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Good Im very pleased and honored to have been invited to participate in the 2012 presentation of the annual China Carving Art Festival & Huian International Stone CarvingCompetition with so many distinguished colleagues and stone carving artists. I hope that our time here today may contribute towards achieving mutual benefits and objectives. 下午好,我很荣幸被邀请参加2012年中国惠安雕刻艺术品博览会,并与各位嘉宾与雕刻艺术家共襄盛举。我希望我们这次参会能够达成双赢互利的目标。On the Branding of Huian Stone Carving Products 谈惠安雕艺品牌营销Kurt E.Aanensen美国格治 安尼生Abstract The key to successful marketing is contained in essentially two principals: gaining and persistently enhancing the buyers recognition of the sellers products and their inherent value, and establishing and continually building the sellers relationship to the buyers. This paper is to research how to bring the Huian stone carving industry the world-wide recognition it deserves and how we can launch a brand which will be trigger that recognition in order to gain sales in a foreign market . Key words: Huian Stone Carving;Branding;Event marketing摘要 :成功品牌营销包含两个原则: 如何持续强化买家对产品的认同以及产品的内在价值,并强化供应商与买家之间关系。这篇论文目的就是探讨如何使惠安雕艺获得世界范围的认同并通过惠安雕艺品牌营销获得品牌认同从而增加国外市场销售。关键词:惠安石雕;品牌战略;The Huian stone carving industry has a wonderful and rich 2000-year history before Quanzhou was established in 718 during the Tang Dynasty (618907). During the Maritime Silk Road, the name of no city was more resonant than Quanzhou known by seafaring merchants during the maritime silk route as Zaitong (Zaitun), as a port distinguished by the hundreds of huge ships docked in the bay.Delicate construction relics and stone carvings witness the prosperity of Zaitun, the ancient Quanzhou city.That is the charming art of stone carving.惠安石雕的历史早于建于唐代的泉州刺桐城,已经有2000多年的历史。在海上丝绸之路鼎盛时期,作为千帆云集的港口城市,当时世界上没有其他城市比刺桐城更出名。精美的古建筑遗址与石雕见证了刺桐城-这座古代港口城市的繁华。这就是石雕的魅力。But Quanzhou is perhaps know less around the world for its oldest and most enduring tradition, that of the oldest and most established stone carving culture in the world. Today Id like to discuss how the Zaitong - Huian Stone carving industry can elevate and convert the regions remarkable heritage to worldwide recognition and fame, and use the “branding” that results to open foreign markets to your products. 然而现在具有古老而悠久的历史的泉州在世界上没有当年那么出名了。今天我要探讨泉州惠安的石雕产业如何提升这个杰出的区域性文化遗产在世界上的知名度,如何采用品牌战略使惠安雕艺获得世界级的品牌认同从而打开国外市场。The key to successful marketing for any industry is contained in essentially two principals: gaining and persistently enhancing the buyers recognition of the sellers products and their inherent value, and establishing and continually building the sellers relationship to the buyers. It sounds very simple, but if you have something that everyone knows and recognizes as being desirable and of having value, AND youre able to establish and build relationships with the people who want those products, then you have built a guaranteed path to financial prosperity. 任何行业的成功品牌营销策略都包含两个原则: 如何持续强化买家对产品的认同以及产品的内在价值,强化供应商与买家之间关系。说起来简单,如果你有某种产品广为人知并其需求价值被认同,你就能够跟潜在客户建立关系,然后你踏上了一条通向经济成功的康庄大道。I want to discuss ideas on how we can all work together to bring the Zaitong - Huian stone carving industry the world-wide recognition it deserves and how we can launch a brand which will be trigger that recognition in order to open sales in a new foreign market. 