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必修五单词竞赛.写单词1. reporter_2. feeling hopeful for the future_3. woman whose occupation is looking after her family, cleaning the house_4. stretched out as far as possible _5. wanting more money or food_6. car carrying sick or injured people_7. formal activity on public occasion_8. money used in daily lives_9. the special set of cloths worn by all the members of a same institution_10. marriage ceremony_11. something harmful that can cause death_12. help_13. trash can_14. oven used for cooking, using fire_15. spacecraft_16. joint in which the hand moves_17. doubt_18.one of the areas that some countries are divided into with its own local government_19. people working on a plane(a person whose job is to take care of passengers on a ship, an aircraft or a train and who brings them meals etc.)_20. person with special knowledge or skill in a particular field_. 字母排序组单词游戏 21. ratcentecon _ 22. osepex _23. eprressu _ 24. ashfl _25. endtat _ 26. andgbae _27. osiuvpre _ 28. ccishompla _29. nalesstie _ 30. andmde _III. 根据每句话中给出的所填单词的首字母填空。.31. Water is easily a_ into the soil in such hot weather.32. He had s_ through a gap in the fence.33. The government has again and again c_ its position on equal pay for women.34. I left thinking that I had created quite a good i_.35. Two robbers wearing m_ ran into the bank yesterday.36. He s_ his attention back to the magazine.37. She enjoys p_ the beautiful scenery.38. Two or three people were i_ in the car accident.39. I was t_ with horror at his terrible appearance.40. Everyone c_ something including ideas, money and energy, so the job got done. IV. 根据中文翻译完成句子。 41. 他的工作包括帮助独居老人。His job _ _ _ the old people who live alone.42. 我们分成几个小组吧。Lets _ _ _ several groups.43. 现代音乐如爵士乐已摆脱了旧的传统规则。Modern music like jazz _ _ _ _ the old traditional rules.44. 我们可以省去第四句。We _ _ _ the fourth sentence.45. 汽车在去目的地的中途抛锚了。The car _ _ halfway to the destination.46. 谁将要代替史密斯先生?Who will _ _ _ _ Mr Smith?47. 我饿的时候精神根本不能集中。I cant _ _ anything when Im hungry.48.澳大利亚的气候随地域变化。The climate in Australia is different _ _ the area.49.他们十分刻苦地学习,为了考上名牌大学。They are studying very hard _ _ _ be admitted to famous universities.50.火车很快加速了。The train soon _ _.51.他不声不响的钻进被子里。He _ _ bed52.这些摄像机是与一台功能强大的计算机连接的The video cameras are _ _ a powerful computer.53.这个句子不通。This sentence doesnt _ _.54.我一再跟你讲不要这么做 I ve told you _ _ _ _ not to do that.55. 他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安He didnt want to _ his fears and insecurity _ anyone.V. 单项选择56. Does second hand smoke _ the health of all of us? A. affect B. effect C. influence57. Only the president can_such a change. A. affect B. effect C. influence58. Can this case have _ on your life? A. affect B. effect C. influence59. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examinations so that she could be sure of passing it on her first_. A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. Desire60. I found them _ at a table, _ in thought. A seated; losing B. seated; lost C. seating ; losing D. seating; lost61.Tom, keep your _on your studies. Sure, Mum. Ill keep that in_. A. mind; mind B. heart; head C. brain; mind D. heart; brain 62. What did she _ so much money? Nothing but a necklace made of glass. A. spend on B. pay for C. buy for D. sell to63. Can I help you? Id like a room with a bath. How much do you _? A. offer B. afford C. charge D. spare64. The folk song concert was so well _ that all the tickets had been sold out on the first day. A accepted B. recognized C. received D. promised65. After the meeting, I _ to write a report on our next terms work. A. set about B. made off with C. set out D. set off66. Mary_Jacks request of cooperation for he was greedy and dishonest.A. denied B. objected C. rejected D. agreed67. Ive always been very _ about giving my address and telephone number to strangers.A. worried B. anxious C. careful D. cautious68. The doctors _ the medicine into several parts for the patients. A. distributed B. divided C. dismissed D. displayed69. The ice will _ when the weather becomes warm.A. break out B. break away C. break down D. break