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三年级起点新标准英语第七册Module 1 第一课时 教学内容: Unit one The Great Wall 学习任务:These postcards are great! Its a picture of the Great Wall. 功 能:讲述关于某个地方或某事物的情况 运用任务:每个学生带一件比较容易描述的东西或图片到学校来,在同学之间进行描述和询问; 教学程序: 1. 热身复习:老师询问深学生们在假期都去了哪些地方,做了哪些事情,建议用句型Its a picture of Its very 2. 任务呈现与课文导入老师从学生的图片中取几张典型的并提问:Do you know this place? Can you tell me some theng about it? Can you tell me more about it? 学习单词Postcard 和The Great Wall 3. 课文教学 l 请学生翻开书,放录音,学生边听边看书,同时勾出生词.然后老师教授生词,请学生模仿跟读.分组读后,再个别读,老师纠正发音. l 再听录音,学生听后回答问题:明信片上画的是哪里?关于长城纽约和北京他们谈了什么? l 学生回答后,再放一遍录音,学生模仿跟读, l 把学生分成两组,一组学生扮演Daming,一组学生扮演Simon,表演对话. 4. 学生掌握对话后,全班一起完成AB 练习1请学生们认真吸,然后口头回答并书写问题,最后全班一起核对答案. 5. 完成任务 全班同学完成AB练习3.学生认真看图和示范,先让学生口头回答,然后再书写,鼓励学生说出自己不同的想法,最后老师可以给全班核对答案. 参考答案: 2.Its very tall.3.Were at the Great Wall. 4.Hes 150cm. 5. Im tired. 6. Theyre at school. 7.Its got about six million people.8 课后作业: 听录音并读课文 了解有关中国名胜古迹的情况,整理后用英语写下来. 板书设计:Unit one The Great Wall These postcards are great! Its a picture of the Great Wall. 教后札记: 本课在练习对话时,通过全班活动来练习新的语言,全班活动能使学生在集体活动中增强自己学习运用英语的信心,不至于一开始就在全班同学面前显示出自己的不足,然后让学生逐渐参与两人一组的活动和小组活动,这种活动在训练听和重复语言这类活动中,有很重要的作用. 本学期总第 2课时 授课日期:2004年 9月14 日 Module 1 第二课时 教学内容: Unit 2 New York is in the east of America. 学习任务: Where is New York? Its here, in the east. 功 能:讲述某个地方的地理位置和相关的基本信息. 运用任务:两人合作,描述各省所在的方位, 教学程序: 1. 热身复习 l 老师出示一张中国地图并进行介绍:This is a map of China. Im from Beijing. Its in the north of China.然后向学生提问:Where are you from/ Where is your uncle from? Where is your pen friend from? 2. 任务呈现与课文导入 l 老师出示Simon的图片,向学生提问:Who is he? 学生回答:Hes Simon. Hes Damings cousin.再问:Where is he from?学生回答:Hes from New York, America. l 出示美国地图并向学生提问:This is a map of America. Can you find New York?引导学生在地图上找到纽约的位置. 3. 课文教学 l 在地图上标注east, south, west, north,帮助学生复习这些单词,并注意纠正他们的发音.老师领读后,根据口令做动作,例如: Please turn to north. Please turn to South. Please turn to east Please turn to west. l 老师放录音,学生边听边看SB2Unit 2活动1的地图,把录音中提到的美国城市和国家名称写在黑板上.再放录音,请学生跟读. l 通过问答展现句型Where is New York? Its in the east of America. What about San Francisco? Its in the west of America. l 学生们掌握本语言点后,老师教授第二种位置表达法.老师说:”Where is Canada? Its north of America. Where is Mexico? Its south of America.引导学生发现这种表达与第一种表达法不同.因为加拿大和墨西哥在美国领土以外,所以表达方法不同. l 鼓励学生在完成SB Unit2活动1的基础上完成AB Unit2练习 4. 课文学习 Sb Unit2活动4.出示美国国旗,请学生边听边看,熟悉韵诗的内容.然后向学生讲解他们不理解的内容,如单词Tennessee,再放录音,学生跟读.掌握Chant后,可以全班一起完成AB Unit2练习3.再听录音,根据录音判断练习中陈述是否正确. 课后作业: SB Unit2活动3听录音模仿语音语调,特别注意句子中的重音部分. 板书设计: Unit 2 New York is in the east of America. Where is New York? Its here, in the east. 教后札记: 唱歌是孩子们最喜爱的活动之一,学唱歌曲有利于降低语言学习的难度,真培养孩子们掌握语言的信心,帮助孩子们增加语言的流利感,而且也是呈现新的语言的重要和有效的方式.新标准英语第七册Module 2 教案Module 2 第一课时(汉坝秦志红)教学内容: Unit 1 Chinatown in America学习任务: Theres a Chinatown in New York! There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.功 能:用There be句型描述事物运用任务: 1.Sb活动3 2.AB练习4 3.给朋友发一封email,介绍一个自己游览过的城市.教学程序: 一. Warmer:Show the the picture of The Great Wall and ask:”How long is it?”引导学生用Its回答.review vocabulary :trees,flowers,shops,supermarkets,buildings等二. Presentant: show a picture and say:”This is a picture of my favourite place. What can you see in it?