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人教版高中必修五Unit one Great Scientists教学目标:1 掌握本单元重点词汇2 过去分词做表语和定语的用法教学内容重点词语1. put forward 提出(建议,理论,计划等)Who put forward a theory about black holes?He put forward a new plan. 2. draw a conclusion 得出结论draw a conclusion=come to a conclusion=arrive at a conclusionin conclusion 总之 the conclusion of .的结论 eg: the conclusion of the trade talksv:conclude 结束,推断出eg He conclude his speech with some amazing words.(结束) The police concluded that he was the murderer.(推断出)3. Analyse the resultThe teacher asked us to analyse the text in detail.We are going to analyse what went wrong.4. defeatn: a 7-0 defeat an election defeat suffer a defeat v: Our team defeated class 3.5. Expertn: an expert with the computer;an agricultural expertadj: an expert rider; an expert opinion be expert at=be good at He is an expert at driving the car.6. AttendThe little baby was attended by his father.All club members are quested to attend the meeting.Attend the class/the meeting/church7. Expose(to)Dont expose yourself to the sun for too long.8. Curen: Doctors claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.V:I was cured with this medicine.9. challengen: face the challenge;take up the challengev: He challenged me to a game of tennis. 10. suggestThe first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air.(暗示,表明)The disorganized meeting suggested bad preparation.To prevent this from happening again,John Snow suggested that the source of all the water suppliers be examined.(建议)I suggested that he should give up smoking.I suggest leaving early for the airport.注意 suggest 常用的有两种意思,当意思为建议时,常用在句型suggest(that)somebody(should)do;另外,后面还可直接加-ing形式。当意思为暗示时,后面该用什么时态就用什么时态。11. absorb The big company gradually absorbed these small companies into its own organization.I was so interested in these new ideas that I absorbed them without thinking.12. suspectvt:Do you have reason to suspect his motives? He is suspected of murder.n:After 3 hours of questioning ,the suspect broke down and confessed.13. be to blameI think its fair to say that she was (not) to blame for the accident.V:Its not fair to blame him,for he didnt know anything.n: I always get the blame for his mistake.14. PolluteThe government should close some companies that pollute the environment.n:pollution15. handlen:a brush with a long handle;a door handlev:He handled the problem with great diplomacy.16. Link(link.to.)V:Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime. A highway linking two major citiesn:China should try to develop closer links with the rest of the world.17. announceWe are sorry to announce the cancellation of the flight to Shanghai.18. Instruct(命令,指示,教导)The water companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water any more.(命令)He instructed me to deliver the things to the customer.(instruct sb to do sth)We instruct the children in basic reading skills.Instruction:He gives us instructions in English.19. be strict with sb in sthMy father is strict with me in everything.20. Contribute(to)Your ideas will contribute to solving this problem.He contributed a lot money to the charity.n contributionThe UN has made an important contribution to world peace.(make a contribution to)21. Construct V:construct a square on this linen:Several new offices are under construction.22. apart fromApart from being short,he is smart.Apart from the cost,it will cost a lot of meney.23. make senseThe sentence didnt make any sense to me.I didnt think the sentence make sence.=I think the sentence make no sense.24. movementsa movement away from traditional valuesI have a broken neck,so movement is quite impossible.V:move Vt The movie moves many people(感动)Please help me move the stone Vi we are going to move to the new house.25. spin(使旋转;纺纱或线)The door is spinning.Spin cotton,spin yarn26. rejectHe rejected our suggestions.They rejected the apples that are overripe.27.enthusiasticTom was enthusiastic about the place.28.CautiousI have been very cautious about giving my address to strangers.二单元语法过去分词做表语和定语分词分为过去分词和现在分词,通常情况下,过去分词表被动和完成,现在分词表主动和进行。分词在句子中常充当形容词和副词的作用。