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Emergency Announcements 紧急通知Key Sentences(重点句子)555. Im calling to ask you to attend a press conference at 3 oclock this afternoon.我打电话来是通知你去参加今天下午三点钟的一个新闻发布会。556. Where will it be held?新闻发布会在哪儿举行?557. Itll be held in the conference room of our company.发布会将在我们公司的会议室举行。558. Should I prepare any materials or data?我要准备一些材料或资料吗?559.Please prepare some necessary materials and data on the quality of our products.请准备一些必要的有关我们产品质量的材料和数据。560.The manager asked me to let you know that the meetingplanned for this morning has been put off till this afternoon.经理让我告诉你原定今天上午召开的会议推迟到今天下午了。561.Please inform all the staff of Marketing Department.请通知营销部的全体职工。562. Im sorry to say a rather pressing matter has come up which demands Mr. Woods attention.我很抱歉地告诉你因发生一个紧急事情要求伍德先生解决。563.So he wont be able to keep his appointment with Mr. Nathan this afternoon.所以他今天下午不能赴和内森先生商定的约会。564.If you wouldnt mind.如果你不介意的话。565.Mr. Wood is tied up all day on Thursday.伍德先生星期四整天都很忙。566.Other than that hes got a fairly clear week though.除了那天之外整个一周都很空。567.Mr. Nathan is off for a whole day.内森先生整个一天都有空。568.Could you please convey our apologies to Mr. Nathan?请把我们的歉意转达给内森先生,好吗?569.Something completely unforeseen has arisen.一件根本预料不到的事情突然发生了。Dialogue A(Miss Li Ying, the secretary of the manngers office, is calling Mr. Smith to ask him to attend a press conference. )(A: Miss Li; B: Mr. Smith)A: Hello. This is Li Ying of the managers office. Id like to speak to Mr. Smith.B: This is Smith speaking.A: Im calling to ask you to attend a press conference at 3 oclock this afternoon.B: Where will it be held?A: Itll be held in the conference room of our company.B: OK. Should I prepare any materials or data?A: Yes, please prepare some necessary materials and data on the quality of our products. Its important.B: Well. Ill.Dialogue BA: Hello. This is Li Ying, the secretary for the manager. Could I speak to Mr. Parker, the director of Marketing Department?B: Speaking, please.A: Mr. Parker, the manager asked me to let you know that the meeting planned for this morning has been put off till this afternoon.B: Do you mean that the meeting has been put off to this afternoon.A: Yes, it is emergent. Please inform all the staff of Marketing Department.B: All right. Ill inform them immediately.A: Many thanks. Good-bye.B: Good-bye.Dialogue C(Mr. Woods secretary, Miss Wang, is calling the office of the IBM company at Beijing in order to change the date of an important appointment Mr. Wood has made to see Mr. Nathan. )(W: Miss Wang; C: Miss Claudia)W: Good morning. This is Mr. Woods secretary at Beijing speaking.C: Im Miss Claudia, Mr. Nathans secretary. Can I help you?W: Yes, Im sorry to say a rather pressing matter has come up which demands Mr. Woods is attention. So he wont be able to keep his appointment with Mr. Nathan this afternoon.C: Then, we should change it to another time, should we?W: Yes, please, if you wouldnt mind. When would be a convenient time for Mr. Nathan?C: I wonder if Mr. Wood can come on Thursday morning?W: Unfortunately, Mr. Wood is tied up all day on Thursday. Other than that hes got a fairly clear week though.C: Well, how about next Tuesday? Mr. Nathan is off for a whole day.W: Yes, Mr. Wood is free then?C: At what particular time will Mr. Wood come to see Mr. Nathan?W: Well make it next Tuesday at 230 p. m. then.C: OK. Lets fix it then.W: And could you please convey our apologies to Mr. Nathan?Something completely unforeseen has arisen. Good-bye, and thank you.Notes 注释1.Im calling to我打电话来是要2. press conference 新闻发布会3.This is Li Ying, the secretary for the manager.