我在这边与在座各位一起探讨的是我们如何使泉州惠安的石雕产业获得世界范围的品牌认同,如果通过启动品牌营销战略帮助惠安石雕打入新国外市场。While the Zaitong - Huian stone carving industry is famous throughout the east for its superb craftsmanship and products, I believe that it should be equally recognized throughout the world. Our challenge becomes to introduce and gain awareness and recognition for the unique Zaitong - Huian stone carving culture and 2000-year heritage in the west. 当泉州惠安石雕产业在因其高超的工艺与产品在东方闻名遐迩,我相信惠安雕艺产品同样可以在世界上的其他地方获得世界范围的认同。我们所面临的挑战是如何向西方介绍并增加西方消费者对工艺独特的惠安石雕及其2000多年文化遗产的认同。The question is, how do we create an environment where when someone hears “stone carving” or monuments they will immediately think of “Zaitong - Huian?” How do we build that connection, so that the two become interchangeable in the minds of the worlds consumers? How do we position a Zaitong - Huian brand so that when people seek the absolute best, they immediately recognize that they must have products from Zaitong - Huian? Thousands of books have been written on marketing principals, and there are just as many specialists aroundthe world all of which promise various methods for gaining a reputation and positioning a brand in the marketplace for specific products. But universal, off the shelf solutions, advertising strategies and websites can only take you so far. 问题是,如何创造一个语境当有人听到石雕或纪念碑之类的关键词他们就马上回想起泉州惠安?如何建立这种联系,以使这两个词在世界各地消费者心中互相联系?如何定位泉州惠安品牌导致消费者需要选择最好的产品或工艺时,他们立刻认同泉州惠安的品牌呢?关于营销策略的书籍汗牛充栋,世界上有很多专业人士都声称各种方法有助于获得声誉并为特定产品在市场上进行品牌定位。但是撇开这些纸上谈兵的方法,有个共同之处是所有的广告策略与网络营销影响效力都是有限的。Our objective is to achieve a world-wide level of recognition of Zaitong - Huian as the leading artisans, manufacturers and exporters of carved stone products and monuments on the planet. In the west, everyone wants the latest fashion from Paris. Everyone wants beer from Bavaria. Cigar connoisseurs want cigars from Cuba. Why? Because in the minds of consumers, these regions are synonymous with their particular products and represent the best quality that money can buy. Our challenge will be to make Quanzhou and the Zaitong - Huian Brand of products interchangeable and so recognizable and familiar to people around the world that they will immediately make the association that products bearing the Huian brand are of the highest quality and the best that money can buy. When they hear the name Zaitong - Huian we want them to immediately reference the perception we have built: the worlds best quality stone products. 我们的目标是如何使惠安作为世界上最优秀的雕刻技师、生产者与出口供应商的代名词。在西方,每个人都知道最新流行的款式来自巴黎,最好的啤酒来自巴伐利亚,雪茄鉴赏家独钟古巴的产品。为什么呢?因为在消费者的心目中,这些地区成为某种产品的代名词,代表了金钱所能购买的最佳品质。我们面临的挑战是如何让泉州惠安的品牌与石雕工艺产品互相联系,并在世界范围内广受认同。消费者说起石雕就马上联想到惠安品牌的最好质量与最高性价比。当他们听到泉州惠安这个名字就能立刻感知这是世界上最好的石刻产品。While websites, competitions and expositions are excellent venues for raising greater awareness of the e Zaitong - Huian regions stone carving culture and products andhave proven their ability toraise awareness of the culture and industry, I believe that these efforts alone cannot generate sufficient interest, or even reach enough people to build an international “brand” that can benefit your region. 同时网站、工艺比赛与展览也是很好的方式提升消费者对泉州惠安雕艺文化认知,通过这些证明实力的活动来提升消费者对产业与文化认知,还不足于把惠安雕刻打造成国际性的品牌。