介绍说:”This is a picture of the Great Wall. There s a long wall . there re many trees” 三. Learn text: 一). Listen to the tape and answer question.1. Does DaMing miss china? 2. Where is Chinatown?3. What is he like?4. 学生听录音,从书中找出问题的答案,学生回答后教师板书There is a Chinatown in New York. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. There is Chinese dancing.5. 老师放录音,学生跟读课文.请学生书中的图片,描述图中有什么并用There is和There are说句子 .6. The students read after the tape.7. Work pairs to read.8. Read the dialogue toghter. 二). 全班一起完成AB练习1.先让学生讨论如何完成这封Email,然后带领全班朗读例句和提示词,再播放录音. 三). 全班完成 AB 练习2,请大家看书上的第一幅图,并朗读例句.看图2-8,使用”there is /There are句式说出图中有什么.请学生回答后写出来.四. 任务完成 老师请学生们一起描述教室里的物品,如:There s a blackboard, There are many chairs/ow,desk,pen,pencil,bag,girl,boy等.五.课后作业:给自己的朋友发一封email,介绍自己游览过的城市.6. 板书设计: Unit 1 Chinatown in America Theres a Chinatown in New York! There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Module 2 第二课时教学内容:Unit 2 Postcards from China.学习任务:There are lot of bicycles in China. There is a very famous river.运用任务:1. 听录音给明信片编号;2. 写一张明信片介绍纽约街头的景物;3. 挑选一张明信片,口头讲述并写出对该景物的介绍.教学程序:一. Warmer and review:报告,介绍自己去过的风景名胜,城市. 回忆Daming与Simon的对话.二. presentant: 1. 学生听SB Unit 2活动3的录音,并跟读,注意重读的地方,让个别学生读对话,老师纠正学生的语音和语调. 2. 问学生想不想知道用英语介绍这些中国的景点,以此引出课文.二.课文教学: 1. 放录音, 学生听,看他们能听到哪些信息. 2. 再放一遍录音,学生听录音并把六张明信片按播放顺序排列, 3. 请学生跟读,然后向同桌介绍其中的一张明信片, 4. 完成SB Unit2 unit 5.四.任务完成 一起完成AB Unit 2练习1请学生仔细看书上图片,说说图上画的是什么,然后老师放录音,学生根据录音给每幅图编号,最后,老师放一遍录音,全班齐声跟读并订正答案. 五.完成AB Unit 2练习4六. 课文学习 1. 请学生欣赏一首歌曲,通过文字和图片猜测歌曲内容. 2. 老师读一遍歌词,再放录音,请学生模仿录音中的语音语调.七.课后作业制作一张介绍当地风景的宣传海报,向全班介绍.板书设计: Unit 2 Postcards from China.There are lot of bicycles in China新标准英语第七册Module 3教案(2008-09-06 19:48:18) 标签:module 3 第七册 教案 教学设计 三年级起点 新标准英语 教育 分类:呕心沥血 倾心教研 本学期总第 5课时 授课日期:Module 3 第一课时教学内容: Unit 1 Collecting stamps are my hobby.学习任务: Ive got lots of stamps. There are some stamps from Canada. This stamp is from China.功 能: 谈论和介绍个人的爱好运用任务:1.SB Unit 1活动3; 2.与同伴就对方的爱好进行问答;教学程序:1. 热身复习 播放领读带中的歌曲录音,全班学生一起复习Moudle2中关于长城的歌曲.然后谈论今天关于Hobby的主题,例如:T: Whats your favourite sport/food? Ss: My favorite sport/food is T: Do you like? Ss: Yes, I do./No, I dont . I like2. 任务呈现与课文导入 老师出示一张邮票,说: I like stamps very much. I collect them. Look, this is a Chinese stamp. Its very beautiful. Do you like these stamps? These stamps are from Canada. I like them very much. Collecting stamps is my hobby. 在今天的课文中,Daming和Simom谈论起了Simon的一项兴趣爱好.听过他的介绍后,大家也要介绍自己的爱好.3. 课文教学 放录音,听完后提问:Whats Simons hobby? 老师放第二遍录音,学生边听边看书,同时用笔勾出课文中的生词,根据上下文猜猜生词的意思.学习新单词,老师领读,再请学生跟读.集体读和个别读,纠正读音错误. 问题:Where are the stamps from? Has Simon got any stampsfrom china?学生听后回答. 讲解过后,老师再放录音,每句后停顿,请学生模仿录音的语音和语调跟读. 请学生看活动2中的图,两人一组针对图片展开对话,对图片中的内容进行问答.然后放录音,学生重复句子,然后进行替换练习. 完成AB练习1.请学生在听过录音后,判断句子是否正确.学生认真听并选择答案.最后全班一起订正答案. 把全班学生分为三组,分别扮演Daming, Simon和Simonsmum,表演对话. 然后全班一起完成SB本单元活动3.4. 任务完成向同学家人或朋友描述自己的一个爱好,鼓励其他学生向发言的学生提问.5. 课后作业:完成AB 练习4. 阅读课文6.板书设计: Unit 1 Collecting stamps are my hobby.Ive got lots of stamps.There are some stamps from Canada.This stamp is from China.Unit 2 Ive got a hobby学习任务:Have you got any dolls from Japan?Yes ,I have./ No, I havent.