我是经理的秘书李英。4. Marketing Department营销部5.It is emergent. 事情很紧急。6. put off 推迟7. Ill inform them immediately.我马上就通知他们。8.Many thanks.太感谢了。还可以说:Thanks a lot.9. a rather pressing matter 一件紧急事情10.come up 发生 tied up all day 整天都很忙12.other than 除了13.Mr. Nathan is off for a whole day.off在本句中意为“有空”。14.convey ones apology to sb.向某人转达某人的道歉Words and Expressionspress /pres/n. 新闻data/deit / n. 数据emergent/im : d nt/ a. 紧急的;突然出现的emergency/im : d nsi/ n. 紧急情况;突然事件announcement/ naunsm nt/ n. 通告,布告staff/sta: f/ n. 全体员工inform/inf&: m/ v. 通知pressing/presiR/ a. 紧急的particular /p tikjul / a. 特别的convey/k nvei/ v. 传达,转达apology / p&l Di/ n. 道歉,赔礼unforeseen/)nf&: si: n/ a. 无法预料到的Booking Airline Tickets 预订机票Key Sentences(重点句子)533.I d like to make a reservation to New York next Monday, the 8th of May.我想预订一张5月8日,下周一去纽约的机票。534.Do you want a morning or an afternoon flight?您想乘早上的航班还是下午的航班?535.That would be the most convenient.那可能是最合适的了。536.Im afraid that flight is fully booked at the moment.恐怕那趟班机已经满员了。537.Let me see if there have been any cancellations让我查一下是否有谁取消订票。538.Its fully booked.对不起,机票已经全被订购了。539.Could you check other flights leaving for New York in the late afternoon of the 8th as well, please?能否请您查看一下有没有其他也于8日下午较晚时候去纽约的航班?540.There are plenty of seats available on that.那趟班机还有很多机票待售。541.I think the 17: 45 service is suitable.我想那趟17点45分的航班很合适。542.Firstclass or economy?头等舱还是经济舱?543.Single or return fare?单程票还是往返票?544.The checking in time is 17: 00, in Terminal 2.请于17点在2号门验票登机。545.When should I confirm this booking?我应该在什么时候来认可预订机票?546.You could leave it till you arrive at the terminal.您甚至可以在登机前取票。547.It is probably better to pick up your ticket at the nearest Eastern Airlines Office.但您最好早点到最近的东航办事处领取机票。548.Just a moment, Ill check the schedule.请稍等,我来查一下时刻表。549.I prefer a morning flight.最好是早上的航班。550.The only flight available is Eastern Airlines 216, which leaves at9: 45 a. m.只有东方航空公司的216次航班,上午9点45分起飞。551.Could you tell me what the economicclass fare is?您能告诉我经济舱的票价吗?552.Is it a direct flight?是直达航班吗?553.Yes, its a non-stop.是的,是直飞。554.May I have your name and telephone number?请问您的姓名和电话号码?Dialogue A(A: a reservations clerk of the booking office of the Shanghai Eastern Airlines; B: Miss Lin, the secretary)A: (The telephone is ringing. ) Shanghai Eastern Airlines. Good morning. Can I help you?B: Id like to make a reservation to New York next Monday, the 8th of May.A: Do you want a morning or an afternoon flight?B: There is a flight leaving at 16: 30 in the afternoon. That would be the most convenient.A: Im afraid that flight is fully booked at the moment. Let me see if there have been any cancellations Sorry, its fully booked.B: Could you check other flights leaving for New York in the late afternoon of the 8th as well, please?A: There is a flight leaving at 17: 45, arriving at New York Kennedy Airport 6: 45 local time. There are plenty of seats available on that.B: I think the 17: 45 service is suitable. Can I book a seat on it, please?A: Could I have your name, please?B: Its for Robert Wilson.A: First class or economic one?B: Economic one, please.A: Single or return fare?B: Single.A: One minute. Ive booked a seat on Eastern Airlines Flight 217, departing Shanghai at 17: 45, 8th May for you. The checking in time is 17: 00, in Terminal 2.B: Thank you. When should I confirm this booking?A: As soon as possible. You could leave it till you arrive at the terminal, but it is probably better to pick up your ticket at the nearest Eastern Airlines Office. Could I have your telephone number, please?B: 62451004, extension 606.A: Thank you.Dialogue B(Miss Lin Fang, the