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Unit 12 Whats the best radio station? SectionA(1a-2c)教材分析本单元的话题是Your town,通过本单元学习,要求学生学会谈论喜好并能用形容词的比较级和最高级对两种或两种以上的事物进行比较,从而掌握一些单音节形容词、多音节形容词的比较级和最高级。 SectionA(1a-2c) 是本单元的第一课时,是本单元的基本知识内容 1a谈论选择电影院的因素哪些重要,哪些不重要,为目标语言的呈现作了词汇方面的铺垫;1b以听力的方式呈现本单元的目标语言:最高级;1c以结对活动的形式口头练习目标语言:谈论喜好及进行比较;2a与2b是有关服装店与电台的调查的听力练习,通过听力进一步练习目标语言,在此基础上又进行了2c对话练习,使目标语言融入情境,学生通过听说练习自然习得目标语言。通过对教材的分析,确定本科的课型是听说课。二 学情分析。学生在第六单元学习了形容词的比较级的用法,学会了对两个事物进行比较,描述。本单元学习学习discuss preferences and make comparisons 这是学生比较感兴趣的话题,又是unit6 d的知识范围的延伸,在讨论交流中可以培养学生运用语言做事的能力。三 教学目标1 培养学生通过泛听选听,了解大意获取具体信息, 让学生听懂谈论what is the best?.is the best 话题的对话。2 让学生能用最高级对事物进行描述、判断,能对事物进行选择和发表自己的看法。3掌握 一些形容词的最高级和一些名词和形容词 如 threater cinema comfortable seat screen close service quality jeans trendy teen funky Fm JM jazz worse worst bargain 掌握句型 it has the biggest screens . it has the most comfortable seat. I think bargain house has the worst quality.4 了解环境,能对周边环境作出评价,能用恰当的方式表达自己的看法。四 重点难点重点:能用形容词的最高级谈论比较事物并作出选择。难点:听力材料较长,语速较快,生字很多,教师须做好足够的铺垫。五教学方法和学法指导为了实现教学目标主要采用3P教学法 以任务为驱动,由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进地深化教学内容,突破重点难点。在教学中引导学生通过观察图片回答问题学会使用认知策略,让学生进行情景对话,实现交际策略,引导学生交际,主动练习和实践是调控策略的表现。六教学流程step1 warming up and revise1 chant good better best , never let it rest ,till good is better ,and better is best.Bad worse worst, never fight against, get better and better ,and youll be the best.Then teacher make a conclusionPlease remember ,well try to do everything best not the worst.I hope you will work hard and be the best.2 comparing two persons 教师一一展示一系列的人物图片让这些任务和学生熟悉的人物图片进行比较进如Joy is shorter than Mr WuMr wu is more outgoing than Mrs XvTom is taller than Joy,Jim is fatter than Joy以上两个任务的设置主要激发学生的兴趣,培养学生的学习情感,复习形容词的比较级。Step2 presentation and practice1 brainstorm what a good movie theater has T: what do you do on weekends? Do you go to see movies? What cinema do you often go to? How far is it from your homeSo it is close to your home. Isnt ? Do you think What a good movie theater has?Student first brainstorm ,then the teacher showisome pictures to explain them.it has comfortable seats it has a big screen. fridenly service new movies.Teacher show some pictures to explain them.教师先让学生以头脑风暴的形式呈现新短语可以让预习过的学生以展示的平台,使他们具有成就感。然后呈现图片学习词汇进行学习短语。这种方法符合学生的认知规律,使学生对词汇理解记忆深刻。2 chant the teacher ask students to hum the following chant togetherBig, big screensCheap, cheap ticketsClose, close to homeFriendly, friendly serviceComfortable, comfortable seatsNew , new moviesIn a fun part of townThats all I want.该环节的设置让学生在轻松愉快中记住新知识。 3 discuss what is important or not important for you to choose a movie theaterhelp students answer like I think two things are important. It has . It is I think things are not important. It has . It is以上环节层层升入环环相扣为为听力的任务做好词汇铺垫2 talk about and compare Yuecheng movie theater Hongqiao movie theater and wenzhou movie theaterteacher show pictures and help students present these sentencesYuecheng theater is closest to my home.It has the cheapest tickets. And the most friendliest servicHongqioa theater is in the fun part of town.And it has the most comfortable seatsWenzhou theater has the biggest screen.And the newest movies.看图描述,既巩固了形容词最高级的用法,又培养了学生获取信息与整合信息的能力。在听力之前,先熟悉形容词最高级扫除了障碍,有利于理解。