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形容词和副词1A new _ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.Anormal Busual Cregular Dcommon解析:考查形容词的辨析。normal意为“正常的,正规的”;usual表示“惯常的,通常的”;regular意为“有规律的”;common表示“普通的,共同的”。句意:一趟开往天津机场的新班车两个月前开始运营。依句意可知开往天津机场的新班车是按规定时间运营的,即“有规律的”,故选regular。答案:C2Believe it or not,swimming is_ as any to lose unwanted weight.Aa way as good Bas a good way Cas a way good Das good a way解析:考查固定短语。as.as表示“和一样”,固定表达方式有“asadj./adv.as”“asadj.a/ann.as”等。答案:D3David got a higher grade in the final exam,for,you see,he made _ mistakes.Afew Bfewer Clittle Dless解析:考查形容词比较级。所填词修饰可数名词mistakes,且根据题干意思是否定,由前一分句中的higher可知所填词用比较级,因此选B。答案:B4Do you think that the 11th Chinese National Games were a success?Yes,_ !It couldnt be _ .Arelatively;better Bapproximately;worseCabsolutely;better Dfortunately;worse解析:本题考查副词和形容词在语境中的运用。relatively 相对地,比较地;approximately 大约;absolutely 当然是,绝对正确;fortunately 幸运地。根据语境知,第十一届全运会绝对是一个成功的盛会,没有比它更好的了,故C项正确。答案:C5He is the only man _ here after the earthquake.Aliving Balive Clive Dlively解析: alive, live, living都有“活的,有生命的”意思,与dead意义相反。alive为表语形容词,作定语时要置于名词后;而live和living通常只作前置定语。lively意为“活泼的”,不符合句意。答案:B6Ive always been very _ about giving my address and QQ number to strangers.Acurious BconcernedCcautious Dconfused解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:把我的地址和QQ号给陌生人我总是很谨慎。curious “好奇的;求知欲强的”;concerned “担心的;忧虑的;关注的”;cautious “谨慎的;小心的”;confused “困惑的”。答案:C7My grandfather is as _ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.Aenthusiastic Benergetic Ctalkative Dsensitive解析:依据后半句hates sitting around doing nothing all day 可知这里表示“精力充沛的”,故选B项。enthusiastic热情的;talkative 健谈的;sensitive 敏感的。答案:B8Even students with _ intelligence can be excellent students after bettering their study habits.Aaverage Bunusual Csplendid Dpopular解析:考查形容词辨析。average 表示“一般的,平常的”;unusual 表示“异乎寻常的”;splendid 表示“极好的,壮丽的”;popular 则表示“流行的”。根据语意,此处表示“智力一般的学生在改进学习习惯之后也能变得很出色”,所以选A项。答案:A9Young people go to college with the expectation that_ educated people get a higher pay.Agood Bbetter Cbest Dthe best解析:本题考查形容词、副词的比较级。句意为:年轻人上大学,带着这样的期望得到更好教育的人会得到更高的工资报酬。所以本题应该选择B项。答案:B10The increase of the number of the students makes the limited computers not_ to each student.Aavailable Baffordable Chelpful Dacceptable解析:考查形容词词义辨析。语境为:学生数量的增加使有限的电脑不够每个学生都使用。固定短语be available to意为“可享受的,可得到的,可使用的”。be helpful to对有帮助的,有益的,有用的;affordable付得起的,不太昂贵的;acceptable可接受的,合意的,可承受的,可忍受的。语境暗示学生多,电脑少,因此应是不够用。答案:A11Though many extra planes and trains are used to carry passengers,traffic tools are still_ needed during the “May Day” holidays.Aeagerly Bbadly Cequally Dslightly解析:考查副词。尽管增加了许多航班和火车班次以便运送旅客,但是在五一假期里交通工具还很急需。eagerly 热切地;badly很,非常;equally 平等地;slightly略微,稍微。只有B项符合语意。答案:B12When you study the local map,youll find this town is_ .Atwice the size of that oneBtwice as a large town as thatCtwice as larger as that oneDtwice as larger a town as that解析:句意:当你研究当地的地图时,你会发现这座城镇是那个的两倍大。倍数的表达方式:A is 倍数the名词(如size/length)of B;B项中不定冠词位置错误;C、D项中as后应用形容词原级。答案:A13Do you like cats?Of course.They mean _ a kind of pet to their masters.Abetter than Bmore thanCno more than Dnot more than解析根据语境可知,应选more than表示“不仅仅”的意思,相当于not only。后半句句意:猫不仅仅是一种宠物。其余选项不符合语境,no more than意为“仅仅,只不过”;not more than意为“不比多,少于”;better than意为“比更好”。答案B14Sorry, somebody borrowed the book last week,but Ill let you know once it is_ .Apossible Bprobable Cavailable Dpunctual解析:句意为:对不起,上周有人把书借走了,但一旦有的话,我会让你知道。available 可得到的;probable 可能的;punctual 准时的。答案:C15My mom once worked in a very small village school,which is_ only on foot.Aacceptable Badequate Caccessible Dappropriate解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:我妈妈曾经在一个小村庄的学校教书,这所学校只有步行才能到达。这里用accessible 表示“可进入的,可接近的”。acceptable 可接受的;adequate 适当的,充分的;appropriate 合适的,适当的。答案:C


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