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初中英语作文技巧 技巧 1 认真审题 不能丢项 拿到作文题目 首先要知道要求写什么 例如是写一件事 还是写一个人 还是写一份调查报告等 第二要明确题目中要求的内容有几条 例如要求写一篇游记 那么有如下内容 什么时间去的 和谁 一起去的 去哪了 如何去的 做了什么 有什么感受 这就是内容上的六条要求 作文中必须有所 体现 一条都不能丢 第三 题目中出现的单词 词组 句式必须应用 这也是不丢项的一个内容之 一 切忌耍小聪明而不用题目中给的英文提示 技巧 2 检查语法 时态 语态是否正确 语法 时态 语态是一定不能错的 这考察的是英语的应用基础 语法上要求明确句子当中的主谓一 致 句子中只有一个谓语 动词短语的固定搭配 比如 enjoy 只能加 doing 介词后如果要加动词一定是 动名词的形式 即 ing 形式 情态动词直接加 do 等 名词的单复数形式等 时态上要求非常严格 如果出错将比其他地方出错更为严重 判断时态的根据在于题目要求写的内容 如果是纪事性文字 一般用过去时态 有时用现在完成时 看到 since for 如果是议论性或说明性文字 一般用一般现在 时 纪事性文字中议论抒情的部分一般也用一般现在时 如果是一种计划或打算 要用一般将来时 具体题目 具体分析 另外明确这些时态的概念 再去判断 语态上要求也很严格 比如动词的第三 人称单数形式 动词的主动语态与被动语态等 技巧 3 句子与句子之间的连词要准确的应用 连词是让作文连贯的重要组成部分 句子与句子之间的逻辑关系就是靠连词体现出来的 作文是一个 整体 决不是一个个孤立的句子 所以必须有连词 但一定根据语意正确使用 常见连词 if as for because so however though 虽然 even 甚至 since until 等等 不全 要自己总结 另外 有 些连词不能一起使用 例如有 because 就不能有 so 有 though 就不能有 but 等等 连词的应用会让作文 提高一大块 技巧 4 使用从句表达 前提为有能力 如果英语的基础相当好 那么从句是可以帮助提高分数的重要途径 初中需要掌握的从句是主语从句 宾语从句 时间 地点 让步 状语从句 定语从句这四大类 主语从句 就是主语是一个句子 多 数用形式主语 it 代替 真正的主语用不定式或分词 ing 形式表达 例如 it is adj for sb To do sth 这 句中 it 就是形式主语 真正的主语是 to do sth 宾语从句就是宾语是个句子 有时用 it 作为形式宾语 例如 I find it adj to do sth 这句中 it 是形式宾语 真正的宾语是 to do sth adj 其实大多数宾语从 句还是直接表达的 例如 I wonder to know that 等 状语从句分三种 时间状语从句 地点状语 从句和让步状语从句 只需注意介词的使用 有时要使用逗号 特别的 让步状语从句中的 if 引导的 是状语从句 注意 主将从现 即主句用一般将来时 从句用一般现在时 定语从句是初中比较难 掌握的 一般是要求识别 主要在单选题当中考察 但应用到作文中是出彩的地方 明确了先行词 用对了关系代词和关系副词 就可以了 基础在于对定语从句基础知识的理解 明确语法就可以应用 了 技巧 5 必须有精彩的结束句 结束句是文章的主旨所在 信件除外 结束句一般是自己的感受或者文章要表达的观点 信件中是美 好的祝愿等等 例如 I enjoy the trip very much the success depends on the details 成功决定于细节 I am looking forward to hearing from you soon Have a good time 等等表达 1 My Friend 我的朋友 I have a good friend Her name is May She is 12 years old Her telephone number is 87634966 Her birthday is March 5th She is good at English and Chiese She often plays the piano She likes reading books and listening to the music Her hobbies are reading and listening to music She is a nice girl We often help each other We are good friends 请你写一篇短文介绍你的周末生活 I have a good weekend On Saturday morning I do my homework After lunch I go shopping with my mother At about five o clock I go to play basketball with my friend On Sunday I watch a football game on TV I often help my mother do housework I watch TV with my parents in the evening Then I go to bed at nine o clock I m very happy on weekends 10 以 My Favorite 为题 写一篇短文 My favorite subject is English I like it because it is interesting I have English every day I can speak a little English I join the school English club Every afternoon I go there to talk in English I can see the English movies and read English books I think it is useful for me I want to learn it well I like English very much 初中英语的作文高分句型模版 现象解释型模板一 1 Recently 解释现象 2 What amaze us most is 特征 3 It is true that 4 There are many reasons explaining 原因 5 The main reason is 6 What is more 7 Thirdly 8 As a result 结论 9 Considering all these 解决方案 10 For one thing 11 For another 12 In conclusion 总结 现象解释型模板二 1 As is known to all 2 seem to get accustomed to 3 In fact 4 The reasons of lie in several aspects 5 Firstly 6 Secondly 7 Thidly 8 Finaly 9 As a matter of fact 10 On the one hand 11 On the other hand 12 Therefore 现象解释型模板三 1 Nowadays 2 For one thing 3 For another 4 It is obvious 5 Many remarkable factors contribute to 6 First of all 7 In addition 8 Thirdly 9 As to me 10 As we know 11 Besides 12 In a word 现象解释型叙事类作文专用模板 1 It so happened that 2 Just at the moment 3 It impressed me most because 4 What happened was 5 At first 6 Almost at the same time 7 What s more 8 As a result 9 As I understand 10 On the one hand 11 On the other hand 12 Therefore 对比选择型模板一 1 Recently we may hear quite different opinions 亮出主题 2 Most people take it for granted that 亮出对立观点 3 However others hold 4 A dominant idea is that 5 In this view 6 Nevertheless the objectors think 7 They argue that 8 As to me I prefer 我的观点 9 On the one hand 持这种观点的原因 10 On the other hand 11 Therefore 12 In conclusion 总结 对比选择型模板二 1 There is a heated debate over 2 It is commonly accepted that 3 In contrast others 4 Those who hold the first opinion suggest 5 In their view 6 However others think 7 They argue that 8 Considering one after another I stand on the side of 9 First of all 10 Further more 11 Thirdly 12 Therefore 对比选择型模板三 1 Different people will offer quite different ideas 2 Many people assert 3 However others believe 4 Some may proclaim 5 They maintain such an idea because 6 In contrast the objectors think 7 They argue that 8 As far as I am concerned I agree to 9 First 10 Second 11 Last but least 12 In a word 问题解决型模板一 1 With the of 问题出现的背景 2 So it is of great importance for us to 解决这个问题的迫切性 3 On the one hand 解释问题严重的原因 4 On the other hand 5 However we have figured out many ways to 提出解决问题的办法 6 Firstly 7 So long as 8 Secondly 9 Thirdly 10 In fact 11 That is because 12 In a word 总结 问题解决型模板二 1 There has been a discussion recently about 2 It is true to the present situation that 3 But 4 As