So what will? What can the Zaitong - Huian region send out into the world that can be seen and recognized by so many people that it cannot fail to create a lasting impression? And once that impression is made, how can this region use it to generate financial rewards? 那什么样的方式可以使泉州惠安雕艺这个区域品牌具有国际性的知名度并让足够多的人认识,而具有一种持久不衰的知名度呢。而这种国际形象一旦达成,如果为整个区域带来经济上的回报呢?I believe that question leads us to some exciting opportunities. But before we get in to the specifics of answering exactly WHAT we can create that will generate the interest we need, we must first think of the opportunities that lie in forming RELATIONSHIPS. 我相信对这个问题的思考将把我们引向一些激动人心的机遇。但在回答我们可以得到什么具体回报的答案之前,我们必须先思考如何抓住机会与和客户建立牢固不破的业务关系。Id like to tell you about how it is that I actually came to be here, and how a relationship formed across continents brought us together today. 我想告诉大家今天我为什么会出席今天的这个盛会,这个跨越大陆联系是如何在今天让我们聚在一起的。Several months ago, I awoke and opened my email. I was checking for any urgent matters that might require my attention before I started my regular day. Nothing grabbed my attention so I began to delete the usual spam that fills our boxes each day.As I marked the emails, I noticed a subject line which read “point carving for Kurt E Aanensen.” 几个月前,当我正如平时工作习惯那样,先打开邮箱查看是否有紧急邮件需要我处理,我开始清理一些垃圾邮件时发现一个邮件主题上写着“格治 安尼生先生的影雕”Suddenly, a memory jumped at me.I remembered a visit to China from many years ago. I remembered walking through a large crowd in front a large building hung with red banners. I remembered the deafening sound of a dozen men beating a giant drum. I closed my eyes, and the sights and sounds of Quanzhou filled my mind. They were joyful memories. 忽然以前的记忆重新映射在我的脑海中,我记得我很多年前的一次中国之旅。我记得穿过一大群人走入挂着很多红色标语的高大建筑,我还记得那震耳欲聋的安塞腰鼓的巨大声响。我闭上双眼,有关泉州的影像与声音的记忆充满了我的内心,都是一些令人内心激动的记忆啊。I opened my eyes and opened the email. The authors name was familiar to me: John Wong. 我睁开眼睛打开邮件,作者的名字是那么让我熟悉:John WongThree phrases in Johns email caught my eye as I quickly read it. 1. photo of Mr. Kurt E. Aanensen, who,2. visited Quanzhou, China in 1996.3. I have been trying to contactMr. Aanensenfor the past 16 years. 当我快速阅读邮件时,John的邮件中的三句话首先抓住我的眼球。1.格治安尼生先生的照片2.1996中国泉州之旅3.16年来一直在找寻安尼生先生By evoking the history of my visit to Quanzhou, Johns email evoked a collection of perceptions and memories from my past which led me to perceive that this email could be of great importance to me. When I opened the email, I saw there was an attachment. It was a photograph of a very skillfully created portrait of me, as I had looked many years ago. My portrait had been etched into the dark surface of a stone tablet. As I looked at it I was transported back to a time long ago. John的邮件唤起了我过去的记忆,让我感觉这是一封对我很重要的邮件。我打开邮件,我看到一个附件,是一雕刻细腻的肖像的照片,那是我多年前样子的影雕作品,我的肖像雕刻在黑色石板的表面。当我凝视着这张照片,我多年前的记忆再次重现。When John wrote, I have been trying to contactMr. Aanensenfor the past 16 years,I was greatly impressed. Not only had John remembered me from our brief meeting but he had made several attempts throughout the past 16 years to find me. Not only did I feel valued as a customer to see that someone would work this hard to reach me after all these years, but his efforts showed a remarkable integrity. This was a man who would not quit in his determination to keep his promise: that he would mail me the carving when it was finished. John写到,在过去十六年来他一直都在找寻安尼生先生。