step 3Listening 1a1bT: You will hear three people talking about several movie theaters in their town. The movie theaters are: town Cinema Screen city movie palace And these are what they think of the movie theaters. Point to the Qualities column. Ask Ss to Go through the statements在听前让学生仔细浏览题目,有助于构建听力背景图式,使听力顺利进行while listening1play the tape for students to listen and find out if they have decided which cinema to go? check answer with the students(Answer they havent decided which cinema to go.)第一遍听材料让学生通过泛听了解大意,让学生带着问题听,可使听更具有目的性,该问题学生须全部听完才能回答,应设置的较为成功2 Play the recording twice .for students to match the cinema with the students.该环节培养学生通过选听获取详细信息为了使学生顺利完成任务,教师指导学生做笔记的技巧,做笔记让他们以t代替Towncinema,S代替Screen city, M 代替Movie palace.CStep 4 practice T: you have a lot of information about the three theaters . now, lets discuss in groups which cinema you are going to.The n each group should give a report to the class.G:1: we are going to screen city, It has the biggest screens.在小组活动中,学生对所获得的信息进行加工,表达自己的观点,达到学以致用的目的。Step5 listening 2a2bBefore listening teacher Read the names of the clothing stores and the radio stations for Ss to repeat.And explain some names like Trendy Teens Funky Fashions Oldies 由于时装店的名词和电台的名词有很多是生词,听前教师进行跟读并解释,既为听力扫清词汇障碍,又能构建听力背景图式,使学生对听力话题有了心理准备。听前让学生浏览问题,while listening1listening and answer which is the best clothing store which is the best radio station第一遍听为通过泛听,了解大意,2 listen and and find out what the boy think of the following clothes store ask students to circle the expressins 培养学生通过选听,获取具体信息。After listening Pair work Role play the reporter and the boy like the conversation in 23练习目标语言,加深对听力了材料的理解。Step6 productionDiscussion Which is the best restaurant for lunch?Ask students to work in group to think out three places to have lunch and then discuss like Whats the best restaurant for lunch? Why? B: I think is the best . Because is Then report to class.该环节让学生在真实的环境中使用目标语言,达到学以致用的目的。Step 7 homework1Practice the language in Grammar Focus. 2 listen to 1a1b2a2b 3. Write a short article to tell the tourists about the best place in yuechengUnit12 what is the best radio station?(sectionA3a-4)一 教材分析本单元的话题是Your town,通过本单元学习,要求学生学会谈论喜好并能用形容词的比较级和最高级对两种或两种以上的事物进行比较,从而掌握一些单音节形容词、多音节形容词的比较级和最高级。Section A(3a_4) 是本单元的第二课时,是前一课知识的拓展和延伸。3a是关于城市中影院、服装店、电台的调查结果的阅读短文,要求学生根据文章内容找出最好的影院、服装店及电台并列举原因,这不仅是对目标语言的阅读练习,而且也培养了学生的阅读能力;3b与4都是在3a的基础上对目标语言的实践性口头练习,要求学生谈论本地的店铺及饭馆,从而练习了最高级及好恶的表达。根据教材分析确定本科的类型是读说课。二学情分析经过三个学期的学习。初二学生具备了相当的英语知识,学生在第六单元学习了形容词的比较级的用法,学会了对两个事物进行比较,描述上一节课又学习了形容词最高级的用法,并对电影院,电视台,店铺的好坏进行比较,他们具备学习本科的认知前提。三 教学目标基于上述教材和学生的特点,及新课标对读说课的要求,确定本科的教学目标是1 培养学生良好的阅读习惯和整体把握文章的能力。2 培养学生用最高级对事物及你想那个描述判断和发表自己看法3 掌握词汇worse worst bargain meal 掌握句型 I think Bargin House has the worst quality. Dannys is the closest. Lets go there.4 让学生了解周围环境,能对周围环境作出判断。四 重点难点根据教材内容和学生的实际情况确定本科的重点难点是重点:培养学生良好的阅读习惯,让学生用形容词最高级描述周围环境,并能作出选择。难点:如何对数据进行分析处理作出合理的决定。五 教法和学法指导为了实现教学目标,采用情景教学法和听说法导入,以任务型教学法为途径,设计生活化的任务,由简到易,循序渐近地突破重点难点,培养学生的读说能力。在教学中引导学生快速浏览,抓住关键词, 通过推理,学会根据现行作出判断。学会使用认知策略,引导学生通过社会实践,对数据进行分析处理是资源策略的体现,引导学生交际主动练习和实践是调控策略的表现。 六 教学流程step1 warming up1chantask the students hum the chant togethergood better best , never let it rest ,till good is better ,and better is best.Bad worse worst, never fight against, get better and better ,and youll be the best.Then teacher make a conclusionPlease remember ,well try to do everything best not the worst.I hope you will work hard and be the best.该环节的设置,吸引学生的注意力,培养学生的学习情感,同时又复习和巩固了good 和bad 的比较级和最高级。