is known to all there are many ways 5 First of all 6 Further more 7 Last but not least 8 So it is high time for us to 9 That is because 10 Secondly 11 Thirdy 12 All in all 问题解决型模板三 1 Nowadays there is a growing concern on 2 It is certain that 3 However 4 It well cause many serious results if 5 Firstly 6 Secondly 7 Finaly 8 In spite of all these there are still many ways 9 First of all 10 In addition 11 Thirdly 12 Only in this way 中考最后的冲刺 6 初中英语作文 对比观点型作文写作模板 1 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法 1 有一些人认为 2 另一些人认为 3 我的看法 The topic of 主题 is becoming more and more popular recently There are two sides of opinions of it Some people say A is their favorite They hold their view for the reason of 支 持 A 的理由一 What is more 理由二 Moreover 理由三 While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons Firstly 支持 B 的理由一 Secondly besides 理由二 Thirdly finally 理由三 From my point of view I think 我的观点 The reason is that 原因 As a matter of fact there are some other reasons to explain my choice For me the form er is surely a wise choice 2 给出一个观点 要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that 观点一 For example they think 举例说明 And it will bring them 为他们带来的好处 In my opinion I never think this reason can be the point For one thing 我 不同意该看法的理由一 For another thing 反对的理由之二 Form all what I have said I agree to the thought that 我对文章所讨论 主题的看法 3 给出个旅行计划 Dear I am very glad to hear from you it s nice to know that you will come to our city soon When you arrive first we will go to 去哪里玩 then we will have a visit of 当地著名旅游胜地 At last I will take you to have a taste of our local food 中考最后的冲刺 7 Hope you will enjoy my plan If you have any suggestions please let me know I m looking forward to your reply Sincerely yours Li Ming 十大话题 1 水污染 Water Pollution Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth Yes water pollution is becoming more and more serious The water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier Most of fish in the water have died and we can t swim in the water My grandfather says when he was very little the water in the river was very clean He often swam in the river with his friends That was before but now we can t see such clean rivers Let s protect the water from pollution because we can t live without water The water is really important to us all 2 元旦 New Year s Day January 1st is New Year s Day It s a great day for all the people throughout the world As the saying goes A good beginning is half the battle So many people go out to celebrate the important day On that day I went to the Book Shop with my classmates We bought a lot of useful reference books and interesting story books I believe Knowledge is power I hope I can learn a lot from these books and improve my study In the evening my family had a big dinner party All the members in my family wished me good luck in the New Year 3 时间 Time We often hear the saying Time is money But I think time is much more precious than money Because if we lost time we can t find it But we can try to work harder to get more money No matter what we do we can not get lost time back As the proverb goes Time flies Time and tides wait for no men we can see how important time is Luxun had said I spent the time on my work while others are having coffee We must make good use of our time especially for our students we shouldn t waste time in playing games and the like 4 My friend 我的朋友 I have many friends One of them is my classmate Ma Hua He is a League member 中考最后的冲刺 8 and one of the best students in my class He is fond of English and good at it He often practices reading aloud So he has a good pronunciation He is always ready to help others With his help I have made great progress I have made up my mind to catch up with him and to join the League in the near future 5 water 水 Water is very important to us If we don t have water for three days we will die We can use water for flowers swimming washing and many different things We use it to cook make electricity and put out fires and so on We use millions of liters of water every day Do you know how does the water come to your home It travels through water pipes Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories we call water plants that purify the water When the water is purified we can drink it Please don t leave garbage in the water on which we live and keep the water clean 6 关于读书的英语作文 If we have a book we will not feel lonely When I m free or in trouble I always take out a book and read quietly In no time I ve put my heart into it so that I ll forget all the troubles It s in this way that I ve formed the habit of reading in any time I have Lots of funs through reading books Reading The Emperor s New Clothes I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool The Little Match Girl couldn t keep me from crying for her misery Robinson Crusoe took me into a strange world full of danger And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller s patience and