off70. since you have been to Australia,can you give us a(an) _ of that country? A. organization B. construction C. recognition D. description 71. This kind of printing _ must be avoided in the next edition.A. faults B. errors C. mistakes D. wrongs72. What will happen if I _ the “off” button?A. push B. pull C. press D. stress73. The two companies failed to achieve a (an) _ in the trade.A. assignment B. enjoyment C. settlement D. adjustment74. To my _, I got the first place in the recent math test.A. desire B. delight C. happy D. satisfied 75. The petroleum was formed out of dead forests and animal bodies by a slow _ of chemical change. A. procession B. procedure C. process D. proceeding 必修五全盘复习Unit11. In some Muslin countries, women do not _their faces in the public.A. revealB. uncover C. expose D. disclose 2. If I take this medicine twice a day, it should _my cold.A. recover, B. hold C. restore D. cure3. The boy is often found _in reading books.A. absorbs B. is absorbed C. absorbing D. absorbed4. My watch has stopped. Can you get it _ for me?A. to go B. going C. go D. gone5. _to complete the job on time, they set out to work immediately.A. Determined B. Be determined C. Having determined D.To be determined6. Dont trust such people _ praise you to your face. A. who B. that C. which D. as7. The students expected _ more reviewing classes before the exam. A. there to be B. there are C. there being D. there to have8. You shouldnt keep silent when _A. speaking B. spoken to C. spoken D. speaking to9. The storms did a lot of _and caused some_. A. damage, deaths B. damages, deaths C. damage, deaths D. damages, death10. With a lot of difficult problems_, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settling11. After being _,he was told he was suffering from cancer. A. checked B. tested C. examined D. treated12. It rained for two weeks, completely _ our holiday. A. ruined B. to ruin C. ruining D. to ruining13. The way he suggests to us doesnt make_A. difference B. opinions C. use D. sense14. She felt rather _that she should drive the car at such a_ speed. A. frightening, frightening B. frightened, frightened C. frightening, frightened D. frightened, frightening 15. Cleaning women in big cities get _ by the hour. A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay.单词拼写36. The bell rang, a_the end of the class.37. The hurricane lasted a week,causing millions of d_.38. The new railway station under c_will be completed by the end of the year.39. It is Mary rather you who is to b_for the accident.40. Mary is advised to have her eyes e_ without delay.41. A_the conference is a great honour to him.42. It took the firemen ten hours to bring the fire under c_.43. You must be very careful to h_ such a complex case.44. It is said that the a_people have been separated from others.45. Tom is so c_ a driver as never causes accidents.IV.完成句子翻译。46. 那位退休工人建议我多喝开水。The _worker advised me to drink more _water.47.他脸上失望的表情表明计划下个月的旅行已被取消。The _look on his face suggested the trip _for next month has been called off.48. 令母亲担心的是,我昨天在足球比赛中摔伤了右腿。To his mothers great worry,I _ _in the right leg in the match yesterday.49. 在这个工厂,工人是按计件拿工资的。In the factory,the workers get _ _the piece.50. 他父亲写的科学书籍很畅销The science book _ _his father sells well.51. 如果伤口继续暴露在外面,它就会感染的。If the wound remained _,it will get _.52. 输了比赛的那个男孩在埋头看书。The boy _ in the match was _ in reading books.53. 接受医生检查的那个女孩患了重病。The girl _ _the doctor suffered from a bad illness.54. 我们学校东边的那条被污染的河整天发出难闻的气味。The _river _to the east of our school smells_all day. 55. 当他听说了偶然中发现的这种物质时,这位教授感到异常激动。_about the substance_by accident,the professor felt most_.1-5 CDDBA 6-10 DABAC 11-15 CCDDC单词拼写 36. announcing 37. deaths 38. construction 39. blame 40. examined41. Attending 42. control 43 handle 44. affected 45. cautious完成句子翻译。