2 have a competition to see who knows Yueqing best teacher asks the students questins like which building is the tallest building in Yueqing?what is the best restaurant?what is the largest mall?what is the most beautiful mountain?What is the most delicious food?what store has the most expensive clothesThen students themselves come up with more questions该环节既学习和巩固了形容词的最高级,又使学生更加了解乐清,培养学生热爱家乡的感情。Step 3 pre-reading1make a predictin :what kind of places will be mentioned in the passage?T Im glad to see that: you have known a lot about our hometown. we are going to read survey report about what young people think of the places of their town. Can you guess what kind of places will be mentioned in the report?让学生预测调查报告的内容,开发学生的思维,培养学生的想象力,构造阅读背景图式,并激发学生阅读的欲望。Step4 while reading1. read and find out if students prediction is right让学生把预测的内容和课文实际表达的内容加以比较可以加深对文章的理解。2read and fill in the chart which is the best movie theaterclothing store radion station? Why培养学生查读的能力。3 read and fond out the useful and difficult words and phrases and teacher explain What do think about/ofWhat do think about/of .?” is a useful expression to ask for ones opinion about something.do a survey of . 做的调查This is what we learned. 这是我们所了解到的结果。在本句中learn不是“学习”的意思,而表示“了解到,获悉”as for 就而言Step4 post readingMake a survey of the places of Yueqing (restaurants clothes barber shop)1 brainstorm the well known names of the restarurang clothes stores and barber shop在调查之前先以头脑风暴的形式呈现,乐清比较有名的饭店,服装店,理发店,为调查做好素材准备。2.ask students to work in group, each group choose one kind of place to do a survey of the classmates, they can do do a survey by ask the following questions likewhat is the best clothes store?What clothes store has best quality/What is the worst clothes store?What clothes store is the cheapest?4 choose one member to report to the class.该任务使学生能充分运用目标语言,让目标语言在真实的交际中得到运用,体现了语言的实用性原则,同时培养学生对数据进行分析和处理的能力。Step 5 HomeworkFinish the survey report of Yueqing使目标语言在笔头上得到巩固。Unit12 what is the best radio station (SectionB1a-2c)一 教材分析本单元的话题是Your town,通过本单元学习,要求学生学会谈论喜好并能用形容词的比较级和最高级对两种或两种以上的事物进行比较,从而掌握一些单音节形容词、多音节形容词的比较级和最高级Section B 是本单元的第三课时。1a呈现一些形容词的最高级并分为褒贬两种类型;1b通过对人物简单评价使1a中的词汇有了实用的意义,;2a与2b是有关评论Talent show 的听力练习,此练习也很好地巩固了目标语言;2c是在此基础上的对话练习,这三部分是一个有机整体,对目标语言进行了听说的整合训练。根据教材分析,确定本科的课型是听说课。二 学情分析学生在unit6已学会形容词比较级的用法,学会对两个事物进行比较描述。通过本单元前两节课的学习学生已初步掌握用形容词最高级对事物进行描述和比较。而本科对人物的描述又是学生感兴趣的话题,因此学生具备学习本科的认知前提。三 教学目标基于上述教材和学生的特点以及新课标对听说课的要求,确定本科的教学目标是1培养学生通过global listening selective listening 了解大意,获取具体信息, 指导学生听关键词和做笔记的技巧。使学生听懂关于描述事物和人物的对话。2 能用形容词最高级对事物进行描述判断选择和发表自己的看法。3 掌握词汇positive negative dull loud talent performer talent show 掌握句型 who was the best performer? Elisa was the best performer.4 增加师生同学间的了解。四 重点难点:根据教材内容和学生的实际情况,确定本科的重点难点是重点,能用形容词最高级对事物进行描述,提高学生的听力技能。难点:五 教法和学法指导为了实现教学目标突破重点难点采用.情景教学法,听说法j进行教学 并设计生活化的任务,采取先听后说,以听促说的方法,帮助学生理解和掌握语言交际功能用语。引导学生通过观察画面回答问题,学会使用认知策略,让学生进行情景对话,实现交际策略,引导学生交际主动练习和实践是调控策略的表现。 六 教学流程step1 warming up 1 hum the chant together good better best, never let it rest, till good is better, and better is best.Bad worse worst, never fight against, get better and better, youll be the best.Then teacher encourage the students :try to do everything the best not the worst. Work hard and youll be the best.用上面的chant给学生热身,培养学生的学习情感,激发学生的斗志,复习和巩固了good 和bad 的最高级和比较级Step 3 pre-listening 1 read the words and ell the original forms of these superlatives: Explain the meanings of some new words:“Dull” means not interesting or exciting.