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泰 州 市 民 兴 实 验 中 学 初 中 部20132014学年度第一学期教学工作计划年 级 初二 科目 英语 制 订 人 李松 一、学生基本情况分析:本届初二年级学生的英语基础方面一般,经过上学期我们英语老师的不懈努力,年段学生的基础知识得到了加强,学习态度也有所好转。但是学生整体的惰性还是很强,自觉性很差。 另外,学生在情感态度,学习策略方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。例如:很多学生不能明确学习英语的目的,没有真正认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;有些同学在学习中缺乏小组合作意识;大多数同学没有养成良好的学习习惯,不能做好课前预习课后复习,学习没有计划性和策略性;不善于发现和总结语言规律,不注意知识的巩固和积累。二、教材分析:教学内容: 8上 Unit 1 Friends教学目的,要求:1. 归类描述朋友重要品质的形容词2. 正确运用形容词来表达人和事,可放名词前或系动词后3. 形容词的比较级和最高级的用法和构成4. 用as+adj+as,not as +adj+as 来比较两个人或事物5. 找出描述人的外貌和特征的形容词Than 在句子中的注意点教学重点,难点:1. 正确运用形容词的比较级和最高级2. As-as 的用法3. 形容词比较级和最高级的构成方法4. 句型 Theres nothing else in the fridge. What about the pizza in your bowl? He has poor eyesight because of working on the computer too much at night. He teels funny jokes and always makes me laugh. She never says a bad word about anyone. 5. Because because of 用法区别 6.hope 的用法教学内容: Unit 2 School life教学目的,要求:1了解英国英语和美国英语的有关区别2了解英美国家中学生的学校生活3介绍并运用有关学校科目的名词和名词词组4运用意义相反的形容词1. More -than fewer-thanLess-than 比较数量教学重点,难点:1. more-than ,fewer-than , less-than 比较数量2. The most, the fewest和the least 比较两个以上的事物3. 运用The same as与different from 比较4. 运用the same -as 做比较5. 句型 Its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements. We always have a great time talking to each other. It means someone you admire very much. I spend less time doing homework than John does.教学内容: Unit 3 A day out教学目的,要求:1. 识别国外著名城市以及景点2. 学会用正确的形容词来描述旅游的感受3. 谈论交通方式4. 用and,but 和or 来连接句子5. 正确使用不定式6. 掌握反身代词的用法学习如何想他人提出建议教学重点,难点:1. 用and,but 和or 来连接句子2. 正确使用不定式3. 正确使用反身代词4. 学会如何提出建议5. When I saw them, I couldnt believe my eyes. Kittys classmate Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. He put his photos on it for everyont to look at. Kitty and i did not feel sick any more. Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the trip. It is 10000 square metres in area. 6.why not- Shall we- Lets -教学内容: Unit 4 Do it yourself教学目的,要求:1.学会常用工具的名称 2.学会用英语就DIY的话题展开对话。3.学会DIY的相关词汇 4.引导并理解文章内容,完成相关练习。5.学会用英语交流DIY话题。 6.提高学生听、说、读和写的语言综合运用能力。教学重点,难点:1. 句型: Youd better get some tools.Whats DIY exactly,Suzy?Stop it. Now the living room has not only blue but also a blue ceiling and floor.2. 语法;A Giving instructions: Put up a picture on the wall.Paint the walls blue.Dont paint the shelf for me.Dont touch the wet paint ,please.B.Using should and had better;You should know a little about DIY。You should not put so many books on the shelf.Your watch is broken. You had better buy a new one.You had better not be late for school. 教学内容: Unit 5 Wild animals教学目的,要求: 1. 学习表示动物名称的名词2.初步理解课文,了解大熊猫的成长过程、面临的困难、应采取的保护措施成长过程:3.条件状语从句的用法4.用语:Can I have?Maybe youre right.教学重点,难点:1. 学习表示动物名称的名词:bear, dolphin, giant panda, kangaroo, squirrel, tiger谈论自己最喜爱和最不喜爱的动物及理由。2. 了解大熊猫的成长过程、面临的困难、应采取的保护措施成长过程:1 day:weighed 100g 4months:weighed about 10kg, started to go outside her home 6 months:started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves 8 months:was not a small baby any more, grew into a healthy young giant panda20 months:had to look after herself面临的困难:They will have nowhere to live.People often take the baby panda away.保护措施:Make giant panda reserves bigger;build more reserves;encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves增强学生保护野生动物的意识。3. 掌握并正确使用课文中的语言点:look like, be born, start to, notany more, grow into, have to, look after oneself, in the future, cut down trees, take away, be in danger, encourage sb. to do sth., because of,it is +adj. +for sb. to do sth.4.