1过去分词作定语Englishis a widely used language.This is one of the buildings built in 1980s.单个过去分词作定语常放在被修饰词的前面,过去分词短语作定语常放在被修饰词的后面。练习Did you attend the meeting _ yesterday?A. to be held B held C held D being held2.过去分词做表语1)用作表语的过去分词被动意味很强,主要表示被动与完成,相当于相容词。注意区分:被动语态的过去分词动作意味强,主语为动作的承受者。Eg The glass is broken. The glass was broken by Tom. The window are closed. The window was closed by Jack.2)表示感觉流露的一些过去分词(如surprised,exciteded,frightened,shocked)和一些过去分词(如dressed,drunk,lost,known,devoted等),常用作表语,有些仅表示状态,毫无被动意味。They got quite excited to receive these new books.His father is pleased with his exams.Tom is quite disappointed to hear the result. She is experienced in teaching beginners.练习Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by hour.A.pay B.to pay C paid D paying本题考察过去分词做表语。Pay sb by the hour 计时给某人算报酬 此题用被动做表语,类似的结构还有get burned,get hurt,get wounded等。三单元练习I.单项填空1. In some Muslin countries, women do not _their faces in the public.A. revealB. uncover C. expose D. disclose 2. If I take this medicine twice a day, it should _my cold.A. recover, B. hold C. restore D. cure3. The boy is often found _in reading books.A. absorbs B. is absorbed C. absorbing D. absorbed4. My watch has stopped. Can you get it _ for me?A. to go B. going C. go D. gone5. _to complete the job on time, they set out to work immediately.A. Determined B. Be determined C. Having determined D.To be determined6. Dont trust such people _ praise you to your face. A. who B. that C. which D. as7. The students expected _ more reviewing classes before the exam. A. there to be B. there are C. there being D. there to have8. You shouldnt keep silent when _A. speaking B. spoken to C. spoken D. speaking to9. The storms did a lot of _and caused some_. A. damage, deaths B. damages, deaths C. damage, deaths D. damages, death10. With a lot of difficult problems_, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settling11. After being _,he was told he was suffering from cancer. A. checked B. tested C. examined D. treated12. It rained for two weeks, completely _ our holiday. A. ruined B. to ruin C. ruining D. to ruining13. The way he suggests to us doesnt make_A. difference B. opinions C. use D. sense14. She felt rather _that she should drive the car at such a_ speed. A. frightening, frightening B. frightened, frightened C. frightening, frightened D. frightened, frightening 15. Cleaning women in big cities get _ by the hour. A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to payII.完形填空A successful scientist is generally a good observer. He makes full 16 of the facts he observes. He doesnt accept ideas which are not 17 on obvious facts, and therefore refuses to accept authority(权威) as the only 18 for truth. He always 19 ideas carefully and makes experiments to prove them.The rise of 20 science may perhaps be considered to 21 as far back as the 22 of Roger Bacon, the wonderful philosopher(哲学家) of Oxford, who live 23 the years 1214 and 1292. He was probably the first in the middle 24 to suggest that we must learn science 25 observing and experimenting on the things around us, and he himself 26 many important discoveries.Galileo, however, who lived more than 300 years later (1564-1642), was the greatest of several great men, 27 in Italy, France, Germany, or England, began by 28 to show how many important 29 could be discovered by observation. Before Galileo, learned men believed that large bodies fell more 30 towards the earth than small ones, 31 Aristotle said so. But Galileo, going to the 32 of the leaning Tower of Pisa, let fall two 33 stones and proved Aristotle was wrong. It was Galileos 35 of going direct to Nature, and proving our 35 and theories by experiment, that has led to all the discoveries of modern science.16. A. use B. time C. speed D. trust17. A. worked B. based C. lived D. written18. A. reason B. cause C. advice D. result19. A. thinks B. checks C. has D. learn20. A. natural B. physical C. ancient D. modern21. A. date B. keep C. look D. take22. A. study B. time C. year D. birth23. A. both B. each C. between D. among24. A. schools B. ages C. days D. countries25. A. in B. with C. on D. by26. A. did B. made C. took D. gave27. A. who B. when C. that D. where28. A. ways B. degrees C. levels D. chance29. A. truths B. problems C. people D. subjects30. A. slowly B. rapidly C. lightly D. heavily31. A. although B. because C. whenD. If32. A. place B. foot C. top D. ceiling33. A. big B. small C. equal D. unequal34. A. spirit B. skill C. theoryD. discovery35. A. plans B. opinions C. worldD. AbilityIII.