功 能: 自由谈论自己的爱好或询问他人的爱好.教学媒体: 录音机教学程序:warmer : Tell the students that you are going to mime some things that you like doing and they have to tell you what it is.Examples : T(mimes swimming). Ss: swimming! T(mimes reading) . Ss: Reading! Repeat this activety by inviting volunteers to come up to the front of the class and mime some actions while the class guesses. Then, introduce the target language in the following wayExample: T: (mimes swimming, then writes on board :(I like swimming.) Ss: I like swimming. Repeat thes exercises with other activities.1. look ,listen and point. Get four large pieces of paper. Tell the students to close their books. Draw the following thimgs on the paper:1 bike, 3 books, 2 dolls and 2 kites. Place the drawings on the wall around the class, tell the student that you are going to call out the names of the objects and the students have to point at them. Now tell the students that you are going to play the tape and they have to listen.2. listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress. Tell the students to close their books. Then plsy the recording, the students have to follow you.3. listen and say, then chant. Get the students to do different mimes for each of the activities. Listen to the chant, then repeat it .4. Game: ask and answer. Before starting the game, go though all the pimtures with the students to make sure that they know the bocabulary. Tell the students to number the pictures from left to right 115. Examples: T: 2. Ss: cat T: 4. Ss: kites!5. practice: choose the correct answer. a /any book, a/any table , a/any ruler, a/any books ,a/any tables, a/any rulers.板书设计: Unit 2 Ive got a hobbyHave you got any dolls from Japan?Yes ,I have./ No, I havent.a /any book, a/any table ,a/any ruler, a/any books , a/any tables, a/any rulers.教学札记:通过全班活动来练习新的语言,全班活动能使学生在集体活动中增强自己学习运用英语的信心,不至于一开始就在全班同学面前显示出自己的不足,然后让学生逐渐参与两人一组的活动和小组活动,这种活动在训练听和重复语言这类活动中,有很重要的作用.新标准英语第七册Module 4Unit 1Happy Thanksgiving教案 作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数:55 更新时间:2009-9-10 18:03:29 教学内容: Unit one Happy Thanksgiving学习任务:Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.We always have a special meal. We say thank-you for our food, family and friends.功 能: 谈论和描述感恩节等西方节日教学程序:1. warmer take five objects that belong to you and put them on the table. The students must see clearly that they are your things. Now pick up one of the things and introduce it using my. Example T: this is my book. Ask the students to put five objects that belong activity with them. Then practice with our .2. listen, point and find I, me, my, we, our. Focus on the pictures first. Encourage the students to tell you what they can see in the pictures, e,g, flag, calendar, dinner, Daming, ect. Play the first part of the recording and pause the tape. Ask the students questions to check their comprension.ExamplesT: what day are simon and daming talking about?Ss: flay Day.T: what do people do on Flay Day?Ss : they carry