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牛津英语模块9-10短语总结M9 U11. defend against / from 保护, 抵抗; 保护,免受 in defense / defence of为保卫;为辩护2. be abundant / rich / high in 富含;很丰富的3. be fond of / take to / go in for 喜欢4. be located / situated in 位于;坐落于5. be home to 是的所在地6. cater to / appeal to sb. 迎合 cater to ones interest(s) / taste(s) 7. owing to / due to / thanks to / as a result of / because of / on account of 由于8. owe sb. sth. / owe sth. to sb. 欠;归因于9. make a compromise with sb. 妥协于某人 compromise with sb. on sth. 就某事向某人妥协10. be bound to do 必定做某事11. put aside / set aside 存储;把放置在一边12. have a preference for 偏爱13. occupy oneself with sth. / in doing 使某人忙于某事14. fill out / fill in / fill up填写15. ones devotion to devote oneself /ones time/money/effort/energy to doing be devoted to doing16. be content / happy / satisfied with 对满意 content oneself with 用使.满足 a contented look 满意的表情17. be equipped with 配备有 be funished with 配备家具 be equipped for/ be ready for / be prepared for 为作好准备18. be short for for short19. be patient with sb. have patience with sb. 对人有耐心的20. participate in / take part in participation 参加 participant 参与者21. competitior 竞争对手 compete with/against sb. for sth. in the match / competition 22. in total / in all / altogether / overall23. be worthy of being done / be worthy to be done It is worthwhile to do / doing be well worth doing24. as far as is / are concerned 就而言M9 U21. in particular 尤其,特别; be particular about对挑剔2. smooth away解决问题 smooth out / down压平3. defeat / beat sb击败某人 win the match suffer defeats遭受失败4. seize sb by the arm抓住某人胳膊;seized the town攻占小城;seized the chance抓住机会;seize the meaning理解意思; seize/ take control of 对的控制权;exercise control over beyond / out of control不受控制 in control (of) 控制(住),管理 in the control ofunder control 被控制住 keep /bring /get.under control 对.加以控制 lose control失控5. a gas explosion瓦斯爆炸; a population explosion人口爆炸6. transfer the wastes into fertile fields把荒地变成了良田 transfer sb to a better school7. construction site建筑工地 construction industry建筑业 be under construction正在建造中8. in a gesture to 为了9. take root生根 at the root of在根部, 根本 be rooted / anchored in10. a consensus of opinion一致观点 reach a consensus on sth就某事达成一致意见build a consensus with sb和某人达成共识11. be ignorant of ones ignorance of ignore sth.忽视12. appoint sb. as 任命 appoint a time for the meeting为会议制定时间 make/fix/keep/break an appointment 13. bother about / with烦恼,担心,费心;bother to do特意,特地; bother doing麻烦做某事13. be high on the agenda / at the top of ones agenda14. an increase in the divorce rate 离婚率的增长; be / get divorced from离婚;divorce sb. be engaged to与.订婚 be married to; marry sb.嫁给某人;娶了某人15. show mercy to sb. / have (take) mercy on sb. without mercy 残忍地,毫不留情地leave sb. / sth. to the mercy of sb. / sth. 任由摆布 at the mercy of 任由摆布16. charge sb. money for sth. 索价,收费 charge sth. to sb. 把记在帐上,赊购 charge sb with sth.= accuse sb. of sth. 谴责,告发,控诉17. sentence / condemn sb. to death判处某人死刑18. withdraw from 提取 deposit . in 把某物存放在.19. ask for permission征求同意20. in terms of / in terms 就.而言 be on good terms with与.有交情 in the long / short term/run从长期/短期看21. be marked with标上22. out of / beyond recognition认不出来 in recognition of认可23. be exposed to 暴露于24. set a deadline制定期限 meet a deadline for25. part and parcel主要部分26. raise ones voice提高嗓音raise a question提出问题raise a big family / children / pigs供养大家庭/培养孩子/养猪 raise public awareness of sth.