我受到很大的触动,不只是John在我们短暂见面后还能记得我,还有他在过去十六年中还多次找寻我。我不只是感受作为消费者所受到的重视而且感受到在过去这么多年他还一直想跟我取得联系毅力。他的努力展示了一种了不起的诚实。一个人为了信守承诺而绝不放弃的决心。 当时我想这个邮件得马上回复。This email deserved an immediate response.By reminding me of our past relationship, John Wong effectively reached out across time and space in order to establish a brand new relationship on the foundations of a previous relationship. This new relationship is already leading us both towards the satisfaction of mutual goals and enrichment. It was the past, brought in to the present,providing the basis to build a new reality and future. 他的信让我记起我们以前的业务关系,同时王先生成功地跨越时空在以前的业务关系基础上建立一个全新的关系。这种关系引导我们双方朝向新的共同努力的目标与事业发展。是过去的经历带来了现在友谊,以及在这基础上建设新的现实与未来。If one single member of the stone carving industry could so effectively reach out and connect across the continents, why not an entire region of artists and craftsman? 如果石雕行业的一个体可以如此有效地跨洋过海与外界取得联系并建立合作关系,为什么整个地区的艺术家与工艺师不呢?Many of you are familiar with Admiral Marco Polo and Zheng He who during the Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty opened and laid the foundation on which the trade and commerce of the “Silk Road” was built; an historical network of trade routes that connected the East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean and European civilizations and markets, as well as parts of North and East Africa. The Silk Road which had it point of origin in Chinas most important and largest port of Zaitung and generated cultural and commercial exchange between cultures and civilizations which had previously been separated by seemingly insurmountable barriers: geography, distance and time and the lack of diplomatic and trade relationships. 大家都熟知元代与明代的时候马可波罗与郑和为了海上丝绸之路的商贸往来奠定了基础;同时在历史上联系了东亚、南亚、中亚与地中海还有欧洲文化与市场贸易网络,同时这也是与北非与东非贸易的一部分。作为中国在海上丝绸之路最大的也是最重要一个港口泉州刺桐城,在当时缺少外交与贸易关系的情况下,跨越时空、地理等当年看起来不可逾越的鸿沟而建立文化与商业的联系。The opening of the Marine Silk Road opened the door to the Worlds first great era of Globalization resulting in an unprecedented level of intercultural communication and commerce across oceans continents, nations, cultures and the sharing of technological advancements between peoples, and the building of relationships across the entire planet. 海上丝绸之路开启了全球化之门导致空前的跨越大陆、民族与文化的跨文化交流与商贸往来,不同民族间分享技术进步并建立合作的关系。You may be less familiar with Andres de Urdaneta. He is the explorer and circumnavigator from the Basque region of Spain who discovered and charted what had been a missing link to establishing a more efficient trade route from North of the Pacific to American then the Marine Silk Road could offer. Urdaneta discovered and charted the west to east return sailing route which would come to communicate the Philippines in the west and the Port of Acapulco on the Pacific Coast of Mexico in the east. 大家可能对安德烈斯.德.乌尔达内塔比较不熟悉,1566年来自西班牙巴斯克地区安德烈斯.德.乌尔达内塔Andres de Urdaneta发现发现由太平洋北部从亚洲到美洲较安全的航线导致新的海上丝绸之路贸易的繁荣。安德烈斯.德.乌尔达内塔发现并绘制航线从菲律宾到墨西哥太平洋海岸边阿卡普尔科的航线。使得往返墨西哥阿卡普尔科和马尼拉的大帆船贸易更加频繁,推动了菲律宾、中国与墨西哥之间的三角贸易,对中国而言,吕宋岛也就是现在的菲律宾的西班牙人拥有大量美洲白银,从而吸引福建与广东的海商到吕宋岛做生意。海上丝绸之路的繁荣促进中国福建广东对东南亚的移民并带去中国的建筑风格与石雕工艺品。同时东南亚约建筑风格也深刻影响侨乡泉州。Urdanetas route was benefitted from the prevailing winds and currents of the Pacific Ocean and built on existing knowledge and trade routes first charted by the great Chinese Admiral Zheng He during the Ming Dynasty who among many other accomplishments had charted a route between the southeast Coast of mainland China and the Philippine Archipelago where he established trade relations and Muslim communities to serve as commercial outposts. 