flags. They sing songs. Repeat this with the second part of the conversation. Then, ask the students to underline examples of the words I, me, we and our in their Students Books.3. Talk about Christmas. Get 3 pieces of paper and write the words on it . Christmas, thankgiving and Flag Day.Place the three festivals on the walls around the class. Now explain to hte students that you are going to call out activities that you do in different festivals and the students have to point to the correct festival.ExamplesT: You can see Christmas trees.Ss: (point to hte Christmas)T: People say thank-you for all the good things that they have.Ss: (Point to the Thanksgiving).4. Homework: 1. read the dialogue. 2. finish off the Activity Book exercises.5.板书设计:Unit one Happy ThanksgivingThanksgiving is my favourite festival.We always have a special meal.We say thank-you for our food, family and friends.教学札记: 本课在练习对话时,通过全班活动来练习新的语言,全班活动能使学生在集体活动中增强自己学习运用英语的信心,不至于一开始就在全班同学面前显示出自己的不足,然后让学生逐渐参与两人一组的活动和小组活动,这种活动在训练听和重复语言这类活动中,有很重要的作用.教学内容:Unit 2 Whats your favourite festival?学习任务:Whats your favourite festival? My favourite festival is Lantern Festival.功 能:介绍中国主要节日;比较中西方节日的差异.教学过程:WarmerGet the students to focus on the four pictures.Point to the different pictures and say the name of the festival. Ask the studints to repeat after you.Now point ot the pictures but dont say the name of the festival. Encourage the students to tell yopu.Next,tell them that you are going to play a game. You are going to mime an activety that takes place in the festival and they have to guess what festival it is .1. Look, listen and find.write the names of the four festivals on the board. Then ,tell the students that you are going to play the tape. If they hear the name of a festival ion thje Students Book, they should shoutstop!then ,write the name of the festival up on the board.Now play the tape a second time and thes time, get them to point at the correct festival as they listen.2. Choose a festival. Ask and guess.Invite a volunteer to come to the front of the class ot mime His/her favourite festival.Then ,ask the rest of the class to guess the festival by conducting the following role-play.ExampleVolunteer(mimes looking at the moon)Class: Whats your favourite festival?Volunteer:Guess! You can see the moon.Class: Its the Mid-Autumn Festival!Divide the class into groups of four. One student mimes the action and the rest of the group guess the festival, using the role-play above as a model,.3. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress.Play the sentences to the students and ask them to sing the stress in the sentence using daaand DAPlay the recording again and ask the students to first say the sentence and then sing the stress.4. Listen and say, then chant.This activity has lot s of claping in it which makes it more memorable and active. For this chant, git the students to work in pairs and face each other .Ask them to perform the following actions when they chant the verses.5.Homework: listen to the chant. then copy the word of this module.6. 