提高公众意识;raise money for筹集资金M9 U31. die of starvation starve to death饿死了2. arrive at / come to / draw / reach a conclusion得出结论 in conclusion总之 to conclude 总之3. ridof摆脱,除掉 rid oneself of sth 从中解脱 get/be rid of4. substitute A for B substitute B with A 用A来代替B5. have a say in sth 在有发言权 have no say in 没有发言权have not much say in have the (final) say有决定权6. opposedoing sth反对 be opposed to doing反抗,反对 object to doing be against disagree with7. date back to / date from追溯到out of date过时的up to date8. have a link with/ be linked to(with) 与有联系9. correspond with/to与相符,与一致correspond to(与)相当10. resign oneself to sth / doing sth听任,顺从11. take place发生take the place of sb=take ones place代替某人in place of代替out of place不适当的 in place恰当的12. on the march队伍在行进中,事情进展中 march on 行进,发展13. a just decisionbe just to sb对人公正 n. justice injustice14. calm down风海平静下来,人冷静下来calm ones nerves稳定某人的情绪15. in angeranger sbtremble with anger气得发抖16. make a random choiceat random任意的17. convey to 运送货物,传递表达感情18. a man of virtue有德之人public virtue公德 Hard work and plain living are our traditional virtues.19. be inappropriate / unfit to / for对不合适的20. be unconscious/ unaware of没有意识到He was knocked unconscious. catch sb. unaware 逮住某人走神M9 U41. translate/ put sth frominto将由翻译成2. by and by / before long 3. underline the important words在下面划线underline the importance of the cooperation强调重要性4. kill the fatted calf给予款待5. mend ones ways改过自新6. live in luxury / poverty过着奢侈/贫穷的生活7. in other words换句话说 eat ones words食言 in a word总而言之 word by / for word逐字逐句的8. polish up my shoes擦亮鞋子 polish up/ improve ones English提高某人的英语9. over time随着时间的过去10. a burden to / on ones family某人是家庭的负担 bear the burden承担责任 be burdened with加上担子11. the elders/ the elderly / the aged/ the old elder brotherYou are my elder by three years.你比我大三岁。12. instruct sb to do sth让某人做某事 instruct sb. in sth. instruction instructive13. a high / low salary薪水高 a well-paid job14. be in the possession of某物为某人说拥 be in possession of拥有come into ones possession某物落入某人的手中get / gain / take possession of拿到,占有possessions / riches / treasure(s) / property / wealth /fortune 15. centre around/ round/ on/ upon以为中心 focus on fixon16. under / in no circumstances绝不under / in the circumstances在此情况下17. head / lead / top the list His name stands first on the list make a list ofM10 U11. put pressure/stress on sb. to do 给.施加压力 under great pressure under the pressure of 在压力之下2. claim many peoples lives夺走很多生命 claim to be声称 3. be targeted at / target sth. at针对 4. at risk / in danger处于危险之中 at the risk of doing冒着的风险run / take a risk (risks) run/take the risk of doing risk doing sth. 5. without doubt/ beyond / no doubt 毫无疑问 There is no doubt that 6. be/ stand at a crossroads处在抉择的关键时刻 7. switch from to 从 到转变 8. be dependent on / depend on依靠, 依赖 be independent of不依赖于 9. in debt负债 out of debt in terror in surprise in rags 10. campaign for为 发起运动 11. financial squeeze 经济拮据12. show off展示, 炫耀 show up出现 , 露面 13. sustainable development可持续发展14. put into practice将. 付诸于实践 in practice在实践中 out of practice15. contribute to / make for促成, 引发 16. push for努力争取 push ahead with推动, 义无反顾地推进17. currently/ lately / recently adv.现在, 当前 current affairs时事 currrency 18. a handy tool手边的,随手可得的 19. bare fact不加掩盖的事实 20. casual remarks/ clothes / manners 随意的,非正式的M10 Unit2 1. on the move / go 在旅途中,在迁移中2. look at 思考,考虑,研究中3. be aging/ageing 正在变老 aged adj.4. head for/towards 朝前进5. account for (在数量和比例上)占,占据; 是的原因;对作出解释或说明6. slip out悄悄溜出去,被无意说出7. ones own flesh and blood 某人的亲骨肉,亲人8. make (slight/minor) adjustments 作出(微)调9. exchange address/telephone number 交换地址/电话号码 exchange for 兑换10. take advantage of/make use of 利用 have an advantage / edge over sb. to ones advantage11. word of mouth 言传,口口相传12. get hooked on / be addicted to 对上瘾13. wander around/through/in hang out闲逛,溜达,漫步14. have sth/nothing/much/a lot/little in common with 与有/没有/很多/很少共同之处 in common with 和一样15. submit to 服从,顺从,听从16. vote for/ against sb./sth 投票支持/反对某人/某物17. in vain 徒劳,徒然18. in rags 衣衫褴褛19. plot to do sth 密谋去做某事20. in large numbers / quantities in quantity 大量地21. compensate for/ make up for 弥补22. in part/ partly部分地 M10 Unit3 1. cure sb. of a disease / a bad habit 