perseverance Besides these books also tell me other thing how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong In a word good books can make me know what I didn t know before So I think of a good book as my best friend 7 MY AIM 我的志向 Whatever a man s status is may be he must have an aim If not he can hardly stand on his own two feet in the world However important fame and wealth may be we must not let them become our object in life We should aim at doing something useful to the society If my aim can come true I hope wish to be a teacher However teaching is by no means an easy thing I must apply myself closely to my studies so as to be able to cope with my duties as a teacher 中考最后的冲刺 9 8 TO BE PATIENT 要忍耐 When someone disagrees with you or offends you don t lose your temper Why Because it is of no use to do so You ought to should be patient and keep calm lest you should quarrel with him You must know that patience is not cowardice but a virtue I hope that everybody practices it In addition patience will also bring us success When you meet with difficulties in your work it is no use losing heart You must keep on fighting until till the final victory belongs to you 9 WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY 有志者事竟成 The secret of success The key to success is not so much money as a strong will A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit In other words if a man does not have a strong will to win get the final victory he will never succeed in his life He is no more than a failure It is quite obvious that there is no difficult thing nothing difficult in the world If you make up your mind to do it you will certainly accomplish your end 10 CHOOSING FRIENDS 选择朋友 A man who is careful in choosing friends will certainly benefit from them Why Because there are more false friends than real ones in the world To have one real friend is better than a hundred false ones Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart On the other hand we should do our best to avoid keeping company with bad people 句子 祈使句 表示请求 命令 建议或劝告等的句子叫祈使句 主语 you 通常省略 1 祈使句的肯定形式 一般以动词原形开头 Open the door please 2 祈使句的否定形式 在句首谓语动词前加 Don t Don t be late for class 3 说话对象是第一人称和第三人称时 表示建议做某事 Let me us Let him her them eg Let s go to school 注意 1 祈使句 and or 简单句是常 用句型 祈使句 and 简单句 表示 如果 就 祈使句 or 简单句 表示 否则 eg 1 Go down the street and you ll see a hospital 2 Be quick or we ll be late 2 在祈使句后面 常常附加一个问句 使语气更加委婉 eg Tell me about it will you won t you Don t tell anyone will you Let s go to school shall we Let us go out to play for a while will you 中考最后的冲刺 10 练习题 1 on the thin ice It s dangerous A Don t skate B Don t skating C Skate D Not skate 2 Let s fly the kite on the playground 附加问句 3 Please turn down the radio a bit 附加问句 句子的分类 由句子结构来讲 可分为三类简单 一 简单句 由一个主语 或并列主语 和一个谓语 或并列谓语 构成的句子 eg We cleaned the windows and tidied the room 二 并列句 由并列连词 and but so or for 等把两个或两个以上的简单句连起来的句 子 eg 1 I come from China and he comes from Japan 2 Hurry up or you ll miss the train 3 He looked for it everywhere but he couldn t find it 4 She didn t know the answer to the question so she asked the teacher 5 He s interested in music while John is interested in sports 三 复合句 A 宾语从句 宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语 引导宾语从句的关联词有 that if whether what who whose which why when where how 等 1 连接词 1 由连接词 that 引导陈述句 在口语中 that 常省略 eg He said that he would like to see the headmaster 2 由连接词 whether if 引导一般疑问句 whether 和 if 常可互换 但下列场合一般用 whether 介词后的宾语从句 I m thinking of whether he ll come 与 or not 连用 I don t know whether I should go or not 3 由连接代词 what who whom whose which 或连接副词 when where why how 引导 特殊疑问句 eg Do you know who whom she is waiting for 2 语序 不管宾语从句是陈述句 一般疑问句或特殊疑问句 都要用陈述句语序 也就是说主谓次序不能颠倒 连接词 主谓结构 1 Bill wanted to know who did this 2 I don t know what s the matter with Bob 3 I don t know what s wrong with them 3 时态 一般说来 主从句时态要统一 如果主句是一般现在时 从句可根据需 要用其它任何时态 如果主句是一般过去时 从句应该用相应的过去时态范畴 也就 是用一般过去时 过去进行时 过去将来时 过去完成时 eg Lily wanted to know whether her grandma liked the handbag I asked the teacher where we would have the meeting Could you tell me how I can get to the zoo 如果从句表明的是一个客观事实或真理 那么无论主句是什么时态 从句都只能用 一般现在时 eg The teacher told us that light travels much faster than sound 注意 在 think 后的宾语从句 如果需要表示否定意义 一般不在宾语从句中否定 而是在主句中否定 eg I don t think that English is easy I think that English is not easy 误 练习题 一 How does he get on with his new classmates Could you tell me 改为含有宾语从句 的复合句 Could you tell me how on with his new classmates What is he doing there Mother didn t know 改为含有宾语从句的复合句 Mother didn t know what doing there Could you tell me they are talking about A where B when C why D what You d better ask your mother whether is it cheap enough before you try it on Excuse me Could you tell me where 中考最后的冲刺 11 A is the toilet B the toilet is C was the toiletD the toilet was 中 考 英 语 书 面 表 达 背 诵 范 文 二 一 Great changes in my hometown More than twenty years ago my hometown was just a small old and poor town Most of people were