板书设计:Unit 2 Whats your favourite festival? Whats your favourite festival? My favourite festival is Lantern Festival.7.教学札记: 英语六年级第七册第五模块 Module 5 Unit1教案Pleased to meet you!一、 教学准备与分析1、 教学内容学生用书:Module5Unit 1Activity 1,2,32、教学目标2.1技能与知识目标A基本要求 基本能听懂、会说词汇:He is from China. Meet. Address wonderful understand postcard sometimes dancing really hobby stamp 基本能听懂、会问“What is your hobby ? can you speak English ?”的语言结构,并会做答“collecting /reading /riding /watching is my hobby .Yes, I can / No, I cannot; I can speak some English. B初步要求初步感知pleased, I have got . Can you be my Chinese friend? 的含义。初步感知语音元音音标的正确发音。C复习巩固Talking about oneself hobby .what do you do at weekend?Talks about on some festival what do people do?2.2运用能力目标运用所学语言结构询问与描述节日的事情。2.3素质教育目标帮助学生明确学习目标,培养学生自主、合作的学习方式。培养学生在活动中体会英语学习的乐趣,使他们在小组中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成任务。培养学生熟悉生活,和对异国文化的了解,兴趣。3、教学重点词汇 please meet . Address dance sing swim run jump 句式 Pleased to meet you Can you be my Chinese friend? I have got .4、教学难点can I write to your friend 句式 I have got two friends5、任务设计A.学习任务学习巩固词汇pleased meet address pen friend postcard hobby.学习 can you yes /I can no / I cannot. What is your address? What is your hobby? I have got 的语言结构.B.运用任务1:SB Unit1 活动22:AB Unit 1练习 23.给自己的笔友或朋友 写一信。6、教学用品、录音机/带、词卡。玩具水果。二、课堂教学程序1、Warm upGreetings: TSs good morning everyone (2) five different groups show their watchword and do action(3) ask two students: image I am your new friend, first time nice to meet you .the time of asking the second student: pleased to meet you.2、导入 (Leading)(1) Question:T: do you have friend? Can you talk about him/her? Can he play basketball? Can he sing song? Can she play violin?s :Yes. He can. NO, he cannotT: I have a pen friend .he is very tall and famous .he can play basketball in the Rocket of NBA. Guess who he is.S: Students answer teachers question.T: do you believe that? Can you play it? What can you do?S: I can (2)Leading:T: now before the listening I have three questions about the unite 1 how many people are talking / Can Laura speak English? How many friends does Damming have?3、呈现(Presenting) (1) Listen to the tape (just listen) (2) Then answer the questions.(who are they ? T: solve these questions) (3) S opens their books and read it (T: ask some students to repeat these questions)Question: How many people are talking / Can Laura speak English? How many friends does Damming have? (4) Listen to the tape again and read it by oneself(5) Read it each other then ask some one to read it and group to read (6) Solve student questions (T: do you have any questions?Explain Grammar: a) can you be my Chinese pen friend? What is meaning?b) I have got two friends from England.