5-小学-听说教学 逐字稿

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听说教学I have a pen pal1. Warming upHi, my dear children. Happy to see you again. Its a beautiful sunshine day. Now lets begin our class. First, Lets listen to a song of Zhang Peng: : My new pen pal. My new pen pal. He likes to sing. He can sing so loud. My new pen pal. My new pen pal. He likes to play. He plays ping-pong. Itsverybeautiful, right? What is this song about? Yes, its about Zhang Pengs new pen pal. Now I will divide you into 2 groups. Boys are group1, girls are group 2. Who is better, who can get more apples for your friends, OL? So come on, Lets sing it together. One, two, three, go! Wonderful! I think you all sing very well. So two apples for your groups.2. Lead in & PresentationFrom this song, we can see Zhang Pengs new pen pal has so many hobbies. So I want to ask you how much do you know me? Can you guess what are my hobbies? Please look at the pictures on the PowerPoint. There are five hobbies. Two of them are my hobbies. Now guess! The first one, playing foot ball. Lily,please. No, I dont like it. It doesnt matter, Come on! The second one, Sally,please. Wow!Bingo! I like playing ping-pong. Good guessing!One apple for you. The third one, going shopping, I want the tall boy, yes, you. No, I dont like going shopping. I often buy things on the Internet. The fourth one, reading books. All of you said yes? No, you are wrong! I dont like reading books. I often read stories with my phone. The last one. Singing songs. All of you guess it together. Great! I like it very much. And I often teach you songs, right? So today I want to teach you a new song, an English song-Jasmine Flower. Follow me, Jasmine Flower. Jasmine Flower. Do you know the meaning of it? Who knows? No? Lets listen it. I think most of you have heard it before. Listen carefully. 好一朵美丽的茉莉花。Do you remember? Lets say it together! Yes, you all did a good job. Now can you sing together? Fantastic! You all sing very well. Clap for yourselves!Now I have a question, if you dont want to write a letter to your pen pal, what can we do? Vivian, please. Yes, we can send emails. You are so clever. One apple for you. Here is a listening material, lets listen to the tape of lets try part. Zhang Peng is talking with Oliver about his pen pal. After listening, you should finish the exercise of “True or False”. OK, thats all. Who can give us the right answer? What about Tom, please. Yes, Peter likes playing basketball, thats the correct answer! Lets give him a big hand. One apple for you.This time lets look at the picture of lets talk part. Then listen to the tape. While listening, you can read it in low voice and find the answers of the following two questions:Q1: What are Peters hobbies?Q2: Which song will Zhang Peng teach?Well. Thats all. Who can answer the first question? Do you know the meaning of this sentence pattern? The girl in red. Well done. And the answer of this question? Excellent! I think you must listen very carefully. One apple for you. Here please pay more attention to the sentence pattern: What are his/ her hobbies? He/ She likes.Please read after me. Good job! Now question 2? The boy in the corner. Dont be shy, just try. Excellent. Jasmine Flower. I know you can answer! One apple for you. Lets clap for them. I think all of you have grasped the dialogue. Now lets listen again and follow the tape. I heard Lilys voice. Read loudly, OK? Theres nothing difficult for you.3. PracticeWow, I heard the voice of all of you. Next Lets have a role play. One can be Zhang Peng. One can be Oliver. 3 minutes will be given to you. Are you clear? Here we go! Times up. Which group can have a try? Leo, please. You will be Zhang Peng, and Cici, you will be Oliver, right? Ok! Begin! Well done. You all did a good job. Any others? Jimmy and your partner, Jimmy, you will be Oliver. And your partner is Zhang Peng. Lets begin! I like the pronunciation of you two. So class, which group is better? ? You think Leos group is better? Oh, its your idea, I think they all brave. They set a good example for us. We should clap for both of the groups. Each of your group can get two apples.I think you are very familiar with the dialogue, now can you have a pair work by using the sentence pattern:What are his/her hobbies? He/She likes.2 minutes for you. Go!Ding Dong, times over. Who can be the first one? The girl near the window with your partner, please. What are his hobbies? He likes reading books. Well done. I like your pronunciation. 4. ProductionAfter the pair work, lets have a survey. Here is a passage about my pen pal. I need you to interview your best friend in our class and form a new passage to introduce him/her, you should use the new sentence patterns we have learnt today and then show in front of the class. I will give you 5 minutes. Go! Wow, a hot discussion! But times limited. Who wants to try first? Group1, The girl in glasses. You are so excellent. Who is your best friend? Oh, Lisa. She is really very beautiful. She likes singing Chinese songs and drawing pictures. Perfect! Next one, I want a boy. Jerry. Wonderful! So I guess your friend is Tom, right? Terrific! Whatever, we should know“Happiness is the man who is living by his hobby.” 3. Summary and homeworkHow time flies! I want one student to sum up what we have learnt today. Who can? Lisa, please. Wow, you have a good conclusion! Look at the blackboard, who is the winner today?Oh,girls! You are the best, congratulations! boys, come on!As for your homework, please introduce your pen pal to your parents and show with us next class. So class is over, see you. 4. Blackboard designI have a pen pal-What are his/her hobbies? “Jasmine Flower”-He/She likes. 5


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