乌的航线受益于季风与太平洋的洋流与郑和等前人绘制的海图及积累的知识。Upon arriving in Acapulco commercial goods which had been shipped by merchants from the wharf at Zaitong- the regional trade hub serving ports throughout the Orient which were to be transshipped to the Philippines and which had been carried across the Pacific aboard Galleons built in the Philippines were then transported overland, across Mexico on the backs of mules to the Port of Veracruz on Mexicos Atlantic Coast from where Spanish Galleons transported the precious cargo to the port of Seville on the Spanish coast and on to the waiting markets of Europe. 从泉州刺桐港这个东方贸易中心启运的货物到达墨西哥的阿卡普尔科是在菲律宾中转,通过菲律宾的大帆船跨越太平洋到达阿卡普尔科港后通过骡子陆路驮运到墨西哥在大西洋岸边的韦拉克鲁斯港,然后由西班牙的大帆船转运到西班牙的塞维尔港乃至欧洲市场。Urdaneta discovered and charted the route which had been the critical missing link to establishing a maritime route between Asia and Europe. The link, like the missing piece of a puzzle, once assembled offered a new perspective on World commerce and the most commercially viable route between Asia and Europe. The many links together comprised a New Worlds Silk Route which almost immediately came to displace the original Silk Road in value of trade. If the original Silk Road is said to have given birth to globalization then Urdanetas route can be considered the key to opening the door to the current age of globalization whose forces continue to gain momentum and to affect our everyday lives even today. 乌尔达内塔发现并绘制的海图填补了欧洲与亚洲海路上的关键一环,并形成新的海上丝绸之路取代原来丝绸之路在贸易上的价值。如果说最早的丝绸之路催生了世界的全球化的话,那么乌尔达内塔的路线可以看做是开启现代世界全球化之门,并持续推动与影响着我们今天的生活。The New Worlds Silk Route stood for 250 years as the most important maritime commercial route the World had ever known and played a critical role in the development of World Trade, forming relationships between diverse peoples which have shaped World history. In this way, he also established the first key relationship between Asia and Mexico. This historic relationship is profoundly important not only to the histories of both China and Mexico. 新的世界海上丝绸之路作为最重要的海上贸易路线存在的250年间,在世界贸易发展中起到极其关键的作用,影响不同民族之间的关系并形成当今的世界历史现状。从这方面来看,乌尔达内塔建立亚洲与墨西哥最早的关键性联系。这个历史的联系不仅是对中国与墨西哥的历史影响深远。As John Wong and I did, I believe that Huian stone carving can reach across the borders of time and space to re-establish and grow a relationship with Acapulco, Mexico; a relationship built on the this historic relationship between Mexico and China and which I am confident will provide a path to an unprecedented period of financial and political gain for both regions. 正如王先生与我所做的,我相信泉州惠安也可以跨越时空重新建立与墨西哥阿卡普尔科城的联系,这种关系将建立在中国与墨西哥两国的历史往来的基础上,我坚信我们可以为两国政经关系的发展进入一个崭新时代铺设一条康庄大道。Recently, Spain and Mexico announced a collaborative initiative to create a museum of world importance whose exhibits will focus on and generate worldwide awareness of the importance of the New Worlds Silk Route. The initiative was announced by Queen Sofia of Spain and Margarita Zavala, the First Lady of Mexico and is gaining renewed interest in the history and importance of the New Worlds Silk Route. 最近,西班牙语墨西哥宣布合作倡议建设一个国际级的博物馆以便展出那些能引起世界关注海上丝绸之路的重要性的展品。