主格 宾语 形容词性的物主代词 名词性的物主代词I me my mine You you your yours He his Him his She her her hers they them their theirs (7) Teacher explains the text and student practice the key points. (8) Students practice the questions in pairs.4、操练与指导(Drilling and Counseling) passing gameT: listen to the music and pass the apple when it stops. Please stand up and pick the word card up .other students ask him/her can you sing a song /swim/run fast/jump high. Then you answer it.S: Yes/ I can /. No/I cannotT: if student answer: Yes/ I can. Let him/her sing /Swim (do action)(2) Game T: I need two students to stand here .one student pick a word card upAnd you ask: can you. If I nod my head .another student answer: No/I cannot. Now you go back your seat .if Yes/ I can / .you can stay here.S: can you .?.五. 板书 Pleased to meet you Can you be my pen friend?主格 宾语 形容词性的物主代词 名词性的物主代词I me my mine You you your yours He Him his his She her her hers they them their theirs新标准英语第七册第六模块教案教学研究 2009-11-26 15:12 阅读70 评论0 字号: 大大 中中 小小 Module6Unit 1 A postcard from New York一、教学目标:(一) 知识目标: 1、 学习句型:Have you got ?2、 比较“and”、“but”的不同用法,。(二) 能力目标:询问他人拥有的物品。(三) 情感目标: 善于与人交往,与他人做朋友。 二、教学重点、难点: 1、利用“and”、“but”将短句连成长句; 2、询问同学们拥有的物品;三、教学准备:自制课件,单词卡片,明信片,贴花,猜谜物品。 四、教学过程(一、)准备:( 1)Chant:Hobbies。(2)教师拿出先准备好的包,然后让学生猜包里的东西。T: I have got somethings in my bag .Its a fruit,its red.What is it.Guess!Ss: Its an apple .T: Yes , I have got an apple . What have you got ?Ss:学生拿出自己的物品并运用“I have got”进行语言表述。教师可以随即说 “ x x /he /she has got a .”帮助学生复习句型。 为了调动学生参与的积极性,此处设计了一个比赛,将全班分成四大组,每全组的成员自主表述一个句子加一分,看哪个组得的分多。(3)We have learned the new words by yourselves already.Now lets show in your groups。各组出示单词卡片并认读单词或者说句子,每说对一个得一分。(二、)新知呈现:1. 教师出示明信片,T : Look, Ive got some postcards and theyre from my friends. Today Sam and Amy have got a postcard ,too. Its from New York2.引出课题A postcard from New York ”(板书课题,并带读。)课件出示T: Now let look at the cartoon Pay attention the new words please.(三、)新课:1.学生看问题,并自己学习课文。1).Who sent the postcard to Sam and Amy? 2.)Where is the postcard from ?3.)What has Daming got ?4.)What has Laura got ? 5.)Can Laura use chopsticks ?2.分组回答问题。板书:Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.Laura has got some chopsticks but they are difficult.3.小组内互读,并展示。(四、)操练与巩固:1.(1)T:教师拿出一个苹果边说边做动作“I have got an apple and I can eat it .”同时,教师出示课件:I have got a cat and I often play with it .T:What have you got ? Ss:学生拿出自己的物品并试着运用这个句型表述。每说对一个句子就为该组得一分。T:当学生表述完后,教师可以说“she/he has got a and she/he can ”句子。当学生不会运用此句型进行表述时,教师可以用简单的问题引导。2.(2)T:教师出示课件,边说边做动作“I have got a violin but I cant play it. .同时,教师出示课件:I have got a guitar but I cant play it .Sam and Amy live in China , but theyre not Chinese .They are American.Ss: 学生拿出自己的物品并试着运用这个句型表述。每说对一个句子就为该组得一分。T:当学生表述完后,教师可以引入“she/he has got a ,but she/he cant ”句子。3.Make sentences using “but” or“ not”.(五、)小结:将前面所比赛的分数做一个总评,给学生一个肯定。(六、)作业:(挑选你喜欢的题目做两道)1. 听磁带熟读课文。2. 抄写本课单词、重点句3遍。3. 给好朋友写一封postcard,下节课展示。4. 预习Module6 Unit2板书设计:Module 6 Unit 1A postcard from New York. Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.Ive got some chopsticks but they are difficult.教学反思:六年级学生由于知识难度的增加和自身年龄的特点,学习积极性较低年级时有所下降,所以本课的教学设计首先本着兴趣第一的原则。我觉得这次授课,亮点有三:第一主要通过韵句和问候将学生的心快速拉回课堂,同时也是为了加强英语的运用;第二新课的导入我运用了明信片导入的形式,贴近学生的生活,主要是采用动态真实性原则,激发学生的学习兴趣。第三引入比赛,利用小组比赛的形式,充分调动每一个学生的积极性,让每个学生都能开口讲英语;在复习的基础上,教师通过说一些简单易懂的句子和做动作以及课件,引导学生理解所学的新句型,在理解的基础上

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