farmers There were few factories The people didn t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes They had a hard life Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years The people have found a lot of ways of making money Now there are many tall buildings They are very beautiful Roads are wide and clean People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work Many people have cell phones and personal computers People s living conditions have improved a lot Thanks to the government s efforts my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful 二 Save the earth How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world It s our duty to protect our environment No matter where we live we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling We should plant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers lakes and fields We shouldn t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places We mustn t pick the flowers or step on the grass in public If everyone tries his best to protect the environment the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better 三 Improve our environment Good environment can make people feel happy To improve the environment means to qualify our life What should we do to improve our environment We should plant more trees And we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers lakes and fields Whenever we see litter on the ground we should pick it up and throw it into a dustbin Don t spit in public places Don t draw on public walls It s our duty to keep our earth clean and tidy 中考最后的冲刺 12 四 Pollution around us In recent years our life is becoming better and better But our environment is becoming worse and worse It s very bad for our life Now many people have air conditioners and cars they produce give off waste gas More and more trees are being cut down There are so much sand on the earth leaving only sand We often see factories pour waste into rivers or lakes Water in the river is quite dirty We haven t enough clean water to drink in cities Now we are in danger It s very necessary and important to protect the environment well I think if everyone tries his best to protect the environment the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better 五 Make our world more beautiful Protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to humans It s our duty to take care of the nature around us Animals and plants are our best friends and we should share the world with them We shouldn t kill wild animals and we must protect forests because they are animals home We must plant more trees and grass they can make the world greener The more beautiful the world is the happier lives we will have Let s do our best to make the world beautiful 六 Keep our school clean We are studying in this school It is our duty to keep it clean and tidy It is not good to spit in public places such as in the library in the class We shouldn t leave rubbish here and there Don t draw pictures on the wall they influence the look of our school We should keep the classroom clean and tidy And we should do some cleaning often If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school I m sure our school will be more beautiful 七 My country life I like to live in the countryside I live in a small village There is a river near it Lots of trees are around my house I can see a lot of farms and birds There is less noise The air here is cleaner and fresher There are fewer cars I read aloud early in the morning When it is getting dark the moon is bright in the sky It s very quiet What a nice place I live in 八 How to learn English well As we know English has become an international language It is more popular 中考最后的冲刺 13 than any other language in China English is widely spoken in the world and it is the most useful language around the world But how to learn it well The best way is to use it all the time If we can talk in English think in English we can learn it well At school we should learn to hear speak read and write carefully We should spend enough time in practicing English If we keep on working hard at English we will be able to be good at it one day 九 How I learn English Hello everyone It is my honor to talk with all of you about how to learn English well I like English very much I always preview and master the main idea of the lesson before class In class I listen carefully speak loudly and write carefully and take notes if necessary After class I do my homework carefully I watch English movies and listen to English songs I have booked an English newspaper It s Times English Post I can learn a lot from it I am not afraid of remembering the new words because I master many good methods I hope you work hard at English and make progress every day That s all 十 How I improved my English When I began to learn English I was poor at it I was quite worried at that time Later I 1i

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