46. retired, boiled 47. disappointed, planned 48. got, worried 49. paid, by 50. written, by 51. exposed, infected 52. defeated, buried (absorbed, lost)53, examined, by 54. polluted, lying, terrible 55.Hearing, discovered, excitedUnit 21. The judging committee (评委会) _ three women and four men.A. is consisted of B. makes up C. consists of D. is make up2.He divided the tools _ the children, who were _ three groups.A. between; separated from B. among; divided intoC. between; divided into D. among; separated from3. Do you smoke? No, but I _. A. was used to B. used to C. am used to D. dont4. The _ boy wondered why fish soon went _ in hot weather. He went to ask his teacher.A. puzzled; badly B. puzzling; bad C. puzzling; badly D. puzzled; bad5. Mrs White found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and_ very worried.A. to look B. looked C. looks D. looking 6. A quarrel _ last Sunday, and he _ his family.A. was broken out; broke away B. broke out; broke awayC. was broke out; broke away from D. broke out; broke away from7. Dont you believe it! Glass can_ steel in many ways in life.A. take place ofB. take the place of C. in place ofD. instead of8. My interests include football, bowling and surfing the web _ studying my favorite subjects.A. as well as B. instead of C. less than D. rather than9. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing.A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating10. Is this the computer you _last week?That s_.A. had it repaired; the one B. repaired it; it C. had repaired; it D. had repaired; the one 11. John is _London tomorrow and I will _ at the Beijing Airport.A. leaving for; meet him B. leaving for; see him offC. leaving; see him off D. leaving; say good-bye to him12. The plan _ just because people were willing to cooperate (合作).A. broke down B. pulled down C. turned down D. put down13. There were two roads _ to the station.A.lead B. led C. leading D. to lead14. We are anxious about you. _. A. It doesnt matter B. There is no need to be worriedC. No, please dont D. Yes, thats kind of you15. _ be sent to work there?A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that shouldC. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom shouldIV. 完成句子(共计14分)49. This medical team _ _ (由组成) seven doctors and fifteen nurses.50. You should try your best to _ _ _ (除掉) such bad habits.51. _ _ (为方便起见), the two groups have been treated as one in this report.52. _ _ _ _ (使她十分惊奇的是), Zhang Pingyu found the Queens jewels _ (守卫着) by special royal soldiers.53. Do you agree to his suggestion that the meeting _ _ _ (推迟) till next week?54. We should do all we can to improve _ (关系) between our two countries.55. The position of the house combines quietness and _ (方便).56. The painting comes from his private _ (收藏).57. To our _ (高兴), he passed the entrance examination.58. Can you _ (安排) for cars to collect them from the airport?15 CBBDD 610 DBACC 1115 BACBAIV. 完成句子49. consists of 50. break away from / get rid of 51. For convenience 52. To her great surprise, guarded 53. be put off 54.relation 55.convennience56.collection 57.delight 58.arrangeUnit31. Theres _ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get _?A. little; some B. little; any C. a little; some D. a little; any2. The food was so _ that the child couldnt help tasting it.A. smelly B. invited C. interesting D. inviting3. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so stood _ to her mother.A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing4. I prefer western food. Its a kind of healthy food. - _ But western food is said to be high in sugar and fat.A. Is that right? B. How do you know that?C. Do you really think so? D. Who told you that?5. _ from the top of the hill, the city takes the round shape with a flowing river through it.A. Viewing B. To be viewed C. Viewed D. To be viewing6.If you _ of Mary, ask her to come and see me.A. lose sight of B. catch sight of C. are in the sight of D. Are at the sight of7. Id rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than _ a room with others.A. to share B. to have shared C. share D. sharing8. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed _ my memory. A. to B. over C. by D. on9. You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do.A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever10. The teacher couldnt make himself _ attention to because the students were so noisy.A. to pay B. to be paid C. paid D. pay11._ straight on and youll see a church. You wont miss it.A. Go B. Going C. If you go D. When going12. _ warmly for his work, he was too _ to fall asleep. A. Praising; excited B. To praise; exciting C. Praised; exciting D. Praised; excited13.I order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours _ in my study. A. locking B. locked C. to lock D. being locked14. In fact, Im not used _ to like that. - Neither am I. A. to being spoken B. to be spoken C. to speak D. to speaking15. The secretary reminded me _ there was a meeting that afternoon.A. of B. about C. that D. on16. The train fell over the edge, but no one _ much in the accident.A. sufferedB. injured C. damaged D. died17.They will be as tall as you soon if they_.A. keep on growing like thatB. keep to grow like itC. keep growing like thatD. will keep growing like that18. Farmers can increase their corn crops three times simply _ watering their fields.A. through B. with C. by D. in19. He asked us to _them in carrying through their plan.A. provideB. helpC. assistD. offer20. What do you think is the most _ time to find him at home?A. likeB. likelyC. possiblyD. probablyIII. Complete the sentences41结果,我患了时间滞后症。As a result , I _ _ “time lag”.42英格兰被分成三个主要的地区。England can be _ _ three main areas.43这些雕像是用来纪念死去的诗人和作家.These statues are _ _ _ dead poets and writers.44我看不见王平,迷路了。I lost _ _ Wang Ping, and got lost.45. 时间滞后症和乘飞机时得的时差反应相似。The “time lag” is _ _ the “jet lag” you get when flying.IV. Word spelling46. TV plays have great i_ on peoples daily life.47. It is u_ to treat girls and boys differently.(不公平)48. All the things need to be done again as a result of a computer e_.49. Its bad manners to read others p_ letters.(私人的)50. He was soon back on his feet in such a comfortable s_with so many beautiful trees and flowers.51. Students are r_ to get up at 6:00 am in school.52. He could not buy the cars on display because of l_ of money.53. The UK c_ of three countries.54. In old times, it was parents that a_ their sons or daughters wedding.55. He is not a_ this afternoon; he has an important meeting to attend.答案1-5ADACA 6-10BCDAC 11-ADBAC 16-20ACCCB 41. suffered from 42. divided into 43.in memory of 44. sight of 45. similar to 46. influence 47.unfair 48.error 49.private50.surroundings 51.required 52.lack 53.consists 54.arranged 55. availablUnit41What are you going to _yourself with now youve retired?A. arrange B. settle C. prepare D. occupy2. The _ he made for the car is so high.So I refused. A. value B. charge C. offer D. expense 3. The two countries _ war need _peace.A. in, making B. under, to make C. at, to make D. at, making4. _he grew older,he lost interest in everything except to raise flowers.A.When B.While C.As D.For5. What you have done will _his misunderstanding us.A. add up B.make up C.come to D.add to6. If it _ for the rain,we _the mountain yesterday.A.were not,would have lived B.were not,could climbC.hadnt been,could have climbed D.hadnt seen,could climb7.The murderer felt his heart pund fast,but tried to _his nervousness before the judge.A .remove B.cover C.kill D.save8._ with fear,the boy stood still to avoid _.A.Filling,punishment B.Filled,being punished C.Filling,being punished D.Filled,punishing9. _ with such a difficult case,he would never give in.A.To face B. Facing C. Faced D. Having faced10. Mary knows my secret,but she pretends _.A. not B. not to C. not to have D. hasnt11.When we arrived,Mary pretended _.A. slept B.was sleeping C.to sleep D. to be sleeping12. _is no hope that he can catch up with us.A.It B.Which C.There D. As13.There is no such case_you can defeat him.A. as B. that C. which D. where14. What does he suggest_ his spare time,camping or playing?A. to spend B. spending C. having spent D. to be spending15. We all expected him to be a doctor,but he has_teacher.A. turned B. become C. changed D. made单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1. After graduation he took an o_as a teacher in the city. 2. The a_offered by the manager is difficult for him to finish. 3. An expert is a man who is engaged in p_ business. 4. All

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