make a person feel warm. But what it really does is to weaken the bodys ability to hold heat.59. What is the best title of this text?A. Frostbite and Hypothermia Are Often Seen in WinterB. Wet Clothes and Cold Weather Are a Dangerous CombinationC. How to Stay Warm and Safe in Freezing WeatherD. Alcohol Can Weaken the Bodys Ability to Hold Heat.

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