治好某人的病/坏习惯2. be infected with a disease 染上一种病例3. subscribe to 同意,赞成; 订阅4. it is estimated that 据估计5. heart and soul 全心全意地 body and soul 身心6. distributeto/among 把分发给7. choke back/ hold back / keep back 控制住、忍住8. promote sb. to vice manager 提升某人为副经理 promote sales/ideas/the understanding 9. go blank 变成空白10. bleed to death 流血而死11. be highly addictive 非常让人上瘾 be/become addicted to 对上瘾12. in some cases 在某些情况下 in any case 在任何情况下绝不 in no case/way/sense by no means on no account under(in) no circumstances in case (of) 假使、万一13. digest a report 领会一个报告的精神 14. slide into 滑/溜进(slip into) 学会/养成 slide into / pick up a bad habit15. be in good/bad mood 心情好/差 be in no mood for / to do 没心情做某事16. erase sth from your mind 把从某人的头脑中消除17. with ease 轻松地、轻易地 at ease18. in the first place / firstly / first / first of all 首先、一开始 M10 Unit4 1. in order秩序井然 out of order无序的 keep order 维持秩序 place an order for 订购 Have you ordered? May I have your order? 2. medical/ legal terms 医学/ 法律术语 3. have a hatred of/for 对憎恨4. identify handwriting 识别笔记 be identified as 被列为,被当作是5. break into 闯入 6. keep up 跟上,不落后 keep up high spirits6. view as/regard as/consider as/look on as/think ofas7. a lame excuse 一个蹩脚的借口 a lame cat 跛脚的猫 lame French 8. get into / fall into / slide into /form/develop a habit 养成习惯 be in the habit of有习惯 break / kick / get rid of / get out of the habit out of habit出于习惯9. apply to 应用 apply to sb. for sth. 申请 applied maths application applicant10. be similar to sb. in sth. 11. ripe targets for 是适宜的对象 be ripe for12. a designer watch 有著名设计师设计的手表 by design13. enforce ones ill on sb. 把某人的意愿强加在某人身上14. define as 把什么定义为 15. pose a challenge/ threat / problem to 16. suck the life out of 耗尽生命 17. take to court 把某人告上法庭18. accept an apology / make an apology to sb. for sth. apologize to sb. for sth. 19. be faced with / in face of / facing面对20. go aboard the ship =go on board the ship 上船/ board the ship 21. be in legal / financial straits 在法律/经济的困境中M11 Unit1 1. on upon reflection经再三思考 without reflection轻率, 不经思考be lost in reflection/thought陷入深思之中2. have no option/choice/ but to do sth. 除了.以外没有他法, 只好make ones option/choice进行选择3. be suited /suitable for /to =be fit for 适合某人/事物 be suited/suitable/fit to do sth.适合做某事4. in reality/nature/practice/effect/fact/as a matter of fact事实上5. a piece of baggage/luggage=an article of baggage/luggage 一件行李6. in/by contrast= by comparision比较起来, 用比较方法 in / contrast with/to =in/by comparision with和.形成对比对照7. clear up this mess 把杂乱的东西整理好 clear the matter up阐明这件事 clear up a difficulty/misunderstanding/mystery 解决困难/解除误会/消除疑团8. go about/set about /get down to doing sth.=set out to do sth=begin/start doing/to do sth.着手做某事9. gain /put on weight 增肥 lose weight 减肥10. overall=in general/generally/on the whole 总体来说11. approach/handle/solve/settle/ deal with / do with / cope with a problem 解决问题 an approche to (doing) sth. 做某事的方法12. in a determined manner决然 be determined to do sth.决心做某事 determine to do / make up ones mind to do ones determination to do13. realize fulfil ones ideal(s)实现理想 ideal happiness理想中的幸福an ideal place for a holiday过假日的理想场所14. go into society进入交际界, 常赴宴会 live in society出入交际界 in society 在社会中 in an industrial society 在工业社会 a drama society戏剧社 the Chemical Society of China中国化学学会 15.a highly organized person 很有条理的人 a well-organized office 工作效率高的办事处a badly organized event 组织得不好的事情 organized crime有组织的犯罪活动in an organized way organizer organization16. enterprising children有进取心的孩子 enterprise n.17. explain/describe sth. in detail 详细解释/叙述某事物 detailed informationfor further details 为了知道详细情况 go/enter into detail(s)详述, 逐一细说18.correspond with / to=be consistent with=be in agreetment / correspondence with=agree with与.一致, 符合育星教育网www.ht88.com


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