secretary of International Trade Corp. is telephoning to book a flight seat. )(A: the clerk of an Airlines; B: Miss Lin)A: Good morning. Can I help you?B: Yes. Id like to book 2 seats to Frankfort on the 2nd of April, please.A: Just a moment, Ill check the schedule.B: I prefer a morning flight.A: The only flight available is Eastern Airlines 216, which leaves at 9: 45 a. m.B: Could you tell me what the economic class fare is?A: Its 580 one way.B: Is it a direct flight?A: Yes, its a non-stop.B: What time does it arrive in Frankfort?A: It arrives at 6: 30 p. m.B: Fine. Book it for me, please.A: Certainly, Madam. May I have your name and telephone number?B: Of course. Lin Fang. 66478215.A: Thank you.Notes 注释1.First class or economic one?头等舱还是经济舱?night coach夜间航班普通舱2.Single or return fare?单程票还是往返票?相应的说法还有:one way单程round trip来回3.Eastern Airlines 东方航空公司4.I prefer a morning flight.我更愿意坐早晨的航班。prefer本身的意思是“更喜欢”,相当于 like better 或 place before the other(s), 因此,不能用more或most来修饰它。 prefer的正常用法是后接介词 to而不是 than.如 prefer A to B “与B相比,更愿意选择A”。如:I prefer Chinese tea to coffee.我喜欢喝中国茶而不喜欢喝咖啡。He prefers classic music to popular music.他喜欢古典音乐,不喜欢流行音乐。She prefers working to doing nothing.她宁愿干活,不愿闲着。此外, prefer somebody(not) to do something表示“希望某人(不)做某事”的意思。如: I should prefer you (not) to come the day after tomorrow.我希望你后天(不)来。值得注意的是:如果prefer的宾语是不定式,其后就不能用to,而应该用 rather than(不能单独用 rather than)。如: She preferred to keep her troubles to herself rather than to allow them to trouble others.她宁愿不让别人知道自己的困难,也不肯让自己的困难去麻烦别人。5.a non-stop 中途不停的航班,直达航班Words and Expressionsflight /flait/ n. 航班convenient/k nvi: nj nt/ a. 方便的cancellation /k$ns leiM / n. 取消;划掉suitable/sju: t bl/ a. 适合的depart /dipa: t/ v. 离开terminal/t: min l/ n. 终点fare /f# / n. 费用prefer /prif / v. (更)喜欢;宁愿Arranging Business Trips 安排出差Key Sentences(重点句子)521.Its certainly a tight schedule.日程的确安排得很紧。522.Now its a question of getting there.下面是旅行的问题。523.I need a flight to Paris on Sunday evening and a hotel in Paris for three nights.我要在星期天的晚上飞往巴黎,在巴黎的旅馆住三夜。524.Youre not sure how long it will take to get there?你并不能确定到达那儿要多长时间,对吗?525.Hows it going with the travel arrangement, Miss Susan?外出的安排情况怎么样啦,苏珊?526. Ive managed to book flight at the times you wanted.我已按你要求的时间定好了班机。527.Ive found you a hotel in Paris for three nights.也找到了你在巴黎住三夜的旅馆。528.All the hotels are fully booked.所有的旅馆都已订满了。529. Finding a room is the problem.问题是找不到房间。530. Ive just thought of something.我刚想到一个办法。531.It might be worth giving her a ring and asking if she has any ideas.给她打个电话问问看,说不定能解决问题。532.Ill give it a try.我试试看。Dialogue A( S: Miss Susan; B: Mr. Baker)S: Well, thats it, Susan. Seven appointments in Paris at the beginning of the week, and four in Frankfort at the end of the week. That should keep me busy.B: Its certainly a tight schedule.S: Now its a question of getting there. I need a flight to Paris on Sunday evening and a hotel in Paris for three nights. I have to be in Frankfurt by eleven oclock on Thursday morning, and Ill need a hotel for one night. Ill head home on Friday.B: At what time?S: My last appointment is at three, so I should be free by five at the very latest. I think I could get to the airport by six.B: Do you know how far youll be from the airport at five?S: No, not really.B: So youre not sure how long it will take to get there?S: No, but Im sure it wont take more than an hour.B: Dont forget its Friday night. If Frankfurt is anything like London, everyone will be leaving for the weekend. Itll be the rush hour, and traffic might be moving very slowly.S: Youre a pessimist.B: Im a realist!Dialogue BB: Hows it going with the travel arrangements, Susan?S: Ive managed you a hotel in Paris for three nights. Frankfort is more of a problem. There is a big trade fair going on there next week. All the hotels are fully booked.B: You can find me something, surely?S: Maybe, but itll probably be out in the wilds.B: Well, keep trying. I managed to persuade quite a few people to see me, and I must keep the appointments. Are you having any language problems?S: No, all the hotel receptionists speak good English. Finding a room is the problem.B: Try some of the smaller hotels.S: I already have.B: Well, if necessary Ill look for something when Im there.S: Ive just thought of something. My first appointment is with Mr. Blake. His secretary was particularly helpful when I spoke to her. It might be worth giving her a ring and asking if she has any ideas.B: OK, Ill give it a try.Notes 注释1.thats itthat is all. (口)就这样吧。2.its a question of问题是3.head home 回家;回国 动词 head意为“朝着方向走去” I should be free by five.所以我五点钟就能脱身了。should 表示推测或估计。如:They should be there by now, I think.我想现在他们可能已到那儿了。 the very latest最晚very在此处表示加强语气,常出现在形容词最高级前面。如:the very best quality最好的品质6.rush hour交通的高峰时刻还可以说:peak hours7.Hows it going with?怎么样啦?(表示询问事情进展如何)8.more of a problem的more of表示在更大程度上。9.surely 一定;肯定地10.manage to do 意为“设法成功地做到了”这与 try to do 有区别。后者表示“努力去做”。如:She managed to keep her temper.她尽量克制了自己的怒气。Try to get there early.请尽量早一点去那里。11.try some of the smaller hotels找小一点的旅馆试试看12.end up doing sth. 最后以做而告终 worth doing值得一做如:The book is well worth reading.这本书很值得一读。14.give sth a try试一下Words and Expressionsschedule/Medju: l/ n. 时间表tight /tait/ a. 紧的traffic/tM$fik/ n. 交通pessimist/pesimist/ n. 悲观主义者realist/ri list/ n. 崇尚现实的人manage/m$nid/ v. 设法trade fair 经贸交易会receptionist /risepM nist/ n. 接待员Saying Good-bye 告别Key Sentences (重点句子)501.Im calling to say good-bye.我打电话来是向你辞行的。502.I feel you have just come.我觉得你好像才来似的。503.But all good things must come to an end, as they say.但正如人们所说,天下没有不散的筵席。504.We re sorry that you couldnt stay longer.你不能多留几天,真遗憾。505.Have you had your ticket confirmed already?你的票已经确认了吗?506.But can you do me a favor?但你能帮我个忙吗?507.Ill take care of that.这事由我来负责。508.We must arrive at the airport an hour before departure time.我们必须在起飞前一小时到达机场。509.Will you please check out by 11?你在11点前把账结了好吗?510.Well pick you up and head straight to the airport.我们回来接你,然后直接开往机场。511.Its so kind of you to see me off.谢谢你来送我。512.Its a shame you havent got the time to visit all the places of interest.你没时间游览所有的名胜,真是遗憾。513.Business trips never leave much time for sightseeing.因公出差从来没有很多时间去观光。514.Perhaps we can make things up next time you are here.也许下次你来这儿,我们可以加以弥补。515.Here is a little something from my company, please take it.这是我们公司的一点小意思,请笑纳。516.When will you come again?你什么时候再来?517.If opportunity offers, please also come to my country.如有机会,请你也来我们国家看看。518.I want to return the favor you have done me here.我想报答你对我的热情款待。519.Its time to board the plane.该登机了。520.Please give my best regards to your wife.请代我向你的夫人问好。Dialogue A(Mr. Simpson is calling Miss Lin to say good-bye on the phone. )(A: Mr. Simpson; B: Miss Lin)A: Miss Lin, Im calling to say good-bye.B: No, no so soon. I feel you have just come.A: I have the same feeling. But all good things must come to an end, as they say.B: Were sorry that you couldnt stay longer.A: I wish I could stay a little longer, but lots to do back home.B: Have you had your ticket confirmed already?A: Yes, I did it at the reception desk. But can you do me a favor? I want to stay in Beijing for one night. And can you book a single room there?B: No problem. Ill take care of that. Whats the time of the flight.A: At 2 p. m.B: Then we must arrive at