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人教版小学五年级英语下册unit4 What are you doing单元测试卷1带答案基础全练全测一、【四会词汇】根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词或短语。(22分)1.画画_ 2.做饭_ 3看书_ 4.接电话_ 5听音乐_ 6.打扫房间_7写信_ 8.写电子邮件_ 9妈妈(口语)_10爷爷;外公(口语)_ 11书房_二、【二会词汇】根据所给英语写出相应的汉语意思。(18分)1talk_ 2Childrens Center_3see you later_ 4speak to_5hold on_ 6call_三、【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(60分)()1.What are you doing? ()2.I am doing the dishes.()3.This is Zhang Peng. 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/()4.Im reading a book.()5.Whats your father doing?()6.Hes writing an email.()7.Grandpa is writing a letter.()8.Brother is doing homework.()9.Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.()10.Hes writing an email in the study. A哥哥在写家庭作业。 B妈妈在厨房做饭。 C你的爸爸在做什么? D我是张鹏。 E他在书房写电子邮件。 F你在做什么? G我在看书。 H我在洗碗碟。 I他在写电子邮件。 J爷爷在写信。综合全练全测听力部分(40分) 一、听音,选择相对应的图片。(8分)()1.A. ()2. B.()3. C. ()4. D.二、听音,判断对(T)错(F)。(8分)1._ 2._3._ 4._三、听音,选择正确的图片。(12分)()1.A. B.()2.A. B.()3.A. B.()4.A. B.四、听音,补全句子。(12分)1. John is _ in the river.2 .Is Ann _ _ _?Yes, she is.3What is your _ doing?He is _ _ _ .笔试部分(60分)五、写出下列动词的现在分词形式。(8分)1do_ 2.read_ 3cook_ 4.make_ 5fly_ 6.write_ 7swim_ 8.wash_ 六、连词成句。(12分)1. are, doing, you, what(?)_2. Tom, homework, doing, is(.)_3. make, snowman, she, a, can(?)_4. is, Larry, this, Aunt(.)_七、火眼金睛选一选。(10 分)()1.What is the emergency number in Canada?A911 B999 C000()2. _ are they doing? They are playing computer games.AWho Bwhat CWhat()3.Is your _ running now?Yes, he is.Abrother Bsister Cmother()4.What is Miss White doing?_AHe is reading a book. BShe is writing a letter. CI am singing.()5._ you playing football?Yes, we _ .AAre;are BDo;do CIs;is八、根据图片内容完成下列句子。(16分) 1. Wang Ming is _ .2. What can Mike _? He can _ .3 What is Zhang Peng _ ? 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/He is_.4The children are _.九、阅读对话,回答问题。(8分)Sarah: Hello. Miss White.Miss White: Hi, Sarah. How is everybody doing?Sarah: Just fine. Amy is reading a comic book. Zhang Peng is cleaning the windows. Mike is sweeping the floor. Chen Jie is drawing a picture.Miss White: Cool. Everyone is busy.1. Who is drawing a picture?_2. What is Amy doing?_3. Is Zhang Peng sweeping the floor?_4. What is Mike doing?_十、根据图片提示,补全短文。(6分) Dad Mom IThere are three people in my family. Look!Dad_Mom_I am doing my homework.I love my family.听力原文一、1. A: What are you doing, Mike?B: Im sweeping the floor.2. A: What is Miss White doing?B: She is writing an email.3. A: What is Sarah doing?B: She is writing a letter.4. A: Is Amy watching TV?B: No, she is cooking dinner.二、1. John is reading a book.2. Zhang Peng is doing the dishes.3. Father is writing an email.4. Sister is listening to music.三、1.A: What is Zhang Peng doing?B: He is reading a book.2. A: Is your mother cleaning the room?B: No, shes writing a letter.3. A: What are you doing, Amy?B: Im listening to music.4. A: Whats John doing?B: Hes watching TV.四、1.John is swimming in the river.2. Is Ann answering the phone?Yes, she is.3What is your grandpa doing? He is watering the flowers.答案基础全练全测一、1.draw pictures2.cook dinner3.read a book4answer the phone5.listen to music6clean the room7.write a letter8.write an email9mom10.grandpa11.study二、1.讲话2.儿童活动中心3.再见4.和讲话5等一下6.打电话三、1.F2.H3.D4.G5.C6.I7.J8.A9B10.E综合全练全测一、1.C2.A3.D 4.B二、1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T三、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B四、1.swimming2.answering the phone3grandpa, watering the flowers五、1.doing2.reading3.cooking4.making5flying6.writing7.swimming8.washing六、1.What are you doing?2. Tom is doing homework.3. Can she make a snowman?4. This is Aunt Larry.七、1.A2.C3.A (根据he 来判定。)4. B(根据Miss White来判定。)5A(根据we 来判定。)八、1.cleaning the room2.do,play the piano3doing,watching TV4.planting trees九、1.Chen Jie is drawing a picture.2. She is reading a comic book.3. No, he isnt.4. He is sweeping the floor.十、There are three people in my family. Look!Dad is_writing_an_emailMom is_cooking_dinnerI am doing my homework.I love my family.科目一考试 http:/km1.jsyst.cn 科目一模拟考试 仿真考试 最新试题


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