由if引导的条件状语从句主语用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.教学内容: U 6 Birdwatchers教学目的,要求: 1. 通过阅读,收集资料 ,交流等方式对鸟类有一些了解并且知道扎龙自然保护区存在的重要性.2. 围绕 “扎龙自然保护区”这一话题展开,更加关注鸟类和爱护鸟类.3. 运用一般现在时和现在进行时谈论将来4. 运用方式副词更具体描述事件发生状态.5. 理解简单句的五种基本结构:教学重点,难点:1. 初步了解扎龙自然保护区的基本情况:自然状况:a nature reserve in Heilongjiang, one of the worlds most important wetland, an ideal home for wildlife面临问题:people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings.产生的后果:Space for wildlife becomes less and less, and many bird died.2.有用的知识点:providefor,different kinds of, all year around, make for , less and less, more and more, be in danger, once a year, invite sb. to do sth. ,take action to do sth., members of , help sb. do sth.掌握使用否定前缀dis-/ im-/ in-/ ir-/ un- 构成反义形容词的方法。3.理解简单句的五种基本结构:1. S+V 2.S+V+DO 3.S+V+P 4.S+V+IO+DO 5.S+V+DO+OC判断简单句的结构。4.掌握一般现在时的用途:谈论将来。5.掌握形容词转化为副词的方法(详见教材P83)。结合语境正确使用副词。教学内容: Unit 7 Season教学目的,要求: 1.初步了解几种常见天气的英文表达。 2.学会谈论喜欢的季节。3.读懂四季小诗 4.复习和拓展有关四季气候和特性的词汇5.学会谈论不同地方的天气教学重点,难点:1. 学习一些名词加上后缀来转换形容词的方法。2. 运用适当的形容词来描述天气或事物的特性。3. 句型: Which season do you like best?Its the best time to play football outside.Which is your favourite season?What a perfect time to fly Farmers work to harvest crops, as the days are shorter and the temperature drops.4. Grammar:Verbs and sentence structures:1. The temperature drops. (S+V)2. Farmers harvest crops. (S+V+O)3. Autumn leaves turn brown.(S+V+P)4. Hobo brought Eddie his clothes.(S+V+IO+DO)5. Eddie is watching Hobo work.(S+V+DO+OC)教学内容: Unit 8 Natural disasters教学目的,要求: 1. 初步了解自然灾害的名称及其对人类的影响2. 了解台湾地震的基本情况及伤者的感受。3.加深对课文的理解,掌握关键信息复述课文。4.掌握名词转化为形容词的方法(详见教材P98)。5.掌握并能运用描述天气状况的词汇和短语6.掌握过去进行时陈述句、一般疑问句的构成:主语+was/were + V-ing. 为Was/Were +主语 + V-ing?教学重点,难点:1.自然灾害的名称及其对人类的影响:earthquake, flood, rainstorm, snowstorm, thunder and lightning, typhoon, kill thousands of people, wash the village, start a big fire2.台湾地震的基本情况及伤者的感受。基本情况:What to hear:a loud noise like thunder- the noise like bombs under the groundWhat to feel and see:A slight shakethe earth started to shakepieces of glass and bricks fell downwalls came downnoise and shaking ended伤者的感受:Frightened , afraid3.加深对课文的理解,掌握关键信息复述课文。4.正确运用课文中的语言知识:at first, in fear, be frightened, in all directions, run out, try ones best to do, fall down, come down, calm down, not at all, say to oneself, be alive, try to do, move away, at last5.掌握名词转化为形容词的方法(详见教材P98)。6.掌握并能运用描述天气状况的词汇和短语:sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, stormy, foggy, frosty, snowy, around 70C,drop a little, drop to -50C7.掌握过去进行时陈述句、一般疑问句的构成:主语+was/were + V-ing. 为Was/Were +主语 + V-ing?正确使用该时态。8.在过去进行时中正确使用when 和while三、本学期提高教学质量的主要教学措施:1. 每天背诵课文中的对话,培养语感。 2. 每天记生词和常用句子或习语。 3. 认真贯彻晨读制度。 4. 坚持形成性评价制度5. 对后进生进行专门辅导,布置单独的作业.6. 关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。 7. 实施任务型的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力 8. 在教学中根据目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。 9. 加强对学生学习策略的指导,为他们终身学习奠定基础。 10. 要充分利用现代教育技术,利用计算机和多媒体教学软件,探索新的教学模式,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式,提高教学效果。四、教学进度表周次日期教 学 内 容授课时数备注1-23-46-78-910-1112-1415-1718-1920-219.1-149.17-2910.8-2010.22-11.411.5-1711.19-12.712.10-2812.31-111.14-25 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3Unit 4期中复习与考试Unit 5Unit6Unit 7Unit 8101010101015151010

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