“Loud” means making a lot of noise.Tell the meaning of positive words and negative words. Some of the words have good meanings, which we call “Positive words”. For example, “most creative” is a positive word. While others have bad meanings, which we call “Negative words”. The opposite of “most creative” is “dullest”. It is a negative word. Now please write the words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart.2 talk about the students in the class.1First the teacher talk about the students in class by asking the following questions Who is the funniest person in our class?Who is the friendliest person in our class?Who is the quietest person?3 the students describe their classmates using the other positive superlatives .likeTom is the most creative personJim is the most popular person and 该环节学习和呈现一些描写人物的形容词最高级,为听力做好词汇的铺垫,同时增进同学间的了解 ,培养学生的自信心。Talk about the pictures in 2a.T: look at picture in 2a.what are they about? Yes , They are in a talent show. What do these people do at the talent show ?Help students answer:rPicture 1: play guitar upside downPicture 2: sing and play instrumentPicture 3: juggle with ballsPicture 4: play pianoPicture 5: circus 听前通过谈论图片,构建听力背景图式,熟悉听力话题,为听力的顺利进行奠定基础。Step4 while listeningL listen and write the names under the performerThese people are performing at the show. We call them “performers”. (Write “perform” and “performer” on the Bb) Do you want to know who they are? Their names are listed in the box. Lets read them. Now listen and find out who they arei第一遍听为泛听,写出表演者的姓名主要考察学生对听力材料的整体把握。2 listen and write down what people say about the performers该任务为精听,写出人们对表演者的评价,这对学生来说有一定的难度,教师可播放磁带两遍,并指导学生做笔记的技巧,遇到比较长的单词时,可先记单词前面两个字母,听后在补充。3listen and imitate.Step 5 post listening. 1 pairwork ask Ss to look at the information about the talent show ask and answer about: the best performer the funniest performer the most creative performer the worst performer the loudest performerafter 2 minutes ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.该活动有助于巩固目标语言,加深对听力材料的理解。Step6 Homework Make a comment on the TV programmsT: What TV programs do you usually watch? Make a list of at least five and make a comment on each. Use some of the words given.creative, funny, dull, instructive (有教育意义的), popular, bad, interesting, noisy, relaxing, boring, fantastic把目标语言从笔头上的以巩固。Unit12 what is the best radio station(SectionB 3a-4)一 教材分析本单元的话题是Your town,通过本单元学习,要求学生学会谈论喜好并能用形容词的比较级和最高级对两种或两种以上的事物进行比较,从而掌握一些单音节形容词、多音节形容词的比较级和最高级(sectionB3a-4)是本单元的第三课时,3a则是有关Talent show的阅读训练,要求学生用所给词汇填写短文中的空格,锻炼了学生的整体理解能力;3b要求学生根据2b的听力内容进行仿写,这是由读向写的过渡;3c则是一项开放性的写作练习,要求学生想象一个明星的才艺表演并进行写作训练,;4是小组活动,要求采访同学关于不同事物的评价。根据教材分析,确定本科的课型是读写课,目标是指导学生阅读和写作入门,以及培养学生良好的阅读习惯和真题感知能力,从而为今后的高级写作奠定基础,本单元的前面学习都为这一课的学习埋下伏笔。二 学情分析本科的教学对象是初二学生,经过将近三个学期的学习,学生已具备阅读简单语篇和表达简单内容的能力。通过本单元前三节课的学习,学生已基本掌握用形容词最高级描述事物和作出评论,因此具有学习本科的认知前提。三 教学目标基于上述教材和学生的特点,以及新课标对听说课的要求,确定本科的教学目标是1培养学生通过预测,激活背景知识,培养学生用skimming scanning 获取细节信息加深题解准确度,等阅读技能。2 培养学生准确运用形容词最高级对事物进行描述和评论的表达方式。3 理解和掌握下列词汇:success act without together musical 来理解和掌握句型:last weeks talent show was success. Eliza was the 1. 通过谈论preferences 增进师生同学间的了解。四 教学重难点根据教材内容和学生的实际情况,确定本科的重难点是用恰当的语言对talent show 进行描写五 教法和学法指导结合教材及学情,遵循教学原则和认知规律,采用情景教学法和听说法导入话题,采用任务型教学途径,在活动中以以循序渐近法突破重难点。在教学中,引导学生通过预测,熟悉话题,学会使用认知策略,引导学生交际,主动练习和操练实现调控策略,通过调查,对数据进行分析和处理, 这是资源策略的体现。六 教学流程step 1pre-task phaseask the students to hum the chant togethergood better best , never let it rest ,till good is better ,and better is best.Bad worse worst, never fight against, get better and better ,and youll be the best.Then teacher make a conclusionPlease remember ,well try to do everything best not the worst.I hope you will work hard and be the best.