单词拼写(根据句意及所给首字母写出正确的单词)36. The bell rang, a_the end of the class.37. The hurricane lasted a week,causing millions of d_.38. The new railway station under c_will be completed by the end of the year.39. It is Mary rather you who is to b_for the accident.40. Mary is advised to have her eyes e_ without delay.41. A_the conference is a great honour to him.42. It took the firemen ten hours to bring the fire under c_.43. You must be very careful to h_ such a complex case.44. It is said that the a_people have been separated from others.45. Tom is so c_ a driver as never causes accidents.IV.完成句子翻译。46. 那位退休工人建议我多喝开水。The _worker advised me to drink more _water.47.他脸上失望的表情表明计划下个月的旅行已被取消。The _look on his face suggested the trip _for next month has been called off.48. 令母亲担心的是,我昨天在足球比赛中摔伤了右腿。To his mothers great worry,I _ _in the right leg in the match yesterday.49. 在这个工厂,工人是按计件拿工资的。In the factory,the workers get _ _the piece.50. 他父亲写的科学书籍很畅销The science book _ _his father sells well.51. 如果伤口继续暴露在外面,它就会感染的。If the wound remained _,it will get _.52. 输了比赛的那个男孩在埋头看书。The boy _ in the match was _ in reading books.53. 接受医生检查的那个女孩患了重病。The girl _ _the doctor suffered from a bad illness.54. 我们学校东边的那条被污染的河整天发出难闻的气味。The _river _to the east of our school smells_all day. 55. 当他听说了偶然中发现的这种物质时,这位教授感到异常激动。_about the substance_by accident,the professor felt most_.V.书面表达汤姆因在学校使用手机被学校处分,他感到很困惑,写信给你求助。请根据以下结构提示给汤姆回信。开头结尾已给出。Beginning: Your letter reached me yesterday.It said in your letter that. Paragraph 1: 手机的优点:联系便捷Paragraph 2: 带手机上学存在的问题:干扰教学,有害学习和健康Ending: It is right for school to prevent you from using cellphones in school.1-5 CDDBA 6-10 DABAC 11-15 CCDDC16. 选A。Make use of 利用; 使用; make full use of 充分利用。17. 选B。Be based on/upon 以为基础; 基于18. 选A。Reason 能够对一个事物的发生或它的性质作出解释的东西;cause 是导致一个事物发生的条件或原因。根据句子意思,是指“不能接受某种权威来说明真理的合法性”,应用reason.19. 选B。check. v. 证明无误, 核对无误。意思最恰当。20. 选D。根据下文的内容,modern science “现代科学”意思最恰当。21. 选A。Date back 词组,意为“回溯至”。22. 选B。Time n. 这里指“时代,年代”。23. 选C。between与and连用,表示“在。和。之间”。24. 选B。The Middle Ages n.中世纪;中古时代。(文中没有大写,应该是编辑错误。)25. 选B。表示使用的工具, 手段用with。例如:defend the motherland with ones life用生命保卫祖国26. 选B。Make, do 与名词有固定搭配关系:do :bedroom, ones best, ones duty, favour, harm, good, shopping, make: discovery, appointment, arrangements, a bed, a change, a decision,27. 选A。Who 引导了一个省略的定语从句修饰 great men。 完整的从句是 who lived/was in 28. 选B。by degrees 词组,相当于副词,意为:逐渐地。29. 选A。根据上文意思,应为:truths. 事实, 真理, 原理30. 选B。Rapidly. Adv. 快,迅速地。意思最恰当。31. 选B。根据句子意思,应为because conj. 因为32. 选C。Top .n. 顶,顶端。 Leaning. adj. 倾斜的。 Tower. N. 塔, 城堡。33. 选D。Unequal. Adj. 不相等的;不对称的34. 选A。science spirit 科学精神;world spirit时代精神, 世界潮流35. 选B。opinion意为“观点”。单词拼写 36. announcing 37. deaths 38. construction 39. blame 40. examined41. Attending 42. control 43 handle 44. affected 45. cautious完成句子翻译。46. retired, boiled 47. disappointed, planned 48. got, worried 49. paid, by50. written, by 51. exposed, infected 52. defeated, buried (absorbed, lost)53, examined, by 54. polluted, lying, terrible 55.Hearing, discovered, excited行文要素演练Your letter reached me yesterday. It said in your letter that you were punished for using cellphones, which puzzled you.There is no doubt that cellphones can bring us much convenience. We can keep in touch with friends and families wherever they are. Besides, the cellphone is a way to fun.However, there are some problems with using cellphones. The ring of phones can disturb teachers and students in the class. It has been proved that often using cellphones does harm to health. Another problem is that some students can spend too much time and money on cellphones and sending messages, which will result in bad results in study.As a student, he should concentrate on study. It is right for school to prevent you from using cellphones.


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