这个倡议是由西班牙索菲亚女王与墨西哥第一夫人玛格丽塔女士宣布的,目的是为了纪念海上丝绸之路在历史上的重要性。The initiative has already gained political and financial commitments from 37 Pacific Rim Nations which make up the Trans Pacific Partnership and others which played an historic role or benefitted from the New Worlds silk Route. This partnership not only represents a precedent setting international collaboration to promote our common historical and cultural heritage but is seen as a pivotal new Partnership to building cooperation among Pacific Rim nations but as an effective strategy to significantly enhance the regions tourism, trade and commerce. 这个倡议已经引起来自37个环太平洋经济圈国家的重视,这些国家都曾经在历史上受益于海上丝绸之路的商贸活动。这次合作不仅是继续以前的国际合作保护我们共同的历史文化遗产,也可以作为建立新的环太平洋国家合作关系,共同增进这个区域的旅游、商贸与经济发展的机遇。These geopolitical and trade developments represent an incredible and exciting opportunity for us! China, whose role in the birth of globalization was invaluable, can take this opportunity to join in the celebration of history and contribute in a way that not only brings fame and recognition to the singular history of Zaitong - but also to increase the opportunity for the development of new export markets. 这些地缘与贸易的发展代表了一个令人难于置信且激动人心的机遇。中国在世界最初的全球化中曾经起了不可估量作用,也可以借助这个机遇参加这个历史性的庆祝活动,不仅可以促进古泉州刺桐城独特的历史文化声誉并可以获得新的外销市场的机遇。In light of the burgeoning promise of increased Pacific Rim trade and commerce is should come as no surprise that China, ever vigilant to identify and develop regional and global opportunities is currently seeking a free trade agreement with Mexico in order to strengthen the ties between the two nations. Chen Yuming, the economic and commercial counselor at the Chinese Embassy in Mexico recently stated, “We are willing to encourage Chinese companies to import goods from Mexico and encourage more of our companies to explore investment opportunities in Mexico.” 考虑到随着环太平洋国家经济圈商贸不断发展的未来,敏锐关注区域与全球性机遇的中国正在寻求与墨西哥达成自由贸易协议,为了增进两国的关系,中国驻墨西哥大使馆商务参赞陈玉明最近说:我们鼓励中国的公司从墨西哥进口货物同时我们鼓励我们的公司到墨西哥寻求投资的机会。”Huian can take advantage of the growing public interest in the New Worlds Silk Route to build a monument which will be interpreted as a prescient and symbolic statement which reflects and represents the bourgeoning relationship between China and Mexico, as well as celebrating its relationship from the past. Acapulco, Urdanetas landing port can afford the ideal location to erect a monument which celebrates history but to the promise that the future holds. 惠安石雕企业可以利用公众对新世界海上丝绸之路的关注,参与海上丝绸之路纪念碑的建设活动,可以被看做反映中国与墨西哥关系不断发展的象征,同时也作为纪念在历史上经贸联系的活动。阿卡普尔科,乌尔达内塔在墨西哥登陆的港口城市可以提供理想的地点建造一个纪念碑来纪念历史展望未来。I can envision the Organizers, artists guilds and companies participating in this China Huian Carving Art Festival & Huian International Stone CarvingCompetition joining together to collaborate and create a monument to the history of globalization which commemorates and honors the great explorers: Admiral Zheng He, Alvaro de Saavedra, Lpez de Legaspi, and Andres de Urdaneto. All of which played pivotal roles in the establishment of the New Worlds Silk Route. 我可以预见参加中国惠安雕艺节的组织者、石雕同业公会以及各个厂家共同合作参加这个纪念历史上的那些促使这个世界全球化的先驱者的纪念碑。郑和、阿尔瓦罗萨维德拉、洛佩斯德莱加斯皮、安德烈斯.德.乌尔达内塔等西班牙航海家,所有的这些人为新世界的海上丝绸之路的形成起了关键作用。The creation of such a monument by Zaitong - Huian artisans and the regional stone carving industry for

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