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VocabularyA Previewmonster n. 怪物attack vt. 袭击;攻击 attack n. 攻击;抨击;(疾病)侵袭attack a problem/ ones dinnerheart attack/ under attackfootprint n. 脚印;足迹 compound word: foot + print footprint police + man policemanhairy adj. 毛的;多毛的 hair n. + -y hairy adj. rain n. + -y rainy adj.frightening adj. 吓人的,令人恐惧的frightened adj. 害怕的;受惊的exciting adj. 使人兴奋的,令人激动的excited adj. 兴奋的,激动的;受刺激的creature n. 动物;生物 creature of habit 信守常规者;例行公事者creature of reason 理性的人sharp adj. 锋利的;尖的 聪明的 大幅度的journal n. 杂志;学报;期刊 journal n. + -ist journalist biology n. + -ist bilologistpiano n. + -ist pianistsighting n. (珍奇动物等的)目击;发现 sight n. 视力;视野;景象 sight v. 看见;发现 + -ing sighting n.mysterious adj. 神秘的 mystery n. 神秘,神秘的事物claim vt. 声称 claim + that从句 claim responsibility for sth./ the creditsdive vi. 潜水 diving n. 潜水;跳水 run v. 跑 running n. calm adj. 平静的;(人)从容不迫的 keep calm/ in a calm voice vi安静下来,平静下来 calm down sceptical adj. 怀疑的;不相信的 have doubts about/ doubt aboutunlikely adj. 不可能的Snow seems unlikely today.Shes unlikely to arrive before 7 oclock.Its unlikely that he got injuredvolcanic adj. 火山的 volcano n. 火山cover vt. 占地(多大面积);行走(一段路);报道,采访;覆盖n盖子;覆盖物adapt vi. 适应;适合 adapt to adaptation n. 适应,顺应;改编本disappear vi 不见;消失 appear + dis- disappear agree + dis- disagreeextinct adj. 绝种的;消亡了的 extinction n. 灭绝;消亡die out 灭绝evolve vi. 进化;演变 evolution n. 进化;演变;发生Warming UpMatch the words with the definitions.attack, claw, creature, dinosaur, footprint,hairy, monster, spirit, tail1. an animal, especially if you dont know what kind of animal it is.2. an unknown animal that is big and frightening.3. with a lot of hair4. The mark left on the ground by a foot5. a part that sticks out at the back of an animals body6. a large animal that lived thousands of years ago7. something that continues to exist after death8. the sharp nails that some animals and birds have on their feet9. to use violence against someoneReadingSkimming Read the beginning of the passage and decide where it comes from.A. a tourist guide B. a newspaperC. a dictionary D. a scientific journalReadingSkimmingRead through the passage quickly and get the main idea.The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” is back in the news after several recent sightings.ReadingScanningFind out the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1 the most recent sighting of the “Monster of Lake Tianchi”Para 2 another recent sighting of the Tianchi monsterPara 3 a third report of the Tianchi monsterPara 4 more information about the Tianchi monsterPara 5 information of Tianchi LakeReadingCareful ReadingRead paragraph 1, answer the following questions.1. _ said that the monster seemed to be black in color.A. A group of soldiersB. A local photographerC. Meng FanyingD. Xue Junlin2. What did the monster do in the latest sighting?3. What did a local photographer claim the monster to be like?4. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is not in accordance with the descriptions of the monster?A. It was watched swimming for about 3 minutes.B. It was greenish-black.C. It had a round head.D. It had 10-centimetre horns.5. According to paragraph 3, what do the underlined words refer to?Ten minutes later the monster appeared again and repeated the action. 6. Why were Li Xiaohe and his family able to see the monster clearly?7. According to paragraph 4, when was the monster first sighted?8. What do many people think about the monster?9. What do scientists think about the reports?10. How big and how high is the Tianchi Lake?11. What is special about this lake?ReadingLanguage Points1. journal n. 杂志;学报;期刊 journal n. + -ist journalist biology n. + -ist bilologistpiano n. + -ist pianist2. several recent sightingssight n. 视力;视野;景象v. 看见;发现 synonym: spotsight + -ing sighting n. (珍奇动物等的)目击;发现 sighting is when someone sees something3. the monster, which seemed to be black in colour seem to do seem to be doingseem to have done seem to be doneIt seems that It seems as if/thoughIt seems likeThere seems to beThe girl seemed to be dozing.那个女孩看起来似乎在打瞌睡。She seemed to have been informed of the news.It seemed that she had been informed of the news.她似乎已经被告知这个消息了。It seems like years since we last met.我们似乎好几年不见了。4. got a clear look at the mysterious creaturemysterious adj. 神秘的 mystery n. 神秘,神秘的事物5. Xue Junlei.claimed that its head looked like a horse.claim vt. 声称claim to do/ to have doneclaim + that从句 claim responsibility for sth./ the credits6. .they saw the animal moving on the surface of the waterThe soldiers.watched the creature swimming for about two minutes.see/ watch/ hear sb + doing 看见/看着/听见某人正在做某事7. A third report came from Li Xiaohe, who was visiting the lake with his family. 序数词前用不定冠词a修饰,表示“又一;再一”。 The cakes are delicious. Hed like to have _ third one because _ second is rather too small.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a 8. Ten minutes later, the monster appeared again and repeated the action. Something which appears can be seen. vi.出现,显现 appear + dis- disappear vi. 不见,消失 agree + dis- disagree vi. 不同意 When something is repeated, it is done once again. vt.重复,复述; vi.重复出现 read + re- reread vt. 重读 elect + re- reelect vt. 重选9. There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi.There be 某处有There have been an old church in that town since long ago.很久以前那座城市里就有一个旧教堂了。There used to be an old temple here.从前这儿有一座寺庙。There seemed to have been a quarrel.似乎有过一场争吵。There might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world.在世界的其他湖里有可能也存在着类似的动物。10. .the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster. .there might be similar creatures in other lakes. 二者均表示可能,也许;might较may语气更不确定11. .the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. unlikely adj. 可能性不大的 Rain seems unlikely tomorrow. 明天不大可能下雨。 Its unlikely that he arrive on time. 他不大可能按时到达。 She is unlikely to enjoy the movie. 她不大可能喜欢那部电影。12. It.covers an area of about ten square kilometers. 覆盖了十平方公里的面积 The book covers all aspects of city life. 这本书涵盖城市生活的各个方面。 The clouds covered the whole sky. 云彩遮蔽了整个天空。


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