the airport an hour before departure time. Will you please check out by 11? Well pick you up and head straight to the airport. We shall have lunch at a nearby restaurant.A: OK. Thank you very much.Dialogue B(Miss Wang is seeing Mr. Hubert off on behalf of her boss at the airport. )(A: Mr. Hubert; B: Miss Wang)A: Its so kind of you to see me off. I really had a very pleasant stay here.B: Its a shame you havent got the time to visit all the places of interest.A: Business trips never leave much time for sightseeing.B: Perhaps we can make things up next time you are here.A: I hope so too.B: Here is a little something from my company. Please take it.A: Oh, thank you. Its a beautiful piece of embroidery. Im sure my wife will love it. Thank you very much.B: You are welcome. When will you come again?A: Very soon probably. If opportunity offers, please also come to my country. I want to return the favor you have done me here.B: Thank you.A: Its time to board the plane. So we should say goodbye here.B: Please give my best regards to your wife.A: I will. Goodbye. Take care.B: Good-bye! Happy landing!Notes 注释1.Im calling to say good-bye.表达辞行的说法还有:Im sorry, but I have to go.对不起,我该走了。I wish I could stay a little longer, but lots to do back home.我也想多待一些时间,但家里还有许多事情等着去做呢。Im going home tomorrow.我明天要回去了。2.All good things must come to an end.(谚)天下没有不散的筵席。 the reception desk (宾馆)服务台;接待处4.check out 结账He checked in at the hotel on Monday, and checked out Tuesday night.他星期一住进旅馆,星期二晚上结账离去。5.Its so kind of you to see me off.句中 see sb. off意为“为某人送行”。如:Shes gone to the station to see him off.她到车站去给他送行。They all turned out to see her off.他们都出来为她送行。6.places of interest 名胜古迹7.You are welcome. 不必客气。8.If opportunity offers如果有机会9.return the favor回报,报答10.Please give my best regards to your wife.请代我向你夫人问好。还可以说:Please say hello/hito your wife.请向你夫人问好。Please giver my best wishes to your wife.请向你夫人表示良好的祝愿。11.Take care.多保重。这是在相互告别时常说的一句话。12.Happy landing! 一路平安!类似的说法还有:Have a nice journey! 祝旅途愉快!Have a nice trip! 祝旅途顺利!Words and Expressionsconfirm /k nf m/ v. 确认reception/risepM n/ n. 接待,接见departure time (飞机)起飞时间shame /Meim/ n. 羞愧;憾事sightseeing/saitsi: iR/ n. 观光embroidery/imbr&id ri/ n. 刺绣opportunity/?&p tju: niti/ n. 机会board/b&: d/ v. 登机;上船regard/riga: d/ n. 尊敬,敬意Hiring Taxies 租赁出租车Key Sentences(重点句子)488.Id like to hire a car for three days.我想租一辆车,租用三天。489.What kind of car do you want?您想租用什么样的车?490.We need a minibus.我们想租一辆面包车。491.How would you pay?您如何付款?492.Well pay in check and hire the car from tomorrow.我们将用支票付款并从明天开始租用。493.Could you please send a car to Garden Hotel?你能派辆车子到花园宾馆吗?494.We are going to Pudong International Airport.我们准备去浦东国际机场。495.The taxi will be there about five minutes.车子五分钟左右就到。496.Please wait at the hotel gate.请在宾馆门口等候。497.What kind of car do you have in mind?您需要租什么样的车?498. A new and handsome limousine.想租一辆新的、漂亮的四门轿车。499.How long will you need it?您要租多长时间?500.How much is the rent?租金怎么算?Dialogue A(Miss Yang, the secretary of Shanghai Import Export Corporation wants to hire a minibus to send their clients to visit some factories, so she is telephoning a taxi company for help. )( A: a clerk of Dazhong Taxi Company; B: Miss Yang)A: Hello. Dazhong Taxi Company. Can I help you?B: Yes. This is the secretary from Shanghai Import Export Corporation. Id like to hire a car for 3 days.A: What kind of car do you want?B: We need a minibus. How much does it cost each day?A: 500 yuan RMB per day. How would you pay? In check or in cash?B: Well pay in check and hire the car from tomorrow.A: No problem. Ma I have your telephone?


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