该环节的设置,吸引学生的注意力,培养学生的学习情感,激发学生努力学习的决心同时又复习和巩固了good 和bad 的比较级和最高级。Step2 task-introductionThe teacher inform the students what they are going to do and what their final outcome will be.In todays class, we are going to read an article about a talent show after that you are supposed to write a article about our own talent show.告知学生本节课的主要任务体现了师生的民主平等,也有利于学生自主规划,主动参与活动。Step 3 pre-reading task1 review the listening material in last periodT: In the last period, we listened to people talking about the school talent show. Who was the best performer? Who was the most creative performer? Who was the worst? What about Steve and his dog? What do you think of the Math Teachers?Help the students review the talent show by answering these questions.通过对对听力材料天才秀的回顾,帮助学生熟悉阅读的背景知识。2 predict what will be mentioned in the passageT: if we want to write an article about the talent show, do you think what should be included in the passage?Ask the students to brainstorm.通过对文章内容的预测,激发学生阅读的欲望。Step 4 while reading1 read and find out what information of prediction can be found in the passage.让学生将预测的内容和文章实际表达的内容进行比较加深对文章的理解。2 read and fill in the blanks with the words from the box.培养学生通上下文理解词汇的能力。3 read answer the following questions.How was Last weeks talent show?How many acts were there.Who won the prize for the best performer.What did she play?.Who was the quietest performer?.Why do you think he was the quietest performer?.Who won the prize for the funniest act?.What did they sing?该任务主要培养学生通过scanning 获取细节信息的能力。4 read and fill in the chartTalent showWhen: last week How: a great successResults:PrizeWhoWhatthe best performerElizo Clarkplayed a beautiful piano peacethe quietest performerHu Yuedanced without musicthe funniest actSteve Tian and his dog, Fidosang a cute song togetherThen ask students to retell the story according to the information above.该环节检查学生对文章的整体理解能力, 让学生根据表格复述课文,使基础差的学生也有话可说,体现了因材施教的理念。5 read and find out the key structures in the article:. was a great success. (. was great/fantastic/terrible/a big success/awful). won the prize for . The prize for the . went to .Let students make some sentences with these structures. 让学生找出这类文章的结构,有助于学生进行模仿写作,为下以任务做好铺垫。Step 5 post reading1. Write an article about the other performers: T: The article says something about performers Eliza, Hu Yue and Steve. What about other performers? Go back to activity 2b on page 74. Write an article about the other performers: Vera, Dennis, and the Math Teachers. Use information in the chart and the key structures we just learned. Ask Ss to write the article on their own.Then ask some Ss to read their articles to the class.初二上学生的写作刚刚起步,给学生提供的结构和素材,可使写作能顺利进行。2 write an article about our own schoolT: Did you see the talent show in our school? How was the talent show? Write about it now.Allow Ss several minutes to write articles on their own.Ask some Ss to read their articles to the class.经过上面的层层铺垫,使学生独立完成写作有了可能3 Groupwork (Section B: 4)make a an interviewT: Interview three students. Ask them the questions given and write their answers in the chart. Make conversations like this. Allow some minutes for the students to interview each otherThen ask several students to report their findings to the class. Report like this:. says that . is the funniest actor.He/She thinks . is the most creative music video. Step IV Homework Write a report of the interview in activity 4.


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